rdgrnr's Blog

Gun Manufacturer Status Report

Status Report from Valley Guns in West Virginia
Attention F.B. fans: to follow will be several IMPORTANT Info updates about the statusof the gun industry currently, followed by an INVENTORY UPDATE:
We traveled to Texasfor Industry meetings concerning the shortages, here's what we were told.
Smith & Wesson-is running at Full capacity making 300+ guns/day-mainly M&P pistols. They are unable to produce any more guns to help with the shortages.
RUGER: Plans to increase from 75% to 100% in the next 90 days.
FNH: Moving from 50% production to 75% by Feb 1st and 100% by March 1.
Remington-Maxed out!
Armalite: Maxed out.
DPMS: Can't get enough parts to produce any more product.
COLT: Production runs increasing weekly...bottle necked by Bolt carrier's.
LWRC:Making only black guns, running at full capacity... can't get enough gun quality steel to make barrels.
SpringfieldArmory: Only company who can meet demand but are running 30-45 days behind.
AMMO: Every caliber is now Allocated! We are looking at a nationwide shortage of all calibers over the next 9 months. All plants are producing as much ammo as possible w/ of
1 BILLION rounds produced weekly. Most is military followed by L.E. and civilians are third in line.
MAGPUL is behind 1 MILLION mags, do not expect any large quantities of magpul anytime soon.
RELOADERS... ALL Remington, Winchester , CCI & Federal primers are going to ammo FIRST. There are no extra's for reloading purposes... it could be 6-9 months before things
get caught up.
Sorry for the bleak news, but now we know what to expect in the coming months. Stay tuned, we'll keep you posted...
Related commentary from Bob Owens:
They didn’t know when they’d be getting anything back in stock, from magazines to rifles to pistols. Manufacturers were running full-bore, but couldn’t come close to keeping up with market demand. It wasn’t just the AR-15s, the AK-pattern rifles, the M1As, and the FALs that were sold out. It really hit me when I realized that the World War-era M1 Garands, M1 carbines, and Enfield .303s were gone, along with every last shell. Ubiquitous Mosin-Nagants — of which every gun store always seems to have 10-20—were gone. So was their ammo. Only a dust free space marked their passing. I’ve never seen anything like it.
Every weapon of military utility designed within the past 100+ years was gone.  This isn’t a society stocking up on certain guns because they fear they may be banned.
This is a society preparing for war.
Barack Obama, Dianne Feinstein and the rest of the Statists have done more to promote gun ownership than the NRA ever did. Well done, Democrats!
Entry #304

First They Came For The Cakemakers - Life In Liberal Hell

I think this country can and may be saved (short term) for now but eventually the rat race will be won by the rats (Democrats) and this nation will cease to exist.

And then, due to the greed and corruption of Democrats and the gutlessness of Republicans, our children and theirs will inherit the wind.

Can no one see the signs?


Entry #302

What Feinstein Forgot To Mention About Her Bill Banning Guns

Just a little detail she didn't mention in her huge press conference outlining which guns and magazines we are allowed to have and which guns and magazines we are not allowed to have in her bill infringing on our right to bear arms, which is guaranteed under the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution.


She and any other government official can have any guns and any size magazines they want.

But we can't.

Don'tcha just love Democrats?

Entry #300

Video: When Government Controls Your Electricity (Or Anything Else)

This is what we can expect a lot more of when the Liberals' dreams of total government domination of everything we do comes to fruition.

You WILL do what you're told or go to jail as seen in this link: 


The meters are safety hazards, health hazards and security hazards.

One can be seen on fire on someone's house in a video at this link:


Entry #298

Another Clinton Lies Under Oath

After listening to all that b*tching and whining and moaning, we're still no closer to knowing why those Americans were left to die in Benghazi while the White House and State Department stood by with their thumbs up their asses, watching it happen.

We still don't know why they were denied more security or who denied it.

We still don't know who gave the order to not send help when they were being killed or why.

This is what Democrat governance always looks like, fiasco and fraud. Lies and deceit.


Entry #297

Video: Tiananmen Square Survivor Says "Don't Let Them Take Your Guns"

The Chinese government slaughtered thousands of their own citizens in Tiananmen Square for speaking out against government oppression.

And the people had no way to defend themselves.

Because the government had already taken their guns.

Once all guns are registered and they know where they are, the next step is always to declare some kind of phony emergency requiring that all guns be outlawed and confiscated.

It has happened throughout industrial era world history and the party now in power intends to do it here, believe that.   


Entry #295

Hillary's Blood Clot

 Hillary's blood clot:
A reporter asks Bill Clinton,
"How's Hillary's head?"
Bill replied, "Well, she's no Monica."
Entry #294

Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain!

What we're seeing come to fruition has been in the works for a long, long time.

And there's nothing stopping it while the sheeple are busy with their sports and movies and television and video games and gadgets that allow them to babble to each other nonstop all day long while the government administers and finances the wholesale slaughter of our babies by the millions.

Looking at it objectively, I'd say we deserve every bit of the tyranny we are about to experience.

Sorry Mr Franklin, but no, we couldn't keep it. 


Entry #293

Response To wnnnr's Comment In CajunWin4's Blog

CajunWin4's Blog was locked after wnnnr's response to me, so I'll respond to it here instead.
Here's winnnr's comment:
Comment by winnnr - Yesterday, 4:56 pm
@rdgrnr What are guns made for?  To kill!  Who needs that many rounds for practice to go hunting?  If they use that many rounds whatever they're hunting would be torn up so bad what good would it be?  Seems to me you're the perfect stooge.  You've been watching too much faux news on the propaganda station. I pray that God helps you find compassion for people instead of guns.
And my response:
WTF are you talking about? Why do you gun-control-nuts keep talking about hunting and what is needed for hunting? And how many rounds it takes to kill a deer? And all this talk about practice and target shooting and gun competitions and sport shooting all the time and what it requires?
Do you honestly think any of those things have anything to do with the 2nd Amendment?
Are you that frigging stupid?   
Have you ever been to school?
Have you ever read a history book?
Have you been under a rock somewhere during all the controversy since Newtown about our gun rights and everybody and their sister Sarah explaining them?
Have you ever heard of the 2nd Amendment?
Do you have even a clue as to  what it entails or why it's in the Bill of Rights?
Did you just get off the bus from Palookaville?
Never mind, wnnnr, don't bother answering. I already know your answers and I know your logic. Based on your intellect, I even know who you voted for. You're one of the low-information people that your party depends on to tout their propaganda and keep them in office. And you do a fine job of it.
There's a whole world full of documented history and information out there but you choose to believe in the sound-byte talking-points of the Left instead. People like you swoon when Governor Cuomo screams that nobody needs more than 10 rounds to kill a deer. You're incapable of thinking for yourself or too lazy, I don't know which.
I'm not going to bother trying to educate you here about the intricacies and critical value of our God-Given-Rights and why Thomas Jefferson demanded that they be put in writing and guaranteed in our Constitution.
Let me just tell you this: The 2nd Amendment doesn't have anything to do with hunting or sport and it never did. It is solely for the purpose of self-defense against any person or entity that threatens your wellbeing or freedom, whether it be common criminals or tyrannical government. 
And this: The government doesn't decide what freedoms we can or cannot have. Our freedom comes from nature and nature's God. We are born free and thank God our Founders saw fit to put that into a written contract so there was no mistaking the fact that we came from tyranny and would never allow it to creep into and rule over our lives again.
And we can see why our Constitution is so critically important in this day and age as we face a government that wants too take our freedom and liberty away, a little piece at a time with the acquiescence of an ill-informed segment of the populace. This is exactly what Jefferson warned us about. Because he witnessed how power could corrupt and he knew it always would.
What I wish people like you could understand is that government is supposed to work for us and obey our rules - not rule over us.
They are our employees - not our Rulers. They are supposed to do what we tell them to do and there are explicit and specific things they are supposed to do and they're all stipulated in the Constitution. If it is not specifically assigned to them in the Constitution - they are not allowed to do it. Period. Even that is stipulated in the 10th Amendment.
Please educate yourself before making crazy statements.   
Entry #291