rdgrnr's Blog

Video: Ladies Taking Biden's Advice And Trying Out Shotguns

This video shows ladies firing shotguns, the weapon Joe Biden suggests women use for self-defense at home. 

The last example is a lady firing an AR-15 style weapon, the kind that Biden says is too hard to shoot.

As you'll see, Joe Biden knows as much about guns as your average Democrat - nothing.


And I'm not implying that women can't handle shotguns, many can.

But in general, a lot of women don't have the experience with shotguns or the physical size to deal with the recoil in a high stress situation when it's quite possibly the first time they've ever fired one.

Pay close attention to the last lady in the video. She's firing the weapon that Biden says would be too hard for her to shoot.

Entry #334

Busted - Gabby Gifford's Husband - Another Lying Phony Hypocrite

He wants all "assault weapons" outlawed but then sneaks around and buys himself an AR-15.

Then when he's caught, he comes up with some bullsh*t story about doing it for research or something.

The good part is that this will endear him to all Democrats because they love liars whether they're good at it or not. A lie is an acceptable attempt to "stick it to the man" even if it's a laughable lie like this one is. They still love it.

I think we can expect him to be elected to and occupy some high political office as a Democrat after this if he ever desires to run. 


Entry #332

Obama: Marxist Revolutionary


"The Democrat Party is dominated by leftist radicals who are abetted by the Republican Establishment. Obama himself is just a puppet, put in place by hugely wealthy, and therefore powerful, neo-fascist globalists, for whom George Soros is the public face.

The election process has been seriously corrupted by illegal money and massive voter fraud by the left. It is doubtful that fair ones will ever be held again, with the Marxists controlling the mechanism as they do."


Entry #326

Democrat Bill In NY Requires $1 Million Liability Insurance To Own Guns

And the best part?


It would require all gun owners in New York to buy a minimum of $1 million in liability insurance, insurance that one expert said would be difficult if not impossible to get and would likely be very expensive if available. Gun owners who don't have insurance would see their firearms confiscated under the proposed law.


Entry #325

Columbine Survivor - What Part Of "Shall Not Be Infringed" Does Obama Not Understand?

Why do Obama and his fellow Democrats want to shred the Constitution and take away our guns?

Because you can't have a Ruling Class and and an Authoritarian Police State when the people are armed.

Which is something Thomas Jefferson warned us about long ago.


Entry #323

Being Raped? Democrat Says A Gun Won't Help - Just Blow A Whistle

Yeah, blow a whistle or just break free and outrun the rapist to a callbox or a "safe zone."

A "safe zone" must be somewhere rapists aren't allowed to rape anybody.

Kinda like the Democrats'  "Gun Free Zones" where all the psycho mass murderers go to shoot people because they know there are no guns there to shoot back. 

Democrats always have the answers, don't they? 


Entry #321