rdgrnr's Blog

Video: Police Illegally Disarming Fort Hood Soldier Out Hiking With Son

The Democrats still don't want soldiers at Fort Hood to be armed, on or off the base, even after the massacre.

In direct violation of the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution.

All it takes is one Democrat to see you legally carrying your gun and right after they wet their pants they call the police and demand that you be disarmed. And then if you get @sshole Democrat cops like the two in this video, you can forget about your rights. 

I don't understand why, if Democrats are so terrified of guns, why they don't move to a country with the kind of strict gun laws they like - like Mexico. There they can see firsthand how wonderful life is when all the good people have no guns.

But the least they should do with their pansy-asses is get the hell out of Texas.


Entry #349

Real Soul Music

This is one of my all-time favorites in Gospel Music. I think I wore out the CD.

There ain't nobody can hold a candle to LaBarbara Whitehead when she don't hold nothin' back. And she ain't holdin' nothin' back on this number.

I truly believe it's inspired Praise coming straight from her heart and soul.


Entry #345

Rotting The Soul Of A Nation

When Obama and his useful idiots have completed their "Fundamental Transformation" of the United States, we will be slaves to the government. They will have turned us into a nation of an Elite Ruling Class and their subjects, the exact thing this nation was founded to escape from, a police-state.

Even some of the useful idiots will regret what they helped create. But by then it will be too late to do anything about it. It may already be too late.

What a sad time this is for America.

What a dark day for freedom and liberty and the God-given rights of man.

I worry for my grandkids.   


Entry #344