rdgrnr's Blog

Stink47's Blog LOL

(I'd post this in Stink47's Blog but Stinky is terrified of me for some reason so he blocked me and I've never been anything but cordial to him!)

Anywho, they're bragging in his blog about how gas has come down to $3.76 in NM and $5.29 in LA and nobody's giving Dopey Joe credit for it, LOL.

Isn't Dopey Joe great?

Not a word about what the price was when Trump was in though (I was paying $1.83 a gallon in East TN).

And not a word about draining the Strategic Oil Reserves for political purposes.

It's a mental illness on the Left.

They should come up with another vaccine for that.

And oh yeah, make it MANDATORY.

Entry #1,687

Democrat who Attacked Zeldin with Knife Released Immediately With No Bond


This guy Attacked the Republican Candidate for Governor of New York on stage with a knife and said "You're done."

Luckily Zeldin was able to grab the hand with the knife and hold it until others tackled him and he was arrested.

Zeldin said with the Democrat policies in effect he would probably be released immediately without any bond.

And he was.

Now Zeldin has to worry about this nutjob coming after him or his family all the time everywhere he goes, even at home.

Don'tcha love Democrats and their policies?

Don'tcha love how they never want to punish or even inconvenience violent criminals?

Entry #1,686

It's Just Common Sense

Tapping our Strategic Oil Reserves instead of drilling is as stupid as tapping your 401k instead of going to work.

Entry #1,685