rdgrnr's Blog

Department of Education

The results of a stolen election have been devastating to this country. Democrats are calling the shots. 

Chinese third-graders are learning multi-variable calculus.

American third-graders are being taught that men can menstruate and have babies.

This will not end well.

Entry #1,684

Democrats Love Harry Because He Hates America as Much as They Do


Prince Harry, the pussy-whipped-putz, as he is called, gave the keynote speech at the UN telling the world what a terrible place the United States is.

A lot of people are wondering what this pampered, privileged, castle-raised, fancy-pants peckerhead came here for, besides obeying his wife.

And they would like to see him take his imbecile, star-struck, egotistical bimbo wife and go back to his castle in jolly old England and mind his own f'ing business.

Entry #1,678

Biden Has Now Sold SIX MILLION Barrels of Oil To Hunter's Chinese Connection


And where did that oil come from?

Probably from our Strategic Oil Reserves that were to be used only for national emergencies like war.

Biden has virtually shut down our own oil production just as the Democrat Loons have demanded.

It's nice to know the Biden Crime Family is taking care of the Chinese while Americans are paying through the nose for our gas.

But then, that's how they got rich.

Don'tcha just love Democrats?

Entry #1,675

IT and Data Fraud Experts Identify 30,000 Votes Removed From Trump in Georgia


But the RINO Never-Trumper Raffensperger certified the results anyway.

Despite Democrat cover-up hysteria, this is ALL gonna come out and Democrats are gonna go to prison for their crimes.

Entry #1,670