rdgrnr's Blog

California School Punishes 7 yr Old Girl for Saying "Any Life Matters"


More life under Democrat Tyranny. No freedom of speech, no freedom of expression, no chance to be a child. You WILL repeat only government approved slogans! You WILL NOT deviate from the dictates of the central government!

Yes, that's the life Democrats want for themselves and as always, they demand that all of us do the same.

Entry #1,649

Bidenflation: Consumer Prices Skyrocket 9.1% Much Worse Than Expected


It just keeps getting worse under Dopey Joe and the Democrat way of doing things.

But as bad as everything is Joe is still giving money away to the Palestinians and sending oil to China to the oil company his son has a piece of. At least the Bidens are doing well.

Entry #1,644

Vaccinated Two and Three Year Olds Having Seizures is the "New Normal"


America's planned and orchestrated Holocaust is underway.

And gullible, trusting Americans are lining up like sheep to the slaughter.

They are even trusting these experimental, untested, gene-altering "vaccines" with the lives of their babies based on the promises of people who support killing babies. People like Fauci and Bill Gates and Senile Joe Biden.


Entry #1,642