the followers of 250 MICHIGAN...

100 IS 600 could we see 600 in MICHIGAN before the end of next week?

533 fell on 12/12/  look for 355 this is a DOMINO EFFECT #

100, 700, 677, 600, 355, 455, 566, 488, 164 237, 238, 356, 358, 359, 467,

Entry #193

Who said a zero is an 8?

I keep getting 6700 in my workout, funny thing though, I was just talking about it being a mirror number for 1255.

Right when I was about to log off for the evening, I've got a long day of driving in the snow tomorrow, I realized that someone said "0" are "8"

I'm not sure if it's DREAMtoREALITY or someone else.  So that I won't miss quote someone, I'm just going to say, I'm turning those "0's" into 8's this month and playing 6788.  Hopefully, it'll find me in the snow....

Entry #190

Which Will Fall First

In this portion of my blog, I will place #'s that ping me for more than 8 days.  Out of the PING DIGITS, I'm looking for a hit in less than 15 days.  All future posts will be placed in the comments of THIS original post.

PING DIGITS:  6215, 1211 And 0906

Entry #189

Divine Completeness

For many, December marks the time of year when it's cold, lonely, full of family and the end of the year.  I for one, am a person that believes; in every ending there is a beginning.  And so, December for me, marks Divine Completion.  What is the number for Divine Completion? 7. 

The number 7 is looked upon by many:

Hebrew:  She-ban (root word) complete or full

Numerologists say the following about 7:  analytical, intellectual, focused, scientific and inventive, contemplative, meditative, spiritual and enigmatic. If you're a 7, You are a seeker of truth and an accumulator of knowledge and wisdom.

Some Spiritualist believe 7 holds numerical values of magical forces

Some Astrologists believe 7 is the key number for Saturn:  SIDE NOTE:  Saturn (Shani) tests a person every 22.5 years; the test lasts for a period of 7.5 years**  (We've seen 6225 and 1522 fall in December 2010)

According to the tradition of Himalayan masters, 777 is the number of the celestial man and symbolizes the transmutation which takes place at the time where the man becomes conscious of the necessity to cover the path of initiation, and that he perceives, even of an elementary manner, that the goal is in God.

If you're one who celebrates this time of year, remember that it is a time for being thankful and remembering.  It is a time to put off all old thoughts and ways and become ready to reap the benefits of the things you've learned over the last year.  It is a time to get your life, family and business in order.  A time to start fresh and fulfill your destiny.  May you rise to new beginnings, may your path walk the great path of Shani (dispelling all evil and standing in judgement of wrong doings).


**7.5 x 365=2373.5

Entry #188

4. 3. 2. 1. 2/9/10

4. -  7612
3. -  187
2. -  55
1. -  1

555 550 558 551 merc ret # 222 255 223 221
101 111 always mirror ones 066 666

Entry #185

4 3 2 1 12/8/10

4  -  6513

3  -  124

2  -  16

1  -  3


106 124 1024 6513  65103

Entry #183

Cutting off a blessing? No, just deflecting

In meditation this morning I heard and saw something that shook my being....


As I went into beta and then into theta this morning, I watched as someone on a blog that I frequent, was sitting down copying numbers off of a page that I had posted on.  This person, then uploads the numbers to another site, answers a phone call and then states:  Yes this morning, I saw the following numbers....If I were you, I'd play these for 7 days."  They then hang up the phone and went about their day.


Sometimes in our lives, when we walk in this earthly presence - you all call a body, we wish to be more than what we're called.  We dream of being something other than our destiny.  Other times, we want to be a blessing to others but don't quite know how, there in lies the problem.  When humans decide to walk outside of their potential, even if for a second, even if it's to help another, they offset the Universe.

What may have been placed in a particular area for those that frequent that space will miss the blessing because someone else offsets the program.  Will those who frequent that space receive the blessing?  Yes, because it was meant for them but the cycle of balance is now off and the Universe ALWAYS and I do mean ALWAYS restructures the balance.  The UNIVERSE is an AUTO-CORRECTOR.  If you're wanting to be a blessing at the sacrifice of others blessing, I suggest you find another way.  Why?  Well, because 9 times out of 10 you'll cause a blessing and a non-blessing at the same time.  Let's say you give that person a blessing, the person receives the blessing.  You're on your way to an important meeting, one you can't miss nor be late for and now, you can't find your keys....You're not only late you can't find the number to call the person back and when you finally arrived, the person who has been waiting for you an extra 15 mins is upset and not willing to listen...I know you "overstand" what I'm talking about. 

I'm asking that you don't offset the balance any longer.  Please for the blessings of yourself and others....You're cutting off or deflecting your blessing!

Equilibrium is a funny thing it is justice making the spiritual and physical balanced.

It used to be that they thought there were 48 chromosones in apes, now they realize that it's 46

Entry #182

4 3 2 1 Dec. 7, 2010

4  -  3121

3  -  957

2  -  12

1  -  2

I'm liking 210 122, 2120 & 4321.  6 Days, to go!

Entry #180