THAT 301 has some funny trigger points!

  Last night 301 fell straight from the 399 FOLLOWERS list.  Now 399 shows today:  Gonna follow it and see how far the RABBIT hole goes:

399.…. 697, 589, 456, 492, 478, 725, 301, 862, 095, 738

liking the 697 for Wednesday!

Entry #131

What dreams may come and go?

Did you know the only place that it's ok to put an exclamation point and question mark together is on the "Inter-Web?"  I stopped calling it the "inter - net whenI realized that a net is:   a new business strategy from Microsoft aimed at a convergence of personal computing with the Web; and a web is:  an intricate network suggesting something that was formed by weaving or interweaving.  That's another story!

I was thinking this morning, right after meditation, something I read in a child psychology book.  I was seven at the time, my mom was studying early childhood development.  In the book, it stated that everything a child could ever learn, they learned in the first 5 years of life.  Can you believe that?  The majority of people that walk this place you all call earth do. Well, I should say the Westerners do.  How closed minded that philosophy is?  How have you learned to develop skills you never knew you had, at age 5, when you don't even know you have them?  How would you ever know what it's like to lose someone so close to you that you thought was your life, at age 5?  How would you know the difference between Graham's Number and Graham Cracker ingredients, at 5 years old?

I only ask these questions and bring up this subject because as we move through this existence and become aware of the all, we realize that the majority of the things we've learned in school don't really help us become what we are in life!  You don't learn social skills in kindergarten, you learn coping mechanisms, you don't learn cultural diversity in middle school (you learn what it means to study social stereotypes) it's not until you become an adult and understand that something as simple as a watch given to certain cultures means that you're expecting them or someone they love to die soon, ie:  cultural diversity.

I believe, yes, I have that right; lol, that we live in a day and age where we need to put away the old "industrialized thinking' platforms.   It's a new world out there and it's in your own backyard and we're so busy existing that we don't even know that life around us is changing that in this instance you've developed and can tap into abilities you never knew wer possible and it's also happening to the people we come in contact with.  Who ever thought you could change the cebral cortex directory (or thought process) of another individual with your own thoughts just by typing your thoughts in the inter-web. 

I know I'm all over the place with this but I'm trying to make a point.  Just picture this: 

You wake up in the morning.  You have a specific number in your head:  614, you read your favorite blog and search a couple of forums and before you know it, your 1 number has turned $1 into $10 and now you're trying to fgure out a way to play them all.  What happened to the 614?  Why did you decide to play so many?  You begin to hear the echo "Are you outta your mind?"  You think, no but your intellect says maybe.....


We're still learning unfolding and growing but there is one thing I know for sure.  Each one of us still has much to learn, much to grow on and above all gifts that we need to overstand.  Break free from your Matrix.  You're still young enough to learn, the brain never stops accepting information (yes even in death:  there are studies).  Open up and focus.  Don't be upset with yourself that you chose not to listen to your first thoughts; embrace the fact that you've learned from the experience and know what not to do the next time:  But above all things, let go and allow your creative skills and intuitions to break free from the that simple little INCEPTION:  Everything you learned before you were 5 is all you'll ever learn:

A quote from the MATRIX:  Have you ever had a dream that was so real?

The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you'reinside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers,lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying tosave. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy.  You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged.  And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.


P.S. Thank you Joker17 for the inspiration.  You are to be commended!

Entry #128

Just can't figure it out

I won't go into details but some people???  I just can't figure them out.  You do all you can to help them some times you're able to pull a rabbit ourt of your hat for them when you can't do it for yourself and what do they do? They just run amuck somewhere.  I'm going within and sticking close to myself.  Back to me 467 476 4675 & 657.

Gotta a ping on my radar....Gotta call my mom, someone in Detroit is hiding money 455 I mean some real big money 836.

Gonna wait and see what the evening brings.  I've got to see this one through...

Entry #127

It's All In The Cards Day 17

    4898  /9343

808  710  679  896

PAIRS 18 44  55  06



933 - 343 COMMON FOLLOWERS - 743 125

Entry #126

1225 "It's Christmas"

So my cousin called me today, They call her "Lil K or Little Karma" because we act so much alike. (lol) Any how, she calls all super excited.

CUZ: "Cuz, I think I'm psychic!  I just dreamt you told me it's 1225 Christmas Day."  So what do you think cuz?  Do you think I'm psychic? 

ME: More like PSYCHO....We're all psychic.  You just have to listen to your surroundings and tune in.  Eveything is a vibration.

CUZ:  "I'm telling you cuz, you need to play that number, cause everyone says we're just alike and you're always dreaming something so my dreams maybe starting to develop like yours.  Play it cuz, tell me you're gonna put it in for a week." 

ME:  "You play it.  I'm not feeling that right now."

CUZ:  "If you don't play it, I'm gonna be mad at you for a week.

ME:  Does that mean you won't call me?

CUZ:  Yep!

ME:  GREAT I'm not playing it.  Talk to you in another 7 days (laughing hysterically)

CUZ:  Well if you don't play it, will you tell people to play it?

ME:  Maybe, Maybe not.  I'll post it.  Is that fair?

CUZ:  Yes, I love you.

ME:  I LOVE YOU MORE...Bye "Lil K"

So, should I play it for her? 

                                                                          Should I tell her to take a trip and get a grip (lol)

Entry #125

I dreamt 910

Just the other day, I dreamt 910, today at Kroger, I asked for a 3 & 4 QP.  I was handed 911 & 2666.  So I played 611 911 2666 2999 2111 back for a couple of plays. When I got home I pulled out my deck of cards (something I learned from Spooky Soozy by way of my LSM - Sweet404Peaches) and said.  Universe I need the three digit.  I turned over my card 19 so ofcourse I was excited, I ran back up the hill with $3.  I played 911 $1S and 119 191 for .50 straight.  I asked the guy behind the counter.  Which should I play this last dollar with?  The 3 or the 4?  He says I can't say which to play, I'll get in trouble. 

The lady behind me says get the 3.  Ok, I said.  Give me a QP 50 cent straight.  I turned to her and said "whatever it gives me, I'll play it for you 50 cent straight she laughed and said ok!  What was the 50 cent straight QP? 191.  "OMG" I said  "There is no way!  Is the computer stuck?  Or is 191 caught up in the lottery machine?"  We all laughed.  The lady I bought the ticket for said "since you bought me one, let me buy you one. OK?"  Ok? I said

The machine coughed up 910.  I exclaimed, UNREAL! 

LP Family, I'll tell you all right now?  Something really different is happening in this universe and I'll be the first to say.  I'm glad to be right here, right now waiting on this adventure to reveal itself.

Entry #124

All of the systems...

Out of the 4 systems, let's see which one works best...Time will surely tell.  Bold #'s are most common out of all systems.

260   586   952  967   908     075  143 827


   388   388   388           064    064    064

   121   409   787           121    185    149

   409   787   065           185    149    113

   808 821 887             011 641 114


390    395   845   076   056   616   652   472   418

375    371   821   052   034   692   637   458   494


388 followers:  598, 048, 184, 249, 251, 280, 389, 405, 673, 910

064 followers:  173, 028, 432, 625, 683, 854, 917, 305


filtered down

143 173 184 673 821 854 908

Entry #123

4 3 2 1 11/19/10

I bless myself!

4  - 4142

3  - 311

2  -  21 (210)**

1  -  15 or 59

**may come right back to GA

Entry #119

A $5000 breakfast?


Dreamt I was at the Waffle House getting breakfast

(I don't like Awful Waffle< so I know that would never happen).

I ordered the breakfast special, when I was done eating she, the waitress, 

brought my bill.  Only the bill was empty.  When I inquired as to why there

was no total on the bill she said "because I'm pregnant and I need the money." 

"Ok, so how much do I owe for breakfast?"  She says "just give me that lottery ticket

in your hand and we'll call it even."  "So, you want me to give you $5000 for breakfast?

"No, I want the $5000 for my daughter, I'm having a girl, you're not paying

for the breakfast. "I won't give you $5000 but I'll give you a tip," I

said to her.  Here, you can have this $910 ticket I won

yesterday, Is that good enough?

Then I woke up.


I woke up wondering how much would you have to bet to get a ticket(s) that totals $910?


Even though this isn't in the dream, I'm liking the numbers 418 and 4187 for this.  I have no Idea why there is an association with this dream and those numbers.  Waiting patiently to find out.  Gotta get my day started...Looking forward to this weekend!

Entry #118

Not sure what to make of this

So, I'm sitting here eating my lunch.  My cell phone rings, I look at the number, it says UNKNOWN.  I answer and there's an automated system that comes on after I say hello.

  It says "Oracle 567 8321 That's 889 the database 331 8 00 17  GOODBYE?

I'm weirded out, stoked and wondering at the same time?  Trying to figure what that is about. 

Any ideas anyone?


Entry #117