CajunWin4's Blog

National Call To Action — 'The Fate Of The Country Is Now In Our Hands'

National Call To Action — ‘The Fate Of The Country Is Now In Our Hands’ –Time For A Change of Government & Leadership To Save The Republic: Gen. Paul E. Vallely, Ret.

Monday, November 18, 2013

November 18, 2013


It is time for “Forced Resignations” initiated by our Citizens! Our leaders have failed us miserably. The following individuals of America’s leadership team must resign by the “Demand Resignation” process. A revised process will be created to replace these leaders prior to new elections.

  • Barack Obama

  • Joe Biden

  • Harry Reid

  • John Boehner

  • Mitch McConnell

  • Nancy Pelosi

We know the ‘Impeachment “process under the Constitution will not be successful because of partisan politics.

Our federal government continues down the path of destroying America. Americans must now stand up and put America back on the right track. The federal government has not subsided in “sucking the oxygen” out of America and its people with legislation and without the action required to solve our problems. The National Call to Action of the people begins now! And we call to action all branches of government to do your constitutional duties and not be led astray in the cultural and moral decay of America. We have witnessed far too many lies, deception and corruption of the republic.

You see, we do not need you other than to represent us, the people, and abide by and protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The Declaration of Independence states: “To secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.”

Likewise, in the poem “Invictus” by English poet William Ernest Henley (1849–1903), we read: “I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul.” Yes, America, WE are the Masters of our Fate and the Captains of our Soul.” Our nation burns and self-destructs before our very eyes but now you are starting to awaken. The majority of the country and its citizens have experienced and seen our inept and incompetent leadership In Washington! The battle is on and we shall not retreat.

We will not permit the leaders in the White House and halls of Congress to lead us down a road of progressive socialism and destruction of the republic. The patriotic revolution that I forecast well over a year ago is happening now. We constitutionalists face a battle that is unknown to our generations so we must be aggressive in our collective efforts to continue to turn back the tide. The fate of the country is now in our hands and the plea from the majority of our citizens is to enforce the Constitution, severely limit the federal government and its out-of-control spending. There is a growing list of documented violations of the Constitution and their oath of office by current elected and appointed government officials

Lincoln issued this warning in his inaugural address, “Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government and form a new one. This is a most valuable and sacred right — a right which we hope and believe is to liberate the world.” Being a representative republic, not a democracy, “rising up” means for us something other than revolution by use of arms. The people must “rise up” (Stand Up) from the grassroots across this great country as we think of the greater good of this and future generations. We are limited in the peaceful transfer of power… resignation, elections, and impeachment. That is why the patriotic revolution and patriotic union must take place to ensure survival of the Union.

The oath is simple and reads: “I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Sadly, we have seen too many officials violate their oath. Fraud, lying, and corruption are rampant and some have engaged in treasonous activities, and they effectively thumb their noses at us and have sold you to the highest bidder.

The Articles of Confederation were replaced with the Constitution, which granted the federal government enough authority to cultivate, promote and secure the blessings of liberty. The balance of authority and individual liberty was understood. Power was confined to that which was enumerated in the Constitution with a certain and meaningful intent for check and balances. We must make it a local imperative and movement… of the people… by the people… and for the people.

“We the People” have had enough. Enough is Enough. The Obama White House and identifiable members of Congress must now depart from a progressive socialist and treasonous death march and bankrupting the country beyond expectations. We have watched them violate their sacred oath of office. “We the People” cannot solely depend on the results of the elections. It is now that many of these public servants (and you know who they are) must put the peoples’ and country’s interests above self-interest by resigning and stepping down immediately.

A civil uprising is still not out of the question as “pain” grips the country more each day. Hopefully, our future will reflect the citizens changing the tide in a peaceful way. This means raising your voice now to your neighbors, family, co-workers, and friends. Be the captains of your souls. I pray for another George Washington to appear within the year and lead us. This is a National Call to Action.


Paul E. Vallely MG, US Army (ret)

Chairman – Stand Up America and “The Americans”

Entry #709

9 Mind-Blowing Facts About Obama's Unemployment Crisis

9 Mind-Blowing Facts About Obama’s Unemployment Crisis

Monday, November 18, 2013
Unemployment Line SC

Everything Barack Obama says is a lie.

Aside from his lies about Obamacare and global warming, Barack Obama’s biggest lies are about the “growing” recovery of employment in America. All of what he says is a lie.

Here are the facts to counter Democrat lies.

There are 102 million Americans of working age who don’t have a job. This number represents 58.3% of working age Americans, the highest percentage since 2000. This means that for fifty straight months, there has been sub 59% participation in the job market.

Last month alone, America lost 623,000 full-time jobs. How does that stack up with what the Obama administration tells us?

In the same month, 357,000 women lost their job. More lies.

The average duration of unemployment is almost three times as long today as it was in October 2000.

In October of 2013 alone, the number of Americans falling out of the labor force hit 932,000. Think of that: almost a million people’s lives and futures disappeared in a single month.

The 62.8% of people who fell out of the work force in October puts us at the highest level since Jimmy Carter’s numbers in 1978. How can we accept this lie? How can the media keep ignoring this point?

Entry #708

Was Benghazi Not Enough? Obama Should Resign Over Obamacare

Was Benghazi Not Enough? Obama Should Resign Over Obamacare

Friday, November 15, 2013


If I were Barack Obama, I would resign as president. Forget all the temporary fixes and limited hangouts, I would be too ashamed of myself for having lied so blatantly to the American people — and on matters of such great significance.

Yes, I am a highly imperfect person. Yes, I have lied. But I doubt I would ever have done what he did, lie so repeatedly and manipulatively to my fellow citizens for my own aggrandizement or for what I personally believe is their better good (even if they don’t).

I do not believe the ends justify the means, although, apparently, our president does. Why else would he have lied? People like Stalin do, as we know. They end up killing millions of their compatriots in the process. Obama is not even faintly that bad, but he is bad enough.

One thing is certain. He will never recover from this. Even if his numbers go up, even if the Democrats win in 2014 or 2016, he is an immoral person and will only be seen that way by honest historians. He has stained himself immutably.

How important is this? Consider where we are now. Health care reform is a serious issue, but we are engaged in something even more serious, negotiating nuclear weapons with the Islamic Republic of Iran. Health care can be reformed, can be changed in various ways in a democratic society, even if that change is inconvenient or painful. But once a country has nuclear weapons, it has them. That story is over. And the mullahs with nuclear weapons is something that should terrify a rational person.

Entry #707

When Barack Obama Becomes Suicidal, What Will Democrats Do?

When Barack Obama Becomes Suicidal, What Will Democrats Do?

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

by John DeMayo

It must be difficult for a mentally unhealthy President to watch his signature legislation, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act—the most prized accomplishment of his Presidency—go down in flames; especially for America’s crown prince of arrogance, Barrack Hussein Obama.

Had a young Barry Soetoro been taught humility—instead of foolish pride—the boy who became King would have known better than to assume all his days would be full of accolades. Then again, maybe he is not capable of knowing the difference.


   President Obama has never had to face failure in his life. Adversity perhaps, but not failure. President Obama has spent his life running away from his failures by seeking temporary and risky pleasures that fed his fragile ego and gratified his desire to be happy: Exotic travel, drugs, homosexual encounters, Islam. All collide with common man causes and a playboy appetite; all disturbing and conflicted excesses; all difficult for anyone to make sense of.

I have always believed that President Obama is mentally ill. Many Americans are more comfortable accepting him as the anti-Christ or pure evil. For those Americans who have never dealt with a high functioning and severely mentally ill person, let me warn you, they can appear to be the very essence of evil and destruction from time to time. Then again, they can make you believe you are loved as well.

In fact, the high functioning mentally ill, live out on a constant limb, running between depression and excess to an occasional stop on a splintered branch called anxiety. A paramount fear of abandonment guides them to execute direct attacks against the things they wish to preserve and keep most. They are prolific liars and masterful agitators. They are relentless. Moreover, they cannot exist without a constant supply of the mood enhancers required to make them feel comfortable within their own skin.

I do not think America sees this in this President. They only see what they think is evil.

Entry #706

Bombshell: Sen. Rand Paul Reveals — Barack Obama Wrote The Regulation To Cancel Your Insurance, And

Bombshell: Sen. Rand Paul Reveals — Barack Obama Wrote The Regulation To Cancel Your Insurance, And Every Democrat Voted For It!

Monday, November 11, 2013



by SGT,

If you, like I, have brainwashed, intellectually dishonest, “liberal” friends who still insist on giving Barack Obama a pass for every rotten thing he has ever done, you might want to make them aware of this additional fact.

According to Senator Rand Paul, who spoke at a luncheon in Charleston, South Carolina on Monday, November 11, the President of the United States himself wrote the regulation to cancel the health insurance of MILLIONS of Americans. And every single Democrat voted for it.


Rand Paul on Obamacare [Begins @ 5:40]:

I’m still learning about it. It’s 20,000 pages of regulations. The Bill was 2,000 pages and I didn’t realize this until this week, the whole idea of you losing or getting your insurance cancelled wasn’t in the original Obamacare. It was a regulation WRITTEN BY PRESIDENT OBAMA, three months later. So we had a vote, this is before I got up there. The Republicans had a vote to try to cancel that regulation so you COULDN’T BE CANCELLED, to grandfather everybody in. You know what the vote was? Straight party line. EVERY DEMOCRAT VOTED TO KEEP THE RULE THAT CANCELS YOUR INSURANCE.

As the now 20,000+ Obamacare pages come home to roost, remind those who have continued to support the Liar-in-Chief, regardless of his crimes, of this simple fact: The man who sits in the Oval Office (when he’s not on a golf course), and the Party to which they have pledged their unquestioning allegiance, has now wholly betrayed them. And their children.

Entry #705

Barack Hussein Obama Must Now Be Declared An Enemy Of The State

Barack Hussein Obama Must Now Be Declared An Enemy Of The State

Saturday, November 9, 2013

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Thomas Jefferson

There comes a time, in the history of every nation, where the people must needs rise up against oppression or be consumed by it. Though I will grant you that it is a hard, hard lesson to grasp. Germany, when faced with their hour of crisis in Nazi Germany, chose the cowards way out and embraced the evil. By the time the nature of the dog, the dog had already bit them to death. Only the Allied might stop Hitler’s forward progress.

America stands at the front of the class right now, our lesson in front of us with the books that will write our history wide open. How shall we do in our hour of crisis?

Our founding fathers knew that tyrants would come, and made provision for it. The only question is will we be able to act on it? As I write this, one such tyrant occupies the seat of the president of the United States. Like Hitler before him, he used deception and the generosity of the people to get himself “legally elected”. And like Hitler, once inside, he has been remaking the government into an unrecognizable entity that spys on its own people and makes mockery of our cherished freedoms. 

Retired FBI Agent Told Patriot Groups That Obama’s Feds Have Set Up 30,000 Guillotines

He has stocked his administration with all manner of anti-Americans, many of which are Sharia Law loving Muslims seeking to overthrow our Constitution. From his early days on the campaign trail he gave clues to anyone and everyone who had eyes to see and ears to hear. Hitler did the same thing when he wrote Mein Kampf.

Obama left the breadcrumbs for you, America, but you refused to look and take notice.  Those of us who did were labeled as ‘racists’ and ‘Tea Party illiterates’. But we were right. There was Obama refusing to wear an American flag pin. Obama refusing to put his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance. There was Obama campaiging for the role of “President of the World” at the Brandenburg Gate in Germany, where Adolf Hitler had been annointed Chancellor in 1933. The parallels are so obvious, and the irony exquisite.

Obama Is Purging The United States Military At An Alarming Rate

Everywhere he went, controversy, strife and division followed. He sat for 20 years under a black supremacist preacher, and claimed to know nothing of the man’s politics or prejudices. He was unable to produce a simple birth certificate. For four years. He paid over one million dollars to seal his college records so no one can see who paid for his elite upper-class education. His college yearbook plainly lists him an being from Indonesia.

He has a Social Security number issued from the state of Connecticut, where he never lived. He is the only sitting president to ever bow to a foreign Muslim leader. America, America, he has told you every step of the way where he stands. Why won’t you listen?

Obama, Ahmadinejad, Hamas & Hezbollah Send Congrats To ‘New’ Egypt

He has forced dozens of generals and other high-ranking officers out of the military, against coded military law. He allowed American citizens to be slaughtered on the anniversary of 9/11, and has never sought to avenge theirs deaths or seek the arrest of the very well-known assailants.

This brings us to the present day and Obamacare.

In 2010, Obama and his brownshirts unleashed a diabolical campaign of lies and trickery the likes of which have never been seen in this country. He fought for, and got, a bill passed into law that does as much to undo our Constitution as could possibly be done short of setting it on fire. And to sell the package to the American people he committed purjury of the highest order by lying about  what the bill would ultimately do to us.

America, Barack Huseein Obama is a lot of things. But one thing he no longer can be to you is a mystery. He has revealed too much about himself, his past, and future ambitions for us to continue to plead ignorance. He is the orignal Manchurian Candidate, and he made it all the way in. The remedy for our national ill is not easy or pleasant, but it is still possbile to effect a cure. Listen to the words of Thomas Jefferson, who told us what to do when times like these eventually came:

“But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce the people under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.” –Thomas Jefferson: Declaration of Independence, 1776.

That Barack Hussein Obama is an enemy of the state, for all the reasons we have mentioned here (with dozens more that could be listed), there can be no doubt. His yoke must be broken and his reign thrown off immediately, if not sooner. Nothing less than the future of our republic hangs in the balance. There is something we can do, and its faster and better than impeachment.

The remedy is a simple one

His single, greatest attack has been in the creation of Obamacare. It is his grand weapon against the people. It is there that we need to concentrate our efforts, and it is there we need to attack. If the American people will simply refuse to sign up for it, refuse to support it - even at the risk of fines and imprisionment -  Obamacare will fail and fall. And with it so falls the Emperor. He has put all his chips on a single horse, hobble the horse and the race is over.


Each and every one of you reading this article has within themselves the power to bring Obama’s regime to a complete halt right now. It truly is that simple.

All you have to do is say “no” to Obamacare. All you have to do is just not sign up. The future of our republic stands awaiting your decision.

What will you do?


(Please, Copy and Paste send this out to all your Contacts !We Must Stand as One For This Great Country)

Entry #704

Seven Devastating (Barrycare) Obamacare Facts

Seven Devastating Obamacare Facts

Here are seven points about ObamaCare that just might be true for many.

IMO; The whole idea of ObamaCare is to simply devastate the middle class that earns under the median income.

There are no cash transfers going to the lower classes and poor.

Everything is illusionary benefits that may not even help "poor" people.

The middle and low end "Middle Class" is paying the bill.

And I know many people are hoping for that very thing.
Supporters in general seem to be *Star Struck*.

1. Obamacare will cost taxpayers $1.8 to $2.6 trillion over the next 10 years

2. At least 3.5 million Americans have already received health insurance cancellation notices

3. The now-infamous Obamacare website cost U.S. taxpayers over $1 billion to build

4. The New York Times says Obamacare "will leave out two-thirds of poor blacks and single mothers."

5. Tens of thousands of worker hours and jobs have already been cut due to Obamacare

6. Premiums will rise by 99% for young men and between 55% to 62% for young women

7. Obama promised no less than 23 times that "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan."
supporting links to each point are in the article...

Seven Devastating Obamacare Facts

It's ALL About *Perception* !!

Entry #703

Obama Supporters Will Be Ecstatic Over This Comprehensive List Of 423 Obama Lies (Video)

Obama Supporters Will Be Ecstatic Over This Comprehensive List Of 423 Obama Lies (Video)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Barack Obama had a loose relationship with the truth, and that’s the way he likes it. Now with all the attention being given to Obama and his Obamacare lies, let us not forget these 423 other lies that mainstream media has been trying to sweep under the rug.

Like every Presidentbeofre him, like every politician, every human being tells lies and engages in acts of hypocrisy. But you have to amdit Barack Obama does these things to a far greater degree than any other politician in history. His campaign promises were so much better sounding than anyone else’s – no lobbyists in his administration, waiting five days before signing all non-emergency bills so people would have time to read them, putting health care negotiations on C-SPAN, reading every bill line by line to make sure money isn’t being wasted, prosecution of Wall St. criminals, ending raids against medical marijuana in states where it’s legal, high levels of transparency. Obama’s promises of these wonderful things sounded inspiring and sincere. They sounded so much better than the promises of any other President. So when Obama broke these promises, it felt so much worse than when other Presidents broke their promises.

Some of the things on this list are major events that should scare the daylights out of any true liberal who cares about civil liberties.

Other things on this list are medium things that some Obama supporters may dislike, but would be willing to overlook in light of the things that Obama has done which they like.

And some of the things on this list may seem trivial, but I still think they are an interesting reflection of the kinds of policies that Obama supports.

Every claim that I make in this list is sourced. Click on the blue text to see the sources. I have cited a wide variety of sources, from right wing, to left wing, to middle of the road.

I welcome any comments and criticisms that you may have. If you say my list is wrong, please back up your claim by citing specific examples. If you like this article, please share these lies with all your contacts, America need to be reminded of just what our country is up against.


And now, on with the list:

Broke his promise to close Guantanamo Bay

Obama broke his promise to close Guantanamo Bay.

Carried out military interventionism in Libya without Congressional approval

In June 2011, U.S. Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) said that Obama had violated the Constitution when he launched military operations in Libya without Congressional approval.

Said the health insurance mandate was not a tax, but later told the Supreme Court that it was

Before Obama’s health care reform was passed, he said that the mandate was not a tax. However, after it was passed, the Obama administration argued in front of the Supreme Court that the mandate really was a tax.

llegally solicited donations from health insurers

In May 2013, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius solicited donations from health insurers to help pay for Obamacare. Such soliciting is illegal.

Waited until after the 2012 election to release unpopular Obamacare rules

In April 2013, the New York Times reported:

… even fervent supporters of the law admit that things are going worse than expected.

…  the Obama administration didn’t want to release unpopular rules before the election.

Everything is turning out to be more complicated than originally envisioned.

A law that was very confusing has become mind-boggling… Americans are just going to be overwhelmed and befuddled. Many are just going to stay away, even if they are eligible for benefits.

Had the Secret Service visit a law abiding citizen who had criticized his policies on Twitter

In April 2013, Obama sent the Secret Service to visit the home of Tom Francois, a law abiding citizen who had criticized Obama’s policies on Twitter.

The Secret Service admitted that Francois had not made any threats against Obama.

Increased the national debt more in one term than Bush did in two

The national debt increased more during Obama’s first three years and two months than it did during all eight years of George W. Bush’s presidency.

Lied about the Benghazi attack

In September 2012, after four U.S. citizens were killed in a terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, the Obama administration falsely said that the attack was a spontaneous protest against an anti-Muslim video at YouTube.

CBS News reported that although it was obviously a terrorist attack, it took an entire week before the Obama administration was willing to acknowledge it as such.

The Washington Post reported that Obama had falsely said that he had called it a terrorist attack from the very start.

After the attack began, someone (there is a debate over who this someone was) ordered the nearby U.S. military to “stand down,”, i.e., not offer any assistance. Obama is the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. military. Obama later falsely claimed that the “stand down” order had not been made.

Although the Obama administration made a dozen revisions to its talking points on this incident, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney falsely stated that only a “single adjustment” had been made, and that it simply involved changing the wording of “consulate” to “diplomatic facility.” ABC News published a complete list of all the changes to the talking points, which can be read here.

Among the changes was the deletion of this entire paragraph:

“The Agency has produced numerous pieces on the threat of extremists linked to al-Qa’ida in Benghazi and eastern Libya.  These noted that, since April, there have been at least five other attacks against foreign interests in Benghazi by unidentified assailants, including the June attack against the British Ambassador’s convoy. We cannot rule out the individuals has previously surveilled the U.S. facilities, also contributing to the efficacy of the attacks.”

Victoria Nuland, a State Department spokeswoman, played a key role in the editing of the talking points. But instead of firing her for this, Obama offered her a promotion.

Illegally put thousands of guns into hands of criminals

In Operation Fast and Furious, the Obama administration ordered gun storeowners to illegally sell thousands of guns to criminals.

U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was murdered with one of these guns.

Falsely said that Fast and Furious was started when Bush was President

In September 2012, Obama said that Fast and Furious had “begun under the previous administration.” In reality, Fast and Furious began in October 2009.

Called Fort Hood shooting “workplace violence” instead of “Islamic terrorism”

After Nidal Malik Hasan shouted “Allahu Akbar!” and murdered 13 people on U.S. soil, instead of referring to it as “Islamic terrorism,” Obama said that it was “workplace violence.”

Supported the $700 billion TARP corporate-welfare bailout just like Bush

While Senator, Obama voted for the $700 billion TARP bank bailout bill. The bailout rewarded irresponsible and illegal behavior. It redirected resources from more productive uses to less productive uses. It punished the hard working taxpayers who had played by the rules and obeyed the law. It created horrible incentives, and sent the wrong message. The bailout was evil because it rewarded the bad people and punished the good people. No society that does this can expect to remain free or prosperous. Instead of bailing out these corrupt corporations, we should have let them cease to exist, like we did with Enron.

Gave a no-bid contract to Halliburton – just like Bush did

In May 2010, it was reported that the Obama administration had selected KBR, a former subsidiary of Halliburton, for a no-bid contract worth as much as $568 million through 2011, just hours after the Justice Department had said it would pursue a lawsuit accusing the Houston-based company of using kickbacks to get foreign contracts.

Has an administration full of lobbyists, after promising he wouldn’t have any

While running for President, Obama had promised that, unlike Bush, he would not have any lobbyists working in his administration. However, by February 2010, he had more than 40 lobbyists working in his administration.

Expanded Bush’s unconstitutional government faith based programs

Obama expanded the federal government’s faith based programs which had been started by President George W. Bush.

Supported Bush’s unconstitutional Patriot Act

In May 2011, Obama signed a renewal of the Patriot Act.

Agrees with Bush’s support of unconstitutional, indefinite detention of U.S. citizens without filing any charges

In December 2011, ACLU executive director Anthony D. Romero criticized Obama for signing a bill that gave the U.S. government the power to indefinitely detain U.S. citizens without any charges being filed or any trial taking place.

Agrees with Bush’s support of unconstitutional, warrantless wiretapping

President Obama has defended warrantless wiretapping.

Avoided prosecution of Wall. St criminals

Although Obama had promised to prosecute Wall St. criminals, during his entire first term, his administration did not file any criminal charges against any of the top financial executives.

Broke his promise to pass immigration bill, and then lied about why he broke it

In 2008, Obama promised that he would pass an immigration bill during his first year in office. He broke that promise. He then blamed this on Republicans, even though both the House and Senate were controlled by Democrats during Obama’s first year.

Here is another Video of Obama lying in his own words! They can’t deny this.


Practices environmental hypocrisy

In May 2008, Obama said, “We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK.”

However, just one week later, Obama was photographed exiting an SUV.

In addition, Obama keeps the White House thermostat turned up so high that David Axelrod, Obama’s senior adviser, said, “He likes it warm. You could grow orchids in there.”

Environmentalists criticized Obama for eating Wagyu beef, which was called “the Hummer of beef.”

Obama had a chef fly round trip from St. Louis to Washington D.C. so he could make Obama’s favorite pizza.

Was cited by nine states for committing 21 illegal acts

Attorneys General from nine states issued a report, titled “A Report on Obama Administration Violations of Law,” which cited 21 illegal acts which had been committed by the Obama administration.

Purchased 2,717 mine resistant armor protected vehicles for use on civilian streets in the U.S.

In March 2013 it was reported that the Obama administration had purchased 2,717 mine resistant armor protected vehicles for use on civilian streets in the U.S.

Had four U.S. citizens killed without judicial process

Obama had four U.S. citizens killed without judicial process.

The ACLU accused Obama of violating the U.S. Constitution for doing this.

U.S. Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) said that Obama’s actions might be an impeachable offense.Illegally refused to submit a budget on time during four of his first five years

The President is legally required to submit a budget by the first Monday in February. Obama broke this law during four of his first five years in office. Since 1921, no President had missed this deadline more than once.

Said the deficit had gone down when it had actually gone up

In February 2013, Obama said that the federal deficit had gone down by $2.5 trillion since he had taken office. In reality, it had actually increased by $5.9 trillion during that time.

Added 20,000 extra pages to Obamacare without Congressional approval

After Obamacare was passed, Obama added 20,000 extra pages to it, even though those extra 20,000 pages had not been voted on by Congress.

Oversaw IRS whose employees illegally targeted conservative groups

In May 2013, the Washington Post reported that the IRS had illegally targeted conservative groups for additional reviews. Organizations with the words “tea party” or “patriot” were singled out for harassment, such as requiring them to provide a list of donors, details about their internet postings on social networking websites, and information about their family members.

When this was first reported by the media in May 2013, Lois Lerner, who heads the IRS division that had conducted these illegal activities, claimed that only low level employees had known about it, and that no high level IRS officials had known about it. However, soon afterward, NPR reported that an Inspector General report showed that Lerner had been lying, and that she herself had actually been aware of it since June 29, 2011. Even worse, during March and April of 2012, Lerner herself had actually written such letters to fifteen different conservative groups. One of these letters can be read here.

While testifying in May 2013, Lerner said, “I have not done anything wrong. I have not broken any laws. I have not violated any IRS rules or regulations. And I have not provided false information to this or any other congressional committee.” However, afterward, she invoked her fifth amendment right to remain silent. The Washington Post reported that there was disagreement as to whether or not Lerner’s statement constituted a waiving of her fifth amendment right to remain silent. Soon afterward, she was placed on paid administrative leave.

In September 2013, a House committee released several of Lerner’s emails, which showed that she had targeted tea party groups, and that she had asked that their applications be delayed. In one of the emails from 2011, she had written “Tea Party Matter very dangerous.”

In September 2013, after having been on paid leave for four months, Lerner had still not been fired by Obama.

In October 2013, it was reported that newly discovered emails proved that Lerner had violated federal law by giving the Federal Election Commission confidential tax information of several Tea party groups.

The Washington Post reported that IRS officials at the IRS headquarters in Washington D.C. had sent such letters to conservatives groups. Reuters reported that higher level IRS officials had taken part in discussions about it as early as August 2011. However, 21 months later, on May 10, 2013, the Washington Post reported that President Obama had not done anything to investigate or fire the IRS employees who had engaged in this illegal harassment. As of May 14, 2013, none of the IRS employees who engaged in any of this illegal behavior had been disciplined, despite the fact that higher level IRS officials had known about their illegal behavior at least since August 2011.

On May 15, 2013, it was reported that Steven Miller, the acting IRS commissioner, had resigned. However, it was also reported that his assignment would have ended in early June anyway. He resigned – Obama did not fire him.

The IRS gave out confidential information about conservative groups. ProPublica wrote:

“The same IRS office that deliberately targeted conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status in the run-up to the 2012 election released nine pending confidential applications of conservative groups to ProPublica late last year.”

“In response to a request for the applications for 67 different nonprofits last November, the Cincinnati office of the IRS sent ProPublica applications or documentation for 31 groups. Nine of those applications had not yet been approved—meaning they were not supposed to be made public.”

“No unapproved applications from liberal groups were sent to ProPublica.”

President Obama either lied about when he first knew about this – or was too busy playing golf and attending fundraisers to read the memos that were sent to him. The Daily Caller wrote:

“White House press secretary Jay Carney said in a press conference Tuesday that the White House was notified about the IRS targeting tea party groups ‘several weeks ago.’ This comes a day after President Obama said he found out about it from news reports on Friday of last week.”

“During a press conference with British Prime Minister David Cameron on Monday, President Obama was asked about the IRS scandal. He responded, ‘I first learned about it from the same news reports that I think most people learned about this. I think it was on Friday.’

“However, Carney said Tuesday that first a report had to be compiled by the IRS’s inspector general and then when it was completed, it was passed on to the administration.”

“‘A notification is appropriate and routine and that is what happened and that happened several weeks ago,’ Carney said.”

When Media Trackers, a conservative organization, applied to the IRS for non-profit status, after waiting 16 months, it got no response. But when it reapplied with a liberal sounding name, it got approval in just three weeks. Yahoo wrote:

“In May 2011, Drew Ryun, a conservative activist and former Republican National Committee staffer, began filling out the Internal Revenue Service application to achieve nonprofit status for a new conservative watchdog group.”

“When September 2012 arrived with still no word from the IRS, Ryun determined that Media Trackers would likely never obtain standalone nonprofit status, and he tried a new approach: He applied for permanent nonprofit status for a separate group called Greenhouse Solutions, a pre-existing organization that was reaching the end of its determination period.”

“The IRS approved Greenhouse Solutions’ request for permanent nonprofit status in three weeks.”

Politico reported:

“The same Internal Revenue Service office that singled out Tea Party groups for extra scrutiny also challenged Israel-related organizations, at least one of which filed suit over the agency’s handling of its application for tax-exempt status.”

“The trouble for the Israel-focused groups seems to have had different origins than that experienced by conservative groups, but at times the effort seems to have been equally ham-handed.”

The IRS asked conservative groups what books they were reading.

Although the IRS went 18 months or longer without responding to conservative organizations’ applications, the IRS demanded that these same organizations answer the IRS’s intrusive questions within a few weeks.

After the Waco Tea Party sent an application to the IRS, the IRS waited 19 months to respond. In its response, the IRS asked for printouts of its web page and social networking sites, copies of all of its newsletters, bulletins and fliers, and copies of all stories written about it. The IRS also asked for transcripts of its radio interviews.

As one example of how the IRS treated conservative organizations differently from liberal ones, Politico reported:

“Chris Littleton, one of the co-founders of the Ohio Liberty Coalition, said the group got a grilling from the IRS when it submitted its application, in letters the group has posted on its website. The IRS also gave him so much grief when he tried to apply for tax-exempt status for another group, American Junto, that ‘we just gave up on it,’ he said.”

“But when he submitted an application for a third group — Ohioans for Health Care Freedom, now renamed Ohio Rising — ‘it went through just fine,’ Littleton said. ‘They never asked a single set of questions.’”

After the  Greater Phoenix Tea Party Patriots sent in their application, it took  two years for the IRS to respond. The IRS response included 35 questions. When the group’s cofounder called the IRS, the IRS agent claimed that he had their group’s file right in front of him. But when the group’s confounder asked the IRS agent a question, the IRS agent asked, “What’s your group’s name again?”

Tea Party groups who spoke with each other said they were all getting the same questions from the IRS.

The Washington Post reported that some IRS employees were “ignorant about tax laws, defiant of their supervisors, and blind to the appearance of impropriety.”

In 2012, the IRS leaked confidential information about Mitt Romney to the co-chairman of President Obama’s re-election committee.

For a 27 month period that began in February 2010, the IRS gave exactly zero approvals to Tea Party organizations that had sent in applications. During that same time period, numerous  liberal organizations with names including words such as “progress” or “progressive” did get approval.

After True the Vote, a conservative organization which was founded by Catherine Engelbrecht, sent its application to the IRS, the IRS went three years without responding. During that three year period, Engelbrecht and her family’s small manufacturing business were audited by the IRS, and were investigated by OSHA, the ATF, and the FBI.

Democratic U.S. Senators pressured the IRS to target conservative groups. In May 2013, U.S. News & World Report wrote:

“Over the last three years, Democratic senators repeatedly and publicly pressured the IRS to engage in the very activities that they are only now condemning today. At the same time, Republicans repeatedly and publicly warned against this abuse of government power and pointed to a series of red flags that strongly suggested conservative political organizations were being targeted by the IRS. Those warnings were deliberately ignored by the Obama administration and Democratic leaders in Congress.”

“From Max Baucus to Chuck Schumer to Jeanne Shaheen, key Senate Democrats publicly pressured the IRS to target groups that held differing political views and who, in their view, had the temerity to engage in the political process. The IRS listened to them and acted.”

In order to get approval, the IRS required members of Coalition for Life of Iowa, a pro-life organization, to sign a promise to avoid protesting in front of Planned Parenthood.

The IRS asked Christian Voices for Life, a pro-life organization, questions about its prayer vigils.

According to the official White House visitor’s log, during Obama’s first four years as President, IRS commissioner Douglas Shulman made 157 visits to the White House. This is more visits to the White House – by a very large margin – than any other cabinet member during Obama’s first term. By comparison, during the four years that Mark Everson was IRS commissioner when Bush was president, Everson made only one visit to the White House.

Shulman donated $500 to the Democratic National Committee in October 2004.

During Congressional testimony that had taken place in March 2012, Shulman falsely said that the IRS had not targeted conservative groups.

Shulman’s wife, Susan L. Anderson, is the senior program advisor for Public Campaign, a liberal organization. The Dailer Caller wrote of this group:

Public Campaign receives “major funding” from the pro-Obamacare alliance Health Care for America NOW!, which is comprised of the labor unions AFL-CIO, AFSCME, SEIU, and the progressive activist organization Move On, among others.

Public Campaign also receives funding from the liberal Ford Foundation, the Common Cause Education Fund, and Barbra Streisand’s The Streisand Foundation, among other foundations and private donors.

Stephen Seok was one of the IRS agents who wrote threatening letters to conservative groups. After doing so, he was given a  promotion.

In June 2013, it was reported that two IRS employees had violated government ethics rules at a 2010 conference when they received $1,100 in free food and other items. One of them was Fred Schindler, the director of implementation oversight at the IRS Affordable Care Act office. The other was Donald Toda, a California-based employee. Obama did not fire them. Instead, he gave both of them paid leave. By comparison, in 1981, President Reagan fired 11,359 air-traffic controllers who had been illegally striking.

In June 2013, it was reported that The National Organization for Marriage, a conservative organization, had forensic evidence which proved that its donors’ private information had been illegally leaked by the IRS. The IRS employee(s) who illegally leaked this private information could get five years in prison.

The IRS illegally leaked the private information of Christine O’Donnell the same day that she announced that she would run for U.S. Senate as a tea party candidate.

According to White House visitor logs, Obama met with Colleen Kelley, the president of the National Treasury Employees Union, on March 31, 2010. The very next day, IRS employees who belonged to that union union started to target tea party organizations.

In July 2013, it was reported that Obama had met with a key IRS official who was involved in the targeting just two days before the key official had told his colleagues how to target tea party groups. The Daily Caller reported:

The Obama appointee implicated in congressional testimony in the IRS targeting scandal met with President Obama in the White House two days before offering his colleagues a new set of advice on how to scrutinize tea party and conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status.

IRS chief counsel William Wilkins, who was named in House Oversight testimony by retiring IRS agent Carter Hull as one of his supervisors in the improper targeting of conservative groups, met with Obama in the Roosevelt Room of the White House on April 23, 2012. Wilkins’ boss, then-IRS commissioner Douglas Shulman, visited the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on April 24, 2012, according to White House visitor logs.

On April 25, 2012, Wilkins’ office sent the exempt organizations determinations unit “additional comments on the draft guidance” for approving or denying tea party tax-exempt applications, according to the IRS inspector general’s report.

Jon Stewart said of this:

“Well, congratulations, President Barack Obama. Conspiracy theorists who generally can survive in anaerobic environments have just had an algae bloom dropped on their f***ing heads, thus removing the last arrow in your pro-governance quiver: skepticism about your opponents.”

Michael Macleod-Ball, chief of staff at the ACLU’s Washington Legislative Office, said of this:

“Even the appearance of playing partisan politics with the tax code is about as constitutionally troubling as it gets. With the recent push to grant federal agencies broad new powers to mandate donor disclosure for advocacy groups on both the left and the right, there must be clear checks in place to prevent this from ever happening again.”

Secretly obtained phone records from Associated Press reporters and editors

In May 2013, Associated Press reported:

The Justice Department secretly obtained two months of telephone records of reporters and editors for The Associated Press in what the news cooperative’s top executive called a “massive and unprecedented intrusion” into how news organizations gather the news.

The records obtained by the Justice Department listed outgoing calls for the work and personal phone numbers of individual reporters, general AP office numbers in New York, Washington and Hartford, Conn., and the main number for AP reporters in the House of Representatives press gallery, according to attorneys for the AP. It was not clear if the records also included incoming calls or the duration of calls.

In all, the government seized the records for more than 20 separate telephone lines assigned to AP and its journalists in April and May of 2012. The exact number of journalists who used the phone lines during that period is unknown but more than 100 journalists work in the offices where phone records were targeted, on a wide array of stories about government and other matters.

In a letter of protest sent to Attorney General Eric Holder on Monday, AP President and Chief Executive Officer Gary Pruitt said the government sought and obtained information far beyond anything that could be justified by any specific investigation. He demanded the return of the phone records and destruction of all copies.

“There can be no possible justification for such an overbroad collection of the telephone communications of The Associated Press and its reporters. These records potentially reveal communications with confidential sources across all of the newsgathering activities undertaken by the AP during a two-month period, provide a road map to AP’s newsgathering operations, and disclose information about AP’s activities and operations that the government has no conceivable right to know,” Pruitt said.

Soon afterward, it was reported that obtaining these phone records had required approval from Eric Holder, Obama’s Attorney General.

This has had a very dangerous and harmful effect on the media’s ability to report the news. In June 2013, Gary Pruitt, the president and chief executive  of Associated Press said:

“Some longtime trusted sources have become nervous and anxious about talking with us… In some cases, government employees we once checked in with regularly will no longer speak to us by phone. Others are reluctant to meet in person … This chilling effect on newsgathering is not just limited to AP… Journalists from other news organizations have personally told me that it has intimidated both official and nonofficial sources from speaking to them as well.”

Used Obamacare to illegally give the IRS additional powers without approval from Congress

In May 2013 the Washington Post wrote:

The law allows the Department of Health and Human Services to set up federal health exchanges in the holdout states. But the statute makes no mention of the IRS providing credits and subsidies through federal exchanges.

The IRS resolved this conundrum by denying its existence. In a May 2012 regulatory ruling, it asserted its own right to provide credits outside the state exchanges as the reasonable interpretation of an ambiguous law. But the language of the law is not ambiguous. And health scholars Jonathan Adler and Michael Cannon, in an exhaustive recent analysis, find no justification for the IRS’s ruling in the legislative history of Obamacare. “The statute,” they argue, “and the lack of any support for the IRS rule in the legislative record put defenders of the IRS rule in the awkward position of arguing that it was so obviously Congress’ intent to offer tax credits in federal exchanges that despite a year of debate over the PPACA, it never occurred to anyone to express that intent out loud. A better explanation is that the PPACA’s authors miscalculated when they assumed states would establish exchanges.”

So: The IRS seized the authority to spend about $800 billion over 10 years on benefits that were not authorized by Congress. And the current IRS scandal puts this decision in a new light. What was the role of politics in shaping this regulatory decision? What pressure was applied?

Illegally bypassed Congress to delay Obamacare’s employer mandate

As the Obamacare law was written, the employer mandate was to begin in January 2014. This is what the law said when it was passed by the House and Senate, and signed by President Obama.

However, in July 2013, Obama delayed the employer mandate part of Obamacare until January 2015. Obama did this without approval from Congress.

For Obama to change a law that was passed by Congress, without first getting approval from Congress, is a violation of the Presidential oath that Obama took to uphold and defend the Constitution.

What Obama did here is an action of a dictator, not an action of a President whose power is limited by a written constitution.

If Obama can get away with this, then it sets a horribly dangerous precedent, and means that the President can arbitrarily make any change to any law that has been passed by Congress, without first getting approval from Congress.

Said, “We’re gonna punish our enemies, and we’re gonna reward our friends”

Obama said (the bolding is mine)

“If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies, and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us’ — if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election — then I think it’s going to be harder. And that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2nd.”

This is a rare instance of a promise that Obama has actually kept instead of broken. A huge number of the things on this list can be explained by that one simple sentence that Obama said.

Well America, guess who Obama’s enemies are? That’s right, anyone who is against Obama’s policies is considered to be a enemy, we are all being punished now. There is not end in sight. Obama and his administration seem to be above the law. They have no rules.

View the rest of the Obama Lies at this link Here!


Entry #702

How to Spot an Obot Troll

How to Spot an Obot Troll

Monday, June 10, 2013


I don’t know exactly when it started but something has changed at this website (Before It’s News). The site appears to be flooded with trolls spouting disinformation on the comment section of many, many stories. These comments have a number of things in common including the fact that they are of little or no value to anyone and rarely even discuss the merits, facts or premise of any story. One cannot be sure how many of them are paid by Unions or Obama’s “Organizing for America” but its a sure bet that some certainly are on someones payroll. So how do you spot a disinformation agent, Obama troll or “Obot” (the common term for these types of commentors)? I will now answer that in three ways; Two posts by a concerned user at Before It’s News and an analysis of a story with the archetypal Obot troll:

First all what is an internet troll? A commentor named “last gasp” answered this very well


“The purpose of a troll is not to intelligently discuss various issues but to minimize the importance of dissenting opinions by ridiculing serious participants expressing political views the troll finds objectionable.”

This commentor has another post where he tells you how to spot an Internet troll:

Criteria for helping to identify a professional troll:

1) The person’s posts are usually short and snarky, with reasonably correct spelling, grammar and punctuation, suggesting both intelligence and education.
2) The posts are on the edge of acceptability, with little or no profanity or vulgar language that would get the post flagged immediately.
3) The person has a high ratio of posts to the number of days on the site, suggesting he’s posting comments nearly full time and is getting paid to troll.
4) The person’s posts are consistently belittling, rather than intelligent objections and points

Now Let’s meet a perfect example of an Internet troll!

Analyze this story and you will find a new name to me called “doggy do” and his posts do live up to his name. Here are five of his more intelligent posts. These comments were all done in this story: /alternative/2013/06/u-n-agenda-21-to-seize-17-8-million-acres-from-missouri-and-arkansas-please-help-stop-this-land-grab-2678204.html?utm_medium=facebook-share&utm_content=awesm-publisher&utm_campaign=&

While the story headeline is Alternative news it does indeed refer to real UN documents and a real Obama plan that challenges property rights. But rather than discuss or even disagreeing with the thesis of this story this brilliant troll has the below comments. In true Saul Alinksy fashion he manages to do it all in this small sampling of 5 of his 35 plus comments on this story. He attacks the author, other commentors, refuses to mention or discuss facts, race baits and plies what is sometimes unintelligable dribble. He or she does absolutely everthing excepts discuss the story!


doggy do

“Ah so, you finally reveal yourself. Just about all you people are basically n-haters at heart, aren’t you? Best one is a dead one, that it? Come on, we can take it! :) Take off the white sheet and make your appearance…”

doggy do

“Still waiting for the answer on when this will take place, and where. I want to be there to see convoys of UN troops from Uganda or somewhere trundling unnoticed across the U.S.”

doggy do

“Exactly what time of the day, and what day will this take place? I will love to see your answer. I just love the heck reading all these conspiracy theories/comedy presentations presented as fact. You people are afraid of your own footprints. you probably think some invisivible person from Venus is following you. That has to be the ONLY explanation behind those footprints that are following you.

In fact, I think that’s the basis of a great column: Venutians are following all of us, invisibly. The evidence? Strange, unexplained impressions in the ground that continue to follow me everywhere. Either that, or it’s invisible Bigfoot.”

doggy do

“And, in keeping with the above, I think you should don your super suit, stare into the sun, then jump off a tall building. I guarantee it will be but a single bound….”

doggy do

“I just found a note from the Pine Squirrel King:
Earth is in the way of an intergalactic freeway, and is scheduled to be removed in 15 minutes….so that is why they, along with Bigfoot, left. So long, and thanks for all the suet cake…..
Signed, Horace the Nut”

Report abuse


What to do about Obot Internet Trolls?

Internet trolls are normally paid disinformation agents and their main goal is to distract you from the story at hand.

The more they attack a story or “work it” the more important it must be. Be sure and call the troll out and then focus on the story.

Entry #701

Is President Obama 'man enough' to tell the truth?

Is President Obama 'man enough' to tell the truth?


By Stuart Harrold


Is President Obama 'man enough' to tell the truth?. 51424.jpeg

It used to be a saying in the United States, is somebody "man enough" to do what is right. You have to realize, that Edward Snowden is "already" moving congress around. They tried to unfund the NSA a little. Furthermore, there are congressmen and senators that want to investigate and also regulated the NSA-already. To make matters worse, the president himself, has two review boards, one external and one internal, to review the NSA. Now, today, in the Wall Street Journal, we find, that the United States President himself, didn't know the NSA was spying on 35 world leaders. So now, what is happening, is that the revelations of Edward Snowden-are moving the "presidency" around, to apologize to world leaders, that the president didn't even "know" were having their privacy violated.

Now here's the question. Did Edward Snowden, moving all these people around including the president now-do a public service to the United States. Because, even the president "didn't know." And as they said about Nixon, "what else don't you know." About Watergate.

Now, does the President of the United Sates, owe, Edward Snowden. Edward Snowden is forcing Mr. Obama's hand, and also, forcing him to now explain an American spying policy to world leaders. The real question is should the president, in regards to the revelations of Edward Snowden, should he tell Edward Snowden, that he is free to come back to the United States. That he will guarantee that he will avoid prosecution, if he even needs a presidential pardon-to come home. Edward Snowed, in effect, is informing the President now.

Why. Because President Obama, didn't even know what was going on. So now, can the government admit the truth? Were Edward Snowden's actions a public service-because look at what has happened, and how many people are moving on it. In other words what is Edward Snowden guilty of, when even the President didn't know.

Is President Obama "man enough" to thank Edward Snowden. Man enough, to say, "Ok, you certainly moved the govt. I guess you actions are right.What do you think the chances are of that-even for the United States of America?

Do you think they can even tell the truth in America anymore? It doesn't seem right to punish Snowden for what the President didn't know, and for moving congress.

You know what is next? Foreign leaders-will thank Edward Snowden in the long run.

And the United States? We will have to see. Definitely President Obama and the NSA are wrong. So now, it's us to the United States, to see who is "man enough" to admit it and not persecute Mr. Snowden, for a public service. You gonna what, throw him in jail, for showing the president something.

I'm from the south. Invite him home, no strings attached, and thank him also, if you are "man enough." Who in our government, man or woman, is "man enough."

If you didn't know about that one Mr. Obama, what else don't you know? All of you, owe Mr. Snowden an apology, and more and more people are becoming grateful to him.

Entry #700

Meet the 13 Senate Democrats who supported ObamaCare, and are up for re-election in 2014

The Dirty Baker's Dozen Project.

Meet the 13 Senate Democrats who supported ObamaCare, and are up for re-election in 2014

By Herman Cain (Bio and ArchivesFriday, October 25, 2013

Remember way back in the distant past - like, two weeks ago - when every Democrat on Capitol Hill was united in the determination that ObamaCare must not be changed, not be delayed, not be modified in any way, because to do so would be a dirty, nasty, right-wing Republican trick?

My. How things change. Dana Bash of CNN tweets that the 13 Democrat senators up for re-election in 2014 are suddenly singing a very different tune:

Well that’s nice of them, but these same 13 Democrats voted in 2009 to create this monstrosity in the first place. And don’t forget how that went down either. Remember that the Senate passed a version of the bill that everyone knew had major problems, taking advantage of its 60-seat, filibuster-proof majority to push the bill through. Then Senator Ted Kennedy died, and was replaced by Republican Scott Brown. That meant the Senate could no longer stop a filibuster, which it would need to do to pass any improved bill coming out of conference after the House passed its version. The only way at that point to pass ObamaCare to have the House pass the Senate bill with no changes, then abuse reconciliation rules to pass the fixes that were needed.

Abusing power is something Harry Reid is only too happy to do.

So every one of these 13 Democrats is responsible for creating the mess in which we now find ourselves. Their sudden conversion to the need for a delay is very nice, but it’s not enough. If you live in any one of these states, I urge you to vote for their Repubican opponents next year. If you do not, you could at least send the Republican candidates some money. There needs to be accountability for one’s part in creating a monster.

One other point about that: The conventional wisdom is that Republicans are silly for talking about ObamaCare repeal because they are in the minority and obviously don’t have the votes. I have a question about that: Why should Democrats not be expected to vote for repeal? ObamaCare is a disaster, and this becomes more obvious and more serious by the day. Why should it be considered acceptable that they put their party loyalty ahead of their obligation to the nation and refuse to fix this clusterfark?

Delay is not enough. And refusing to vote for repeal just because you are a Democrat is not acceptable. You are supposed to be an American first, so clean up the mess you helped to make, and stop waving your party label around as the reason you should not be expected to do so.

Here are the Dirty Baker’s Dozen:

  • Mark Begich (Alaska)
  • Mark Pryor (Arkansas)
  • Mark Udall (Colorado)
  • Mary Landrieu (Louisiana)
  • Al Franken (Minnesota)
  • Max “Trainwreck” Baucus (Montana)
  • Jeanne Shaheen (New Hampshire)
  • Tom Udall (New Mexico)
  • Kay Hagan (North Carolina)
  • Jeff Merkeley (Oregon)
  • Tim Johnson (South Dakota)
  • Mark Warner (Virginia)
  • Jay Rockefeller (West Virginia)

In addition to the Dirty Baker’s Dozen are Michigan’s Carl Levin and Iowa’s Tom Harkin, who performed long-overdue service to the nation by announcing their retirements. Whoever emerges from Republican primaries in Michigan and Iowa deserves major support.

Entry #699

Obamacare Disaster Cover-Up Now Underway W.H. To Insurance Companies: SAY NOTHING Wednesday, October

Obamacare Disaster Cover-Up Now Underway W.H. To Insurance Companies: SAY NOTHING

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Interesting insight into just how panicked the Obama administration is over Americans learning the truth regarding the president’s signature healthcare law that bears his own name. An insurance sales manager told a forum that operatives within the Obama administration requested their company not share the actual sign up numbers with the public/media. When this same manager did share those numbers, it became apparent why the administration is now engaged in a full on effort to hide the truth.

(via National Review)

Obama Administration Pressured Insurance Companies Not to Release Signup Numbers

The Obama administration is not just refusing to release Obamacare’s signup numbers, a report from North Dakota suggests, they’re pressuring insurance companies not to release them.

The Obama administration asked North Dakota’s largest health insurer not to publicize how many people have signed up for health insurance through a new online exchange, a company official says.

During a Monday forum in Fargo for people interested in signing up for coverage via the exchange, James Nichol of Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota told the crowd his company received the request from the federal government earlier Monday. Nichol is a consumer sales manager for the company.

Entry #698

Obama's Sealed Documents. WHY ?? ASK THIS SIMPLE QUESTION. WHY !!

Obama’s Sealed Documents. WHY ?? ASK THIS SIMPLE QUESTION. WHY !!

Who is Barack Obama? The scariest list of facts about President Obama you’ve ever seen …

This list is truly shocking. Take a close look at how many communists, Marxists, domestic terrorists, and America-haters are his close friends.
His records going back to childhood are sealed, and he has spent millions of tax-dollars keeping those records sealed. His very first official act as President was was seal his records. What is Obama hiding?
obama's sealed recordsSure, there’s (1) the original, long-form 1961 Hawaiian birth certificate. Then there’s:

2) Marriage license between Obama’s father (Barak Sr.) and mother (Stanley Ann Dunham)— not found, not released
3) Obama’s baptism records — sealed
4) Obama’s adoption records — sealed
5) Records of Obama’s and his mother’s reptriation as US citizens on return from Indonesia — not found, not released
6) Name change (Barry Sotero to Barack Hussein Obama) records — not found, not released
7) Noelani Elementary School (Hawaii)— not released
8) Punahou School financial aid or school records — not released
9) Occidental College financial aid records — not released.(These records were, however, subpoenaed but Obama lawyers succeeded in quashing the subpoena in court. No other Occi records have been released.)
10) Columbia College records — not released
11) Columbia senior thesis — not released
12) Harvard Law School records (not mentioned below, but not released)
13) Obama’s law client list — sealed
14) Obama’s files from career as an Illinois State Senator — sealed
15) Obama’s record with Illinois State Bar Association — sealed
16) Obama’s medical records — not released
17) Obama’s passport records — not released

Barack Obama is less of a person than an image—a brand. People see what ever they want as they do on a Rorschach test.
But does anyone really know him? In fact, he is:
* A man with no birth certificate.
* A man whose birth records, both in the United States and Kenya, are sealed by government order.
* A man whose childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, spied on U.S. military installations in Hawaii for the Soviet Union, edited a communist newspaper, authored pornographic novels, and wrote poetry in praise of Joseph Stalin.
* A man who promised transparency in government, but has spent over a million dollars in legal fees hiding information that would determine his eligibility to be President.
* A man whose academic records are sealed from kindergarten through law school.
* A bi-racial man who derided his grandmother (a bank-executive who sent him to an exclusive private school), calling her “a typical white person.”
* A man who arrived in New York in June of 1981 without enough money to get a hotel room, but one month later flew to Indonesia and Pakistan.
* Why did he go?
* Who paid his expenses?
* A man who traveled to Pakistan when it was illegal for U.S. citizens to do so. So what country’s passport did he use? And what country is he really a citizen of?—it’s not the USA.
* A man whose Law School Admission Test scores and grades at Columbia University are known to have been mediocre, but was admitted to Harvard Law School through the intervention of a Saudi named Khalid al -Mansour.
* A law review editor who never published an article in any law review.
*A law-school grad who was turned down for a lowly job as an adjunct instructor, but who was then given a corner office and a minimal teaching load (one intro course) when an unidentified person leaned on the Dean.
*An adjunct instructor who was despised by the law school faculty—the professors considered him lazy and stupid—but who is lauded by the fawning press as a “Constitutional scholar.”
* A man who has publicly called the US Constitution “fundamentally flawed.”
* A lawyer with no significant accomplishments in the law and no reputation in the legal community.
* A former State and U.S. Senator, who authored just one piece of legislation—which funded the Marxist campaign of his Kenyan cousin, Odingo.
* A former State Senator who routinely used State limosines as a place to smoke crack cocaine and engage in homosexual acts with young men, three of whom ended up shot in the back of the head (officially deemed “suicides”).
* A disciple of the Marxist Saul Alinsky.
* A product of the Chicago political machine—the most corrupt political organization in America.
* A man who selects Marxists, corrupt politicians, and criminals as his close political associates and personal friends.
* A man whose Presidential campaign was financed by Soros and Middle Eastern sources.
* A man whose presidential candidacy was endorsed by the Democratic Socialists of America, the Socialist International, and the Workers International League.
* A man lauded for the literary brilliance of two memoirs, both of which were ghostwritten by domestic terrorist Bill Ayres..
* A so-called Christian who says that knowing when human life begins is “above his pay-grade,” but somehow knows that abortion is permissible at any stage.
* A man who thinks “waterboarding” is immoral, but that partial-birth abortion is moral.
* A man who publicly laments slavery in America—which was abolished 150 years ago—but praises Islam, which still practices both slavery and the sexual mutilation of young girls.
* A man who speaks endlessly about helping the less fortunate, but gives almost none of his sizeable income to charity—not even to his half-brother, who is living in squalor in Kenya.
* A man who had the most left-wing voting record in the United State Senate, but was predicted by the press to “govern from the middle.”
* A man who has never created a job, met a payroll, or even operated a lemonade stand, but wants to tell Detroit how to make cars.
*A man whose wife (who attained a position of affluence through affirmative action) publicly proclaimed that she had never been proud of America until her husband became President.
* A President who has never before served as an executive in either the private or the public sector.
* A Commander-in-Chief who doesn’t know how to shoot a rifle, throw a hand-grenade, drive a tank, fly a plane, or con a ship.
* A Commander-in-Chief who has publicly divulged some of our nation’s most important intelligence secrets.
* A man who has been put in charge of the largest economic engine that ever existed, but has never invested in the stock market and admits total ignorance of it.
* A President who says that science will guide his administration, but has no education in the sciences.
* A man praised for his public speaking skills who is proficient in reading what is written for him on a teleprompter, but who jerks and stammers his way through any off-the-cuff speaking.
* A man who requires a teleprompter in order to be able to speak for five minutes to a class of kindergartners.
* A man whose health records are sealed from childhood to the present day.
* A man who spent 20 years in a church whose pastor espouses Marxist Liberation Theology, anti-Americanism, anti-capitalism, and anti-Semitism, but claims he never heard his pastor utter anti-American, and anti-Semitic statements.
* A man who added more to the National Debt in 120 days than all other Presidents did in the past 220 years, yet feels qualified to lecture Americans about “fiscal responsibility.”
* A man who publicly expressed disdain for the U.S. Constitution on a Chicago radio station because it limited the government’s ability to “redistribute wealth.”
* A man who sits and listens submissively while his country is castigated by Daniel Ortega—a Communist thug whose own daughter accused him of raping her.
* A narcissist who gave the Queen of England a present from the United States—an iPod containing recordings of his own speeches.
* A so-called Christian who officially declared “Pride Month” for a lifestyle that the Bible calls an abomination.
* A man who wanted Americans to ignore his Muslim name during his election campaign, yet boasts of his Muslim name when he travels to Muslim countries.
* A man who can name hundreds of America’s shortcomings, yet none of its great accomplishments.
* A President who claims the moral high ground by closing Gitmo yet supports the transfer of terror suspects to countries where horrific torture is certain.
* A President who scoffed at being called a socialist yet acted to nationalize the auto industry, the banking industry, and the insurance industry . . . and now seeks to nationalize the healthcare industry.
* A President who violates private property rights, the sanctity of contracts, and the rule of law—three essential principles that go back over a thousand years in the Common Law tradition.
* A man who promised 95% of all Americans a tax cut, but is increasing taxes on 100% of the population through inflation—the cruelest tax of all.
* A lawyer who represented ACORN—an organization now indicted in several states for voter fraud—whose stated goal is to get as many people on welfare as possible in order to destroy our financial system.
* A President who cheated GM’s bondholders by giving their property to the UAW in a political payoff.
* An American President who frequently criticizes his own country when speaking in foreign countries, but never praises America’s generosity, goodness or greatness.
* A President whose Secretary of the Treasury cheated on his taxes—as did several other appointees and advisors.
* A President who scoffs at being called a socialist, yet has appointed 28 “Czars” to circumvent constitutional government, including: a“Science Czar” who has advocated compulsory abortions for American women and the “surrender of sovereignty” to a “comprehensive Planetary Regime;” a“Green Jobs Czar” who is a self-professed communist; a “Pay Czar” to unconstitutionally micro-manage the pay of corporate executives.
* A President who swore an oath to “preserve, protect and defend the constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic,” yet who placed a domestic enemy of the Constitution (Sotomayor) to the Supreme Court.
* A President whose Homeland Security Chief classified pro-lifers, veterans, and supporters of traditional marriage as terrorists.
* A President who stood silent while the Iranian government hacked unarmed protestors to death with axes, because it was an internal matter, but freely offers his opinions about the internal affairs of Israel and Honduras.
* A President who decreed that true acts of terrorism must now be described as “man-made disasters.”
* A President who, on national television, called Special Olympians “retards.”
* A President who refused to intercept or inspect a North Korean ship virtually certain to be carrying Weapons of Mass Destruction to Burma.
* A President who wants to cancel all missile defenses while rogue nations are developing long-range ballistic missiles.
* An American President who blames the violence in Mexico on America.
* A Commander in Chief who claims to have been unaware that Air Force One was taken on a terrifying, low-level photo-op over Manhattan.
* A President who berates American CEO’s for flying in private planes at private expense on company business, but whose wife spends hundreds of thousands tax payer dollars flying to Paris for shopping sprees.
* A President who promised a transparent administration, but requires all questions be screened before “impromptu” appearances.
* A man who freely admitted that his energy policies are designed to bankrupt the American coal industry.
* A President who has presided over the loss of 14.7 million jobs and whose “energy policy” will cause the loss of another 1 million jobs.
* A President whose “energy policy” will increase the average American’s utility bills by over $2,000 a year in the middle of the Great Recession.
* A President whose caucus rammed through unconstitutional “healthcare reform” which nationalizes almost one-fifth of the Americn economy.
* A President who is by definition a fascist, as his unconstitutional takeover of the healthcare industry, the auto industry, and the the financial and banking industry, has effectively nationalized one-half of the American economy.
The vast majority of Americans do not know who he is, but someone surely does.
* Someone paid for his travel expenses to Pakistan and Indonesia.
* Someone engineered legal challenges to all of his election opponents for the State Senate and had them disqualified.
* Someone straightened and leveled his path to the U.S. Senate when a Democrat Judge made public the sealed child custody records of his Republican opponent. When he was a candidate for the U.S. Senate, someone arranged for him to speak at the 2004 Democratic National Convention.
* Someone saw to it that all of his records were sealed, both at home and abroad. Someone assembled the massive organization for his run for the Presidency. Someone knows all about him.

Obama has Paid the law firm of Perkins Coie, a single law firm, $2.3 million since he announced his campaign for presidency. Blocking dodging and weaving!!

Entry #697

Loser Obama On Fixing His Loser Website After 3 Straight Weeks Of Total Failure: 'We Are Doing Every

Loser Obama On Fixing His Loser Website After 3 Straight Weeks Of Total Failure: ‘We Are Doing Everything Possible We Can’

Monday, October 21, 2013


Excerpted from The Hill: President Obama said Monday his administration was spearheading a “tech surge” to fix the problems plaguing the online ObamaCare insurance exchanges.

“We are doing everything we can possibly do to get the websites working better, faster, sooner,” the president said, adding that the White House had recruited the “best and brightest” from the private sector to help tackle the technical problems.

“No one is madder than me that the website isn’t working as it should — which means it’s going to get fixed,” Obama declared.

The president’s reassurances come at a critical time for the president’s signature program. Fear is growing among the administration and Democratic allies that a steady beat of stories detailing problems with the website could lead many Americans to just give up on trying to secure coverage, undermining the potential of the healthcare reform law.

Obama on Monday admitted that the website’s rocky rollout “makes supporters nervous” because it provides fuel to Republican criticism that the expansive program was too unwieldy. He said there was “no sugarcoating” how bad initial impressions of the website had been, and said there was “no excuse” for the “kinks” that remained.

Facing that challenge, Obama adopted the role of pitchman, insisting that the insurance available under the program was worth fighting through a sign-up process that “hasn’t worked as smoothly as it’s supposed to work.”

“The product, the health insurance, is good. The prices are good. It is a good deal. People don’t just want it, they’re showing up to buy it,” Obama said.

Insisting that the Affordable Care Act was “much more” than “just a website,” Obama rattled off examples of Americans saving money on insurance plans that offered greater coverage. He said the consumer protections and benefits at the core of the program were good enough that Americans should remain patient.

“The point is, the essence of the law, the health insurance that is available to people, is working just fine,” Obama argued. Keep reading


Entry #696

Pentagon Warns Of Radical Changes Coming To The U.S. In The Next Fortnight ( Make VIRAL ! )

Pentagon Warns Of Radical Changes Coming To The U.S. In The Next Fortnight ( Make Viral ! )

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Pentagon Warns Of “Radical Changes” Coming To The U.S. In The Next FortnightBy Kevin E Lake

A frighteningly serious “urgent bulletin” issued earlier today by certain sects within European government branches states that information has been received from main intelligence sources warning to expect a “radical change” in the government of the United States, possibly within the next fortnight, based on information they have received from “highly placed” sources within the the U.S. Department of Defense.

According to the bulletin, intelligence assets were notified by their Pentagon counterparts this past week that U.S. President Barack Obama is preparing to invoke the powers given to him under 50 USC Chapter 13 to hold that various American States are now in a “state of insurrection.” This will allow him to invoke the National Emergencies Act under 50 USC § 1621 and in turn invoke the highly controversial “continuity of government” plan for the United States allowing him, to rule with supreme powers.

What is the “continuity of government” plan? In essence, it was an emergency plan created by top government and corporate officials, Former U.S. Defense Secretaries Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney being two of them (Chaney also served as vice-president under U.S. President George W. Bush) in which a “shadow government” takes control should any natural or man-made catastrophe afflict the U.S. The plan was created shortly after the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan.

One of the most alarming aspects of the plan, is that Congress is not re-activated or acknowledged even if it is still in existence. Creators of the plan used the excuse that “it might take too long to find the members of congress” after a catastrophe, so all power is simply given to the President, who becomes supreme leader.

The reason President Obama is considering declaring a National State of Emergency, according to the bulletin, was outlined yesterday by Obama’s US Treasury Department, which released a report warning of potentially “catastrophic” damage should Congress fail to raise the debt ceiling and prevent the government from defaulting on its debt.

Many people believe that China is flexing its military muscles right now, in preparation for a U.S. invasion should the Obama regime default on payment. If the U.S. defaults, it would be the first time in the nation’s history. Read more here: Obama to Cause U.S. to Default on Credit For First Time In Nation’s History Spiraling Milk to $100 a Gallon

Entry #695