CajunWin4's Blog

Here are 5 job stats Obama won't tell you about

Here are 5 job stats Obama won’t tell you about



Clearly this administration has no concern about a vigilant media because they have just decided to say all the scandals facing this administration are ‘phony’ scandals. Obama went on to say he is pivoting to the economy – this is actually the nineteenth time he’s done so. How many chances do we give this guy to help the economy? Stu took a look at the stats on radio this morning.

“This 19th pivot to the economy,” Stu explained. “And again, I feel the need to point this out every time: 19th time, not a joke, the actual number of times they’ve said they’ve pivoted back to the economy because that’s the real issue that Americans care about. If the Americans -- if it was true and you gave a crap about the economy, you wouldn’t need to pivot to it 19 times; you’d pivot to it once and try to fix it. Instead you keep pivoting to it because all of your attempts fail. Over and over again there’s a long legacy of failure 18 times. So the 19th time was just because you failed 18 other times. It is embarrassing.”

To explain how badly the Obama administration has failed to fix the economy, Stu read some of the facts that Obama left out (via AEI) of his speech yesterday:

1. Over 69 percent of the jobs created in Q2 2013 and over 57 percent of all the jobs created in the first half of 2013 were created in the three lowest wage sub-sectors of the economy, Retail Trade, Administrative and Waste Services, and Leisure and Hospitality, that otherwise account for an aggregate of only 33 percent of all private sector jobs.

2. These jobs, in the aggregate, pay an average of only $15.80 per hour, compared with the other two-thirds of private sector jobs, which pay $27.16 per hour. Relative to unemployment benefits and other assistance, jobs at $15.80 per hour put less than $3.00/hour more in the pockets of a newly working consumer.

3. About half of the jobs created during the first half of 2013, and a large majority of the jobs created in Q2 2013, appear to have been part-time jobsthat offer employees as little as one hour of work per week, and up to 35 hours of work.

4. After falling from a recession high of 9.2 million to a post-recession low of 7.6 million at the end of Q1 2013, the number of people saying they are working part time because they can’t find full time work (part time for economic reasons) crept back up to 8.2 million, double pre-recession levels.

5. Nearly 100 percent of the decline in the U-3 unemployment rate has been the result of there being fewer workers in the labor force as a percentage of the employable population. If the Labor Force Participation Rate had not fallen from October 2009, when unemployment hit its Great Recession peak of 10 percent, unemployment would today still be around 10 percent. Moreover, if the LFPR were held constant from its highest pre-recession level of 66.40 percent in January 2007 (when unemployment was 4.6 percent), the U-3 unemployment rate would be nearly 12 percent today. 

“You get to the point where you just have lost all confidence in the media to do anything sensible,” Stu said. “And you wonder, like, is it because you have a bunch of hardcore socialists in the media?  Umm, well, yes.  But secondly, secondarily, because they lean left, they don’t even attempt to understand the arguments of people that are conservative and they stretch so far to justify the failures of the administration.  They look at this president’s record, and anytime they can carve out anything that wasn’t his fault.”

Entry #634

Snowden's Dad SCHOOLS Obama, Pelosi, and Holder in Open Letter

(Make this Go Viral - Repost before Barry's Internet Gestop takes it down and keep Reposting )



Dear Mr. President:

You are acutely aware that the history of liberty is a history of civil disobedience to unjust laws or practices. As Edmund Burke sermonized, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

Civil disobedience is not the first, but the last option. Henry David Thoreau wrote with profound restraint in Civil Disobedience: “If the injustice is part of the necessary friction of the machine of government, let it go, let it go: perchance it will wear smooth certainly the machine will wear out. If the injustice has a spring, or a pulley, or a rope, or a crank, exclusively for itself, then perhaps you may consider whether the remedy will not be worse than the evil; but if it is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law. Let your life be a counter friction to stop the machine.”

Thoreau’s moral philosophy found expression during the Nuremburg trials in which “following orders” was rejected as a defense. Indeed, military law requires disobedience to clearly illegal orders.

A dark chapter in America’s World War II history would not have been written if the then United States Attorney General had resigned rather than participate in racist concentration camps imprisoning 120,000 Japanese American citizens and resident aliens.

Civil disobedience to the Fugitive Slave Act and Jim Crow laws provoked the end of slavery and the modern civil rights revolution.

We submit that Edward J. Snowden’s disclosures of dragnet surveillance of Americans under § 215 of the Patriot Act, § 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Amendments, or otherwise were sanctioned by Thoreau’s time-honored moral philosophy and justifications for civil disobedience. Since 2005, Mr. Snowden had been employed by the intelligence community. He found himself complicit in secret, indiscriminate spying on millions of innocent citizens contrary to the spirit if not the letter of the First and Fourth Amendments and the transparency indispensable to self-government. Members of Congress entrusted with oversight remained silent or Delphic. Mr. Snowden confronted a choice between civic duty and passivity. He may have recalled the injunction of Martin Luther King, Jr.: “He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it.” Mr. Snowden chose duty. Your administration vindictively responded with a criminal complaint alleging violations of the Espionage Act.

From the commencement of your administration, your secrecy of the National Security Agency’s Orwellian surveillance programs had frustrated a national conversation over their legality, necessity, or morality. That secrecy (combined with congressional nonfeasance) provoked Edward’s disclosures, which sparked a national conversation which you have belatedly and cynically embraced. Legislation has been introduced in both the House of Representatives and Senate to curtail or terminate the NSA’s programs, and the American people are being educated to the public policy choices at hand. A commanding majority now voice concerns over the dragnet surveillance of Americans that Edward exposed and you concealed. It seems mystifying to us that you are prosecuting Edward for accomplishing what you have said urgently needed to be done!

The right to be left alone from government snooping–the most cherished right among civilized people—is the cornerstone of liberty. Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson served as Chief Prosecutor at Nuremburg. He came to learn of the dynamics of the Third Reich that crushed a free society, and which have lessons for the United States today.

Writing in Brinegar v. United States, Justice Jackson elaborated:

    The Fourth Amendment states: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

These, I protest, are not mere second-class rights but belong in the catalog of indispensable freedoms. Among deprivations of rights, none is so effective in cowing a population, crushing the spirit of the individual and putting terror in every heart. Uncontrolled search and seizure is one of the first and most effective weapons in the arsenal of every arbitrary government. And one need only briefly to have dwelt and worked among a people possessed of many admirable qualities but deprived of these rights to know that the human personality deteriorates and dignity and self-reliance disappear where homes, persons and possessions are subject at any hour to unheralded search and seizure by the police.

We thus find your administration’s zeal to punish Mr. Snowden’s discharge of civic duty to protect democratic processes and to safeguard liberty to be unconscionable and indefensible.

We are also appalled at your administration’s scorn for due process, the rule of law, fairness, and the presumption of innocence as regards Edward.

On June 27, 2013, Mr. Fein wrote a letter to the Attorney General stating that Edward’s father was substantially convinced that he would return to the United States to confront the charges that have been lodged against him if three cornerstones of due process were guaranteed. The letter was not an ultimatum, but an invitation to discuss fair trial imperatives. The Attorney General has sneered at the overture with studied silence.

We thus suspect your administration wishes to avoid a trial because of constitutional doubts about application of the Espionage Act in these circumstances, and obligations to disclose to the public potentially embarrassing classified information under the Classified Information Procedures Act.

Entry #633

80% Of US Adults Are Near Poverty, Rely On Welfare, Or Are Unemployed

80% Of US Adults Are Near Poverty, Rely On Welfare, Or Are Unemployed

July 29, 2013

Source: Zero Hedge

Despite consumer confidence at a six-year high, the latest AP survey of the real America shows a stunning four out of five U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, are near poverty, or rely on welfare for at least parts of their lives amid signs of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream. Hardship is particularly on the rise among whites, based on several measures. Pessimism among whites about their families' economic futures has climbed to the highest point since at least 1987.

"Poverty is no longer an issue of 'them', it's an issue of 'us'," as 'the invisible poor' - lower income whites - are generally dispersed in suburbs (Appalachia, the industrial Midwest, and across America's heartland, from Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma up through the Great Plains) where more than 60% of the poor are white.

More than 19 million whites fall below the poverty line of $23,021 for a family of four - accounting for more than 41% of the nation's destitute - nearly double the number of poor blacks and as one survey respondent noted "I think it's going to get worse."

Via AP,


Hardship is particularly on the rise among whites, based on several measures. Pessimism among that racial group about their families' economic futures has climbed to the highest point since at least 1987. In the most recent AP-GfK poll, 63 percent of whites called the economy "poor."


"If you do try to go apply for a job, they're not hiring people, and they're not paying that much to even go to work," she said. Children, she said, have "nothing better to do than to get on drugs."


Economic insecurity among whites also is more pervasive than is shown in government data, engulfing more than 76 percent of white adults by the time they turn 60, according to a new economic gauge being published next year by the Oxford University Press.


"It's time that America comes to understand that many of the nation's biggest disparities, from education and life expectancy to poverty, are increasingly due to economic class position," said William Julius Wilson, a Harvard professor who specializes in race and poverty.




"There is the real possibility that white alienation will increase if steps are not taken to highlight and address inequality on a broad front,"


"Poverty is no longer an issue of 'them', it's an issue of 'us'," says Mark Rank, a professor at Washington University in St. Louis who calculated the numbers.


Among the findings:

For the first time since 1975, the number of white single-mother households who were living in poverty with children surpassed or equaled black ones in the past decade, spurred by job losses and faster rates of out-of-wedlock births among whites. White single-mother families in poverty stood at nearly 1.5 million in 2011, comparable to the number for blacks. Hispanic single-mother families in poverty trailed at 1.2 million.

The share of children living in high-poverty neighborhoods — those with poverty rates of 30 percent or more — has increased to 1 in 10, putting them at higher risk of teen pregnancy or dropping out of school. Non-Hispanic whites accounted for 17 percent of the child population in such neighborhoods, up from 13 percent in 2000, even though the overall proportion of white children in the U.S. has been declining.


The share of black children in high-poverty neighborhoods dropped sharply, from 43 percent to 37 percent, while the share of Latino children ticked higher, from 38 to 39 percent.


Going back to the 1980s, never have whites been so pessimistic about their futures.

All this despite Jack Lew's insistence on this morning's Meet The Press that this recovery is 'not anemic', six year highs in consumer confidence, and all-time-highs in US equity markets.


Entry #632

Why are you mad , Mr. Ptesidents ?

Why are you mad , Mr. Ptesidents ?


• I'm a RACIST for criticizing Obama.
• I'm a TERRORIST because I'm not afraid to stand up for what's right.
• I'm a TEA-BAGGER for supporting the Constitution.
•I'm a TROUBLEMAKER for asking unanswered questions.
• I'm a TRAITOR for blowing the whistle on my corrupt government.
• I'm a CONSPIRACY THEORIST for presenting documented facts.
• I'm a TROLL for uploading news, videos, quotes and U.S. atrocities.
• I'm ANTI- AMERICAN for supporting Constitutionalists.
• I'm a RACIST for criticizing Obama. • I'm a TERRORIST because I'm not afraid to stand up for what's right. • I'm a TEA-BAGGER for supporting the Constitution. • I'm a TROUBLEMAKER for asking unanswered questions. • I'm a TRAITOR for blowing the whistle on my corrupt government. • I'm a CONSPIRACY THEORIST for presenting documented facts. • I'm a TROLL for uploading news, videos, quotes and U.S. atrocities. • I'm ANTI- AMERICAN for supporting Constitutionalists. GUILTY AS CHARGED!!
Entry #631

RACISM & The Democrat Party

RACISM & The Democrat Party

Posted by FactReal on January 21, 2013

In his 2007 article, Bruce Bartlett reminded us of the racist history of the Democratic Party: “[Democrats] were openly and explicitly for slavery before the Civil War, supported lynching and “Jim Crow” laws after the war, and regularly defended segregation and white supremacy throughout most of the 20th century.”


Bartlett also provided a list of racist quotes from prominent Democrats:

“I am a former Kleagle [recruiter] of the Ku Klux Klan in Raleigh County. . . . The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia. It is necessary that the order be promoted immediately and in every state in the union.”

–Robert C. Byrd, 1946 Democratic Senator from West Virginia, 1959-present Senate Majority Leader, 1977-80 and 1987-88 Senate President Pro Tempore, 1989-95, 2001-03, 2007-present His portrait stands in the U.S. Capitol.

President Truman’s civil rights program “is a farce and a sham–an effort to set up a police state in the guise of liberty. I am opposed to that program. I have voted against the so-called poll tax repeal bill. . .. I have voted against the so-called anti-lynching bill.”

–Rep. Lyndon B. Johnson (D., Texas), 1948 U.S. Senator, 1949-61
Senate Majority Leader, 1955-61 President, 1963-69

“This is a white man’s country, and will always remain a white man’s country.”

–Rep. James F. Byrnes (D., S.C.), 1919 Appointed to the Supreme Court by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1941 Appointed Secretary of State by Harry S. Truman in 1945

“This passport which you have given me is a symbol to me of the passport which you have given me before. I do not feel that it would be out of place to state to you here on this occasion that I know that without the support of the members of this organization I would not have been called, even by my enemies, the ‘Junior Senator from Alabama.’ “

–Hugo Black, accepting a life membership in the Ku Klux Klan upon his election to the U.S. Senate as a Democrat from Alabama, 1926 Appointed to the Supreme Court by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1937

“You cannot go into a Dunkin’ Donuts or a 7-Eleven unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

“My state was a slave state. My state is a border state. My state has the eighth largest black population in the country. My state is anything [but] a Northeastern liberal state.”

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African American [Barack Obama] who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy.”

“There’s less than 1% of the population of Iowa that is African American. There is probably less than 4% or 5% that is, are minorities. What is it in Washington? So look, it goes back to what you start off with, what you’re dealing with.”

Sen. Joseph Biden Jr., (D., Del.), 2006-07 Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary, 1987-95 Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations Candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, 2008

If blacks were given the right to vote, that would “place every splay-footed, bandy-shanked, hump-backed, thick-lipped, flat-nosed, woolly-headed, ebon-colored Negro in the country upon an equality with the poor white man.”

–Rep. Andrew Johnson, (D., Tenn.), 1844 President, 1865-69

Blacks “are inferior to the whites in the endowments of both of body and mind.”

–Thomas Jefferson, 1787 Co-founder of the Democratic Party (along with Andrew Jackson) President, 1801-09

“I hold that the present state of civilization, where two races of different origin, and distinguished by color, and other physical differences, as well as intellectual, are brought together, the relation now existing in the slaveholding states between the two, is, instead of an evil, a good–a positive good.”

–Sen. John C. Calhoun (D., S.C.), 1837 Vice President, 1825-32
His statue stands in the U.S. Capitol.

“Resolved, That the Democratic Party will resist all attempts at renewing, in Congress or out of it, the agitation of the slavery question, under whatever shape or color the attempt may be made.”

–Platform of the Democratic Party, 1852

Blacks are “a subordinate and inferior class of beings who had been subjugated by the dominant race.”

–Chief Justice Roger Taney, Dred Scott v. Sandford, 1856 Appointed Attorney General by Andrew Jackson in 1831 Appointed Secretary of the Treasury by Andrew Jackson in 1833 Appointed to the Supreme Court by Andrew Jackson in 1836

“Resolved, That claiming fellowship with, and desiring the co-operation of all who regard the preservation of the Union under the Constitution as the paramount issue–and repudiating all sectional parties and platforms concerning domestic slavery, which seek to embroil the States and incite to treason and armed resistance to law in the Territories; and whose avowed purposes, if consummated, must end in civil war and disunion, the American Democracy recognize and adopt the principles contained in the organic laws establishing the Territories of Kansas and Nebraska as embodying the only sound and safe solution of the ‘slavery question’ upon which the great national idea of the people of this whole country can repose in its determined conservatism of the Union–NON-INTERFERENCE BY CONGRESS WITH SLAVERY IN STATE AND TERRITORY, OR IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA” (emphasis in original).

–Platform of the Democratic Party, 1856

“I hold that a Negro is not and never ought to be a citizen of the United States. I hold that this government was made on the white basis; made by the white men, for the benefit of white men and their posterity forever, and should be administered by white men and none others.”

–Sen. Stephen A. Douglas (D., Ill.), 1858 Presidential nominee of the Democratic Party, 1860

“Resolved, That the enactments of the State Legislatures to defeat the faithful execution of the Fugitive Slave Law, are hostile in character, subversive of the Constitution, and revolutionary in their effect.”

–Platform of the Democratic Party, 1860

“The Almighty has fixed the distinction of the races; the Almighty has made the black man inferior, and, sir, by no legislation, by no military power, can you wipe out this distinction.”

–Rep. Fernando Wood (D., N.Y.), 1865 Mayor of New York City, 1855-58, 1860-62

“My fellow citizens, I have said that the contest before us was one for the restoration of our government; it is also one for the restoration of our race. It is to prevent the people of our race from being exiled from their homes–exiled from the government which they formed and created for themselves and for their children, and to prevent them from being driven out of the country or trodden under foot by an inferior and barbarous race.”

–Francis P. Blair Jr., accepting the Democratic nomination for Vice President, 1868 Democratic Senator from Missouri, 1869-72His statue stands in the U.S. Capitol.

“Instead of restoring the Union, it [the Republican Party] has, so far as in its power, dissolved it, and subjected ten states, in time of profound peace, to military despotism and Negro supremacy.”

–Platform of the Democratic Party, 1868

“While the tendency of the white race is upward, the tendency of the colored race is downward.”

–Sen. Thomas Hendricks (D., Ind.), 1869 Democratic nominee for Vice President, 1876 Vice President, 1885

“We, the delegates of the Democratic party of the United States . . . demand such modification of the treaty with the Chinese Empire, or such legislation within constitutional limitations, as shall prevent further importation or immigration of the Mongolian race.”

–Platform of the Democratic Party, 1876

“No more Chinese immigration, except for travel, education, and foreign commerce, and that even carefully guarded.”

–Platform of the Democratic Party, 1880

“American civilization demands that against the immigration or importation of Mongolians to these shores our gates be closed.”

–Platform of the Democratic Party, 1884

“We favor the continuance and strict enforcement of the Chinese exclusion law, and its application to the same classes of all Asiatic races.”

–Platform of the Democratic Party, 1900

“The repeal of the fifteenth amendment, one of the greatest blunders and therefore one of the greatest crimes in political history, is a consummation to be devoutly wished for.”

–Rep. John Sharpe Williams (D., Miss.), 1903 House Minority Leader, 1903-08

“Republicanism means Negro equality, while the Democratic Party means that the white man is supreme. That is why we Southerners are all Democrats.”

–Sen. Ben Tillman (D., S.C.), 1906 Chairman, Committee on Naval Affairs, 1913-19

“We are opposed to the admission of Asiatic immigrants who can not be amalgamated with our population, or whose presence among us would raise a race issue and involve us in diplomatic controversies with Oriental powers.”

–Platform of the Democratic Party, 1908

“I am opposed to the practice of having colored policemen in the District [of Columbia]. It is a source of danger by constantly engendering racial friction, and is offensive to thousands of Southern white people who make their homes here.”

–Sen. Hoke Smith (D., Ga.), 1912 Appointed Secretary of the Interior by Grover Cleveland in 1893

“The South is serious with regard to its attitude to the Negro in politics. The South understands this subject, and its policy is unalterable and uncompromising. We desire no concessions. We seek no sops. We grasp no shadows on this subject. We take no risks. We abhor a Northern policy of catering to the Negro in politics just as we abhor a Northern policy of social equality.”

–Josephus Daniels, editor, Raleigh News & Observer, 1912
Appointed Secretary of the Navy by Woodrow Wilson in 1913 Appointed Ambassador to Mexico by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933 USS Josephus Daniels named for him by the Johnson Administration in 1965

“The Negro as a race, in all the ages of the world, has never shown sustained power of self-development. He is not endowed with the creative faculty. . . . He has never created for himself any civilization. . . . He has never had any civilization except that which has been inculcated by a superior race. And it is a lamentable fact that his civilization lasts only so long as he is in the hands of the white man who inculcates it. When left to himself he has universally gone back to the barbarism of the jungle.”

–Sen. James Vardaman (D., Miss.), 1914 Chairman, Committee on Natural Resources, 1913-19

“Slavery among the whites was an improvement over independence in Africa. The very progress that the blacks have made, when–and only when–brought into contact with the whites, ought to be a sufficient argument in support of white supremacy–it ought to be sufficient to convince even the blacks themselves.”

–William Jennings Bryan, 1923 Presidential nominee of the Democratic Party, 1896, 1900 and 1908 Appointed Secretary of State by Woodrow Wilson in 1913 His statue stands in the U.S. Capitol.

“Anyone who has traveled to the Far East knows that the mingling of Asiatic blood with European or American blood produces, in nine cases out of ten, the most unfortunate results. . . . The argument works both ways. I know a great many cultivated, highly educated and delightful Japanese. They have all told me that they would feel the same repugnance and objection to have thousands of Americans settle in Japan and intermarry with the Japanese as I would feel in having large numbers of Japanese coming over here and intermarry with the American population. In this question, then, of Japanese exclusion from the United States it is necessary only to advance the true reason–the undesirability of mixing the blood of the two peoples. . . . The Japanese people and the American people are both opposed to intermarriage of the two races–there can be no quarrel there.”

–Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1925 President, 1933-45

“Mr. President, the crime of lynching . . . is not of sufficient importance to justify this legislation.”

–Sen. Claude Pepper (D., Fla.), 1938 Spoken while engaged in a six-hour speech against the antilynching bill

“There is no warrant for the curious notion that Christianity favors the involuntary commingling of the races in social institutions. Although He knew both Jews and Samaritans and the relations existing between them, Christ did not advocate that courts or legislative bodies should compel them to mix socially against their will.”

–Sen. Sam Ervin (D., N.C.), 1955 Chairman, Committee on Government Operations, 1971-75

“The decline and fall of the Roman empire came after years of intermarriage with other races. Spain was toppled as a world power as a result of the amalgamation of the races. . . . Certainly history shows that nations composed of a mongrel race lose their strength and become weak, lazy and indifferent.”

–Herman E. Talmadge, 1955 Democratic Senator from Georgia, 1957-81
Chairman, Committee on Agriculture, 1971-81

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don’t move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there’ll be no way of stopping them, we’ll lose the filibuster and there’ll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It’ll be Reconstruction all over again.”

–Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson (D., Texas), 1957

“I have never seen very many white people who felt they were being imposed upon or being subjected to any second-class citizenship if they were directed to a waiting room or to any other public facility to wait or to eat with other white people. Only the Negroes, of all the races which are in this land,
publicly proclaim they are being mistreated, imposed upon, and declared second-class citizens because they must go to public facilities with members of their own race.”

–Sen. Richard B. Russell Jr. (D., Ga.), 1961 The Russell Senate Office Building is named for him.

“I did not lie awake at night worrying about the problems of Negroes.”

–Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, 1961 Kennedy later authorized wiretapping the phones and bugging the hotel rooms of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

“I’m not going to use the federal government’s authority deliberately to circumvent the natural inclination of people to live in ethnically homogeneous neighborhoods. . . . I have nothing against a community that’s made up of people who are Polish or Czechoslovakian or French-Canadian or blacks who are trying to maintain the ethnic purity of their neighborhoods.”

–Jimmy Carter, 1976 President, 1977-81 Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, 2002

“The Confederate Memorial has had a special place in my life for many years. . . . There were many, many times that I found myself drawn to this deeply inspiring memorial, to contemplate the sacrifices of others, several of whom were my ancestors, whose enormous suffering and collective gallantry are to this day still misunderstood by most Americans.”

–James Webb, 1990 Now a Democratic Senator from Virginia

“Everybody likes to go to Geneva. I used to do it for the Law of the Sea conferences and you’d find these potentates from down in Africa, you know, rather than eating each other, they’d just come up and get a good square meal in Geneva.”

–Sen. Ernest F. Hollings (D., S.C.) 1993 Chairman, Commerce Committee, 1987-95 and 2001-03 Candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, 1984

“I do not think it is an exaggeration at all to say to my friend from West Virginia [Sen. Robert C. Byrd, a former Ku Klux Klan recruiter] that he would have been a great senator at any moment. . . . He would have been right during the great conflict of civil war in this nation.”

–Sen. Christopher Dodd (D., Conn.), 2004 Chairman, Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, 2008

“It has of late become the custom of the men of the South to speak with entire candor of the settled and deliberate policy of suppressing the negro vote. They have been forced to choose between a policy of manifest injustice toward the blacks and the horrors of negro rule. They chose to disfranchise the negroes. That was manifestly the lesser of two evils. . . . The Republican Party committed a great public crime when it gave the right of suffrage to the blacks. . . . So long as the Fifteenth Amendment stands, the menace of the rule of the blacks will impend, and the safeguards against it must be maintained.”

–Editorial, “The Political Future of the South,” New York Times, May 10, 1900

Source: Bruce Bartlett, ‘Whitewash: The racist history the Democratic Party wants you to forget,’ The Wall Street Journal, December 24, 2007 
Entry #630

Key Benghazi Witness Found

Key Benghazi Witness Found

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Testifying to Congress today behind closed doors

bristol landscape


Garth Kant

A highly sought witness in the Benghazi investigation is scheduled to testify this morning behind closed doors in Congress, WND has learned

Marine Col. George Bristol is considered a key witness because he may be able to shed light on why no U.S. military help was sent when the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, came under attack on Sept. 11, 2012.

The U.S. ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, and three other Americans died in the attack.

Congressional investigators have been trying to locate Bristol for months. As commander of Joint Special Operations Task Force-Trans Sahara, he knew what military options the U.S. had when the compound in Benghazi came under attack.

Bristol is scheduled to testify this morning before a closed session of the House Intelligence Committee.

Investigators could not find him because Defense Department officials told members of Congress he had retired in March and could not be forced to testify.

Read More Here

Reposted with permission.

Entry #629

Could There Be A Military Coup in America ?

“Could There Be A Military Coup in America Against the Obama Dictatorship”???????

Wednesday, July 24, 2013
  1. military coup ('m?l?t?r? ku?)




    1. a coup organized and carried out by members of the armed forces

    The definition seems simple enough to understand, then why can’t the Obama administration understand that what happened in Egypt was a ‘military coup’?


The answer is they do understand, but are hoping U.S. Military Commanders are not paying attention and listening.


Could a military coup happen in America, during the reign of Dictator Obama? This would lead to extreme violence in America and I hope it never comes to this, but there are without a doubt U.S. military Generals who are not happy with the Communist run style he is running our government.


Obama is leading our country in the wrong direction. For those who are keeping up with current times and issues, it is no secret Obama and his flunkies do not like America, and I would go as far as saying Obama hates this beautiful country.


What would it be like if U.S. military leaders decided to oust Dictator Obama. Many people believe it would take an enormous amount of money, personnel, and time. In reality it would happen just as fast as it did in Egypt.


Are there U.S. Generals who would take this drastic step to save America. At this time I do not believe there are military leaders who would risk their careers to save America. I do believe there are U.S. Generals who despise Obama and his anti-American leadership methods.


If martial law were ever declared by Dictator Obama, I believe this would be the turning point in the decision making process of American Generals. U.S. military leaders have always acted on what is in the best interest of our country. They would not allow it to be destroyed by self interest mongers such as the Obama administration, the liberal media, and Islamic based terrorist supporters in America.


During a military coup it would take the public opinion of the public to push American Generals forward. This happened in Egypt. A military coup would lead to violence in America as we have not seen since the civil war.


Do readers think Dictator Obama and his crew have not thought about the possibility his own military could attempt a coup? There is little doubt they have. This is the only reason Obama attempts to placate U.S. military personnel. He needs them on his side if he is to succeed in destroying America.


The big question is, would military leaders in America have enough public support to carry out such an operation? Publicly most Americans would say no, but I believe behind the scenes at least 50% of the population would.


Islam and their supporting liberals are doing their very best to destroy America. Will it can? Will U.S. military leaders allow it to happen?


For our children I hope military leaders do not have to engage in a military coup in America. The only true victims in any war are the children.


Dave G.

Entry #628

Further Evidence Obama Orchestrated IRS Targeting of Tea Party Groups?

Further Evidence Obama Orchestrated IRS Targeting of Tea Party Groups?

Posted by Dave Jolly

In his usual ‘not me’ fashion, President Barack Obama claimed he had no knowledge of the IRS targeting of tea party and conservative groups until just before the public announcement. With the mounting evidence, I find Obama’s denials to be a lie and offensive to the American people.  He is not enough of a man to own up to his mistakes when caught with his hand in the cookie jar.  Instead, he tells America it’s someone else’s hand and not his.

On May 31, I provided evidence that IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman had visited the White House more than any other Cabinet member.  In fact, he visited the White House more times than the combined visits of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius and former Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano.  It’s hard to believe that Obama had no clue what was going on in the IRS when he spent more time with IRS leadership than with anyone else in the Cabinet.

Washington IRS officials tried to lay the blame for the targeting on the Cincinnati IRS employees, but several of them have sworn under oath that their orders came from Washington and they were not acting on their own accord.

Now The Daily Caller reports that William Wilkins, IRS Chief Legal Counsel, met with President Obama just two days prior to when the new IRS policy of targeting tea party and conservative groups was handed down.  Furthermore, Carter Hull, a retiring IRS agent, named Wilkins as one of his supervisors who were involved in handing down the targeting directives.  The timeline of events as reported by the TDC are:

“IRS chief counsel William Wilkins, who was named in House Oversight testimony by retiring IRS agent Carter Hull as one of his supervisors in the improper targeting of conservative groups, met with Obama in the Roosevelt Room of the White House on April 23, 2012. Wilkins’ boss, then-IRS commissioner Douglas Shulman, visited the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on April 24, 2012, according to White House visitor logs.”

“On April 25, 2012, Wilkins’ office sent the exempt organizations determinations unit ‘additional comments on the draft guidance’ for approving or denying tea party tax-exempt applications, according to the IRS inspector general’s report.”

“Wilkins’ meeting with Obama on April 23 was attended by 13 people.”

Would you believe that Wilkins is one of Obama’s two appointees to the IRS?  Before his appointment, he worked as a lobbyist for WilmerHale, spending most of his time:

“…counseling nonprofit organizations, business entities, and investment funds on tax compliance, business transactions, and government investigations.”

While at WilmerHale, Wilkins was tasked with defending Obama’s longtime personal pastor and religious advisor, Jeremiah Wright, when he was charged with violating the church’s non-profit status by promoting Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign from the pulpit.  Wilkins was successful in his defense of Wright.  Officially, Wilkin’s defense of Wright was a pro bono case, but he was duly paid for his services in July 2009 when Obama appointed him to be the Chief Legal Counsel of the IRS.

I’ve seen people convicted of murder and all sorts of crimes based on evidence like this.  Obama had motive and opportunity to get the IRS to do some of his dirty work.  It’s never bothered the President to violate the law or the Constitution in the past, so this was no different.  I believe he is guilty of orchestrating the whole thing and that he needs to be removed from office and imprisoned for life.


Entry #627

Chilling – Obama Calls For End To Catholic Schools

Chilling – Obama Calls For End To Catholic Schools

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

During words given in front of some two thousand people during his recent stay in Northern Ireland, Barack Obama made clear his disdain for Catholic education, claiming Catholic schools are divisive institutions that hinder peace.  It was likely among the most shocking and classless attacks against the Catholic Church by any American president of the modern era – words spoken by Barack Obama right after a high ranking representative of the church praised Catholic education in Ireland.

In Barack Obamas’ world, Catholics are divisive, while Muslims are to be better understood and supported…

(via Scottish Catholic Observer)

US President undermines Catholic schools after Vatican Prefect praised them


The US President has made an alarming call for an end to Catholic education in Northern Ireland in spite of the fact that Archbishop Gerhard Müller told Scots that Catholic education was ‘a critical component of the Church.’

President Barack Obama (above), repeated the oft disproved claim that Catholic education increases division in front of an audience of 2000 young people, including many Catholics, at Belfast’s Waterfront hall when he arrived in the country this morning.

Entry #626

IRS Scandal: One Step Removed From the White House

IRS Scandal: One Step Removed From the White House – Carter Hull’s testimony has taken this scandal to another level

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Arnold Ahlert * Canada Free Press

Last week, while much of the nation’s attention was turned toward the Zimmerman verdict and the antics of the racial grievance industry, the IRS scandal got far more intense. According to top IRS lawyer Carter Hull, the Chief Counsel’s office of the IRS, headed by Obama appointee William Wilkins, was instrumental in the agency’s campaign of harassment and discrimination against conservative and certain pro-Israel groups.


In interviews, Hull informed congressional investigators that his superiors told him that Wilkins’ office would need to be involved in additional reviews of previously screened applications because of “potential political activity.” Thus, the Democrat-led effort to keep this scandal confined to a few “rogue” agents in Cincinnati has gone down in flames.

Wilkins, appointed by Obama in 2009, is one of only two political appointees in the entire agency made by the president.  In the Inspector General’s (IG) report on the scandal, the timeline of events established that Wilkins knew about the abuse of conservative groups at least as early as August 4, 2011. Yet in a press conference held on May 15, 2013, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney was asked if Wilkins had shared that information with the White House. Carney said he didn’t know, and when pressed about whether the president should have been informed, he said that Obama first learned about the scandal “through media reports” on Friday, May 10. In other words, Americans are expected to believe that Wilkins never said a word to the president about this dubious targeting of right-wing groups for the 21 months (or more) that he was aware of it.


Top IRS official Lois Lerner’s staged “inadvertent” confession

That may very well be true. But, like so many scandals plaguing this administration, the ongoing evolution of this story makes such a scenario hard to swallow. That evolution began with top IRS official Lois Lerner’s staged “inadvertent” confession to the crime at a tax conference hosted by the American Bar Association. In subsequent congressional hearings, both Lerner and former IRS acting commissioner Steven Miller attempted to confine the scandal to “rogue agents” in Cincinnati.

That story disintegrated when House investigators talked to those agents, who said they were directed by Washington. Elizabeth Hofacre, who processed the Cincinnati unit’s Tea Party applications, testified that she felt her work was “micromanaged” by Washington, D.C. “My frustration was primarily that I had to sit on them and wait for guidance from D.C.,” Hofacre told members of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. She further noted she was “deeply offended” by the attempt made by senior officials to blame the scandal on her office. “Personally, I felt like it was a nuclear strike. I felt they were blaming us,” she said.

Hofacre then moved the story up the bureaucratic pecking order, saying her supervisors told her to contact Carter Hull.

In his appearance before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee last Thursday, Hull, a 48-year IRS veteran who is retiring, said he “was assigned by my supervisor to work on two applications of tea party groups. In that same month, I became aware that a group of tea party applications were being held by EO (Exempt Organizations) determinations in Cincinnati.” Hull continued:

It was my understanding that the applications assigned to me would be ‘test cases’ to provide guidance for those other applications. I was also told by my supervisor that I was to coordinate the review of the tea party applications that were assigned to Elizabeth Hofacre in Cincinnati

He further noted that his micromanaging of Hofacre’s work was not of his own doing. He too was given orders from higher ups, who told him to forward documents to Lois Lerner’s advisor. Subsequently, he was told to send them to the Office of Chief Counsel for review.

Hull also cited an August 2011 meeting where he was told by a member of the Office that the Tea Party applicants he was dealing with would have to supply the IRS with additional information, and that a second letter should be sent to those organizations making that request. Hull noted that after he received the second responses, he felt he could make a determination about whether applications should be confirmed or denied. His recommendations were apparently ignored.

Michael Seto, head of Hull’s IRS unit, told investigators that Lerner made the “unusual” decision to subject Tea Party applications to a multi-layered review.

continue article at Canada Free Press:

Entry #625

A must READ : Barry Obama !!

Obama : African - Americans Are Incapable of Acting as Citizens of the United  States

Michael Applebaum, MD                       

It  is with sadness that I witnessed the president of the United States tell the  world that African-Americans are incapable of functioning as responsible  citizens at the most basic level.


Our  first White African American leader said:


You  know, when Trayvon Martin was first shot I said that this could have been my  son.  Another way of saying that is Trayvon Martin could have been me 35  years ago.  And when you think about why, in the African American community  at least, there's a lot of pain around what happened here, I think it's  important to recognize that the African American community is looking at this  issue through a set of experiences and a history that doesn't go  away.

There  are very few African American men in this country who haven't had the experience  of being followed when they were shopping in a department store.  That  includes me.  There are very few African American men who haven't had the  experience of walking across the street and hearing the locks click on the doors  of cars.  That happens to me - at least before I was a senator.  There  are very few African Americans who haven't had the experience of getting on an  elevator and a woman clutching her purse nervously and holding her breath until  she had a chance to get off.  That happens often.

And  I don't want to exaggerate this, but those sets of experiences inform how the  African American community interprets what happened one night in Florida.   And it's inescapable for people to bring those experiences to bear.  The  African American community is also knowledgeable that there is a history of  racial disparities in the application of our criminal laws - everything from the  death penalty to enforcement of our drug laws.  And that ends up having an  impact in terms of how people interpret the case.


Although  he would know best whether he, 35 years ago, would be adjudged a thug and  potential murderer who could be stopped from taking the life of another only by  being shot, it is another thing to indict an entire group as incapable of  behaving as citizens.


In  a court of law:


...  the jury is to determine the facts of this case. You are the sole and exclusive  judges of the facts. You alone determine what evidence to accept, how important  any evidence is that you do accept, and what conclusions to draw from all the  evidence. You must apply the law as I give it to you to the facts as you  determine them to be, in order to decide whether the Commonwealth has proved the  defendant guilty of this charge (these charges).

You  should determine the facts based solely on a fair consideration of the evidence.  You are to be completely fair and impartial, and you are not to be swayed by  prejudice or by sympathy, by personal likes or dislikes, toward either side. You  are not to allow yourselves to be influenced because the offense(s) charged is  (are) popular or unpopular with the public...

In  short, you are to confine your deliberations to the evidence and nothing but the  evidence[.] ...

Your  verdict must be based solely on the evidence developed at trial. It would be  improper for you to consider any personal feelings about the defendant's race,  religion, national origin, sex or age.

It  would be equally improper for you to allow any feelings you might have about the  nature of the crime to interfere with your  decision.


(The  above are jury  instructions from the Commonwealth  of Massachusetts, yet they can still be  considered representative of the duties with which juries are charged.   Check out others if you like.)


Generally,  jury duty is a right/responsibility of citizenship.


To  plainly state that "the African-American community is looking at this issue [and  presumably others] through a set of experiences and a history that doesn't go  away" is to plainly state that the African-American community is incapable of  serving on a jury where a verdict is based solely on the application of the  relevant law to the evidence developed at trial.


No  more.  No less.


No  "baggage" influencing the call.


No  sets of experiences, no histories.


"No  nothing."


Justice  is blind.


Since,  according to Obama, the experiences and history do not go away, then these  "personal feelings" are inescapable.


Though  he did not truly explicate his apparently <snip>ing of others andof  blacks statements re: department stores, locks clicking, and purse-clutching, he  did offer a reason:


...  African American young men are disproportionately involved in the criminal  justice system; that they're disproportionately both victims and perpetrators of  violence.


Of  note, BHO chose not to offer Jesse's  seemingly similar feelings toward blacks that would make the reactions Obama  seems to condemn near universal:


There  is nothing more painful to me ... than to walk down the street and hear  footsteps and start thinking about robbery, then look around and see somebody  white and feel relieved.


(Whites  + White Hispanics (ask the media) + African-Americans = just about everybody =  near-universal.)


Given  the above, it seems odd that Obama would indict all others from being what is  arguably cautious and protective of their lives and property from a group that  "disproportionately" includes "perpetrators of violence" (and possibly other  crimes).


It  is also a bit odd that he discussed whether Trayvon would have been justified in  shooting George if Zimmerman had been in a car following Martin.  Perhaps a  better question would have been whether Martin would have been justified in  shooting Zimmerman if George had been pounding Trayvon's head on the  cement.


The  bottom line is that Obama has chosen to disenfranchise blacks wholesale from the  right/responsibility to serve as jurors -- i.e., to act as responsible citizens  -- by labeling them as persons incapable of deciding cases on the  merits.


We  will have to see if Judge  Rosemarie Aquilina will bar the empaneling of blacks in order to prevent  "not honoring the president."


Michael  Applebaum is a medical doctor and lawyer practicing in  Chicago.


Entry #624

Noonan: A Bombshell in the IRS Scandal No, it wasn't confined to a few rogue workers in Cincinnati.

Noonan: A Bombshell in the IRS Scandal

No, it wasn't confined to a few rogue workers in Cincinnati


The IRS scandal was connected this week not just to the Washington office—that had been established—but to the office of the chief counsel.

That is a bombshell—such a big one that it managed to emerge in spite of an unfocused, frequently off-point congressional hearing in which some members seemed to have accidentally woken up in the middle of a committee room, some seemed unaware of the implications of what their investigators had uncovered, one pretended that the investigation should end if IRS workers couldn't say the president had personally called and told them to harass his foes, and one seemed to be holding a filibuster on Pakistan.

Still, what landed was a bombshell. And Democrats know it. Which is why they are so desperate to make the investigation go away. They know, as Republicans do, that the chief counsel of the IRS is one of only two Obama political appointees in the entire agency.

To quickly review why the new information, which came most succinctly in a nine-page congressional letter to IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel, is big news:


Getty Images

IRS Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division revenue agent Elizabeth Hofacre, left, and retired IRS tax law specialist Carter Hull testify before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Capitol Hill on Thursday.

When the scandal broke two months ago, in May, IRS leadership in Washington claimed the harassment of tea-party and other conservative groups requesting tax-exempt status was confined to the Cincinnati office, where a few rogue workers bungled the application process. Lois Lerner, then the head of the exempt organizations unit in Washington, said "line people
in Cincinnati" did work that was "not so fine." They asked questions that "weren't really necessary," she claimed, and operated without "the appropriate level of sensitivity." But the targeting was "not intentional." Ousted acting commissioner Steven Miller also put it off on "people in Cincinnati." They provided "horrible customer service."

House investigators soon talked to workers in the Cincinnati office, who said everything they did came from Washington. Elizabeth Hofacre, in charge of processing tea-party applications in Cincinnati, told investigators that her work was overseen and directed by a lawyer in the IRS Washington office named Carter Hull.

Now comes Mr. Hull's testimony. And like Ms. Hofacre, he pointed his finger upward. Mr. Hull—a 48-year IRS veteran and an expert on tax exemption law—told investigators that tea-party applications under his review were sent upstairs within the Washington office, at the direction of Lois Lerner.

In April 2010, Hull was assigned to scrutinize certain tea-party applications. He requested more information from the groups. After he received responses, he felt he knew enough to determine whether the applications should be approved or denied.

But his recommendations were not carried out.

Michael Seto, head of Mr. Hull's unit, also spoke to investigators. He told them Lois Lerner made an unusual decision: Tea-party applications would undergo additional scrutiny—a multilayered review.

Mr. Hull told House investigators that at some point in the winter of 2010-11, Ms. Lerner's senior adviser, whose name is withheld in the publicly released partial interview transcript, told him the applications would require further review:

Q: "Did [the senior adviser to Ms. Lerner] indicate to you whether she agreed with your recommendations?"

A: "She did not say whether she agreed or not. She said it should go to chief counsel."

Q: "The IRS chief counsel?"

A: "The IRS chief counsel."

The IRS chief counsel is named William Wilkins. And again, he is one of only two Obama political appointees in the IRS.

What was the chief counsel's office looking for? The letter to Mr. Werfel says Mr. Hull's supervisor, Ronald Shoemaker, provided insight: The counsel's office wanted, in the words of the congressional committees, "information about the applicants' political activities leading up to the 2010 election." Mr. Shoemaker told investigators he didn't find that kind of question unreasonable, but he found the counsel's office to be "not very forthcoming": "We discussed it to some extent and they indicated that they wanted more development of possible political activity or political intervention right before the election period."

It's almost as if—my words—the conservative organizations in question were, during two major election cycles, deliberately held in a holding pattern.

So: What the IRS originally claimed was a rogue operation now reaches up not only to the Washington office, but into the office of the IRS chief counsel himself.

At the generally lacking House Oversight Committee Hearings on Thursday, some big things still got said.

Ms. Hofacre of the Cincinnati office testified that when she was given tea-party applications, she had to kick them upstairs. When she was given non-tea-party applications, they were sent on for normal treatment. Was she told to send liberal or progressive groups for special scrutiny? No, she did not scrutinize the applications of liberal or progressive groups. "I would send those to general inventory." Who got extra scrutiny? "They were all tea-party and patriot cases." She became "very frustrated" by the "micromanagement" from Washington. "It was like working in lost luggage." She applied to be transferred.

For his part, Mr. Hull backed up what he'd told House investigators. He described what was, essentially, a big, lengthy runaround in the Washington office in which no one was clear as to their reasons but everything was delayed. The multitiered scrutiny of the targeted groups was, he said, "unusual."

It was Maryland's Rep. Elijah Cummings, the panel's ranking Democrat, who, absurdly, asked Ms. Hofacre if the White House called the Cincinnati office to tell them what to do and whether she has knowledge of the president of the United States digging through the tax returns of citizens. Ms. Hofacre looked surprised. No, she replied.

It wasn't hard to imagine her thought bubble: Do congressmen think presidents call people like me and say, "Don't forget to harass my enemies"? Are congressmen that stupid?

Mr. Cummings is not, and his seeming desperation is telling. Recent congressional information leads to Washington—and now to very high up at the IRS. Meaning this is the point at which a scandal goes nowhere or, maybe, everywhere.

Rep. Trey Gowdy, a South Carolina Republican, finally woke the proceedings up with what he called "the evolution of the defense" since the scandal began. First, Ms. Lerner planted a question at a conference. Then she said the Cincinnati office did it—a narrative that was advanced by the president's spokesman, Jay Carney. Then came the suggestion the IRS was too badly managed to pull off a sophisticated conspiracy. Then the charge that liberal groups were targeted too—"we did it against both ends of the political spectrum." When the inspector general of the IRS said no, it was conservative groups that were targeted, he came under attack. Now the defense is that the White House wasn't involved, so case closed.

This is one Republican who is right about evolution.

Those trying to get to the bottom of the scandal have to dig in, pay attention. The administration's defenders, and their friends in the press, have made some progress in confusing the issue through misdirection and misstatement.

This is the moment things go forward or stall. Republicans need to find out how high the scandal went and why, exactly, it went there. To do that they'll have to up their game.

Entry #623

If This Doesn't Wake You Up Nothing Will

If This Doesn’t Wake You Up Nothing Will

Friday, July 19, 2013


By Aaron Cantor ~ July 18th, 2013
By Aaron Cantor USAF (ret)
Look who’s new in the white house! Arif Alikhan – Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Mohammed Elibiary – Homeland Security Adviser Rashad Hussain – Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Salam al-Marayati – Obama Adviser and founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council and is its current executive director Imam Mohamed Magid – Obama’s Sharia Czar from the Islamic Society of North America Eboo Patel – Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships This is flat-out scary!!!
The foxes are now officially living in the hen house… Now ask me why I am very concerned!!! Do you feel OK with this??? How can this happen, and when will we wake up??? We are quiet while our Country is being hi-jacked out from under us by Obama and his THUGS!!! If you’re NOT CONCERNED, just go to bed tonight and sleep the sleep of the uninformed, low information knot-heads you seem to be. Otherwise, pass it on and get the word out! We’ve got to have some relief starting with the 2014 Elections and definitely be on the look-out for massive voter fraud on a scale such as we obviously had in the last election. All states need to enact photo voter ID laws and enforce them. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I no longer recognize this country, because it certainly is not the country I grew up in and served for so many years. All 545 of the present den of snakes inhabiting Washington D.C. (to include both parties, and independents) need to be removed (never to be eligible to run again), and replaced by whatever means it takes, including stripping them of their pension funds (to be replaced in the national treasury, as those funds are ill gotten goods that belong to us not them. We didn’t vote them those pensions, they voted themselves those pensions (not to mention their fat pay raises and their medical plan). ….
Makes you wonder doesn’t it…can you imagine having a Christian demonstration against Islam in downtown Baghdad ?
Why would anyone think that we should be at war with such nice, peaceful Muslims?! You need to forward this one to everyone! Muslims have stated that England will be the first country they take over!
Entry #622

Are Americans Really Ready To Forfeit Their Future?



By J.B. Williams             July 17, 2013   

As             an opinion writer of nearly twenty years now, thousands of reader             responses over those years taught me one thing above all else, that             Americans are nothing if not opinionated. No matter what side you             take on any issue, you will find those who agree and those who disagree,             as well as those who admittedly just don’t know.

Best             I can tell after years of engagement with readers all across the country             and around the globe, our society breaks down into only a few categories…

             Those who think self-serving global Marxism is the future Those who think self-indulgent anarchy is             the future Those who aren’t aware of the present,             much less the future Those who know history and are frightened             of our future Those who are ready to fight for our future,             driven by our past

People             who think government is responsible for their happiness are not happy.             People who know it is government that is stealing their right to pursue             happiness are not happy either. But is anyone really good and pissed             off yet?

No             matter which group someone resides in, they are not happy with our             current government. Congress is at an all-time low 6% public approval             rating with Republicans controlling the House and Democrats controlling             the Senate. Over 70% of Americans have no faith in the U.S. Supreme             Court as defender of Constitutional Law and the vast majority of Americans             can’t even figure out who the guy is sitting in our White House              “fundamentally changing America” into something it was             never intended to be, part of some left-wing global Marxist experiment.

Yet,             there are no real signs of any significant uprising by the American             people, who still outnumber the global Marxists and illegal aliens,             at least for the moment.

Divided             by childish turf wars and competing pet agendas, the so-called patriotic             resistance is quite frankly, a joke. No one has been able to muster             even a coffee clutch march on Washington DC since 2009 and most patriot             groups around back then aren’t even around anymore.

In             short, Americans are more focused on America’s Got Talent than             America’s Got Freedom. Americans appear war weary before the             real battle for freedom even begins, and they seem all too ready to             forfeit their future, if you buy the current whining and sniveling             about how “there is nothing we can do” which floods the             blogosphere and email chains these days.

Are             Americans really ready to forfeit?

I             have been trying not to say this for five years now… hoping             that at some point, all so-called patriot groups would drop their             turf wars and pet agendas and unite behind the simple fundamental             cause of decency, honor, freedom, liberty and justice under the rule             of constitutional law. That has not happened…

There             is ONE place where YOU             can join with others in an effort to work together, multiplying             your power in peaceful tangible strategies aimed entirely at the fundamental             cause of freedom, liberty and the rule of law, not Ivy League             lawyers. There are not many places, but there is at least ONE place             where you can find these things if you only choose to join the ranks.

While             it is true that all of the things we used to be able to rely upon,             honorable statesmen, real courts that provide equal justice under             the law and a pro-American administration, are absent today, it is             not true that there is nothing we can do about it…

While             it is true that many competing groups are driven by pet agendas, turf             wars and even profit motives, it is also true that there are people             in this country who are ready to stand together for freedom and liberty.             


While             it is true that there are retired high-ranking military officers more             concerned with their pensions and tee times than the future of this             country, it is also true that there are some who will give all for             the cause of freedom.

While             it is true that some veterans are perfectly happy to sit it out on             the sidelines as long as the beer is flowing at the local VFW, there             are other veterans who live by the oath they took to protect and defend             the U.S. Constitution and the American people from all enemies, foreign             and domestic.

The             question is… where do you stand?

If             you are ready to forfeit, to throw in the towel on American freedom             and liberty, then you can sit it out anywhere you like. All the way             back at the first American Revolution, 1/3 sat it out perfectly fine             with British rule, and another 1/3 was completely unaware. The last             1/3 paid the price of freedom and liberty for all…

I             suspect that not much has changed since then… Real Americans             don’t take an oath to stand down in the face of illegal orders              -- they accept an oath to rise up against all enemies, foreign and             domestic. Real Americans aren’t shackled by political or legal             processes run amok -- they toss off their chains and right their ship.

At             best -- only 1/3 of Americans will pay the price of freedom and liberty             for all again. Are you one of them? Are we still the home of the brave?             -- Because if we aren’t, then we are no longer the land of the             free.

With             more than 300 million Americans in this country today, we should have             100 million (1/3) ready to determine the future of this country peacefully             and if we do, then less than a thousand corrupt politicians and lawyers             in Washington DC don’t have a chance. There is much we can do!

Because             the broad patriot movement has been moving in opposite directions,             focused on competing pet agendas and stacking up defeat after defeat             for better than five years now, a very different kind of organization             was formed by the type of Americans who still believe in freedom,             liberty and justice for all.

This             group is self-funded – very focused – totally united –              capable and determined to win. It was formed by and is run by true             patriots, the kind of veterans             willing to give all for freedom and legal             experts ready to fight evil on all fronts. All we need is more             like us…. Is that you?

Most             Americans will not answer any call to join the ranks of anything they             suspect to be real and they will have a plethora of excuses. Some             will directly attack this column for being so bold as to distinguish             between sunshine patriots and real patriots. We are not looking for             those kind of Americans… we are looking for a special kind of             American. -- The kind that founded and built the greatest nation ever             known to mankind.

Is             there really nothing we can do? Or are most Americans just not willing             to do the things that must be done peacefully, before violent alternatives             are all that remain?

Thousands             of Americans have taken to the streets over the sad and tragic death             of one teenager in the wrong place at the wrong time. Where are the             millions of Americans who have seen the death of three thousand Americans             on September 11, 2001 – or the four Americans left defenseless             by our government in Benghazi – or the members of SEAL TEAM             6 that died with a target painted on their backs by Joseph Biden,             Barack Obama and Leon Panetta?

What             difference does it make?

Contrary             to Hillary Clinton’s proclamation that none of these people             or incidents matter, they matter very much. They make all the difference             in the world…

Are             YOU the type of American who will join with others who demand answers             and solutions? Or are you the type of American afraid to be associated             with this type of Americans?

Are             you the type of American who sits around wondering what’s happening,             or ignoring what’s happening with a sense of defeat? Or are             you the type of American committed to making the right things happen,             no matter the odds? Are you the “only violence can save America”              type, or the “we must do all we can before the violence”              type?


Not             every American is well-suited for freedom and liberty and as a result,             many are willing to live in bondage rather than pay the price of freedom.             What type of American are you?

I             didn’t bother attacking the overtly anti-American media here,             because if we still had Americans in America, they would be completely             irrelevant by now.

If             you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, JOIN             ME! We work tangible strategies at the local, state and federal             level, from the legislative, legal and military sides. We are NOT             a PAC because individuals should give political donations only directly             to the candidates of their choice.

Our             members are doing everything they can. But as Lee states it quite             well, we             are too few! If you are the type of American that will pay the             price of freedom and liberty for all those who will never even thank             you, please JOIN             US! We need YOU and America needs YOU more than ever before…

Time             is growing short… Be the hero you were born to be. The alternative             is horrific. Don’t forfeit our future… Help us decide             our own destiny.

Entry #621

Rachel Maddow(Obama Supporter), Your Attempt At Slander Failed

Rachel Maddow, Your Attempt At Slander Failed

July 18, 2013 by Wayne Allyn Root 


Hello, I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. And I’m under massive attack by the mainstream media and Barack Obama’s defenders. (Oh right, I repeated myself). I must be doing something right. I must be scaring the Obama socialist cabal to death. I must be hitting a bulls-eye with my opinions.

This past week, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow tried to defame and slander me in a bizarre, rambling 15-minute diatribe on her national TV show. Fifteen minutes on national TV about me. Thank you, Rachel, that’s quite an honor coming from you.

Maddow even gave me a name, “birther.” It sounds similar to “murderer,” except it means only that I dared ask questions about Obama. Funny enough, none of those questions has ever involved his birth or birth certificate. Never. Not once. But hysterical defenders of Obama never let a fact get in the way of a good slander.

Rather than attacking a patriotic American, shouldn’t journalists like Maddow be asking questions of the President? Do the answers to the questions I asked scare her that much? Am I getting that close to the truth? Do I pose that much of a threat?

Perhaps there is a connection to the media’s refusal to ask these questions of our current President and the problems we’re experiencing:

  • An economy in decline.
  • No jobs.
  • Our own government now violating our rights at every turn.
  • It’s using the Internal Revenue Service to intimidate and punish us.
  • It’s using the Environmental Protection Agency to bankrupt the energy industry.
  • It’s using the National Security Agency to spy on us
  • And it’s using the Federal Reserve to bury our children in debt.
  • And it will perhaps soon use drones to kill us — without holding a trial or even hearing the charges.

Every patriotic American — and especially every legitimate journalist — has the responsibility to question the background, character and policies of the person who is the CEO of the world’s most powerful economy, the commander of the world’s most powerful military and the person with his finger on the nuclear button.

Yet if one American actually dares to ask questions about our President, suddenly all hell breaks loose. He gets called names. He is slimed and slandered.

I am that one courageous American. I have many questions about Obama’s background, actions and policies. I’m willing to boldly stand up in public and question and criticize the President. The result: First came vicious IRS attacks. Then, after I beat them again and again, next came the leftist national media attack. Someone is very worried about Wayne Allyn Root.

Saul Alinsky is one of Obama’s heroes and mentors. His book Rules for Radicals, is Obama’s bible, even though Alinsky’s masterpiece is dedicated to Lucifer, the devil. Funny, I’ve never heard the media mention that little fact.

Alinsky’s philosophy is to destroy and discredit any conservative who dares to question you by demonizing him. The strategy is to call him vile names and tell lies, because the end justifies the means. Humiliate and intimidate him so badly, the critic will hide under the covers, never to be seen again. In this case, Maddow’s goal is not only to destroy Wayne Allyn Root, but also to warn other conservatives that if they dare question the President, they too will get the same treatment. So stop asking questions!

My personal story is the achievement of the American dream. The son of a blue-collar butcher, I graduated from Columbia University (class of ’83 with my classmate Obama). Through discipline, sacrifice, personal responsibility, work ethic, enthusiasm for capitalism and a relentless attitude, I became a successful entrepreneur. This has allowed me to give more time to my passion: politics. I became the Vice Presidential nominee of the Libertarian Party, a media personality on FOX News and conservative talk radio, and the author of the national bestseller The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide. I am also the home-school dad of four beautiful children, including a daughter at Harvard and Oxford.

Because of all this success and my media megaphone, Obama’s defenders have me on their radar. I’ve got a bulls-eye on my back. I’m making a difference. And I’m obviously scaring powerful people on the left. In one rambling, raving diatribe on national TV, Maddow slimed me and reduced me to one curse word: “birther.” Let me repeat: I’ve never been a birther. Ever. Not once have I ever questioned any aspect of Obama’s birth or birth certificate.

Alinsky would be proud. This is how you destroy your political opposition, silence dissent and socialize America. This is how big government takes over a once-proud Nation of individuals.

Maddow isn’t alone. In the past few weeks, since I’ve asked critical questions and made common-sense predictions about Obama’s true agenda, Obama’s IRS scandal and the mysterious story of Obama’s years at Columbia University, I’ve come under withering attack from across the liberal media. Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show, Mother Jones magazine, liberal bloggers and now Maddow and MSNBC have made attacking Wayne Allyn Root a national pastime. The attacks intensified as The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide rose on the bestseller list. Coincidence?

Last month, even CNN host Piers Morgan tried to discredit me and bait me into a slugfest on CNN. At least he had the class to do it to my face. Give Morgan credit. Maddow, on the other hand, wouldn’t take the chance to debate me face to face. Rachel, why are you so afraid of the truth?

Maddow gave me so much airtime she might as well have named me “the most evil man in the world.” I’ve been in the TV and entertainment business my whole life. I know full well that no TV host would ever dedicate 15 minutes of a national TV show to one outspoken critic of the President. Not unless they are seriously worried. Not unless he’s hit a bulls-eye.

Maddow’s attack on me is certainly a show of desperation. I’m obviously getting too close to the truth. In the military they say, “You know you’ve reached the target when you start getting hit by flak.”

If I’m so unimportant, why is the liberal media so intent on destroying me? If my instincts about Obama’s scandals are so wrong, why are they so intent on discrediting me? If I’m just some kook, why would Maddow even pay attention to me? Why give me so much precious time on national TV? Does Maddow read I didn’t know liberals cared so much what we said here.

But perhaps Maddow has spilled the beans. Perhaps this is a clue that I’m not so unimportant. Perhaps the left knows that I’ve stumbled onto the storyline that could destroy the Obama Presidency. Perhaps they’re afraid far too many Americans are reading about Obama’s purposeful plan to overwhelm the system and destroy capitalism that I unveiled in The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.

Perhaps they are worried my story about the IRS scandal has legs. I was the first in the country to report a year ago that this IRS scandal is massive and involves the IRS going after individual critics of the President and top GOP donors.

Perhaps my gut instincts about how Obama might have committed fraud to gain entrance to Columbia University is striking chords. Something about Wayne Root has set off alarm bells among Obama’s defenders. They are sweating and panicking. They are desperate to discredit and destroy my reputation.

Rachel, methinks thou protests too much. Remember: I’m from Las Vegas and play a mean game of poker. You’ve tipped your hand. You’re playing with a pair of 2s, you know I’ve got a full house, and you and your liberal friends are obviously desperate to bluff me out of the game.

Newsflash: You failed.

You’ll be sad to know I played to full houses, standing room only, at both FreedomFest and the GOP Women’s Gala in Las Vegas this weekend. The GOP event had to turn guests away. And your slander helped raise thousands of dollars at this weekend’s GOP Women’s Gala. By the way, the highest bid of the event was for a private dinner at the home of Wayne Allyn Root. Sorry, Rachel: You lose.

I draw three conclusions:

  • There is a God.
  • Alinsky is rolling over in his grave.
  • Thank you, Rachel, from the bottom of my Republican conservative heart. You’re the gift that keeps on giving.

I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. See you next week right back here. Same time, same place. God Bless America.

Entry #620