CajunWin4's Blog

Benghazi, IRS, DOJ: Squirm, Barry, Squirm

Benghazi, IRS, DOJ: Squirm, Barry, Squirm


In light of White House Press Secretary Jay Carney’s indications that  President Obama is completely aloof about everything that goes on in his  government (“He doesn’t know anything about Benghazi,” “He knew nothing about  collecting the phone records of AP journalists,” “He knew nothing about the IRS  intimidating conservative and Catholic groups”), I feel it’s time to ask Obama  voters, Where’s your god now?

Either Obama is a man whose competence and benevolence rival only that of  Abraham Lincoln, or he’s a bumbling, out-of-touch screw-up with no control over  his own administration, the goings-on of which he is completely ignorant.

The realization that it must be one or the other might be what is driving  some Democrats to actually begin criticizing these scandals, as opposed to their  usual habit of criticizing the whistleblowers of the  scandals; they would rather Obama be looked upon as ineffectual than a Nixonian  crook. “Obama didn’t know anything about anything, but he does need to fire some  people” seems to be the general consensus among Democrats.

There’s a large part of me that hopes we don’t get to the bottom of these  three scandals anytime soon, however; I get so much entertainment from watching  the different members of this administration squirm and flounder uncomfortably  now that some in the media have begun doing their primary function of asking  questions.

The denials, deliciously pathetic, reveal an arrogance the level of which we  haven’t yet witnessed in Obama, which is saying something. Of course, the press  is to blame for Obama’s over-confidence in his ability to get away with  corruption, but now that one of their own has been the target of spying by the  Justice Department—Obama’s Justice Department—some journalists are dusting off  their journalism degrees and finally putting them to use, the temerity of which  resulted in White House Press Secretary Jay Carney repeating ad nauseum, in an  effort to sound convincing, the uncomfortably disingenuous statement that Obama  is a “firm believer in the need for the press to be unfettered.”

But of course Obama knew about the IRS and the Justice Department; what  transpired there was classic Chicago politics. Obama is from Chicago; he knows  how to play politics, as he has proudly stated in  the past. And it was Obama, Commander in Chief, who (fine, “allegedly”) told  American troops stationed just outside Benghazi to stand down and not to try to  help the four diplomats being tortured and killed by Islamic savages, a  non-story in Obama’s eyes (“There’s no ‘there’ there,” he said).

The head of the IRS may have been appointed by President George W. Bush, but,  like Bush, he is obviously no conservative. The IRS has already admitted that  they did exactly what they are being accused of having done, but Obama still  felt confident to deny this reality, calling it outrageous only “if” it were  true. (If it’s true that the IRS engaged in the criminal  activity they already admitted they engaged in….)

If Obama is comfortable living in that reality, can we please let him live  there just a little while longer, if only for the enjoyment of seeing him twist  and turn? It lends legitimacy to mascot of the Democratic Party.

Read more:

Entry #544

One Hundred Articles of Impeachment Against Obama

One Hundred Articles of Impeachment Against Obama



There is a growing groundswell within American Republican and Tea  Party ranks that impeachment proceedings should be initiated against  President Obama on a whole list of violations of the Constitution and  the War Powers Act. ~ Peter Paton

Congressmen Allen West of Florida (R-Florida) and Darrell Issa (R-  California) have consistently and loudly criticized the president for  overstepping the political mark and bypassing Congress’s approval on a  whole range of dubious policies and issues: and the recent Obama attack  on the Supreme Court of Justice and the Russian ” Open Mic ” gaffe on  National Security, leads to one question...

Is Barack Obama making his own case for impeachment? Obama did not become the Democratic nominee for  President without the help of several leaders of the Democratic Party  who knew that he was not eligible for office

Listed below are the One Hundred Articles of Impeachment.

1. Appointment of a “shadow government” of some 35+ individuals  termed “czars” who are not confirmed by the Senate and respond only to  the president, yet have overarching regulatory powers – a clear  violation of the separation of powers concept. Obama bypassed the Senate with many of his appointments of over 35 “czars.”

2. No congressional support for Libyan action (violation of the War  Powers Act ). Obama lied to the American people when he said that there  were no US troops on the ground in Libya and then later said they were  only “logistical troops.” Obama violated the War Powers Act of 1973 by  conducting a war against Libya without Congressional authorization.

3. Betraying of allies ( Israel and Great Britain. Obama has placed  the security of our most trusted ally in the Middle East, Israel, in  danger while increasing funding to the Palestinian Authority (Fatah,  just another Islamic terrorist group) whilst they have enjoined a  reconciliation pact with long-standing terrorist group Hamas and the  disclosure of British nuclear secrets to the Russians in the Start  Treaty.  Obama gave missile codes to British Trident missiles to Russia.

4. Backdoor implementation of the DREAM Act which would grant 22  million illegals amnesty. Obama passed the Dream Act through an  executive order, bypassing Congress again. DREAM is: Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors

5. Telegraphing troop reductions to enemies – against the consult of  his experienced field commanders – while embracing negotiations with our enemy, the Taliban, and recognizing another, the Muslim Brotherhood.

6. Betrayal of Arizona. Obama brought a federal lawsuit against a  sovereign state, Arizona, seeking to protect its citizens from this  threat of mass illegal immigration

7. Obama’s Failure to enforce U.S. law, the Defense of Marriage Act.  He’s stripped America of its moral base by his support for homosexuality and the attack on marriage between a man and a women Obama allows the  DOJ to refuse to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act.

8. Support of an inept and incompetent attorney general who has  failed to prosecute voter intimidation cases (New Black Panther Party),  initiated a dangerous gun-smuggling program (Operation Fast and Furious)  – which resulted in deaths to one of our own law enforcement agents.

Obama allowed Operation Fast and Furious to occur, which allowed  hundreds of Mexican nationals and Border Agent Brian Terry to be  murdered with illegal arms given out by the ATF and DOJ.

9. Increasing the regulatory burden on American business through  bypassing the legislative process with his executive branch agencies  such as the Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug  Administration.

10. Failure to take the steps necessary to secure our borders and  stem the flow of illegal immigration, termed as “repel invasions” in our United States Constitution in Article 1, Section 8 and Article 4,  Section 4.

Obama has failed to defend US soil in Arizona as Mexican  troops bring illegals and drugs into the USA, crossing the border doing  so. This is a direct violation of Article IV, Section 4 of the  Constitution.

11. Inappropriately commanding the release of strategic oil reserves  and providing Brazil $2 billion for its offshore oil exploration.

12. Illegally soliciting funds from within the White House ($5 dinner video fundraiser). The unalienable rights endowed to us by the Creator; life, liberty, and the pursuit (not guarantee) of happiness – are being threatened by the Obama administration.

This current government has  abridged the consent of the governed and that whenever any form of  government becomes destructive to these ends. It is the right of the  people to alter or to abolish it.

13. Taking on the Supreme Court’s power of judicial review with a preemptive striking against justices who might contemplate an unfavorable ruling on ObamaCare.

14. ”Open Mic ” gaffe in which he explained Russian President Dimitri  Medvedev that he’d have more “flexibility” to sacrifice American  security after his re-election

15. Occidental College Transcripts Reveals Obama Claimed Foreign Citizenship to Get Scholarship?

16. Obama’s secret back channel Nuclear deal with Iran, a sworn enemy of America and our Allies

17. Obama’s offer of a seat at the table for our avowed enemy the Taliban

18. Barack Hussein Obama’s Ineligibility to be POTUS because he was born in Kenya

19. Obama and his Administration leaking previously classified  information about our intelligence communities’ efforts to slow down  Iran’s march to nuclear weaponry.

20. Obama destabilized Western Ally Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, and allowed the Militant  and Anti West Muslim Brotherhood to take over the Egyptian Regime, posing a mortal threat to our Ally  Israel and our own Western assets and interests in the region. Obama  instigated a revolution in Egypt against an ally in the War on Terror.

21. Obama has appointed Muslim Brotherhood advisers, enemies of the State, to the White House. Aid and comfort to the Muslim Brotherhood is TREASON per Article 3 Sec III of the US Constitution..

22. Obama bypassing Congress again by Executive Decree to allow  Illegal Immigrants to remain and vote in America for partisan electoral  purposes and reasons.

23. Obama selling citizenship to criminals in direct opposition to Federal Law.

24. Obama admin assisted Egypt in remilitarizing the Sinai, “something forbidden by the Camp David Accords”

25. Obama has attempted to compel religious institutions to pay for  abortion services — a clear violation of First Amendment rights

26. Obama apologizing on 9/11 day to our sworn Islamist enemies, the Salafists,  the same day these terrorists massacred the American Ambassador and  three other American officials in the Benghazi Embassy, Libya. and  ramsacked and looted the Cairo Embassy in Egypt.

27. Obama spending billions in aid on America´s enemies, while disregarding the needs of the US.

28. Obama is directly responsible for the many wars and murders of Christians in the Middle East

29. Obama has financially ruined this country, and his actions are  leading to the demise of the dollar. President Obama is either an idiot  or he is purposely trying to destroy the American economy.

30. Obama is hollowing out our military, and destroying our intelligence gathering capability.

31. Obama, aka Barry Soetoro deliberately concealed his true illegal background to be POTUS, TRUTH out: why #Obama records sealed FOREIGN student ID  Can we trust Pres. who games system – lies

32. Criminal cover up by the White House over BengaziGate, where four Americans, including Ambassador Stevens were murdered by Islamic  Extremists.

33. #CANDYGATE Collusion with CNN Moderator Candy Crowley at the 2nd Debate  to cover up BengaziGate  The Candy-Obama Controversy : Get the Transcript’

34. Obama’s Illegal Foreign Campaign money.

35. Obama Administration defining the Fort Hood Terrorist Act as a Workplace Accident, which gave succour and comfort to our enemies.

36. The Border-gate arms deal offense that resulted in the death of a border patrol agent as well as numerous innocent Mexican civilians.

37. Suspected organized and widespread election fraud engineered by Agents of the Obama Regime at the November 6th Presidential Election.

38. Obama and unrepentant terrorist William Ayers misappropriated  over 300 million dollars in donations meant for the education of  Chicago’s minority students. They routed the money to Obama’s community  activist buddies who then tried to turn the students in radicals. The  program was a total failure.

39. Obama, as an Illinois State Senator, redirected tens of millions in Illinois tax dollars to Valerie Jarrett and Tony Rezko, to provide housing for low income families. They  returned the favor with political donations. The housing units were  built with cheap materials and labor and are uninhabitable after a mere  10 years of use.

40. Obama accepted millions in illegal campaign contributions from  foreign credit cards after the credit card filters used to screen out  foreign money, was switched off. This also allowed domestic donors, who  were over the legal limit, to contribute more.


41. Obama attempted to move control of the Census Bureau from the  Commerce Department to the White House, to be managed by then Chief of  Staff Rahm Emmanuel.

42. Obama had provided under the radar amnesty to illegal immigrants by allowing ICE Director John Morton to prohibit ICE officers from enforcing US immigration laws.

43. Obama allowed USAG Holder to ignore the violation of US immigration laws in the sanctuary cities, i.e.,San Francisco, etc.

44. Obama illegally fired the IG Walpin for investigating Obama’s  buddy, Mayor Kevin Johnson (Sacramento), for fraud (850K) with  AmeriCorps.

45. Obama is in contempt of Federal court for his illegal oil drilling moratorium in the Gulf…

46. Obama spent a month as the UN Security Council Chair in 2009,  which raises the question of his conflict of interest between the US and the UN. This is also likely a violation of his Oath of Office as the UN conflicts with our Constitution on many levels, i.e., LOST, UN Small  Arms ban, etc.

47. Obama signed an EO in December 2009 that allows Interpol to  operate in the US without oversight by Congress, courts, FBI, or local  law enforcement.

48. Obama and SecState Clinton misappropriated, er, used $23 million  in US taxpayer funds to help Obama’s homeland of Kenya move to a  communist nation where the freedom of speech, private property rights,  and other rights are subservient to “social justice”.

This includes the  fact that the Kenyan constitution adopted Sharia Law, which violates the basic human rights of women.

49. Obama was likely involved with then Governor Rod Blagojevich to  try and sell his Illinois Senate seat, i.e., pay to play. Jesse Jackson  Jr is under investigation for it and it appears that Valerie Jarrett  might also have been involved.

50. Obama ran a website that asked Americans to report on other  Americans, in the area of ObamaKare, using and taxpayer  money to do so. He repeated this with AttackWatch.

51. Obama got onto the Indiana ballot through voter fraud in 2008.

52. Obama sealed all of his records that would show that he is  possibly an illegal president, that he is feloniously using a false SSN, that his draft registration number is false, that his Fulbright award  was falsely awarded as Obama claimed foreign student status, and that  his student aid was falsely obtained.

53. Obama violated the Constitution by firing the GM CEO.

54. Obama violated bankruptcy laws by forcing GM bondholders to  accept millions of dollars in losses of money that they were legally  entitled to.

55. Obama violated bankruptcy laws by awarding the UAW with a share of GM and Chrysler during their bankruptcy proceedings.

56. Obama bought votes for ObamaKare with acts like, “Cornhusker  Kickback”, “Louisiana Purchase” and the DoI increasing water allocations toCalifornia’sCentral Valley. This brought in the votes of Dennis  Cardoza and Jim Costa, both Democrat holdouts.

57. Obama lied about Americans being able to keep their healthcare  coverage if they wanted to. ObamaKare is already forcing them out of  their current coverage.

58. Obama attempted to bribe Joe Sestak with a job offer in order to  get him to drop out of the Senate race against Arlen Specter.

59. Obama bypassed Congress and told the EPA to set carbon emission standards.

60. Obama forced BP to pony up a $20 billion slush fund to compensate Gulf Coast businesses and residents affected by the BP oil spill. It  was administered by one of Obama’s political appointees and there is NO  Congressional oversight.

61. Obama did nothing to Holder (abetted a felony) when Holder  refused to prosecute two New Black Panther Party members for brandishing weapons in front of a voting location in Filthadelphia. A direct  violation of the voters Civil Rights.

62. Obama bypassed the Senate with a recess appointment of Donald  Berwick as the head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.  Violates policy.

63. Obama illegally fired Sherry Sherrod from the USDA over remarks  she made at an NAACP meeting in March 2010. He violated her due process.

64. Obama violated contractual law when his regime cancelled 77 oil  field development contracts previously approved by Interior Secretary  Ken Salazar, under Bush 43’s administration. This keeps us from  extracting from 2-3 TRILLION barrels of oil.

65. Obama used the DHS to determine the political affiliation of  Americans making FOIA requests about the Regime. This led to requests  being stalled, lost, etc.

66. Obama acted in April 2009, at the G20 meeting, to expand the  Special Drawing Rights, that now gives the IMF more control over the US  economy.

67. Obama issued an EO on July 12, 2011, attempting to restrict the  Second  Amendment rights of US citizens in Texas, California, New Mexico and Arizona.

68. Obama’s allowed the FCC to assume authority over the internet, in direct violation of a federal appeals court that DENIED the commission  that authority. In December, the FCC voted and passed the first federal  regulations on internet traffic.

69. Obama allows the DHS/TSA to routinely violate the 4th/5th  Amendment rights of Americans at airports, train stations, and VIPER  checkpoints.

70. Obama allows the DOJ in 2009 to stop enforcing federal drug laws in regards to marijuana.

71. Obama attempted to bypass Congress and raise the Debt Ceiling by “reinterpreting” the 14th Amendment.

72. Obama just bypassed the Senate AGAIN by appointing Richard  Cordray to a new unconstitutional agency, the Consumer Financial  Protection Bureau. Violates policy.

73. Obama deprived the due process of two U.S.citizens, Anwar  al-Awlaki and Samir Khan, by assassinating them via a CIA drone attack  in Yemen on Sept. 30, 2011. This also raises the question of an act of  war against Yemen for firing into a sovereign nation. Obama said in  2008: 

“No. I reject the Bush Administration’s claim that the  President has plenary authority under the U.S. Constitution to  detainU.S.citizens without charges as unlawful enemy combatants.”

74. Obama allowed Education Secretary Arne Duncan to grant waivers to No Child Left Behind however, this is a law enacted by Congress and  neither Obama nor Duncan have the authority to authorize that.

75. Obama allowed the bailouts to grant money without the authority to do so. “No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law.” Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7U.S.Constitution

76. Obama allowed Operation Castaway to occur, which allowed firearms laws to be broken through coercion of legal gun dealers.

77. Obama bypassed the Senate to appoint three people to the National Labor Relations Board. (Naturally, they’ll all be Obomobots)  Violates policy.

78. Obama twenty three illegal Executive Orders to impose a Gun Grab, which is a direct violation of the Second Amendment.

79.  Providing aid and comfort to the enemy by announcing the date  for unilateral withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan. Thereby providing  the impetus for the escalation of the green on blue attacks

80. Obama by announcing the date for unilateral withdrawal from Iraq  and Afghanistan, thereby triggered the disintegration of the green  respect that had been a goal of the training mission.

81. Obama deliberately interfering in the elections of our chief ally in the Middle East, Israel to try and influence the result.

82. Obama supplying the Muslim Brotherhood and Egypt with F16 Jets and 220 Abram Tanks, sworn enemies of the USA and our Chief Ally Israel.

83. Obama nominating a Muslim John Brennan to be Director of the CIA,when America is at War with Radical Islamic Terrorists.

84. Obama nominating Chuck Hagel, a sworn enemy of our Chief Ally Israel, to be Secretary of Defense

85. Obama and Holder breaking Constitutional Law, by introducing Drone attacks on Americans.

86. Obama is using his Executive Decree to allow 80,000 Muslims to enter America  next year, and 100,000 Muslims  for the next five years.

87. The Obama administration failed to enforce a century-old law meant to prevent immigrants from taking root in the U.S. only to live on the government dole

88. The Obama administration’s release of hundreds and potentially thousands of illegal-alien criminals from U.S. detention centers

89. The sequester is actually a plot by Obama to cut defense spending and transfer money to “ACORN-like” groups that would help elect Democratic candidates.

90. The Obama administration’s allegedly revealing his political opponents’ private tax information to the media.

91. Obama allowing the third Saudi Bomber in Boston be deported to Saudi Arabia – Arch Terrorist Osama Bin Laden’s son

92. Obama Will Not Charge Boston Jihad Bombers as Enemy Combatants

93. White House Link to Illegal Taping of Sen. McConnell

94. Allowing Islamic Terror Group the Taliban to flourish and operate on American soil.

95. The Obama Government has been caught promoting the delivery of taxpayer-funded welfare benefits to foreigners – “These disclosures further confirm the fact that the Obama administration  cannot be trusted to protect our borders or enforce our immigration  laws. And the coordination with a foreign government to attack the  policies of an American state is contemptible,”

96. Agents of the Obama Regime conspired in 2008 to get Obama’s name illegally put on the Indiana Primary Ballot.

97. Obama Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel Involved In Massive Vote Fraud Scandal? 

98. TREASON…Obama Government Hired Al Qaeda to Defend the Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi?

99. Obama Military Considers Stopping Christians from Proselytizing

100. Obama and SecState Clinton’s efforts to bring the US under the UN’s Small Arms Treaty are direct violations of the Second Amendment of the US Constitution.

UNKNOWN: How many exact other violations of his Oath of Office.

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully  execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the  best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Updates as needed...

Entry #543

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach!

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach!




By Tim Dunkin  Wednesday, May 15, 2013

 The magnitude of the scandalous and illegal behavior of the Obama administration

Canada Free Press

The past week has been amazing for American political observers, and it probably has many Americans longing for the good ol’ days of government transparency and impartiality that we saw during the Nixon administration. Though it has been long simmering, the scandals pot on the Obama administration’s stovetop is finally starting to boil over, and there’s little now that anyone in the executive branch can do about it.

Many Americans—often apolitical, or perhaps even leaning towards Obama and his ideology—are finally starting to see the Obama administration for what it really is: the most corrupt, deceitful, scandal-ridden presidential administration since Harding’s. I’m sure, however, that the more radical and partisan Democrats and left-wingers out there will try to argue that it’s much ado about nothing, that the Rethuglicans are just trying to stir up a tempest in a Teapot Dome.After many long months (and in some cases, years), the people of this nation are finally seeing the dirty laundry, the web of deceit, that Obama and his underlings have been hiding. For many conservatives in the “alternative” media and the blogosphere, there has to be a sense of vindication in the air, as their yeoman’s work of keeping the various Obama scandals before their readers and not letting them be swept into the mainstream media’s memory hole has finally paid off, and people are starting to realize that these conservative media sources were right all along.

Regardless of what the left-wing fringe thinks, recent revelations—as well as things that some of us have known about for years but which the media kept hidden from the general public—clearly indicate that the current administration, from top to bottom, cannot be allowed to continue in office. The level of corruption is astounding, even beyond what most conservative opponents of Obama thought would be possible. The only solution to what we’re seeing in Washington DC is to impeach. Impeach Obama, impeach Hillary Clinton, impeach Tim Geithner, impeach Eric Holder, and from there, work down the food chain.

In American history there have only been two Presidents who were impeached by the US House—Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton (Richard Nixon was technically not impeached, since he resigned before the House could finish articles of impeachment against him). In both cases, they were acquitted by the U.S. Senate. Andrew Johnson was impeached, essentially, for working against Radical Republican efforts to make Reconstruction more painful for the defeated South after the Civil War. Richard Nixon, as we know, was going to be impeached for his part in covering up the break-in at the Watergate Hotel in which GOP operatives tried to spy on Democrat planners. Bill Clinton, for his part, was impeached for having sex‚Ķwait, that’s not it, he was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice (things that would have gotten any of us thrown in jail if we had done them).

The magnitude of the scandalous and illegal behavior of the Obama administration makes all of these prior impeachments, as well as the many other scandals that have plagued the American government of the last two and a quarter centuries, look like child’s play.

Now that the lid has been blown off, I get a sense that the average low-information voter is even starting to become informed about what the executive branch has been doing, and is getting angry about it. At the end of last week, I had something unusual happen at work. One of my co-workers, an almost stereotypical “twenty-something”—unmarried, doesn’t follow politics very much, socially liberal, supports gay marriage, probably voted for Obama, and so forth—started a completely unsolicited conversation with me about Benghazi. He was very angry about the way the administration allowed four Americans to die, about how they could have come to their rescue but didn’t, and that they then tried to downplay, minimize, and cover it up. In fact, my co-worker had been listening to the Benghazi hearings live-streamed from C-Span—something I wouldn’t have even thought of doing. I think he knew more about the scandal than I did. The coverage was having a very definite and negative effect on his opinions about the Obama administration.

Maybe Mike Huckabee was right when he said a couple of weeks ago that the Obama scandals were about to explode on the scene, and would result in impeachment. At the time, I sort of shrugged it off, figuring that the media was just going to keep covering up and word would never get out. Yet, it’s starting to look like this might happen. I’m definitely hoping that it will.

So what are all the scandals that are finally seeing the light?

Entry #542

Rise Of The Obama Reich

Rise Of The Obama Reich



By Paula Helton

Sheltering in Place, IR”SS”, Bis Sis, and Obama Youth

Canada Free Press


The time has come for Americans to stop bending to the will of the PC enablers and define the Obama Administration for what it is;

The Obama Reich. How else to describe the eerily similar parallels of Barack Obama and Adolph Hitler?

There are numerous comparisons to be made. In writing this, I focused on four of them.

Hitler Youth

When an opponent declares, “I will not come over to your side,” I calmly say, “Your child belongs to us already…What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.”…Mein Kampf

An excerpt from a History Place article titled “Hitler’s Boy Soldiers – 1939-1945” gives us a chilling look at the Hitler Youth.

“From 1940 to 1945, about 2.8 million German children were sent to these camps. There were separate KLV camps for boys and girls. Some 5,000 camps were eventually in operation, varying greatly in sizes from the smallest which had 18 children to the largest which held 1,200. Each camp was run by a Nazi approved teacher and a Hitler Youth squad leader. The camps replaced big city grammar schools, most of which were closed due to the bombing. Reluctant parents were forced to send their children away to the camps.

Life inside the boys’ camp was harsh, featuring a dreary routine of roll calls, paramilitary field exercises, hikes, marches, recitation of Nazi slogans and propaganda, along with endless singing of Hitler Youth songs and Nazi anthems. School work was neglected while supreme emphasis was placed on the boys learning to automatically snap-to attention at any time of the day or night and to obey all orders unconditionally “without any if or buts.”

Obama Youth

The use of songs and chants to brainwash the youth of America has also been the method of choice for Barack Obama. Videos of very young children singing his praises can be found here , here, here and here .

Obama, however, has decided that our children must be indoctrinated at an even younger age as documented in this speech, wherein he demands universal pre-school.

The further indoctrination of college students occurred in his recent address to graduates at Ohio State University. In the speech found here, he admonished the students “Unfortunately, you’ve grown up hearing voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate, sinister entity that’s at the root of all our problems; some of these same voices also doing their best to gum up the works. They’ll warn that tyranny is always lurking just around the corner. You should reject these voices.” Whose voices are they to reject; the Founding Fathers, their parents, grandparents, etc.?

The speech at Ohio State also offers further proof that Mr. Obama knows nothing of our Country, as evidenced by his many instances of referring to us a Democracy. Perhaps We the People can aid in Barack’s education by forwarding on to him this explanation of who and what we are:

“When Benjamin Franklin emerged from Independence Hall in Philadelphia at the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, he was approached by a Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia. It was then and there that she asked the now famous question, “Well, Doctor, what have we, a republic or a monarchy?” It is said that Dr. Franklin, without hesitation, said, “A Republic, ma’am, if you can keep it.”

To further enlighten our poser in the White House, Merriam Webster Dictionary of Law defines Republic thusly: a Republic is “a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law.” In other words, a Republic is a system of government where the ultimate power lies with the people; that power executed by way of elected representatives who are responsible to those who elected them and according to the rule of law.

Hitler’s Gestapo

From a United States Holocaust Memorial Museum articled titled, “Nazi Terror Begins”, we learn the following:

“Essential to the intimidating effects of the terror was the willingness of many German citizens (whether out of conviction, greed, envy, or vengeance) to denounce their fellow citizens, Jewish and non-Jewish, to the police. The Gestapo could not have exercised such control over German society without the benefit of this steady stream of denunciations, many of which were entirely unfounded.”

Read More Here

Entry #541

WH Insider: First Time BO Truly Fears American Public Opinion

WH Insider: First Time BO Truly Fears American Public Opinion



A brief but very much appreciated update received today from perhaps the most colorful and politically intelligent figure I have ever had the pleasure to call both friend and enemy – White House Insider.  The update focuses on just one subject – the all out attempt by a few key figures within the Obama White House to insulate the president from the damage now coming over the Benghazi Massacre and subsequent cover up, and certain operatives’ plans to prevent that from happening.

(“I think at this point it’s the first time since he’s been president that Barack Obama truly fears American public opinion.”   -WHI)



My boy my boy my boy.  We are finally seeing some real deal dynamics coming out to play on this Benghazi situation.  In case you might not know, there’s been some Republicans who have had at least some of this information for several weeks.  Not sure the game they are trying to play, or if they can even play it right.  Or get off their ass and onto the f*cking field.  I already told you it’s the CIA’s turn next and it looks like that part is about to develop.  Now here’s the thing about CIA.  Those boys don’t play nice.  You sh*t on them, they shove a size 12 so far up your ass you can tie the laces with your teeth.  Jarrett don’t quite know that world, and she’s way overplayed her one real card in all of this.  Now she’s trying to call in favors within the party, but the party don’t much care for her.  Never has.  Feared her plenty.  Never liked her though.  Most of them ain’t calling her back.

She’s got Kerry running interference inside State, but he’s an incompetent and will f*ck that up soon enough.  Carney is just about as used up as a two dollar hooker during shore leave.  Poor dumb <snip>.  Got him walking the plank every time he goes out there now.  He’s got that Mike McCurry “why did I ever take this job” look to him.  I know that look well.  I actually don’t mind Carney so much.  He’s in way over his head now though and he knows it.


Now I don’t want you getting your hopes up too much just yet.  Lots of sh*t can go wrong here.  First, we’re talking the Republican leadership, right?  That bunch of flatulent dimwits could always manage to learn new ways of being stupid.  See McCain doing his same old “don’t jump to conclusions” bullsh*t on Benghazi while at the same time pushing for more resources to go to the revolution in Syria?  The guy has more than a touch of the simple these days.  Traitorous lying old f*ck.  Give him a camera and he’ll be there in a second.  Give him a way to defeat Obama and he backs off at the last minute because he still ain’t over his personal dislike of the Republican candidate.  Never seen that kind of sh*t from Republicans before but it’s pretty much what they’re all about these days.

continue article at The Ulsterman Report:

Entry #540

With Blood on Their Hands

With Blood on Their Hands



Lady Macbeth may have been one of literature’s most famous villains, but at least she had the guilty conscience to eventually try and wash the blood off her hands. Even if by then it was much too late.

via American Digest

It is doubtful that Hillary Rodham Clinton will start hallucinating bloody spots on her palms during the book tour for her upcoming 14-million-dollar book or compulsively washing her hands during the 2016 campaign.

If she does make it into the White House, it is even more doubtful that she will wander it at night in a nightgown crying out for the blood that can never be washed away.

Lady Macbeth may have cried out, “Here’s the smell of the blood still; all the perfumes of Araby will not sweeten this little hand.” But the black perfumes of today’s Araby are more than enough to sweeten a multitude of appeasements and cover the blood that flows out from them.

Real life villains are closer to Richard III than Lady Macbeth, offering to trade their stolen kingdom for a horse to the very end, rather than seeking some intangible repentance in a fit of remorse. They are more likely to ask what difference it makes; the solipsistic query of the sociopath to whom the feelings of others are abstract things.

The Benghazi hearings featured more hypocritical and trite eulogies than anything Richard III could have imagined. Congressman Elijah Cummings told witnesses that “death is a part of a life.” A fact that they were surely unaware of. His colleague, Eleanor Holmes Norton asked, “What’s the big deal here?”

“We had Benghazi I with Susan Rice, now we’re having Benghazi II with Hillary Clinton. Enough Benghazi,” Norton declared. It’s not quite “Out, <snip>ed spot!” or “What, will these hands ne’er be clean?” and more “What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account?”

The latter is a timeless villain’s truth, whether in a fictional 11th century Scottish castle or in the all too real 21st century Capitol Hill.

For Lady Macbeth, power was not a sufficient defense against conscience. A thousand years later, in Foggy Bottom, Capitol Hill and at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue; there is no conscience, only power. The arrogance of an Obama, a Clinton or a Norton comes from their confidence that none can call their power to account. 

Norton and Clinton have more of a point than critics give them credit for. Benghazi isn’t a big deal. Not compared to the rivers of blood they shed in Afghanistan. In Benghazi, four Americans were abandoned. In Afghanistan, it was over 1500 soldiers killed and nearly 15,000 wounded many of them denied air support and the ability to fight back under rules of engagement that likely also played a part in the betrayal at Benghazi.

Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin, a Shakespearean villain, if there ever was one, who helpfully wrote his own soliloquies, once said that while a single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic. The four deaths in Benghazi are also a tragedy. Though we must of course, as Congressman Cummings told us, put them into the context of death being a part of life. Afghanistan however is just a statistic.

The day after Benghazi, the parents of Navy SEALS from Seal Team Six, along with military experts and former military officials, appeared at the National Press Club to demand a congressional investigation. The media responded with a collective shrugs and resumed providing non-stop coverage of the Jodi Arias case. Some Lady Macbeths go to prison. Others are meant to go to the White House.

“Why was there no pre-assault fire?” Karen Vaughn, the mother of Navy SEAL Aaron Vaughn, asked. “We were told as families that pre-assault fire damages our efforts to win the hearts and minds of our enemy. So in other words, the hearts and minds of our enemy are more valuable to this government than my son’s blood.”

“Why didn’t they take them out with a drone,” Charles Strange, the father of Michael Strange asked. “The Admiral told me, to win the hearts and minds. I says, to win the hearts and minds? How about my heart? How about my mind?” But not all hearts and minds are created equal. And not all blood is valued the same.

If Lady Macbeth had wandered through her Foggy Bottom castle or the Westchester mansion, complete with wine cellar, artist’s studio and outdoor fireplace, mourning for a Muslim terrorist killed in a drone strike or a Muslim protester during the September 11 embassy attacks, that would have been a socially acceptable act of regret for a lost mind and heart that could have yet been turned to a moderate appreciation of a country where you can hate it, bomb it and still get an academic posting at Columbia University.

But why bother mourning for one of the expendable human drones who are expected to give their lives to remind Muslims of our respect for their culture and religion?

When a Muslim is killed by a drone, the media gathers its outrage, but when one of our soldiers or diplomats dies in the hopes of softening a Muslim’s heart, then the men and women who sent him to die with his hands tied and a target painted on his back cannot see the red spots on their soft palms.

Muslim hearts and minds are the obsession of the policymakers of the dying West, but who cares about the hearts and minds of the men and women who ride Chinooks into danger zones, run marathons in cities where aspiring Chechen boxers feel marginalized and work in skyscrapers that Muslim students fly past on the way from Boston, except on Election Day?

“Under the current Rules of Engagement, if the enemy fires on you then runs behind a rock,” Karen Vaughn told a press that was busy pressing its fingers into its ears as deep as they could go, “when he pops his head out from behind the rock, you’re not allowed to engage him unless you can verify that he has not laid his gun down… in other words you must be fired on twice.”

Today it’s twice. Tomorrow it may be three times. And then four. The angrier they get, the more free shots we have to give them to improve their self-esteem and soothe the throbbing emotions in their hearts and minds.

The press release for Hillary Clinton’s 14-million-dollar book declares that she “has redefined the meaning of ‘trailblazer’ in every phase of her career on the world stage.” Considering the ambassador she left choking to death on the smoke from a fire set by the militias she helped empower, that might not be the best choice of words. The unnamed book will offer “dramatic moments”, “vivid personal anecdotes” and “memories of her collaboration with President Obama and his National Security team.”

Again, not the best choice of words. But all too apt.

“Your face, my thane, is as a book where men may read strange matters,” Lady Macbeth advised her lord. But it isn’t likely that readers who plonk down their thirty bucks will read any strange matters in this sixth or seventh Clinton book. Those who have already endured “Living History” with her and “It Takes a Village”, not to mention “Dear Socks: Kids’ Letters to the First Pets” are unlikely to learn anything new from Hillary Clinton’s version of Decision Points.

The books after all take the next part of Lady Macbeth’s murderous advice. “To beguile the time, Look like the time; bear welcome in your eye… But be the serpent under’t.” The time now is that of the successful career woman whose marriage may be a sham and whose career is littered with more bodies than Lady Macbeth could have aspired to in her most deranged fantasies, but who never lets that get her down or stop her from leaning in to offer some empowering advice for that big meeting.

The serpent is still underneath. And sometimes it comes to the surface, asking what difference it makes it four people died here or fifteen hundred people died there. It’s been Benghazi I and Benghazi II and eventually Benghazi III and it’s time to to discussing some offensive thing about the reproductive process that a Republican in Iowa or Idaho said.

There will be no book titled, “Dear Hillary, I’m In a Burning Diplomatic Mission with no Security and Can’t Breathe: Dying Ambassador’s Letters to Former First Ladies” and no, “It Takes a State Department to Spend Money on Art in Embassies Instead of on Embassy Security” book either. Those books wouldn’t look like the time, they actually would be the time. They would be the bloody handprints on the wall and that would distract us from the Jodi Arias 2016 campaign.

The families of Navy SEALS demanding answers will not receive a fraction of the coverage that Cindy Sheehan did for burping in Bush’s direction. American hearts and minds only matter when they are being influenced to stop fighting back against all the hate in Muslim hearts and minds. Soldiers will go on fighting and dying with their hands tied behind their backs. Embassies will go on being attacked. And nothing will be done about it because fighting back is insensitive and hurts our chances of winning Muslim hearts and minds.

Lady Macbeth only wanted power, but she lacked an ideology that would allow her to believe that she was doing the right thing.  There was no Wellesley College senior thesis about Saul Alinsky on her shelf and she was left unequipped to believe that the ends justified the means and that rivers of blood could be spilled in a good cause.

“If the ideals Alinsky espouses were actualized, the result would be social revolution,” Hillary Clinton wrote in her conclusion.

The social revolution of her 1969 thesis is once again here, and like most revolutions, it’s a bloody mess. Once again social values are under attack by radicals while soldiers die overseas without being allowed to fight back. And the radicals care for nothing for the blood that they spill for their radical revolution. Not the blood of a single man or of a thousand men.

“What is a traitor?” Lady Macduff’s son asks his mother, before being murdered by Macbeth’s assassins. “Why, one that swears and lies,” his mother replies. “Who must hang them?” her son asks. “Why, the honest men,” she answers. “Then the liars and swearers are fools,” he says, “for there are liars and swearers enow to beat the honest men and hang up them.”

The liars and swearers have hung up the honest men from Benghazi to Kabul to Capitol Hill. And the traitors walk through the night with blood on their hands and do not even see.

Entry #539

Reckless Disregard & Traitorous Orders by Obama

Reckless Disregard & Traitorous Orders by Obama




Karl Denninger / Market Ticker

The hits just keep coming….

Fox News has learned from sources who were on the ground in Benghazi that an  urgent request from the CIA annex for military back-up during the attack on the  U.S. consulate and subsequent attack several hours later on the annex itself was  denied by the CIA chain of command — who also told the CIA operators twice to  “stand down” rather than help the ambassador’s team when shots were heard at  approximately 9:40 p.m. in Benghazi on Sept. 11.

Stand down?

You can’t be serious. 

As I noted a few days ago it appears that our “purpose” in maintaining that “safe house” in Libya was that we had thousands of MANPADs — man-totable anti-aircraft missiles — “loose” over there, and were trying to find them and basically buy them back (read: bribery.)  Therefore, we knew <snip> well that the so-called “annex” in question was a high-value target to anyone who had a stick in their azz about America, as it contained both weapons and lots of money — two commodities in high demand in that part of the world.

At least three men, including two now-dead ones, ignored the order to stand down and attempted to defend the consulate.  They died defending American soil despite orders to not do so.  Worse, during the attempted defense they managed to get a laser designator on the people firing on the annex and yet they couldn’t get anyone to put ordnance on that location.

So exactly who refused help?

It is looking increasingly likely that the person responsible for this is President Obama himself, personally.

David Petraeus has said this:

Breaking news on Benghazi: the CIA spokesman, presumably at the direction of CIA director David Petraeus, has put out this statement: “No one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate. ”

But clearly, someone did issue a “Stand Down” order (that was ignored.)  Who was it?

There’s only one person left: President Obama himself.

Facts are funny thing — they eventually lead to inescapable conclusions, no matter how hard you’d wish they didn’t, as potential explanations for various events are examined and discarded.

It now appears that we have a President who not only intentionally put our men and women in harm’s way without appropriate defensive measures but when they came under attack he literally ordered them to die rather than defend them.

Are we as American going to sit for this outrage or will we call it what it is?

Entry #538

One Hundred Articles of Impeachment Against Obama

One Hundred Articles of Impeachment Against Obama



There is a growing groundswell within American Republican and Tea  Party ranks that impeachment proceedings should be initiated against  President Obama on a whole list of violations of the Constitution and  the War Powers Act. ~ Peter Paton

Congressmen Allen West of Florida (R-Florida) and Darrell Issa (R-  California) have consistently and loudly criticized the president for  overstepping the political mark and bypassing Congress’s approval on a  whole range of dubious policies and issues: and the recent Obama attack  on the Supreme Court of Justice and the Russian ” Open Mic ” gaffe on  National Security, leads to one question...

Is Barack Obama making his own case for impeachment? Obama did not become the Democratic nominee for  President without the help of several leaders of the Democratic Party  who knew that he was not eligible for office

Listed below are the One Hundred Articles of Impeachment.

1. Appointment of a “shadow government” of some 35+ individuals  termed “czars” who are not confirmed by the Senate and respond only to  the president, yet have overarching regulatory powers – a clear  violation of the separation of powers concept. Obama bypassed the Senate with many of his appointments of over 35 “czars.”

2. No congressional support for Libyan action (violation of the War  Powers Act ). Obama lied to the American people when he said that there  were no US troops on the ground in Libya and then later said they were  only “logistical troops.” Obama violated the War Powers Act of 1973 by  conducting a war against Libya without Congressional authorization.

3. Betraying of allies ( Israel and Great Britain. Obama has placed  the security of our most trusted ally in the Middle East, Israel, in  danger while increasing funding to the Palestinian Authority (Fatah,  just another Islamic terrorist group) whilst they have enjoined a  reconciliation pact with long-standing terrorist group Hamas and the  disclosure of British nuclear secrets to the Russians in the Start  Treaty.  Obama gave missile codes to British Trident missiles to Russia.

4. Backdoor implementation of the DREAM Act which would grant 22  million illegals amnesty. Obama passed the Dream Act through an  executive order, bypassing Congress again. DREAM is: Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors

5. Telegraphing troop reductions to enemies – against the consult of  his experienced field commanders – while embracing negotiations with our enemy, the Taliban, and recognizing another, the Muslim Brotherhood.

6. Betrayal of Arizona. Obama brought a federal lawsuit against a  sovereign state, Arizona, seeking to protect its citizens from this  threat of mass illegal immigration

7. Obama’s Failure to enforce U.S. law, the Defense of Marriage Act.  He’s stripped America of its moral base by his support for homosexuality and the attack on marriage between a man and a women Obama allows the  DOJ to refuse to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act.

8. Support of an inept and incompetent attorney general who has  failed to prosecute voter intimidation cases (New Black Panther Party),  initiated a dangerous gun-smuggling program (Operation Fast and Furious)  – which resulted in deaths to one of our own law enforcement agents.

Obama allowed Operation Fast and Furious to occur, which allowed  hundreds of Mexican nationals and Border Agent Brian Terry to be  murdered with illegal arms given out by the ATF and DOJ.

9. Increasing the regulatory burden on American business through  bypassing the legislative process with his executive branch agencies  such as the Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug  Administration.

10. Failure to take the steps necessary to secure our borders and  stem the flow of illegal immigration, termed as “repel invasions” in our United States Constitution in Article 1, Section 8 and Article 4,  Section 4.

Obama has failed to defend US soil in Arizona as Mexican  troops bring illegals and drugs into the USA, crossing the border doing  so. This is a direct violation of Article IV, Section 4 of the  Constitution.

11. Inappropriately commanding the release of strategic oil reserves  and providing Brazil $2 billion for its offshore oil exploration.

12. Illegally soliciting funds from within the White House ($5 dinner video fundraiser). The unalienable rights endowed to us by the Creator; life, liberty, and the pursuit (not guarantee) of happiness – are being threatened by the Obama administration.

This current government has  abridged the consent of the governed and that whenever any form of  government becomes destructive to these ends. It is the right of the  people to alter or to abolish it.

13. Taking on the Supreme Court’s power of judicial review with a preemptive striking against justices who might contemplate an unfavorable ruling on ObamaCare.

14. ”Open Mic ” gaffe in which he explained Russian President Dimitri  Medvedev that he’d have more “flexibility” to sacrifice American  security after his re-election

15. Occidental College Transcripts Reveals Obama Claimed Foreign Citizenship to Get Scholarship?

16. Obama’s secret back channel Nuclear deal with Iran, a sworn enemy of America and our Allies

17. Obama’s offer of a seat at the table for our avowed enemy the Taliban

18. Barack Hussein Obama’s Ineligibility to be POTUS because he was born in Kenya

19. Obama and his Administration leaking previously classified  information about our intelligence communities’ efforts to slow down  Iran’s march to nuclear weaponry.

20. Obama destabilized Western Ally Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, and allowed the Militant  and Anti West Muslim Brotherhood to take over the Egyptian Regime, posing a mortal threat to our Ally  Israel and our own Western assets and interests in the region. Obama  instigated a revolution in Egypt against an ally in the War on Terror.

21. Obama has appointed Muslim Brotherhood advisers, enemies of the State, to the White House. Aid and comfort to the Muslim Brotherhood is TREASON per Article 3 Sec III of the US Constitution..

22. Obama bypassing Congress again by Executive Decree to allow  Illegal Immigrants to remain and vote in America for partisan electoral  purposes and reasons.

23. Obama selling citizenship to criminals in direct opposition to Federal Law.

24. Obama admin assisted Egypt in remilitarizing the Sinai, “something forbidden by the Camp David Accords”

25. Obama has attempted to compel religious institutions to pay for  abortion services — a clear violation of First Amendment rights

26. Obama apologizing on 9/11 day to our sworn Islamist enemies, the Salafists,  the same day these terrorists massacred the American Ambassador and  three other American officials in the Benghazi Embassy, Libya. and  ramsacked and looted the Cairo Embassy in Egypt.

27. Obama spending billions in aid on America´s enemies, while disregarding the needs of the US.

28. Obama is directly responsible for the many wars and murders of Christians in the Middle East

29. Obama has financially ruined this country, and his actions are  leading to the demise of the dollar. President Obama is either an idiot  or he is purposely trying to destroy the American economy.

30. Obama is hollowing out our military, and destroying our intelligence gathering capability.

31. Obama, aka Barry Soetoro deliberately concealed his true illegal background to be POTUS, TRUTH out: why #Obama records sealed FOREIGN student ID  Can we trust Pres. who games system – lies

32. Criminal cover up by the White House over BengaziGate, where four Americans, including Ambassador Stevens were murdered by Islamic  Extremists.

33. #CANDYGATE Collusion with CNN Moderator Candy Crowley at the 2nd Debate  to cover up BengaziGate  The Candy-Obama Controversy : Get the Transcript’

34. Obama’s Illegal Foreign Campaign money.

35. Obama Administration defining the Fort Hood Terrorist Act as a Workplace Accident, which gave succour and comfort to our enemies.

36. The Border-gate arms deal offense that resulted in the death of a border patrol agent as well as numerous innocent Mexican civilians.

37. Suspected organized and widespread election fraud engineered by Agents of the Obama Regime at the November 6th Presidential Election.

38. Obama and unrepentant terrorist William Ayers misappropriated  over 300 million dollars in donations meant for the education of  Chicago’s minority students. They routed the money to Obama’s community  activist buddies who then tried to turn the students in radicals. The  program was a total failure.

39. Obama, as an Illinois State Senator, redirected tens of millions in Illinois tax dollars to Valerie Jarrett and Tony Rezko, to provide housing for low income families. They  returned the favor with political donations. The housing units were  built with cheap materials and labor and are uninhabitable after a mere  10 years of use.

40. Obama accepted millions in illegal campaign contributions from  foreign credit cards after the credit card filters used to screen out  foreign money, was switched off. This also allowed domestic donors, who  were over the legal limit, to contribute more.


41. Obama attempted to move control of the Census Bureau from the  Commerce Department to the White House, to be managed by then Chief of  Staff Rahm Emmanuel.

42. Obama had provided under the radar amnesty to illegal immigrants by allowing ICE Director John Morton to prohibit ICE officers from enforcing US immigration laws.

43. Obama allowed USAG Holder to ignore the violation of US immigration laws in the sanctuary cities, i.e.,San Francisco, etc.

44. Obama illegally fired the IG Walpin for investigating Obama’s  buddy, Mayor Kevin Johnson (Sacramento), for fraud (850K) with  AmeriCorps.

45. Obama is in contempt of Federal court for his illegal oil drilling moratorium in the Gulf…

46. Obama spent a month as the UN Security Council Chair in 2009,  which raises the question of his conflict of interest between the US and the UN. This is also likely a violation of his Oath of Office as the UN conflicts with our Constitution on many levels, i.e., LOST, UN Small  Arms ban, etc.

47. Obama signed an EO in December 2009 that allows Interpol to  operate in the US without oversight by Congress, courts, FBI, or local  law enforcement.

48. Obama and SecState Clinton misappropriated, er, used $23 million  in US taxpayer funds to help Obama’s homeland of Kenya move to a  communist nation where the freedom of speech, private property rights,  and other rights are subservient to “social justice”.

This includes the  fact that the Kenyan constitution adopted Sharia Law, which violates the basic human rights of women.

49. Obama was likely involved with then Governor Rod Blagojevich to  try and sell his Illinois Senate seat, i.e., pay to play. Jesse Jackson  Jr is under investigation for it and it appears that Valerie Jarrett  might also have been involved.

50. Obama ran a website that asked Americans to report on other  Americans, in the area of ObamaKare, using and taxpayer  money to do so. He repeated this with AttackWatch.

51. Obama got onto the Indiana ballot through voter fraud in 2008.

52. Obama sealed all of his records that would show that he is  possibly an illegal president, that he is feloniously using a false SSN, that his draft registration number is false, that his Fulbright award  was falsely awarded as Obama claimed foreign student status, and that  his student aid was falsely obtained.

53. Obama violated the Constitution by firing the GM CEO.

54. Obama violated bankruptcy laws by forcing GM bondholders to  accept millions of dollars in losses of money that they were legally  entitled to.

55. Obama violated bankruptcy laws by awarding the UAW with a share of GM and Chrysler during their bankruptcy proceedings.

56. Obama bought votes for ObamaKare with acts like, “Cornhusker  Kickback”, “Louisiana Purchase” and the DoI increasing water allocations toCalifornia’sCentral Valley. This brought in the votes of Dennis  Cardoza and Jim Costa, both Democrat holdouts.

57. Obama lied about Americans being able to keep their healthcare  coverage if they wanted to. ObamaKare is already forcing them out of  their current coverage.

58. Obama attempted to bribe Joe Sestak with a job offer in order to  get him to drop out of the Senate race against Arlen Specter.

59. Obama bypassed Congress and told the EPA to set carbon emission standards.

60. Obama forced BP to pony up a $20 billion slush fund to compensate Gulf Coast businesses and residents affected by the BP oil spill. It  was administered by one of Obama’s political appointees and there is NO  Congressional oversight.

61. Obama did nothing to Holder (abetted a felony) when Holder  refused to prosecute two New Black Panther Party members for brandishing weapons in front of a voting location in Filthadelphia. A direct  violation of the voters Civil Rights.

62. Obama bypassed the Senate with a recess appointment of Donald  Berwick as the head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.  Violates policy.

63. Obama illegally fired Sherry Sherrod from the USDA over remarks  she made at an NAACP meeting in March 2010. He violated her due process.

64. Obama violated contractual law when his regime cancelled 77 oil  field development contracts previously approved by Interior Secretary  Ken Salazar, under Bush 43’s administration. This keeps us from  extracting from 2-3 TRILLION barrels of oil.

65. Obama used the DHS to determine the political affiliation of  Americans making FOIA requests about the Regime. This led to requests  being stalled, lost, etc.

66. Obama acted in April 2009, at the G20 meeting, to expand the  Special Drawing Rights, that now gives the IMF more control over the US  economy.

67. Obama issued an EO on July 12, 2011, attempting to restrict the  Second  Amendment rights of US citizens in Texas, California, New Mexico and Arizona.

68. Obama’s allowed the FCC to assume authority over the internet, in direct violation of a federal appeals court that DENIED the commission  that authority. In December, the FCC voted and passed the first federal  regulations on internet traffic.

69. Obama allows the DHS/TSA to routinely violate the 4th/5th  Amendment rights of Americans at airports, train stations, and VIPER  checkpoints.

70. Obama allows the DOJ in 2009 to stop enforcing federal drug laws in regards to marijuana.

71. Obama attempted to bypass Congress and raise the Debt Ceiling by “reinterpreting” the 14th Amendment.

72. Obama just bypassed the Senate AGAIN by appointing Richard  Cordray to a new unconstitutional agency, the Consumer Financial  Protection Bureau. Violates policy.

73. Obama deprived the due process of two U.S.citizens, Anwar  al-Awlaki and Samir Khan, by assassinating them via a CIA drone attack  in Yemen on Sept. 30, 2011. This also raises the question of an act of  war against Yemen for firing into a sovereign nation. Obama said in  2008: 

“No. I reject the Bush Administration’s claim that the  President has plenary authority under the U.S. Constitution to  detainU.S.citizens without charges as unlawful enemy combatants.”

74. Obama allowed Education Secretary Arne Duncan to grant waivers to No Child Left Behind however, this is a law enacted by Congress and  neither Obama nor Duncan have the authority to authorize that.

75. Obama allowed the bailouts to grant money without the authority to do so. “No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law.” Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7U.S.Constitution

76. Obama allowed Operation Castaway to occur, which allowed firearms laws to be broken through coercion of legal gun dealers.

77. Obama bypassed the Senate to appoint three people to the National Labor Relations Board. (Naturally, they’ll all be Obomobots)  Violates policy.

78. Obama twenty three illegal Executive Orders to impose a Gun Grab, which is a direct violation of the Second Amendment.

79.  Providing aid and comfort to the enemy by announcing the date  for unilateral withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan. Thereby providing  the impetus for the escalation of the green on blue attacks

80. Obama by announcing the date for unilateral withdrawal from Iraq  and Afghanistan, thereby triggered the disintegration of the green  respect that had been a goal of the training mission.

81. Obama deliberately interfering in the elections of our chief ally in the Middle East, Israel to try and influence the result.

82. Obama supplying the Muslim Brotherhood and Egypt with F16 Jets and 220 Abram Tanks, sworn enemies of the USA and our Chief Ally Israel.

83. Obama nominating a Muslim John Brennan to be Director of the CIA,when America is at War with Radical Islamic Terrorists.

84. Obama nominating Chuck Hagel, a sworn enemy of our Chief Ally Israel, to be Secretary of Defense

85. Obama and Holder breaking Constitutional Law, by introducing Drone attacks on Americans.

86. Obama is using his Executive Decree to allow 80,000 Muslims to enter America  next year, and 100,000 Muslims  for the next five years.

87. The Obama administration failed to enforce a century-old law meant to prevent immigrants from taking root in the U.S. only to live on the government dole

88. The Obama administration’s release of hundreds and potentially thousands of illegal-alien criminals from U.S. detention centers

89. The sequester is actually a plot by Obama to cut defense spending and transfer money to “ACORN-like” groups that would help elect Democratic candidates.

90. The Obama administration’s allegedly revealing his political opponents’ private tax information to the media.

91. Obama allowing the third Saudi Bomber in Boston be deported to Saudi Arabia – Arch Terrorist Osama Bin Laden’s son

92. Obama Will Not Charge Boston Jihad Bombers as Enemy Combatants

93. White House Link to Illegal Taping of Sen. McConnell

94. Allowing Islamic Terror Group the Taliban to flourish and operate on American soil.

95. The Obama Government has been caught promoting the delivery of taxpayer-funded welfare benefits to foreigners – “These disclosures further confirm the fact that the Obama administration  cannot be trusted to protect our borders or enforce our immigration  laws. And the coordination with a foreign government to attack the  policies of an American state is contemptible,”

96. Agents of the Obama Regime conspired in 2008 to get Obama’s name illegally put on the Indiana Primary Ballot.

97. Obama Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel Involved In Massive Vote Fraud Scandal? 

98. TREASON…Obama Government Hired Al Qaeda to Defend the Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi?

99. Obama Military Considers Stopping Christians from Proselytizing

100. Obama and SecState Clinton’s efforts to bring the US under the UN’s Small Arms Treaty are direct violations of the Second Amendment of the US Constitution.

UNKNOWN: How many exact other violations of his Oath of Office.

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully  execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the  best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Updates as needed...


Entry #537

Obama Fired 3 Generals, Admiral To Cover up Benghazi

Obama Fired 3 Generals, Admiral To Cover up Benghazi

Friday, May 10, 2013



Maj. Gen. Ralph Baker, commander of the Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa, was fired March 28, according to a Washington Defense official.

The command is headquartered in Djibouti and runs U.S. military operations in East Africa, including some counter-terrorism operations.

Baker, a two-star general, is appealing the firing, which was ordered by his boss, Gen. Carter Ham, the commanding general of all U.S. military operations across Africa.

He was relieved of his duty for loss of confidence, three Defense officials told CNN.

It was second embarrassing dismissal of a high ranking officer involved in the U.S. military hierarchy in Africa in five months.

Gen. William “Kip” Ward, the first four-star general to command U.S. military operations in Africa, was demoted for excessive spending from duty at U.S. Africa Command (Africom).

He lost one star and retired a lieutenant general.

Ward used his rank to shuttle his wife on shopping sprees, enjoyed a lavish beachfront trip and once accepted a Defense contractor’s gift of going backstage to meet actor Denzel Washington.

There are reports that two high-ranking military officers, Rear Admiral Charles Gaouette and General Carter Ham, were fired by Obama for wanting to come to the assistance of the beleaguered U.S. missions in Benghazi.

via Michael Savage



Entry #536

Benghazi: Protecting The Throne – Michael Connelly, Constitutional Attorney

Benghazi: Protecting The Throne – Michael Connelly, Constitutional Attorney

Thursday, May 9, 2013



Michael Connelly

          As a result of the May 8th House of Representatives Committee hearing on the September 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya three chilling conclusions can be drawn. First, the four Americans who were killed were abandoned by the very government they so bravely served. Days prior to the attack Ambassador Chris Stevens and others on his staff pointed out to the State Department that the security situation in Libya was deteriorating. There had already been a car bomb attack on the Consulate in Benghazi and an attempt had been made on the life of the British ambassador. Therefore, Ambassador Stevens wanted an increase in security personnel.

          Yet, despite these reports and the fact that the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in 2001 was rapidly approaching these requests were denied and orders were issued actually reducing the number of security personnel already assigned to the Ambassador. Then when the attacks began on September 11th, there is clear evidence that there were American military assets in the area, including a four man special opts team in Tripoli, that could have been used to break up the assault and save American lives. Instead of immediately deploying these assets, someone in the Obama administration ordered a stand down and no help was provided to the Ambassador and his embattled staff at the Consulate.

          The second conclusion that can be clearly drawn is that the U.S. government knew from the beginning of the assault that this was a coordinated terrorist attack yet tried to hide this fact from the public for days. Instead of acknowledging that we had been struck by Jihadists once again on 9/11 administration officials, including the President and Secretary of State, claimed it was a spontaneous demonstration resulting from an obscure You Tube video critical of the prophet Mohammed that the demonstration somehow evolved into bloodshed. This was claimed despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

          There are still more questions than answers and there will be more hearings, but the final inescapable conclusion to be drawn from this initial hearing is that the Administration, the vast majority of the Democrats in Congress, and most of the mainstream media don’t want the American people to know the truth. Their only interest is in protecting King Obama and his throne, and protecting his possible successor, Hilary Clinton. Instead of asking pertinent The Democrats on the committee spent most of their time attacking the Republicans and the valiant whistleblowers.

Indeed, these elected representatives of “we the people” drew their swords and locked their shields together in order to form a bulwark between the truth and the American people. This is a direct violation of their oath of office where they swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. The founding fathers carefully crafted the Constitution to set up a limited Federal government with three separate, but equal branches that would provide checks and balances to keep one branch from becoming too powerful and plunging our nation into tyranny. By refusing to rein in the excesses of the Executive Branch of government these so called “lawmakers” are failing to do what they are tasked to do by the Constitution. This is not only an impeachable offense, but is subject to criminal penalties under the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 7311 and 18 U.S.C. 1918.

As for the members of the national news media, they take no such oath but I contend that they are still bound by the duties imposed on them by the Constitution. The First Amendment provides for freedom of the press and the founding fathers placed it in the Constitution for a specific reason. They wanted a free press to be a watch dog over the Federal government to keep it from becoming tyrannical, lying to the American people, and taking away our God given freedoms. By refusing to dig for the truth about Benghazi and in fact assisting the Administration in the cover up much of the mainstream media has become nothing more than a propaganda forum for the President and his allies. They are no longer the standard bearers for a free press, but the disciples of tyranny.

It is time for us to take back our country and hold the enemies of our Constitution accountable for their actions.

Michael Connelly

Michael Connelly blog

Constitutional Law Alliance

Welcome to my website and Blog. I am a U.S. Army veteran, a Constitutional attorney, Executive Director of the United States Justice Foundation, and a published author, freelance writer, and teacher. I am the author of four books,  “Riders in the Sky: The Ghosts and Legends of Philmont Scout Ranch”, “The Mortarmen“, a story about my father’s unit in WW II; my novel, ”Amayehli: A Story of America” and the newly released “America’s Livliest Ghosts” In addition, I have an affordable, pocket size booklet on the Constitution called “Our Constitution” that is receiving great reviews. You can read more about these books by going to the pages on each book on this website.

You may also want to check out my radio talk show that airs every Wednesday at 4:00 Eastern. Here is the website containing the link:

I have been named the new Executive Director of the United States Justice Foundation that works on Constitutional law cases. It’s  website is

I have recently formed  a non profit corporation named the Constitutional Law Alliance (CLA).To find out more about the the CLA and the type of projects we are working on go to the webite at You will see information about a booklet I have written titled ”Our Constitution” and an online course I am teaching titled “Constitutional Law: Bill of Rights.” You can learn more about the course and sign up to take it at:

The Blog you see below is designed to deal with the challenges to our Constitutional rights that are being made almost daily.  I will try to post articles frequently and your comments are welcome.

New feature! I have added a new feature to my blog. I will be placing Legislative Alerts on the blog to notify you of specific pieces of legislation pending in Congress that contain direct threats to our Constitution. 

I am available to speak on Constitutional issues to groups both large and small. To request a speaking engagement email me at 

Check out my new ‘Our Constitution” video on You Tube. It is in two parts:

Our Constitution, Part 1

Our Constitution, Part 2





Entry #535

Navy Seal Team 6 Families To Reveal GOVERNMENTS CULPABILITY IN DEATH OF THEIR SONS!! .. From Victor

Navy Seal Team 6 Families To Reveal GOVERNMENTS CULPABILITY IN DEATH OF THEIR SONS!!! .. From Victoria Baer

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


By Fred Brownbill on May 7, 2013 in Constitution Legal Watch






DATE: MAY 9, 2013


TIME: 9:30 AM-11:30 AM

(Washington, D.C.). Three families of Navy SEAL Team 6 special forces servicemen, along with one family of an Army National Guardsman, will appear at a press conference on May 9, 2013, to disclose never before revealed information about how and why their sons along with 26 others died in a fatal helicopter crash in Afghanistan on August 6, 2011, just a few months after the successful raid on the compound of Osama Bin Laden that resulted in the master terrorist’s death.

Accompanying the families of these dead Navy SEAL Team 6 special operations servicemen will be ..continue …

Fair Use: Educational

Entry #534

Source: Only President Could Have Given Stand Down Order During Benghazi Attack

Source: Only President Could Have Given Stand Down Order During Benghazi Attack

Wednesday, May 8, 2013




Freedom Outpost

by Tim Brown

A little over a month after the September 11, 2012 attacks in Benghazi, that left four Americans dead, then CIA Director David Petraeus denied that the CIA issued any type of stand down orders to those requesting to assist in Benghazi, leaving only one person that could have given such an order. This came as it was revealed that there were people on the ground with targets painted and air support overhead and the strike was called off. Even former House Speaker Newt Gingrich claimed that that it was rumored that emails from the National Security Adviser’s office told a counterterrorism group to sand down (by the way, this would be part of the reason for the piece yesterday on Ben Rhodes). Now Breitbart is reporting that a source with intimate information about what took place on the ground in Benghazi on the night the U.S. Consulate and the CIA annex was attacked by terrorists is confirming that only the President of the United States, or someone acting on his authority, could have prevented Special Forces from helping the Americans who were under assault.

Kerry Picket writes,

According to the source, when the attack on the Consulate occurred, a specific chain of command to gain verbal permission to move special-forces in must have occurred. SOCAFRICA commander Lieutenant Col. Gibson would have contacted a desk officer at the time, asking for that permission. 

That desk officer would have called Marine Corps Col. George Bristol, then in command of Joint Special Operations Task Force-Trans Sahara. From there, Bristol would have made contact with Rear Admiral Brian Losey, then Commander of Special Operations Command Africa. Losey would have contacted four-star General Carter Ham, commander of U.S. AFRICOM at the time. 

Read More Here

Reposted with permission.

Entry #533

Obama Serves 14-State Governors With Warnings of Arrest: And why is this not front page news?

Obama Serves 14-State Governors With Warnings of Arrest: And why is this not front page news? (Forword this to Everyone you know)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013   by Ken Larive


Barack Hussein Obama had served 14-State Governors in the United States, National Security Letters (NSLs) warning that the Governor’s actions in attempting to form “State Defense Forces” needs to be halted “immediately” or they will face arrest for the crime of treason. The employment of NSLs was authorized by the Patriot Act introduced by George W. Bush. Contained within the section related to these letters, it is forbidden for anyone receiving a NSL warning to even acknowledge the existence of said communication.

Obama is angered by the several State Governors who have reestablished “State Defense Forces.” These forces are described as: “State Defense Forces (also known as State Guards, State Military Reserves, State Militias) in the United States are military units that operate under the sole authority of a state government; they are not regulated by the National Guard Bureau nor are they part of the Army National Guard of the United States. State Defense Forces are authorized by state and federal law and are under the command of the governor of each state. State Defense Forces are distinct from their state’s National Guard in that they cannot become federal entities.”

Mr. Obama is fearful of these State Defense Forces, in that he does not have control of said forces, and with the U.S. Military stretched to near breaking from multiple deployments and theatre actions in Iraq and Afghanistan, these State military forces would be under the direct command and authority of the Governors in which states have said forces. In essence, the Governors would have “de facto control” of the United States.

The two Governors leading this move are: Tim Pawlenty, Governor of Minnesota; and Rick Perry, Governor of Texas. Both of these State Governors stated they have: “…deep fear the President is destroying their Nation.” Governor Pawlenty’s fear of Obama is that since Obama took office he has appeased America’s enemies and has shunned some of America’s strongest allies, especially Israel. Governor Perry has declared that Obama is punishing his State of Texas by dumping tens-of-thousands of illegal Mexican immigrants into the cities and small towns of Texas. Governor Perry further recently stated: “If Barack Obama’s Washington doesn’t stop being so oppressive, Texans might feel compelled to renounce their American citizenry and secede from the union.”

Obama fearing a revolution against him by the states, has moved swiftly by nationalizing nearly all National Guard Forces in multiple states; Georgia, Alabama, Kansas, Minnesota, Tennessee, Virginia, Louisiana, South Carolina – to name a few. The Governors of the Great States of Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia still have under their Command-and-Control the State Defense Forces to go against U.S. Federal forces should the need arise. Also important to note: There are NO U.S. laws prohibiting National Guard troops from also joining their State’s Defense Forces. This dilemma occurred during the Civil War with many “citizen soldiers” choosing to serve their states instead of the Federal Government.

This is a fluid and still developing situation that warrants close attention.

Entry #532

President Obama: Sometimes Tyranny Does Lurk Around the Corner

President Obama: Sometimes Tyranny Does Lurk Around the  Corner




President Obama made the following commencements comments about tyranny to  the graduating class at Ohio State University on May 5, 2013:

“Unfortunately, you’ve grown up hearing voices  that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate, sinister  entity that’s at the root of all our problems. Some of these same voices also do  their best to gum up the works. They’ll warn that tyranny always lurking just  around the corner. You should reject these voices. Because what they suggest is  that our brave, and creative, and unique experiment in self-rule is somehow just  a sham with which we can’t be trusted.”

It’s always the other guy who’s the tyrant. Did Adolf Hitler present himself  as a tyrant? He believed that he was doing the best thing for his people. The  trains ran on time, there was prosperity, and the people had a renewed hope for  Germany. It was all a setup for a tyrant.adolf-hitler_tyrant

How about Josef Stalin? Benito Mussolini? Mao Zedong? Pol  Pot? Idi  Amin?

These men would never have considered themselves to be tyrants. In fact, if  you accused them of such a thing, you might find yourself in a concentration  camp, gulag, or on the trash heap with a bullet in your head.

Do you think these men enticed people to follow them by revealing to them  that they would establish political tyrannies? They made promises to the people.  That’s why they were put in power. Hugo Chavez was a tyrant that the people of  Venezuela voted for.

Would Barack Obama have spoken out against Stalin or Hitler before their  governments degenerated into full-orbed tyrannies? Would the President have  supported the Polish Solidarity movement over against the Communist  tyranny?

Would he have joined the 52 singers of the Declaration of Independence?  Here’s the opening paragraph:

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes  necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected  them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and  equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a  decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the  causes which impel them to the separation.”

 In fact, the signers of the Declaration described the king of England  as a tyrant:

“The history of the present King of Great Britain  is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object  the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let  Facts be submitted to a candid world.”

Considering what the War of Independence was fought over, our nation can’t be  anything less than a full-blown tyranny.

Consider this second in the list of Facts against the King:

“He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of  immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his  Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to  attend to them.”

Consider the following letter from Attorney General Eric Holder that was sent  to Gov. Sam Brownback on April 26th in response to a new law in  Kansas that prevents government agents from enforcing federal gun laws in  the state:

“In purporting to override federal law and to  criminalize the official acts of federal officers, [the law] directly conflicts  with federal law and is therefore unconstitutional.”

Second Amendment

The Second Amendment prohibits the Federal Government from forbidding people  in the various states from “keeping and bearing arms” for “the security of a  free state.” It is the duty of the states to protect its citizens against the  usurpation of their constitutional rights.

Ours is a slow moving tyranny. An iron fist in a velvet glove.

Read more:

Entry #531

Democrats' Agenda for Benghazi Hearing: Protect Hillary at All Costs

Democrats’ Agenda for Benghazi Hearing: Protect Hillary  at All Costs

Posted  on May 7, 2013 by Cowboy Byte


Hillary Rodham Clinton

Ahead of Wednesday’s long-awaited hearings at the House Oversight and  Government Reform Committee about the Benghazi terror attack of Sep. 11, 2012,  Democrats have a clear agenda: protect Hillary Clinton at all costs.


Clinton, the former Secretary of State and likely frontrunner for the  Democratic presidential nomination in 2016, could be severely damaged by  testimony about the attacks, which occurred in part because of security lapses  for which the State Department is primarily responsible.

Past testimony about the attacks has also revealed that President Barack  Obama did nothing once informed the attacks were under way, and that there was  no communication among key members of the administration and military who could  have responded.

Read more:

Entry #530