Woman 'hiding lottery win from husband'

Jan 20, 2006, 11:15 am (167 comments)

UK National Lottery

A mystery woman claimed today she has won £1.5 million (US$2.65 million) from the UK National Lottery — but has never told her husband.

The woman, a mother-of-two who gave her name as Jane, called a radio show to reveal her astonishing secret.

For the past three years she has hidden her fortune from colleagues, friends and family, she claimed.

Her husband had a drug problem 15 years ago and she fears living the high life would tempt him back to his old ways.

She also worries he would give up work and start demanding luxury holidays.

"Jane" has remained in her job and, if she ever splashes out on treats for the family, tells her husband she has had a pay rise or bonus.

The woman revealed her extraordinary story on BBC Radio Five Live this morning.

Presenter Victoria Derbyshire was hosting a phone-in which asked the question: "Is money guaranteed to make you happy?"

"Jane" called in and began, "I won quite a bit of money, just under £1.5 million, and I've never, ever told anybody. Not even my husband."

An incredulous Derbyshire said, "You're kidding me. Why not?"

"Jane" replied, "Fear that it would change our lives too dramatically. My husband had, many years ago, a small drug problem — around 15 years ago. And I'm scared with the money and perhaps the high life... he would go back there.

"So I just said that I've had a pay rise and I get bonuses, so every now and again I can have nice things."

She continued, "I do feel if I had said, yes, I've won this money, that he would have wanted holidays, he perhaps would have wanted to give up work, which would destroy our little family unit we've got now."

Derbyshire asked, "No-one has suspected?" to which "Jane" said, "No."

The presenter told her, "I'm flabbergasted, I can barely believe it, but it's clearly true. Do you feel it's made you happier?"

"Jane", who said her win was "about three years ago", said, "It's nice because I know I haven't got to worry about bills.

"One of the little white lies is that I've cut my hours down at work but I tell him I work from home for the other two days.

"There's no fear of not being able to pay the mortgage and things like that."

Derbyshire told her, "I'm full of admiration for you, but is it not a betrayal of your relationship? You call them little white lies but it's a huge one, isn't it?"

The woman admitted, "It's absolutely huge and I feel terribly guilty in one way, but in another way, we've got two young children and I think, well, if their lives change dramatically then it's not fair on them. So I just want to keep things as they are."

Lottery operator Camelot said they could not confirm whether or not the caller was genuine.


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fja's avatarfja

Now thats what I call remaining anonymous!!!!

Todd's avatarTodd

It's possible in the UK because they have no taxes on lottery prizes, so you really can just stick it in the bank without anyone knowing.


Since the lottery is the state selling paper for $1 while giving back 50 cents of their revenue in prizes, I would say that each buyer of lottery tickets has already paid a 50 cent tax to the state by buying a ticket. State income tax on lottery winnings is unconscionable. Talk about the states double dipping.  

gocart1's avatargocart1

man ...money makes people do some funny things

winsumloosesum's avatarwinsumloosesum

Maybe her Rolls Royce parked in front of the house created a guilty conscious.


Ahhhh love and marrage, based on compromise- NOT.  One person thinking they know whats better then another person about what is best for the other person.  Where have I seen that before?  The person did something the other didn't like, so know they try to control the environment of that person. Why? Because they can - they are superior!

emilyg's avataremilyg

smart woman!!!


She was very smart to hide it from him, but very stupid to call a radio station and talk about. It the tabloid journalists track her down, she will have only herself to blame. Whatever about money buying happiness, it seems you can't buy wisdom.

Konformthismfs's avatarKonformthismfs

What a sneaky lyin controlling broad! She won't tell the husband because he might wanna take off work, then she cuts back on her hours. Hope he find out , takes his fair share , then goes on a long wild vacation without her!

Elizabeth03's avatarElizabeth03

I agree she is a smart woman!Party

emilyg's avataremilyg

What a sneaky lyin controlling broad! She won't tell the husband because he might wanna take off work, then she cuts back on her hours. Hope he find out , takes his fair share , then goes on a long wild vacation without her!

yes and starts back on drugs.

Konformthismfs's avatarKonformthismfs

Emily, If he was able to kick his "Small Drug Habit 15 years ago" why would money change things now? People quit certain habits and never look back. They do things when they're young and dumb, because they're young and dumb! If he was good enough to keep in the family for the last 15 years and be part of her "happy little family unit",  then he's good enough to share the winnings with!

spyc63's avatarspyc63

Yes she is a very smart woman. She is still a MILLIONARE! Her response to the question ("Is money guaranteed to make you happy?") could have been..."No my husband depleted our Lottery winings on drugs, and now we are broke." Again, a smart woman!!

dphillips's avatardphillips

Konformthismsf, please don't hate, congratulate! We can't judge her relationship/marriage: she knows her husband better than we do! You mentioned lying -- she never admitted to him that she won the money. Therefore, she didn't lie.

Finally, the possibility of the husband taking off work is only a morsel in the smorgasbord of goodies. What if he actually went back to his old drug ways? Hey, with all that money, he could go buck wild, devastating the little, cozy nest she has prepared. Why risk it all!


BabyJC's avatarBabyJC

This is a great story, but I do feel bad for the husband.  He's missing out on a lot!  If he finds out (which is now likely), he will probably file for divorce ASAP.

Konformthismfs's avatarKonformthismfs

Dphillips, she has lied many times over too him! I work at home now honey, i got a rise, i got a bonus.... Face the facts shes a lyin cheating sneaky woman.  She called the show to release some of her guilt. If the situation was reversed  i wonder what the response would be from all the women here?

Tenaj's avatarTenaj

Dphillips, she has lied many times over too him! I work at home now honey, i got a rise, i got a bonus.... Face the facts shes a lyin cheating sneaky woman.  She called the show to release some of her guilt. If the situation was reversed  i wonder what the response would be from all the women here?

Yes NodThe man was a drug addict for heavens sake.  I've seen a drug addict sale the refrigerator out of the home with 4 kids and fight the person who was feeding the kids because they wanted the money for drugs.  Sometimes you have to do what you have to do to save people from themselves and keep them from hurting others.

You can't reason with someone on drugs.  It's obvious that she cares for him otherwise she would have divorced him.

There's no difference if the situation would have been reversed.  He would have been protecting the family like a man should.

We will see won't we?  Storyline reads: Man whose wife hide lottery winning is on drugs again.LOL



In general, I applaud her for living modestly.  That is wise.

However she has a serious problem with trust in her marriage.

I would not trade my wife for all this woman's money. 


jeffrey's avatarjeffrey

ummmm, isn't it marital money and isn't he entitled just like here in the U.S. Sounds like theft to me.

hypersoniq's avatarhypersoniq

She apparently thought he was reformed enough to father the 2 young children...

with the exception of the drug thing... she is lying because she fears he would want to do what 99% of lottery winners would?

that's insane... what if he hates his job but keeps it for her and the kids... I would wager she was lying about the whole affair... if (when? LOL) I would win millions, I would want to let my wife know we could spend much more time together (stress-free time, to boot!) and with the kids. I couuld see shielding the children to some extent for their own benefit (develop a positive work ethic... that starts earlier than most people think... learning the value of a dollar (pound?)... safety)

Either it's a fabrication or she hates him...

Konformthismfs's avatarKonformthismfs

tenaj- her own words! "Jane" replied, "Fear that it would change our lives too dramatically. My husband had, many years ago, a small drug problem — around 15 years ago.

Small drug problem 15 years ago doesn't makes someone a drug addict! If it did most of us would be tagged as "Drug Addicts".  Our country has been ran for the last 14 years by 2 admitted "years ago drug users" Are they "Drug Addicts"? .  Sounds more to me like she has to dirty him up to make herself appear and feel better. If he was good enough to stay with for 15 years after the fact and help with the mortgage and kids then he should be good enough to be included on all life changing decisions.... The sneaky lyin wench probably even made him go buy the ticket with his money and lied to him about winning! LOL

emilyg's avataremilyg

tenaj- her own words! "Jane" replied, "Fear that it would change our lives too dramatically. My husband had, many years ago, a small drug problem — around 15 years ago.

Small drug problem 15 years ago doesn't makes someone a drug addict! If it did most of us would be tagged as "Drug Addicts".  Our country has been ran for the last 14 years by 2 admitted "years ago drug users" Are they "Drug Addicts"? .  Sounds more to me like she has to dirty him up to make herself appear and feel better. If he was good enough to stay with for 15 years after the fact and help with the mortgage and kids then he should be good enough to be included on all life changing decisions.... The sneaky lyin wench probably even made him go buy the ticket with his money and lied to him about winning! LOL

are you and chewie brothers???   


Konformthismfs's avatarKonformthismfs

My brother's nickname is Chewbaca! But only cause he looks like the starwars guy...Cheers


emilyg's avataremilyg

My brother's nickname is Chewbaca! But only cause he looks like the starwars guy...Cheers


                                                  Green laugh

tweetietoo's avatartweetietoo

She apparently thought he was reformed enough to father the 2 young children...

with the exception of the drug thing... she is lying because she fears he would want to do what 99% of lottery winners would?

that's insane... what if he hates his job but keeps it for her and the kids... I would wager she was lying about the whole affair... if (when? LOL) I would win millions, I would want to let my wife know we could spend much more time together (stress-free time, to boot!) and with the kids. I couuld see shielding the children to some extent for their own benefit (develop a positive work ethic... that starts earlier than most people think... learning the value of a dollar (pound?)... safety)

Either it's a fabrication or she hates him...

Its not hate.. Trust me If I won a Million Bucks there is no way that my hubby would touch it... Been Married for 24 years but I know him well .. We would be broke in a week........its not hate it called Watching ya back...

tweetietoo's avatartweetietoo

smart woman!!!


tweetietoo's avatartweetietoo

Dphillips, she has lied many times over too him! I work at home now honey, i got a rise, i got a bonus.... Face the facts shes a lyin cheating sneaky woman.  She called the show to release some of her guilt. If the situation was reversed  i wonder what the response would be from all the women here?

Think about this... She could have left his A** with nothing !!!!!found a boyfriend. Moved to Japan and lived happy for ever and ever. But no she stayed with this man and wanted her family and life to stay the same. .. Look at the other lives that have been up rooted because of the winning in the past... Hello Smart Women Man does not think with head....

Tenaj's avatarTenaj

tenaj- her own words! "Jane" replied, "Fear that it would change our lives too dramatically. My husband had, many years ago, a small drug problem — around 15 years ago.

Small drug problem 15 years ago doesn't makes someone a drug addict! If it did most of us would be tagged as "Drug Addicts".  Our country has been ran for the last 14 years by 2 admitted "years ago drug users" Are they "Drug Addicts"? .  Sounds more to me like she has to dirty him up to make herself appear and feel better. If he was good enough to stay with for 15 years after the fact and help with the mortgage and kids then he should be good enough to be included on all life changing decisions.... The sneaky lyin wench probably even made him go buy the ticket with his money and lied to him about winning! LOL

OK, I see your point.  A small drug problem 15 years ago
seems small to us but
maybe not to her.
  I hope they get some counseling. 
hypersoniq's avatarhypersoniq

If I won a million bucks the mrs. and I would plan it out together.

partnership... it works for what we earn now and it would no doubt work for more money.

if that is how she is, then it probably have been better for him if she DID leave his a** with nothing...

there's no way, it has to be a made up story just to get her on the air... 

emilyg's avataremilyg

If I won a million bucks the mrs. and I would plan it out together.

partnership... it works for what we earn now and it would no doubt work for more money.

if that is how she is, then it probably have been better for him if she DID leave his a** with nothing...

there's no way, it has to be a made up story just to get her on the air... 

who cares what's better for him - she assured her family a secure future. 

mylollipop's avatarmylollipop

When you KNOW what kind of spouse you have, sometimes it is best to keep quiet.  She might need the money to put him in rehad one day if he relapses.Disapprove


So I guess, if your wife was a shop-aholic fifteen years ago, and you have some extra money, you're justified in keeping it quite.  Who knows she may want a divorce some day and the man would loose control of the funds.  Obviously, any excuse is a good excuse.  Something that happened 15 years previously over rules any "in sickness or health" clause.  I have to remember that the next time I hear a woman complain about her husband not communicating in their marriage.

TheGameGrl's avatarTheGameGrl

Facts are facts: She is concealing the truth from her spouse which she tries to justify for "his own good". Its a form of lying, plan and simple. Most times *money* in a marriage is a *control* tactic. He/She who has it makes the rules! Regardless of the overwhelming concensus that a drug user surely cant handle money, check your history books ! Betty Ford did wonders for the recovering alcoholics and I didnt see her go out and blow off her family fortune! Although she DID donate ALOT of money to charities and worthy causes. Sorry but I dont underestimate the power of humans to gain help and maintain recovery, especially after 15 years!

gocart1's avatargocart1

wait one second here.he had a drug problem and she was an angel.weather they were married or just living together, i fined it hard to believe .birds on a feather flock together.people do change.my highschool years was one big party back then ,but i'm doing pretty good today.sound like theres no trust in that marrage.

JAP69's avatarJAP69

This deal works both ways as I see it

How many husbands conceal money from their wives?
Guite a few I am sure. They keep their wives in the dark on what they are worth. What they make etc,etc. Goes on all the time.

hypersoniq's avatarhypersoniq

if she couldn't trust her husband with large sums of money... why was she even playing?

emilyg's avataremilyg

if she couldn't trust her husband with large sums of money... why was she even playing?

for her family's security

Tenaj's avatarTenaj

This deal works both ways as I see it

How many husbands conceal money from their wives?
Guite a few I am sure. They keep their wives in the dark on what they are worth. What they make etc,etc. Goes on all the time.

When I was at Cherokee Casino once a man sitting next to me playing Lucky 7's poker won a whopping amount of money.  He cashed in and put the money in his pocket.  Later his wife/girlfriend? came up and asked if he had been lucky and he said no.  I couldn't believe it.  LOL

I had just lost lots of money on that machine and moved over one seat hoping it will help and he sat down and within 5 minutes won the jackpot.  go figure. 

dphillips's avatardphillips

Tenaj, some people have all the luck.  Since I don't player POKER but the slot machines, usually when I'm with friends and they ask me if I won, I'm so elated to share the winning experience with them.

Here's a story: when I was living on the east coast and visiting Atlantic City casinos (my second home away from home), I met this lady on the bus, whom I didn't know who befriended me, and upon arriving at the casino, treated me to breakfast. 

So, after breakfast, we played the slots...when suddenly...I looked around and she was standing next to me.  She told me: "I'm going to walk around because I ran out of money." I reached into my jacket and gave her $50.00 to play with. 

Next. I returned to my machine, doing my 'thing'-- looking for my great reward (instead of the one allegedly in Heaven on judgment day) -- when a lady (not my new friend) ran up to me excitedly saying: "look, your friend is jumping up and down at her machine!" I immediately left my machine to find out what the excitement was about -- when my new friend told me she had won $250.00, and if it weren't for me, she wouldn't have won.  I was just as excited as she was, and lo, and behold, she told everyone who would listen that I was the one who helped her out.

MORAL OF THE STORY: you never know how or when your luck will return -- whether its onefold, twofold, or fourfold -- in the course of your lifetime. This applies to the lottery as well!




Em, thank you for your words of wisdom.....you're right on each account.

RJOh's avatarRJOh


Did the lady return your $50?  I've never thought giving money to other people to gamble would change my luck but just help me lose my money faster.

justxploring's avatarjustxploring

I guess I'll add my 2 cents. I am on the side of those who said she's being a control freak. Even though I understand this lady's fear, I don't agree with her at all. Many years ago I was married to a very irresponsible man and would worry about the same problem...not drugs necessarily (although he liked getting high) but spending it on trips to Vegas, cars and partying.  Yet I found out 20 years later he became a very successful businessman and runs an international company. People change. In fact, I seem to be heading in the opposite direction. Sad Anyway, the one thing I know is that I could never live in a marriage without trust.  I'm not judging her, since she wants to keep the family together. But it does sound as if she has no faith in her husband which is sad. I agree that both men & women keep secrets from each other, but I wonder how she'd feel if he won money and hid it from her. 

Anyway, this story probably isn't even true, because couldn't she hire an attorney to set up a trust and protect the money for her children?  





It may be the late hour that I read this post but, I got a laugh thinking about her hiding 1.5 million pounds around there house.  There getting ready for work in the moring and he goes to grab something out of the fridge she stops him and gets it for him because she has hidden stacks of bills in the compartments.  Sounds like something in a lotto commercial,  that's probably what she wants to be on TV, she missed her 15 minutes the first time around wanted the attention and is now making up a story to get the press interested.

Tenaj's avatarTenaj

Tenaj, some people have all the luck.  Since I don't player POKER but the slot machines, usually when I'm with friends and they ask me if I won, I'm so elated to share the winning experience with them.

Here's a story: when I was living on the east coast and visiting Atlantic City casinos (my second home away from home), I met this lady on the bus, whom I didn't know who befriended me, and upon arriving at the casino, treated me to breakfast. 

So, after breakfast, we played the slots...when suddenly...I looked around and she was standing next to me.  She told me: "I'm going to walk around because I ran out of money." I reached into my jacket and gave her $50.00 to play with. 

Next. I returned to my machine, doing my 'thing'-- looking for my great reward (instead of the one allegedly in Heaven on judgment day) -- when a lady (not my new friend) ran up to me excitedly saying: "look, your friend is jumping up and down at her machine!" I immediately left my machine to find out what the excitement was about -- when my new friend told me she had won $250.00, and if it weren't for me, she wouldn't have won.  I was just as excited as she was, and lo, and behold, she told everyone who would listen that I was the one who helped her out.

MORAL OF THE STORY: you never know how or when your luck will return -- whether its onefold, twofold, or fourfold -- in the course of your lifetime. This applies to the lottery as well!



Yes NodI sure needed luck with those lucky 7's.  My brothers taught me to play poker. ( I have 10 brothers) but it's not a game I play well or often, but when I go to the casino I like to play poker and blackjack.

The card game I like the best is "Whist"  I'm good at that.  But that guy lied to his wife and I'm sure he knew better.LOL

And you are right.  You never know how your money will come back to you.

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