Move in response to Gov. Perdue taking education dollars from lottery
Some state lawmakers aren't happy with where some North Carolina Education Lottery dollars are headed — and they're trying to do something to change it.
Mecklenburg County State Rep. Thom Tillis cosponsored House Bill 518, which would strip the "education" portion out of the lottery name.
Tillis said he and others formed the bill because Gov. Beverly Perdue said she plans to pull $50 million to $70 million from the Education Lottery Reserve Fund to pay for things other than education. He argues even if a portion of the lottery money is paying for things other than education, it shouldn't be called an education lottery.
Perdue recently argued more than half of the state's total general fund goes to public schools and teachers. She also said the reserve lottery funds being taken out won't stop school construction.
"I was assured it's not going to affect any capital construction project, there was nothing under way. That was a pot of money sitting there, and it's my constitutional responsibility to balance the budget, to pay the bills," Perdue said.
But Tillis said Perdue's move reduced the transparency of the fund to taxpayers.
"We also have an obligation to do what we tell the taxpayers and citizens we are going to do, and when we are going to say we are going to create a funding source that's dedicated exclusively to education, there's really not a whole lot of interpretation there if you ask me," Tillis said.
Mecklenburg County is affected by this lottery issue. The state wants to withhold Mecklenburg County's February distribution of education lottery proceeds, which would take away more than $5 million for the county.
Tuesday night, commissioners will vote to ask Perdue to find other ways to resolve its current budget year crisis.
why should the lottery have to pay for teachers...
i think is a good idea....What if they take 1% or 3% of the lottery fund for other things, it sounds like a good idea...
Teachers get paid very little as it is. Pay the teachers first and then worry about 1% for other things.
It might sound OK to you but:
If there was a shortage of funds, perhaps they could start by cutting some programs, rather than robbing the education system.
You are absolutely correct, Todd. If the states lawmakers sit idely by and do nothing, it won't stop there. On a national level, one of the reasons the Social Security system is being threaten now, is because of congress doing the same thing with those surplus funds, approximately, 75 billion dollars each year, that was 20 years ago. Think about that number, multiplied times 20. The people would never, ever have to worry about social security.
Looking at the big picture? i don't know if most state make the lottery funds go to education and because 1 lousy state is taking 1% is not even 50% but just 1% to cover other things where the state is coming up short where looking at the current trend the state looks like is going to have to make weed legal to pay for other things..I don't see why not take 1% of the revenue and use it for other things that might be important where the state will have to otherwise do something crazy...I understand maby north carolina set up a law where the revenue will solely go to education, i didn't know that but all they had to do is say that...
if this was a topic about CANADA lottery or Greenland lottery and i felt like opinionating on it i will also...No offense but people from their own state sometimes don't know better not saying my opinion matter...And i am not going to get on that issue of whether i have to be a RESIDENT of north carolina to voice opinion...This is an opinion forum you opinionate on it...
I couldn't understand this part: "half of the state's total general fund goes to public schools and teachers"
is that the state fund or the lottery fund because if is the state fund is more than what most state have...
Have you guys ever noticed that when States make cuts in anything they always hit education and that should be the last place to start cutting money from.
NC's original plan like VA's stated that atleast 51% of the revenues would go to education - your question should be... What are doing with the other 49% of lottery revenues to begin with... Last time I heard it was all going to each state's general fund... ...hmmm.... ...questions??? Pogo
That is fear strategy politicans use to warrant higher taxation. In this case transfer funds designated for one specified use to another.
got question when they say that lottery funds to to education does it mean that it goes to public schools only or does it go to private and public schools...Because it should be public only...But i don't know that's why i am asking...
what i was saying was as long as the state didn't take more than 5% for other things it dont' sound like a bad idea to me...
would kids feel the difference if you took let's say 5% of the revenue for other things...They wouldn't even feel the pinch plus i think most states lottery money go to education so kids are getting well funded in schools compared to other nations and because 1 state does it will it make any difference....
I am glad north carolina does not have a pick4...again must people will disagree with me..
But whatever you have to say remember...Up to this day North Carolina does not have a Weeklygrand, a Hot Lotto & MegaMillions and Powerball...Instead of a Pick4, create a Weeklygrand that's what i say....
North Carolina needs a weeklygrand lottery game...North Carolina please listen to me...
A few posts back you were giving up 1% to other than education... now it's 5%... mighty generous of you... Only North Carolinians should have a say where their state funds go. The legislature made it an education lottery knowing their constituents wouldn't stand for it otherwise with their input. It should stay as designed!