Lover found lottery winner's body

Oct 30, 2010, 10:45 am (109 comments)

Insider Buzz

A lottery winner who hanged himself in his Leicestershire home in central England was found by a live-in lover his family had no idea existed, an inquest has heard.

Richard Lang died at his house in Broughton Astley, Leicestershire on May 18. The 31-year-old had won £867,454 in the U.K. National Lottery in 2005.

On Wednesday an inquest at Leicester Town Hall heard he was found by Joshua Jones, who told police he was in a relationship with the British Waterways worker.

But the inquest heard Lang's family had no idea of Jones's existence, let alone the fact he was living at the house.

Coroner Martin Gotheridge told the court it seemed Lang had a "number of lives".  Jones, from Wrexham, was not at the inquest, but two statements were read to the court by the coroner.

He said on May 17 Lang, who carried on working as a British Waterways engineer despite his lottery win, came back from work as usual at 4.30pm.

"He went into the dining room and sorted out some paperwork, I thought that was unusual as he could do that at any time and it wasn't what he usually did in the evenings," his statement said. He said the couple ate dinner, watched a film then went to bed at about 11pm.

The coroner said, "He then says that they slept together and Lang would often say that sex was pointless and everything was pointless as nothing made him excited or interested."

The following morning Lang got up at 7.40am as normal — the inquest heard he was usually picked up by a colleague at 8am.  Jones's statement said, "I usually heard the TV come on as Lang usually watches the news as he eats his breakfast. I heard something else on the TV, it was much louder than usual. I was half asleep and I heard some noises on the stairs which I assumed was Lang getting ready for work."

But he said when he heard the van arrive, he noticed Lang did not leave the house as normal. "After approximately five minutes I thought it was strange that the van was still out on the driveway so I went downstairs. "As I looked down to the ground floor I thought I saw Lang kneeling on the floor. I went down the stairs where I realized Lang was hanging from the bannister using the Hoover cord."

Press Association, Lottery Post Staff


rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

What a sad story. It's too bad he didn't get some kind of help first but it's clear he wasn't in his right mind. Really sad.


This is an example of how such a dramatic change in one's lifestyle does not cure the winner's underlying insecurities. People believe they are suddenly invulnerable and flushed with power and notoriety after they receive their winnings. What these folks misunderstand about this phenomenon is that they are still themselves, with all of their personal weaknesses, foibles, 'baggage' and other characteristics intact, both positive and negative. This man was in all probability mobbed by people he knew, and prevailed upon to give up his money. Personal vices such as drinking, gambling, womanizing and drug abuse are accentuated by the fact that all are affordable, and in virtually limitless supply.  A person who wins the lottery is vulnerable to all types of scams, and their eventual paranoia develops which precludes them from functioning in society as a normal human being. Marriage proposals, lawsuits, financial fraud, ex-wives, girlfriends, associates, charities, fair weather friends, family members and even an occasional extortion appear with lightning swiftness, overwhelming the hapless neophyte with legal challenges and difficult decisions regarding their finances. I think it behooves those who don't know How to be rich to research the subject of sudden wealth, and learn from those who've experienced such life-changing events.

dphillips's avatardphillips

This is a sad story, indeed.  May his soul rest in peace.

dingo's avatardingo

Quote: Originally posted by Daveyl on Oct 30, 2010

This is an example of how such a dramatic change in one's lifestyle does not cure the winner's underlying insecurities. People believe they are suddenly invulnerable and flushed with power and notoriety after they receive their winnings. What these folks misunderstand about this phenomenon is that they are still themselves, with all of their personal weaknesses, foibles, 'baggage' and other characteristics intact, both positive and negative. This man was in all probability mobbed by people he knew, and prevailed upon to give up his money. Personal vices such as drinking, gambling, womanizing and drug abuse are accentuated by the fact that all are affordable, and in virtually limitless supply.  A person who wins the lottery is vulnerable to all types of scams, and their eventual paranoia develops which precludes them from functioning in society as a normal human being. Marriage proposals, lawsuits, financial fraud, ex-wives, girlfriends, associates, charities, fair weather friends, family members and even an occasional extortion appear with lightning swiftness, overwhelming the hapless neophyte with legal challenges and difficult decisions regarding their finances. I think it behooves those who don't know How to be rich to research the subject of sudden wealth, and learn from those who've experienced such life-changing events.

I Agree!Well said.


Are you a counselor? May I ask. Comment such as this should be posted more often. Awesome writing!

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

It would be interesting to know what was left of the money and if Joshua Jones stood to gain any by Lang's demise.

I wonder if they did a Toxicology test.

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by Daveyl on Oct 30, 2010

This is an example of how such a dramatic change in one's lifestyle does not cure the winner's underlying insecurities. People believe they are suddenly invulnerable and flushed with power and notoriety after they receive their winnings. What these folks misunderstand about this phenomenon is that they are still themselves, with all of their personal weaknesses, foibles, 'baggage' and other characteristics intact, both positive and negative. This man was in all probability mobbed by people he knew, and prevailed upon to give up his money. Personal vices such as drinking, gambling, womanizing and drug abuse are accentuated by the fact that all are affordable, and in virtually limitless supply.  A person who wins the lottery is vulnerable to all types of scams, and their eventual paranoia develops which precludes them from functioning in society as a normal human being. Marriage proposals, lawsuits, financial fraud, ex-wives, girlfriends, associates, charities, fair weather friends, family members and even an occasional extortion appear with lightning swiftness, overwhelming the hapless neophyte with legal challenges and difficult decisions regarding their finances. I think it behooves those who don't know How to be rich to research the subject of sudden wealth, and learn from those who've experienced such life-changing events.

Blah, blah, blah.

Let's all group hug now.

Typical, touchy-feely, west-coast-nut-job  nonsense.

larry3100's avatarlarry3100

This is a case for Sherlock Holmes. Type


Quote: Originally posted by rdgrnr on Oct 30, 2010

Blah, blah, blah.

Let's all group hug now.

Typical, touchy-feely, west-coast-nut-job  nonsense.

For a moment I thought that you said "Let's all group hung now", It scared me some.


Quote: Originally posted by larry3100 on Oct 30, 2010

This is a case for Sherlock Holmes. Type

Or for Adrian Monk.

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by LANTERN on Oct 30, 2010

For a moment I thought that you said "Let's all group hung now", It scared me some.

No LANTERN, I was just being "sensitive" for the gentleperson from California. Hippy (no animals or trees were harmed in the writing of this post) (no transfat or salt was consumed either)


Quote: Originally posted by rdgrnr on Oct 30, 2010

No LANTERN, I was just being "sensitive" for the gentleperson from California. Hippy (no animals or trees were harmed in the writing of this post) (no transfat or salt was consumed either)

I know what you mean!


rdgrnr, you should read the stories of people who attained quick wealth, then committed suicide, or became poor again due to their inability to properly invest and save their fortunes. The singer for Nirvana is a good example. He had money, fame, good looks, a beautiful wife, a mansion and a brand new baby. Still, he ended a very promising life. A lottery winner in Texas took his own life, after he found his friends and family were soaking him dry. A woman in Pennsylvania won TWO Lotto jackpots totaling over $5,000,000.00, but she now lives on Social Security in a small trailer, and is deeply in debt. This article is a wake-up call for potential winners to examine the factors that caused these people to go broke or kill themselves, and learn to avoid the pitfalls of sudden wealth.

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by Daveyl on Oct 30, 2010

rdgrnr, you should read the stories of people who attained quick wealth, then committed suicide, or became poor again due to their inability to properly invest and save their fortunes. The singer for Nirvana is a good example. He had money, fame, good looks, a beautiful wife, a mansion and a brand new baby. Still, he ended a very promising life. A lottery winner in Texas took his own life, after he found his friends and family were soaking him dry. A woman in Pennsylvania won TWO Lotto jackpots totaling over $5,000,000.00, but she now lives on Social Security in a small trailer, and is deeply in debt. This article is a wake-up call for potential winners to examine the factors that caused these people to go broke or kill themselves, and learn to avoid the pitfalls of sudden wealth.

You've been preaching about the evils of the lottery since you got here so I don't know if you're a gambling man or not but if so I would bet you dollars to donuts that a lot  more people commit suicide over the pressures of too little money than the dreaded "pitfalls of sudden wealth." 

I would even go so far as to say that the "pitfalls of sudden wealth" may have even possibly prevented a number of suicides.



Quote: Originally posted by rdgrnr on Oct 30, 2010

Blah, blah, blah.

Let's all group hug now.

Typical, touchy-feely, west-coast-nut-job  nonsense.

Well, aren't you just a little ray of sunshine.

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by thegrrrr8est on Oct 31, 2010

Well, aren't you just a little ray of sunshine.

At least daveyl admits to being from the land of fruits and nuts.

You declined to specify your area or gender.

I'd guess San Francisco and debatable

Nino224's avatarNino224

Quote: Originally posted by rdgrnr on Oct 30, 2010

Blah, blah, blah.

Let's all group hug now.

Typical, touchy-feely, west-coast-nut-job  nonsense.


Nino224's avatarNino224

Quote: Originally posted by thegrrrr8est on Oct 31, 2010

Well, aren't you just a little ray of sunshine.

Don't mind him. He hasn't been himself since 11/08. He'll be a little nicer on Wednesday, for a little while anyway, LOL!!!!


I "preach" against a vice that is sanctioned by the government, and adjusted after it's inception with odds so staggering, it is virtually impossible to win jackpots.  The government takes in billions each year from people who don't win the lottery. (I will postulate that California's Lottery was developed by liberals to circumvent our Proposition 13 restrictions on housing taxes, which were ostensibly levied to fund schools. One of the selling points offered by lottery proponents was "Our Schools win, too". I've already described how California's liberal legislative/judicial amalgamation allows liberals to pass tax hikes, overrule gay marriage bans and push through multi-billion dollar stem cell research funding over the objections of many Californians.) I'm sure a lottery win will cheer up a depressed person, but they find out soon enough that it's not as easy to be wealthy as they thought.


Okay, you asked for it:

Q: What do you get with 28 Tennessee people?

A: A full set of teeth


Q: Why do Tennessee babies have brown stains on their heads?

A: Their mothers chew tobacco while they breast feed


Q: Where were all of Tennessee's young men during the "Deliverance" movie casting call?

A: They were auditioning for the banjo player role


Q: Why are Tennessee men so happy at their sister's wedding?

A: 'Cause they're the grooms


Q: Where does a Tennessee husband leave a note for the milk man?

A: In his wife's underwear


Q: Why don't Tennessee people drink Koolaid?

A: They can't pour two quarts of water in those little packets


Q: What is the Tennessee Space Program?

A: They tape two hamsters to a PopTart


Q: What does the 'N' stand for on a Tennessee high school pennant?

A: "Knowledge"

LotteryJunkiE99's avatarLotteryJunkiE99

I think ANY tragedy should be treated with DIGNITY and RESPECT.    I am sorry for this young man's life that is now lost,   sometimes evil comes in many forms, even comments like those of some of the more cynical posters on here who are obviously also jaded and that transparency is only too obvious.  Only in their own heads is there the wanton error for it to be mistaken for sarcasm or the group/ village joker comment, but of course we all know better.    That or they don't actually care anymore either which is the point that got this young man to take this unfortunate step.    The decision is  everyones' and we should not be too quick to judge or criticize because people can react in any way, shape, or form regardless of the "deemed" "advantages" or disadvantages" they may "seem" to have.   I wish his soul peace and his family also if they are in any way suffering his loss right now, without understanding the why's and how's of it all. 


As for Tennessee, I've been to Western Tennessee,   I can tell you the people are warm and friendly overall, but ignorance is rampant and they are just as bad in their irrationalities of life and neighbor than any other part of town in this country or elsewhere.   There aren't bad Places, only good and bad people, dumb and wise people, sensitive and insensitive people, and jaded and non-jaded people, I do however think all those swamps play a part in the mind's development, as does all that traffic in the cities, both can drive you equally insane, and only respectful comments have any effect.    Therefore shame on those who make accusations and insinuate to know all the details of the lives of these people and their tragedy like their small swamp folk have programmed them to believe so from reading only a short article on the matter and preempted them to deem so and conclude so with jeers and jackle laughs if they immediately don't.   At least all city "non-sense" is peer-reviewed in international journals and open for civil debate and with all propriety attached in all academic situations.     Shoes Mandatory.


Patriot - and that is True Americanism.   Land of the Brave, Free, AND Smart - even though that's only half of the people that last one, but here's to it that it grows to at least 99% US FlagApprove   -    God and Constitution Bless!

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by LotteryJunkiE99 on Oct 31, 2010

I think ANY tragedy should be treated with DIGNITY and RESPECT.    I am sorry for this young man's life that is now lost,   sometimes evil comes in many forms, even comments like those of some of the more cynical posters on here who are obviously also jaded and that transparency is only too obvious.  Only in their own heads is there the wanton error for it to be mistaken for sarcasm or the group/ village joker comment, but of course we all know better.    That or they don't actually care anymore either which is the point that got this young man to take this unfortunate step.    The decision is  everyones' and we should not be too quick to judge or criticize because people can react in any way, shape, or form regardless of the "deemed" "advantages" or disadvantages" they may "seem" to have.   I wish his soul peace and his family also if they are in any way suffering his loss right now, without understanding the why's and how's of it all. 


As for Tennessee, I've been to Western Tennessee,   I can tell you the people are warm and friendly overall, but ignorance is rampant and they are just as bad in their irrationalities of life and neighbor than any other part of town in this country or elsewhere.   There aren't bad Places, only good and bad people, dumb and wise people, sensitive and insensitive people, and jaded and non-jaded people, I do however think all those swamps play a part in the mind's development, as does all that traffic in the cities, both can drive you equally insane, and only respectful comments have any effect.    Therefore shame on those who make accusations and insinuate to know all the details of the lives of these people and their tragedy like their small swamp folk have programmed them to believe so from reading only a short article on the matter and preempted them to deem so and conclude so with jeers and jackle laughs if they immediately don't.   At least all city "non-sense" is peer-reviewed in international journals and open for civil debate and with all propriety attached in all academic situations.     Shoes Mandatory.


Patriot - and that is True Americanism.   Land of the Brave, Free, AND Smart - even though that's only half of the people that last one, but here's to it that it grows to at least 99% US FlagApprove   -    God and Constitution Bless!

I agree but don't be too hard on the ol boy, he's from californy. He jest don't know no better. I believe he mighta picked up Dutch Elm Disease from huggin trees or somethin. Round here we call it tetched. Tetched in the head. Thanks for stickin up fer me. Yer right about West Tennessee, them flatlanders are all tetched in the head back thataway. They ain't got sense enough to pour piss out of a boot.

LotteryJunkiE99's avatarLotteryJunkiE99

Quote: Originally posted by rdgrnr on Oct 31, 2010

I agree but don't be too hard on the ol boy, he's from californy. He jest don't know no better. I believe he mighta picked up Dutch Elm Disease from huggin trees or somethin. Round here we call it tetched. Tetched in the head. Thanks for stickin up fer me. Yer right about West Tennessee, them flatlanders are all tetched in the head back thataway. They ain't got sense enough to pour piss out of a boot.

I wasn't.    You are obviously trying to change things around now so you don't seem as much of a mule.    How pathetic can you be?    I'm glad you're not the majority, but only the slag right living in the dregs of civil society, in any case, please wear shoes.  I still care about folk like you, even if I stare you down when you act like the  rampant-kicking mule you love to be.    I'm sure you know all about your inner animal, your comments sure point to it.    I bet your neighing in accordance as we speak.     Thumbs Up   I'd lead you to some hay and water,  but you have your swamp and reeds.     Enjoy your crackle and munch, heard I'm sure,   up to a miles away.  much to the delight of the other village banjo-players.    Nice to know your still musical despite your lice, cackle, and shortcomings.  Skeptical

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by LotteryJunkiE99 on Oct 31, 2010

I wasn't.    You are obviously trying to change things around now so you don't seem as much of a mule.    How pathetic can you be?    I'm glad you're not the majority, but only the slag right living in the dregs of civil society, in any case, please wear shoes.  I still care about folk like you, even if I stare you down when you act like the  rampant-kicking mule you love to be.    I'm sure you know all about your inner animal, your comments sure point to it.    I bet your neighing in accordance as we speak.     Thumbs Up   I'd lead you to some hay and water,  but you have your swamp and reeds.     Enjoy your crackle and munch, heard I'm sure,   up to a miles away.  much to the delight of the other village banjo-players.    Nice to know your still musical despite your lice, cackle, and shortcomings.  Skeptical

No, he don't live here, he lives in californy like I told ya son. You jest eaten up with the dumb aintcha boy? Still right nice of ya takin my side and all. You must like yer rice crispees with all thet talk about cracklin and poppin and snappin and such. Yer from californy too aintcha boy? No sir, I didnt know the boy played the banjo but maybe we could git him and you out here and he could play while you do some kind of west coast californy fairy dance or somethin whilst we shoot are guns in the air. I'll see if the lil woman can whoop up some keesh and yogert and all thet stuff you west coast dandies like to eat. The McNutts down the mountain are gonna love you. How'd you know bout my brother LeMule? Well quiet its kept he's gonna love seein you sashayin round the mountain here and all. Dam strait him and the McNutts will commence to fightin over you. Dont where no perfyoom whatever you do. Its gonna be hard enough keepin everbuddy off a you. LeMule says he's gonna take a real good bath sometime afore ya git here so dont wurry bout thet. He wants you to post a picksure of yer own self so he can eyeball ya real good. He's gettin all werked up now so dont take two long gittin hear.

LotteryJunkiE99's avatarLotteryJunkiE99

So not only are you further reinforcing your obvious Rodentia-Self and of those around you and probably those close to you, but you are you are also giving the Good People of Tennessee a bad name, as well as this site and its visitors. I bet Todd's too modest to permanently ban you, but I sure hope your other villagers do when they hear you've been on the internet posting 3-word-plus comment responses. You are a disgrace to down to your unwashed feet, and I hope when we hear of you in the LotteryPost obituaries due to old age and grouchiness, 33 post pop-up the same day saying: "Good Riddance." Don't doubt for a minute, that it won't happen. Is it really your fault though, your being this in-bred with Uncle LaMule's help? I pity you more than I care to, all the same I do wish a quicksand pond opens up near your home, be sure to have JRsoina post your last words, which I'm sure will be something about feet, animals, or livestock, all the same we all know where you'll eventually wind up, so be sure to take your banjo with you because they love accessories down there for you know who for you know where for you know what. Oh yes, and take your guns and speech too, they love correcting people even more than I do. And trust me, they won't take no for answer, much Like you don't. You'll have even more fun there than here, especially since you specialize in all this meandering half-celled protozoa worst-of sample of animal-likeness. Say hi to LeMule too, and make sure he takes his banjo too. And please take some numbers they will fighting so hard over you all, they will have to wait in line. Again, while you ARE here, try to wear shoes all the same, if only to reduce fungal re-distribution. You can say you did that much for your Earthly home.    Thumbs Up


Quote: Originally posted by Daveyl on Oct 30, 2010

This is an example of how such a dramatic change in one's lifestyle does not cure the winner's underlying insecurities. People believe they are suddenly invulnerable and flushed with power and notoriety after they receive their winnings. What these folks misunderstand about this phenomenon is that they are still themselves, with all of their personal weaknesses, foibles, 'baggage' and other characteristics intact, both positive and negative. This man was in all probability mobbed by people he knew, and prevailed upon to give up his money. Personal vices such as drinking, gambling, womanizing and drug abuse are accentuated by the fact that all are affordable, and in virtually limitless supply.  A person who wins the lottery is vulnerable to all types of scams, and their eventual paranoia develops which precludes them from functioning in society as a normal human being. Marriage proposals, lawsuits, financial fraud, ex-wives, girlfriends, associates, charities, fair weather friends, family members and even an occasional extortion appear with lightning swiftness, overwhelming the hapless neophyte with legal challenges and difficult decisions regarding their finances. I think it behooves those who don't know How to be rich to research the subject of sudden wealth, and learn from those who've experienced such life-changing events.

I agree with you 1000%. Suddenly comming into a large volume of money is a very overwhelming experience. Unless you were born into wealth, you have to learn how to be rich. Unfortunately, it's not like you can browse the yellow pages and find a "Learn how to be rich school." I always ask people what they would do if they win a jackpot on the lottery.

The initial response is usually:

Quit my job.


Pick up a hobby.

My next question is, "What will you do to fill the hours that used to be your working hours for the rest of your life?" The human species is not designed to be idle. We are a fickle lot. Boredom has a tendency to set in very quick. Hence the term "Idle mind Devil's workshop."

What we fail to realize is that while we are living a life of leisure, everyone we know is still a working stiff and can't relate to our windfall. Now you are faced with jealousy and envy. Some subtle and some open.

There are a lot of people that can relate to the pressure of having money in our everyday life. Most of these people are everyday working stiffs. The only difference is they make more money than us or their money came from a lawsuit settlement, death benefits, inheritance, sale of personal property, etc....

Many of us have encountered people who give us "sob" stories when they think we make bank. We have relatives, friends, co-workers, neighbors, organizations, ect.... etc.... that are on the receiving end of someone's expectations to give to them.

Only GOD knows what this man was dealing with everyday after his win. Why did his family not know about his life and where he lived? Could it be they too were part of the problem?

Bottom line...........

If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by LotteryJunkiE99 on Oct 31, 2010

So not only are you further reinforcing your obvious Rodentia-Self and of those around you and probably those close to you, but you are you are also giving the Good People of Tennessee a bad name, as well as this site and its visitors. I bet Todd's too modest to permanently ban you, but I sure hope your other villagers do when they hear you've been on the internet posting 3-word-plus comment responses. You are a disgrace to down to your unwashed feet, and I hope when we hear of you in the LotteryPost obituaries due to old age and grouchiness, 33 post pop-up the same day saying: "Good Riddance." Don't doubt for a minute, that it won't happen. Is it really your fault though, your being this in-bred with Uncle LaMule's help? I pity you more than I care to, all the same I do wish a quicksand pond opens up near your home, be sure to have JRsoina post your last words, which I'm sure will be something about feet, animals, or livestock, all the same we all know where you'll eventually wind up, so be sure to take your banjo with you because they love accessories down there for you know who for you know where for you know what. Oh yes, and take your guns and speech too, they love correcting people even more than I do. And trust me, they won't take no for answer, much Like you don't. You'll have even more fun there than here, especially since you specialize in all this meandering half-celled protozoa worst-of sample of animal-likeness. Say hi to LeMule too, and make sure he takes his banjo too. And please take some numbers they will fighting so hard over you all, they will have to wait in line. Again, while you ARE here, try to wear shoes all the same, if only to reduce fungal re-distribution. You can say you did that much for your Earthly home.    Thumbs Up

Shucks, heh heh, no sir, I ain't never been down to see miss Rodentia my own self, hee hee. Did LeMule tell you that? I sware I aint never let a set a eyes on her. I dont care nothin bout what a site she is or how many visiters she gits. I desplaned at LeMule how you got some kinda foot feetish and he says you can pick at his foots all night long while he sings sweet love songs atcha as long as you keep in mind that he's ticklish as a pump grinder. But only he gits to pick at his foots at the supper table. He dont like makin no specktacle otta his love affaares so he said to not go to gittin no funny ideas and gittin all crazy on him and his foots at the supper table. He said you can look at his foots while he picks at em at the supper table but dont tetch. I'd listen to him if I was you. Dont let yer foot feetish git yer ass whooped son. LeMule dont play when it comes to sweet love. I caint git inta all thet fungal re-distraction with ya. I'm married and my wife dont allow no fun gals round the house no more. And most of yer time here is gonna be spent with LeMule anyway. Or the McNutts if they win the fight. LeMule said to wear somethin nice and frilly fer when ya git off the bus.



I see. A Tennessee poster can label Californians with any derogatory terms he desires, but no one is allowed to reciprocate. Is that it?

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by Daveyl on Oct 31, 2010


I see. A Tennessee poster can label Californians with any derogatory terms he desires, but no one is allowed to reciprocate. Is that it?

Now I dont nesarily believe in all thet purgatory stuff yer a talkin about but if you californy boys want to keep reciprocatin thets yer own bidness. I never said thet you wasn't allowed to reciprocate. I dont even wanna know about it. I dont believe theres any laws aginst it.  Some say thet you'll go blind if ya keep doin it all the time though. Jest keep it to yer own selfs. Nobody wants to hear bout thet kinda stuff no how. Its dissgustin. You californy dancin boys are a strange breed.

BaristaExpress's avatarBaristaExpress

Quote: Originally posted by rdgrnr on Oct 31, 2010

Now I dont nesarily believe in all thet purgatory stuff yer a talkin about but if you californy boys want to keep reciprocatin thets yer own bidness. I never said thet you wasn't allowed to reciprocate. I dont even wanna know about it. I dont believe theres any laws aginst it.  Some say thet you'll go blind if ya keep doin it all the time though. Jest keep it to yer own selfs. Nobody wants to hear bout thet kinda stuff no how. Its dissgustin. You californy dancin boys are a strange breed.

Say rdgrnr, please don't put all of us so called Californy boys in the same pot! I am one of those that was born & raised there in Southern Californy. And I don't take to kindly to anyone puttin me in the same bunch with the real fruit cakes (like Daveyl) from that state!

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