By Kate Northrop
A North Carolina Lottery winner who won a $10 million prize in 2017 has been sentenced to life in prison after being convicted of murder.
In 2017, Michael Todd Hill, 54, struck it big after winning $10 million from a scratch-off lottery ticket. After having been charged with the murder of 23-year-old Keonna Graham in 2020, he has now been handed a life sentence in prison.
Hill, of Leland, worked in a nuclear plant in 2017 when he hit millions on an "Ultimate Millions" instant ticket. After scooping up the game's top prize, the dedicated scratch-off player was shocked to find that his hard work had paid off.
"I have a strategy when it comes to scratching," he had told the North Carolina Lottery after his win. "I start with the corners. When I got to the dollar symbol, I knew I won something. I saw the one and then the zero, and it still didn't hit me. But then I saw the 'M.' My heart dropped down to my toes and I lost my breath."
After opting for the lump sum cash option, he ended up taking home over $4 million after taxes.
Employees at the convenience store Hill frequented recalled him as a genuinely nice person. He had even returned to the store to give $2,000 to the woman who sold him the winning ticket.
Three years later, Keonna Graham was reported missing. Her body was later discovered with a "gunshot wound to the back of the head" in a hotel room Hill had occupied, and he was subsequently charged with first-degree murder.
"Surveillance footage from the hotel showed Hill as the only individual in the hotel room with Graham, prosecutors said. "Hill was later arrested by law enforcement in Southport, North Carolina and confessed to shooting Graham after she had been texting other men while at the hotel."
According to the police, Hill was involved in an "on-and-off" relationship with Graham.
"I think it's horrible," Tiffany Wilson, an acquaintance of Graham's had said at the time. "I mean, he just won the lottery. I heard he just got married and you go and kill a young girl? A beautiful girl? I don't understand."
On May 27, Hill was found guilty of first-degree murder. According to officials, he will serve "life in prison without the possibility of parole and 22-36 month in prison for Possession of Firearm by Felon to run concurrent with his life sentence."
"The District Attorney's Office would like to thank our local law enforcement agencies for their collaborative efforts in the investigation of Graham's death," Assistant District Attorney Shirley Smircic stated in a news release from prosecutors. "The hard work of these officers ensured a just result in this case."
Graham was a correctional officer at a prison in Burgaw, North Carolina. She also worked at a local rehabilitation center to help those who are mentally disabled. Her hobbies included hiking and riding bicycles.
"She did all of this like it was second nature to her," Antoinette Lee, Graham's cousin, said of her. "We are hurting. We are in pain. Our family is devastated."
Graham was also remembered for being adventurous and generous toward others.
"She was very loved, and she's very beautiful," Wilson said.
Sounds like he was the type of guy: "If I can't have you, no one else will either".
Many murders are crimes of passion. So sad, she had her head on her shoulders and did lots of good.
What is it with NC Black females attracting thugs? Remember that lucky lady who won a ton of money in Powerball years ago? She kept on bailing that loser out, and then her Church (?) wanted their hand in her windfall too.
RIP Sweet Angel.
Bad Decisions Have Consequences!
Some 1 just talking about this and I was just smh to it, saying Mr.Michale Todd Hill, you're a middle age man,not even old yet, but "older now" to realize that some people, are "eventually blessed with good fortune in life" and when you're being blessed, you're to do better, not worse. How sad. RIP Keonna, and if he really did it he should yes, be in prison for the remainder of his long life.
I am sure he is going to feasibly get out 1 day, IF he has the "right dream team of TOP LAWYERS" paying them million as to get him out or more" He is able to now sit back chill in jail/prison while strategically trying to win in a few yrs or less on APPEAL and might. Mr. Todd can now afford,
the BEST money can buy, filing motion after motion,and I think that's sad, but he has the cash to do it 100x over."
Many "get released on a technicality at times, per state with APPEAL after Appeal, so I am not sure he will remain in prison, but either way, he is still a Multi-Millionaire, so he will be eating well, doing great inside, watch. No stress really except "trying to get out early,and never say never everyone, because MANY do on appeal." BE SAFE, we ALL have to.
Life too short not to. Going to take some time, on my Law school studies now.Relax. PRAYING for the victim(s)to such a senseless death, and their families, in heaven far too early RIP too soon, due to one's cruelty.
I'm remembering her. MARIA won the $388 MILLION in think, in NC here, and said she almost broke or she has "some left, but not as much as she SHOULD HAVE had smh."I'm remembering her, yep. I sure do.
being an Italian woman, I don't know why some NC Black ladies do, since i see just as many (MORE)
for past 2 decades or longer, more WHITE doing it, and not realizing the risk,
then again it is a risk with all races. My older brother, a former vet, CIRO is very close,
to a murder victim brother, Shaun.(California) our HOME-state.
Ciro's BFF Shaun sister Renee' almost died, a coma hanging on for just about 7 months, when others said "pull the plug, but his bestie parents said NOT YET." She came out of her coma, after being literally shot and strangled. GOD really is good.
She is not black but white lady Irish & Scottish. Well, she was strangled, and she lived to tell about it thank GOD and lives in hiding now from him,but living a good life, working, not dating much after that in 2017,
even though he was sentenced in California, not here in NC, for a long time, still trying to get out,
and 1 day he might."
It's not just NC Black women. RIP KEONNA..
.Something tell me that convicted murdered Michael Todd Hill may be out sooner than later.
He has the money now to really try, and those men in prison who AREN'T rich, or middle class, get out often on an Appeal or granting a type of conditional release etc.al., more than ever.
This guy is the perfect example of "public face" vs "private face". To the people in the store he was a "nice guy". But behind closed doors in private, he was a violent murderer. People usually show you exactly what they want you to see in public. There is and old saying that money does not change you......but it will eventually reveal who you really are.
Having Money does not equal good character, good sense, or good morals and values...just saying
Them shysters will eat that money up and leave him twisting in the wind.
Right where he belongs.
That money should go to the victim's family.
When i log out to study,
was going over my law school studies, and i was thinking, I should log back in to say, the way he can without a shred of DOUBT, lose "all of it or most" will be by a family member i.e. sibling, grandparents/parents/kids etc, sue him. He will lose. I will follow it, to see if he was ever sued. I hope the family sue, he should not have the luxury in a clean tidy "commissary galore" prison, room and board, there, living high on the hog, as my grand-father would say." I hope the family sue.
You're right on that part. BUT, i am sure if he is um astute prudent with the dough, he has been making a move to "have family stash his cash flow $$$ or a close buddy, or his parents, I don't know, but I am sure he will do that, but I would still have to at least try and sue. RIP KEONNA
Just because you kill somebody doesn't mean you're a thug... who said he was that?
Good riddance
Can we like split some of that money he got left over?
10 million, could have had the whole world in his hands, what an idiot.
Why no...no thuggery there at all..probably deserves an award of some type or a statue in a public square and perhaps a street named after him.
Dang, he killed her just because she was texting other Men,... soundz like an Anger Management problem.. in which he'll have plenty of TIME to deal wit..the Money ought to go to Graham's immediate Family..!!