Britain's record lottery winners go public

Jul 15, 2011, 8:40 pm (109 comments)

Euro Millions

Includes video report

A Scottish couple out of work due to ill health are Europe's biggest ever lottery winners, scooping £161.5 million (€184 million, or US$260.5 million) in the EuroMillions multi-country lottery game.

Colin Weir, 64, and his wife Chris, 55, who have been married for 30 years and live in the seaside town of Largs near Glasgow, claimed the prize after Tuesday's draw which followed a series of rollovers.

The prize catapaulted them into 430th place in this year's Sunday Times Rich List for Britain.

"We were tickled pink," Chris Weir, a former psychiatric nurse, said as the couple faced the press for the first time after waiving their right to anonymity.

"I even had a glass of white wine, which is something I normally only do at Christmas. It really is unbelievable."

Colin Weir, a former TV cameraman and studio manager, appeared slightly dazed by the attention.

"When we first realized we had won, it felt like a dream. But it feels like a good thing; something we should not be afraid of but for us to enjoy with the children," he said.

The Weirs said they will buy homes for their daughter Carly, 24, a photography student, and their son Jamie, 22, who works in a call center. Their children will also take their first driving lessons, they said.

They said they wanted to see the Great Wall of China and Uluru, as well as art galleries in Paris and Russia, while Colin, a fan of Spanish football, hopes to see Barcelona play from a personal box at the Camp Nou stadium.

The Weirs said they have both had several serious health conditions in recent years and have been unable to work.

Colin Weir suffered a leg injury and rheumatoid arthritis while Chris Weir worked in nursing for 37 years before quitting three years ago due to poor health.

The couple said they would have preferred not to go public but did not think they could keep their win secret, although they said they hoped their new-found wealth would not change them.  They also said they would not be able to enjoy the win as fully by keeping it a secret.

"We are not flashy people," she said. Her husband added, "With wealth comes great responsibility."

The previous British record jackpot holder, who won €129 million (US$182.6 million) in October last year, chose to remain anonymous.

The EuroMillions lottery, launched in 2004, is now played in eleven countries across western Europe: Austria, Belgium, France, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

VIDEO: Watch the report

Herald Sun, Channel 4 News, Lottery Post Staff


rukiafae's avatarrukiafae

Happy for the couple, hope they are able to manage that kind of wealth and have it last for a long LONG time! :)

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

I hope the decisions they make from now on are better than the one deciding to go public and giving out their kids names and all that.

dallascowboyfan's avatardallascowboyfan

I Agree!  Ridge, it's one thing if the winner goes public even though the last winner remained anonymous but now you put your children at risk.



dpoly1's avatardpoly1

Oh well ................................. I guess it takes all kinds .......................................

Hit With Stick

redhot7's avatarredhot7

They now have the money to afford any sort of medical care to cure their poor health.

Todd's avatarTodd

Quote: Originally posted by redhot7 on Jul 15, 2011

They now have the money to afford any sort of medical care to cure their poor health.

I agree, in the UK with its government-run healthcare system, their care was probably not all that great.  They make people wait for months just for basic treatments, and the government can decide not to give treatment if they decide it's too expensive.

eddessaknight's avatareddessaknight

Quote: Originally posted by Todd on Jul 15, 2011

I agree, in the UK with its government-run healthcare system, their care was probably not all that great.  They make people wait for months just for basic treatments, and the government can decide not to give treatment if they decide it's too expensive.

Righto Todd,

Well then. now the Lucky Scoties can afford to follow others from the UK to the USA and get necessary medical treatments on time.

EddessaKnight Note 

fwlawrence's avatarfwlawrence

The children are 22 and 24 and taking their first driving lessons?

myturn's avatarmyturn

Quote: Originally posted by redhot7 on Jul 15, 2011

They now have the money to afford any sort of medical care to cure their poor health.

Perhaps they should shell out and join Jenny Craig?

savagegoose's avatarsavagegoose

hey i guess they figure may as well go public, wouldnt be long till some scummy newspaper bought their identity off of  a public sevant  anyhow.

sully16's avatarsully16

Quote: Originally posted by Todd on Jul 15, 2011

I agree, in the UK with its government-run healthcare system, their care was probably not all that great.  They make people wait for months just for basic treatments, and the government can decide not to give treatment if they decide it's too expensive.

Coming soon to America..Government run healthcare, we are doomed.


Congrats to the winners, enjoy.

hearsetrax's avatarhearsetrax

Roll Eyes fast forward three and a half years later.........broke & wishing they had kept thar mouths shut No Pity!

redhot7's avatarredhot7

Quote: Originally posted by Todd on Jul 15, 2011

I agree, in the UK with its government-run healthcare system, their care was probably not all that great.  They make people wait for months just for basic treatments, and the government can decide not to give treatment if they decide it's too expensive.

Well, if you are too poor in America, you don't get any medical treatment at all. No money, no treatment. America has the best health care in the world BUT only if you can afford it.

redhot7's avatarredhot7

Quote: Originally posted by hearsetrax on Jul 16, 2011

Roll Eyes fast forward three and a half years later.........broke & wishing they had kept thar mouths shut No Pity!

I guarantee you that within a week, people will line up in front of their house begging for money, their phone will ring off the hook, their email will exceed its storage capacity and their relatives from whom they never heard of will come out of the woods.


Quote: Originally posted by redhot7 on Jul 16, 2011

Well, if you are too poor in America, you don't get any medical treatment at all. No money, no treatment. America has the best health care in the world BUT only if you can afford it.

Not true. I have a sister who works for a major Dallas healthcare system (i.e. multiple hospitals). Ever heard of Medicade? Those that can't pay, don't. Those that just don't pay, don't. The problem is not having health insurance, the problem is how they are forced to bill it.  Health insurance payment agreements are based upon what the non-insured get charged, and the non-insured rates are based upon the hospital covering those who don't pay. It's a vicious cycle and the healthcare industry is not getting 'fixed' with Obamacare. Not everything will get covered by Obamacare. In fact, probably less will be covered than private insurance (at least what private insurance survives beyond what Congress decided they themselves get to keep and you don't). Medicare pays for the diagnosis, not the care. Medicare patient comes in with a broken arm, and the doctor/hospital gets paid the same whether the patient gets a quick set or one, two, or three surgeries to repair.

Anyway, congrats to the couple. At least they recognize the great responsibility that goes with the win. Let's hope they get great advice and stick to it, and that they are success story for the future Lottery Winning stories. Wink

B$Rizzle's avatarB$Rizzle

Why in the he!! did they just put themselves & their children at risk??? I dont get why they chose to reveal themselves


Todd's avatarTodd

Quote: Originally posted by fwlawrence on Jul 16, 2011

The children are 22 and 24 and taking their first driving lessons?

Outside of the USA, kids do not have the sense of entitlement they do here -- not everyone "expects" to have a driver's license when they're 17, and many families can't afford cars (or more than one).

Todd's avatarTodd

Quote: Originally posted by B$Rizzle on Jul 16, 2011

Why in the he!! did they just put themselves & their children at risk??? I dont get why they chose to reveal themselves


She said it would be more enjoyable if they went public.  We'll have to revisit that statement in a few months.

dk1421's avatardk1421

Quote: Originally posted by Todd on Jul 16, 2011

She said it would be more enjoyable if they went public.  We'll have to revisit that statement in a few months.

I thought that line was intriguing.

First off, they've been living AT their means, unlike many, which says a LOT about them as people. Secondly, I guess they will be buying some new stuff and probably worried about what others would think of them suddenly buying a new car, fixing the house, going on trips.

Perhaps they realized that it would be "known" soon anyway, so they might as well do it on their own terms.

However, I agree about their kids - especially giving out their names! Again, maybe thinking it would get out there anyway. BUT.. there's rumor and then there's fact. Now it's a fact.

I just wished they had talked to a lawyer first. He probably would have told them to go anonymous. Or maybe they did and didn't follow his advice.

My problem is that I'm a horrible liar. WHEN I win the lottery, my reason for sudden wealth will have to be something that I can easily lie about. It's too bad they didn't go in that direction, but c'est le vie.

I guess they thought it would be "easier" but I think they'll realize in a year, that it's not.

I'm truly wishing them the best, but I have a bad feeling... leaning more towards the kids.

Hey Todd - can you interview them again in a year? See how they are doing?

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by redhot7 on Jul 16, 2011

Well, if you are too poor in America, you don't get any medical treatment at all. No money, no treatment. America has the best health care in the world BUT only if you can afford it.

That's nonsense, nobody goes without medical care in this country.

The worst medical care you'll ever get will be under Obamacare because it will be rationed by government bureaucrats (libs) who will decide if you are worthy of the cost of treating you. Like Obama said, if you're old and need an expensive operation to live, just take pain pills instead and get out of the way.

Obama himself will still get the best though.

He wrote the law to make sure Obamacare applies to us but doesn't apply to him and his buddies in government, they get gold-plated medical care for life.

Pretty good deal, eh?

Boney526's avatarBoney526

Quote: Originally posted by rdgrnr on Jul 16, 2011

That's nonsense, nobody goes without medical care in this country.

The worst medical care you'll ever get will be under Obamacare because it will be rationed by government bureaucrats (libs) who will decide if you are worthy of the cost of treating you. Like Obama said, if you're old and need an expensive operation to live, just take pain pills instead and get out of the way.

Obama himself will still get the best though.

He wrote the law to make sure Obamacare applies to us but doesn't apply to him and his buddies in government, they get gold-plated medical care for life.

Pretty good deal, eh?

I just love it when Libs claim you don't get Healthcare unless your wealthy in the USA.  The whole reason the system is "broken" is because we give Healhcare to anyone who walks in the door and worry about the costs later.  It's the ethically right thing to do, but people always claim ludicrous things about the system that are just plain wrong.


In America, everybody gets care, regardless of income status.  It's the after cost that can screw up people's lives, but that's ineveitable for someone who doesn't pay for insurance.  I don't get the sense of entitlement that insurance should be free, that health care should be free.  Maybe it's just me, but I think you should have to pay for your insurance and they shouldn't regulate it anymore than I think they should regulate the, say, auto insurance industry.

redhot7's avatarredhot7

Quote: Originally posted by fwlawrence on Jul 16, 2011

The children are 22 and 24 and taking their first driving lessons?

Europe has a much better public transportation than the United States. They have bullet trains, like France TGV, while here in America we don't have bullet trains. You can survive pretty well in Europe without having a car. Not so with the United States with a few exceptions like NYC.

redhot7's avatarredhot7

Quote: Originally posted by Piaceri on Jul 16, 2011

Not true. I have a sister who works for a major Dallas healthcare system (i.e. multiple hospitals). Ever heard of Medicade? Those that can't pay, don't. Those that just don't pay, don't. The problem is not having health insurance, the problem is how they are forced to bill it.  Health insurance payment agreements are based upon what the non-insured get charged, and the non-insured rates are based upon the hospital covering those who don't pay. It's a vicious cycle and the healthcare industry is not getting 'fixed' with Obamacare. Not everything will get covered by Obamacare. In fact, probably less will be covered than private insurance (at least what private insurance survives beyond what Congress decided they themselves get to keep and you don't). Medicare pays for the diagnosis, not the care. Medicare patient comes in with a broken arm, and the doctor/hospital gets paid the same whether the patient gets a quick set or one, two, or three surgeries to repair.

Anyway, congrats to the couple. At least they recognize the great responsibility that goes with the win. Let's hope they get great advice and stick to it, and that they are success story for the future Lottery Winning stories. Wink

Not every poor people are eligible for Medicaid. If you make just a little bit over the poverty line, you are not eligible for Medicaid. You would be too rich to be covered by Medicaid but too poor to afford health care on your own. Watch PBS Frontline Sick around America online for an example.

haymaker's avatarhaymaker

Quote: Originally posted by redhot7 on Jul 16, 2011

Europe has a much better public transportation than the United States. They have bullet trains, like France TGV, while here in America we don't have bullet trains. You can survive pretty well in Europe without having a car. Not so with the United States with a few exceptions like NYC.

yea,and i think their gas cost even more than ours.

ttech10's avatarttech10

Quote: Originally posted by dk1421 on Jul 16, 2011

I thought that line was intriguing.

First off, they've been living AT their means, unlike many, which says a LOT about them as people. Secondly, I guess they will be buying some new stuff and probably worried about what others would think of them suddenly buying a new car, fixing the house, going on trips.

Perhaps they realized that it would be "known" soon anyway, so they might as well do it on their own terms.

However, I agree about their kids - especially giving out their names! Again, maybe thinking it would get out there anyway. BUT.. there's rumor and then there's fact. Now it's a fact.

I just wished they had talked to a lawyer first. He probably would have told them to go anonymous. Or maybe they did and didn't follow his advice.

My problem is that I'm a horrible liar. WHEN I win the lottery, my reason for sudden wealth will have to be something that I can easily lie about. It's too bad they didn't go in that direction, but c'est le vie.

I guess they thought it would be "easier" but I think they'll realize in a year, that it's not.

I'm truly wishing them the best, but I have a bad feeling... leaning more towards the kids.

Hey Todd - can you interview them again in a year? See how they are doing?

Yea I imagine they figured it would be hard to hide the fact they won and that just wouldn't make it fun, either trying to always hide the win or having to not buy new expensive "toys".

BUT, if that was the case, why not just simply go ahead and buy new stuff and let it slip locally that they're the winners? You can go ahead and enjoy your win without announcing it to the whole world. Instead they've informed millions more about their win that otherwise wouldn't have gone through the trouble of searching the winners' city's paper constantly to see if the winners have popped up.

If I win my plan is to claim through a trust so that my name isn't out there. I'm not too entirely worried about it being known locally that I'm the winner, which will likely happen when I purchase a new car and possibly house, but I'm okay with that since my name will be at least unknown to the masses, which is the biggest problem. I won't be making any [noticeable] large purchases for a few months anyways, so I'd at least have time after I've claimed to get some things in order before I make it obvious to neighbors and friends that I've hit it big.

OldSchoolPa's avatarOldSchoolPa

Quote: Originally posted by redhot7 on Jul 16, 2011

Well, if you are too poor in America, you don't get any medical treatment at all. No money, no treatment. America has the best health care in the world BUT only if you can afford it.

That is not entirely true.  Sure there have been cases in which people have been pushed to the side at emergency rooms and died as a result of negligence...but those responsible for such negligence have been and are being persecuted for said negligence.  Additionally, one can go to most any urgent care clinic and set up a payment plan if they cannot pay the bill all at once and don't have health insurance (I know because I have done that years ago).  The problem is that many people think that "someone" else should pay the bulk of their health care expenses (i.e. employer, government, taxpayer, etc) and so many people choose to buy toys like Harley Davidson bikes, boats, jet skis, etc instead of doing the responsible thing and paying for their healthcare expenses.  And some areas do have clinics that cater to the poor, but just like in Canada and Europe where the wait to receive treatment can be unbearable, those recipients of such care just have to be patient (no pun intended)!

OldSchoolPa's avatarOldSchoolPa

Given their health problems, I would hope the first people they meet with are trusted lawyers, accountants, and financial advisors.  They will definitely need some trusts and such drawn up, otherwise unless they get the best healthcare money can buy and lose some of that excess weight they are carrying around, they may not be around too long to enjoy all those millions they just won.  After the financials are in place, the next people they should meet with are doctors and specialists and medically certified physical trainers.  Or they could just roll the dice and live as long as their current health will allow them to live.  Best of luck with that.

sully16's avatarsully16

Quote: Originally posted by redhot7 on Jul 16, 2011

Not every poor people are eligible for Medicaid. If you make just a little bit over the poverty line, you are not eligible for Medicaid. You would be too rich to be covered by Medicaid but too poor to afford health care on your own. Watch PBS Frontline Sick around America online for an example.

The Socialists pushing their agenda, plain and simple , if you can't afford insurance then work out a payment plan with you Doctor, Hey ,theres a new idea, be responsible for yourself.

Maybe the freeloaders won't breed out of control if they have to foot the bill, because I am good and tired of taking care of others, I work hard for my money, I would like to keep more of it.

dallascowboyfan's avatardallascowboyfan

Quote: Originally posted by sully16 on Jul 17, 2011

The Socialists pushing their agenda, plain and simple , if you can't afford insurance then work out a payment plan with you Doctor, Hey ,theres a new idea, be responsible for yourself.

Maybe the freeloaders won't breed out of control if they have to foot the bill, because I am good and tired of taking care of others, I work hard for my money, I would like to keep more of it.

Now...Now..Now Sully there you go making sense again.... "Maybe the freeloaders won't breed out of control if they have to foot the bill" Oh no..... they will just go and file bankruptcy because that's the easy thing to do. Making payment arrangments on something you owe that sounds to much like RIGHT.... Sully if you keep making sense I am going to have you admitted....ROFL


I work for a financial instution, and the the thing that bothers me the most is when consumers rackup a lot of debt and rush to file bankruptcy. They don't even call us to work out an arrangment/payment plan.


They made a BIG mistake to go public. I would have absolutely no problem saying that I made a killing on the stock market. Most people just talk too much.

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by redhot7 on Jul 16, 2011

Europe has a much better public transportation than the United States. They have bullet trains, like France TGV, while here in America we don't have bullet trains. You can survive pretty well in Europe without having a car. Not so with the United States with a few exceptions like NYC.

Do you want to force people to take the train?

Studies have shown that nobody wants them here outside of you and the Obamacrats. (Yes, I just coined that term, it means far left, lunatic fringe, nutjob libs). Passenger trains can't exist in this country without tax dollars to keep them running because very few people will ride them. That means that me and everybody else will have to pay for your train ride. Well, screw that.

Europe has found out the hard way that socialism is a colossal failure and is taking steps to correct their mistakes.

Do you want us to go down that same road to failure just to prove it doesn't work again?

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by redhot7 on Jul 16, 2011

Not every poor people are eligible for Medicaid. If you make just a little bit over the poverty line, you are not eligible for Medicaid. You would be too rich to be covered by Medicaid but too poor to afford health care on your own. Watch PBS Frontline Sick around America online for an example.

PBS is an arm of the democrat party pushing their agenda, redhot.

And our tax money pays to keep them on the air because they wouldn't be on the air without it.

Try to find a source without an agenda.

You're not getting the truth from PBS, you're getting what the libs want you to believe.


No politician, Republican or Democrat, tells the truth because "the people" can't handle it. Knowing the truth comes from thinking for yourself and ignoring anything and everything a politician says. This is true for any country in the world.

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by Trillionaire on Jul 17, 2011

No politician, Republican or Democrat, tells the truth because "the people" can't handle it. Knowing the truth comes from thinking for yourself and ignoring anything and everything a politician says. This is true for any country in the world.

Yes, there are liars on both sides but anybody who studies politics knows that the dems (libs) take lying to another plane, they make it an art form. It's part of their genetic makeup. They lie so much they think whatever they say becomes the truth somehow. They can't stop lying even if they want to. It's their nature.

Them's the cold hard facts.

redhot7's avatarredhot7

Quote: Originally posted by sully16 on Jul 17, 2011

The Socialists pushing their agenda, plain and simple , if you can't afford insurance then work out a payment plan with you Doctor, Hey ,theres a new idea, be responsible for yourself.

Maybe the freeloaders won't breed out of control if they have to foot the bill, because I am good and tired of taking care of others, I work hard for my money, I would like to keep more of it.

People fall into unfortunate circumstances to no fault of their own. They get laid off, they lost their coverage and then they get run over by a car or get cancer from genetic predisposition. No payment plan in the world would be able to cover the hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars of medical expense without insurance. I feel sorry for those people. It is unfortunate that people are being labeled Communist or Socialist for being compassionate.

redhot7's avatarredhot7

Quote: Originally posted by rdgrnr on Jul 17, 2011

PBS is an arm of the democrat party pushing their agenda, redhot.

And our tax money pays to keep them on the air because they wouldn't be on the air without it.

Try to find a source without an agenda.

You're not getting the truth from PBS, you're getting what the libs want you to believe.

Yeah, I am sure FoxNews is a source without an agenda. Fair & Balanced, We Report, You Decide.

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by redhot7 on Jul 17, 2011

Yeah, I am sure FoxNews is a source without an agenda. Fair & Balanced, We Report, You Decide.

At least you'll get straight news from FOX and you can make up your own mind unlike everybody else that tells you only the news that benefits their agenda or is twisted to benefit their agenda.

Don't confuse news with commentary.

That's what the other guys try to get you to do.

And apparently you fell for it.


Quote: Originally posted by rdgrnr on Jul 17, 2011

Yes, there are liars on both sides but anybody who studies politics knows that the dems (libs) take lying to another plane, they make it an art form. It's part of their genetic makeup. They lie so much they think whatever they say becomes the truth somehow. They can't stop lying even if they want to. It's their nature.

Them's the cold hard facts.

As I recall it was Republican lies about WMD which took America into Iraq. How much has this cost the American taxpayer, so far? Now add to that the lives lost, and then add the lives destroyed, both American and Iraqis. The Republicans aren't as saintly as you seem to think, rdgnr, nor are the democrats as dastardly.

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by redhot7 on Jul 17, 2011

People fall into unfortunate circumstances to no fault of their own. They get laid off, they lost their coverage and then they get run over by a car or get cancer from genetic predisposition. No payment plan in the world would be able to cover the hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars of medical expense without insurance. I feel sorry for those people. It is unfortunate that people are being labeled Communist or Socialist for being compassionate.

"It is unfortunate that people are being labeled Communist or Socialist for being compassionate."


Compassionate? What a joke. Libs are only compassionate if they have someone else's money to give away. Studies show that libs give less to charitable causes than any other group. Even the super-rich libs are tightwads with their own money.

But they love to confiscate and give away other people's money.

larry3100's avatarlarry3100

I nominate Ridge Runner for President !. Cheers

redhot7's avatarredhot7

Quote: Originally posted by rdgrnr on Jul 17, 2011

At least you'll get straight news from FOX and you can make up your own mind unlike everybody else that tells you only the news that benefits their agenda or is twisted to benefit their agenda.

Don't confuse news with commentary.

That's what the other guys try to get you to do.

And apparently you fell for it.

Since when Fox gives straight news? They bend it to their liking. Sure, their competitors do the same thing but at least they never claim to be fair and balanced. Calling the President of the United States as a Communist is very insulting.

haymaker's avatarhaymaker

Quote: Originally posted by Trillionaire on Jul 17, 2011

They made a BIG mistake to go public. I would have absolutely no problem saying that I made a killing on the stock market. Most people just talk too much.

the stock market excuse might work, easy enough to go back and look up things that were unbeliveably cheap not so long ago,but you will need to find some obscure things,no microsofts or googles otherwise people will be nagging you for advice your not qualified to give.and if you steer them wrong,look out.maybe better to say its a settlement from a lawsuite, and as part of the settlement i am not permitted to talk about it.


Quote: Originally posted by haymaker on Jul 17, 2011

the stock market excuse might work, easy enough to go back and look up things that were unbeliveably cheap not so long ago,but you will need to find some obscure things,no microsofts or googles otherwise people will be nagging you for advice your not qualified to give.and if you steer them wrong,look out.maybe better to say its a settlement from a lawsuite, and as part of the settlement i am not permitted to talk about it.

Thanks Haymaker. The lawsuite angle is a great idea - a lawsuite settlement I can't talk about. That's going to be my story when I win the jackpot.

haymaker's avatarhaymaker

Quote: Originally posted by Trillionaire on Jul 17, 2011

Thanks Haymaker. The lawsuite angle is a great idea - a lawsuite settlement I can't talk about. That's going to be my story when I win the jackpot.

additional benefit. people tend to avoid ppl. who sue,so ppl. won't bother you. when i lived in so. cali where lots of ppl. have vanity lic. plates i remember being behind a car his lic."will sue" i'm like whoa don't stay in back of this guy.course i could be wrong, maybe just a a guy named william w/ a wife named susan. ya think ? naah. it was a bmw the big one.Wink

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by Trillionaire on Jul 17, 2011

As I recall it was Republican lies about WMD which took America into Iraq. How much has this cost the American taxpayer, so far? Now add to that the lives lost, and then add the lives destroyed, both American and Iraqis. The Republicans aren't as saintly as you seem to think, rdgnr, nor are the democrats as dastardly.

You don't live here. What you think means absolutely nothing and has absolutely no effect on anything. Your country isn't even a player on the world stage. And you don't seem to know what you're talking about anyway.

So just sit back and relax knowing we protect you at no charge. Have some hot chips and put a spit shine on your hockey puck or something.

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by redhot7 on Jul 17, 2011

Since when Fox gives straight news? They bend it to their liking. Sure, their competitors do the same thing but at least they never claim to be fair and balanced. Calling the President of the United States as a Communist is very insulting.

I can see you're a lib because you don't absorb anything I explain to you because it's not slanted and twisted enough in a way that makes it palatable to you.

I warned you against confusing news with commentary but it went right over your head as expected.


"Calling the President of the United States as a Communist is very insulting."


This shows me the extent to which you are a political neophyte. The communists and socialists joined ranks with the democrats a few years back. Your hero has surrounded himself with avowed, out-of-the-closet communists and socialists and it is well documented. Many of the czars he has appointed are radical communists. This ain't your father's democrat party anymore. 

You need to do a little catching up, sonny boy.

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by larry3100 on Jul 17, 2011

I nominate Ridge Runner for President !. Cheers

Thank you larry! I accept the nomination!

Now we need to start some fundraising road trips! Cheers

And I'll be needing a few secretaries!  Naughty

kyokushin187's avatarkyokushin187

C'Mon.were in 2011 not 1711.If mccain was elected or Mrs. Clinton and this Economy was still the same as now would u give the same hatred you show to Obama?

sully16's avatarsully16

Quote: Originally posted by dallascowboyfan on Jul 17, 2011

Now...Now..Now Sully there you go making sense again.... "Maybe the freeloaders won't breed out of control if they have to foot the bill" Oh no..... they will just go and file bankruptcy because that's the easy thing to do. Making payment arrangments on something you owe that sounds to much like RIGHT.... Sully if you keep making sense I am going to have you admitted....ROFL


I work for a financial instution, and the the thing that bothers me the most is when consumers rackup a lot of debt and rush to file bankruptcy. They don't even call us to work out an arrangment/payment plan.

People get in over their heads are overwhelmed and make all the wrong decisions,

One of the biggest problems we face, most people cannot handle finances at all, it's not being taught in primary schools as it should be anymore, when I hear of people refinancing their home to pay credit cards I just want to scream, most people have no idea the difference between secured and unsecured debt.

Yes, creditors will work with you,

sully16's avatarsully16

Quote: Originally posted by redhot7 on Jul 17, 2011

People fall into unfortunate circumstances to no fault of their own. They get laid off, they lost their coverage and then they get run over by a car or get cancer from genetic predisposition. No payment plan in the world would be able to cover the hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars of medical expense without insurance. I feel sorry for those people. It is unfortunate that people are being labeled Communist or Socialist for being compassionate.

Don't hand me that compassion Bullsh*T, I DON'T NEED ANYONE TO TELL ME HOW TO FEEL.

Bad things happen to all of us , all the time, that does NOT make it okay to demand sympathy or financial support from strangers, especially in the form of taxation.

Redistribution of wealth, taking from the haves to give to the have nots is SOCIALISM.

If you feel so sorry for everyone than why don't you take care of them, I am sick of having my and my husbands paychecks hacked to pieces because of all this feeling sorry for everyone.

I see the takers everyday, I see what liars they are, their greed equals the very people they complain about.

I am sick of hearing people say "BECAUSE I AM POOR I DESERVE SOMETHING"

If you want something then f***ing earn it.

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by kyokushin187 on Jul 18, 2011

C'Mon.were in 2011 not 1711.If mccain was elected or Mrs. Clinton and this Economy was still the same as now would u give the same hatred you show to Obama?

I have no hatred for Obama or anybody else.

I'd just like to have competent leadership in this country. He is no leader. He voted "present" all the way through the state senate in Illinois because he wasn't capable of making a decision. He was a good community organizer but he is in way over his head now. He simply doesn't know what the hell he's doing.

But everything he is doing is wrong.

And the very survival of our country is at stake.


"You don't live here." That's right Ridge and praise the Lord for that.


Quote: Originally posted by haymaker on Jul 17, 2011

additional benefit. people tend to avoid ppl. who sue,so ppl. won't bother you. when i lived in so. cali where lots of ppl. have vanity lic. plates i remember being behind a car his lic."will sue" i'm like whoa don't stay in back of this guy.course i could be wrong, maybe just a a guy named william w/ a wife named susan. ya think ? naah. it was a bmw the big one.Wink

Makes perfect sense Haymaker. And I don't think that "will sue" are the names of a guy and his wife.Smile

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by Trillionaire on Jul 18, 2011

"You don't live here." That's right Ridge and praise the Lord for that.

Yeah, thank God for that. We have enough welfare cases who expect everything to be provided for them..


Quote: Originally posted by rdgrnr on Jul 18, 2011

Yeah, thank God for that. We have enough welfare cases who expect everything to be provided for them..

Ah yes, Ridge. Resort to insults when you can't think of something intelligent to say. Typical.

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by Trillionaire on Jul 18, 2011

Ah yes, Ridge. Resort to insults when you can't think of something intelligent to say. Typical.

I didn't "resort," you did.

I reciprocated.

And you know it.

sully16's avatarsully16

Quote: Originally posted by Trillionaire on Jul 18, 2011

Ah yes, Ridge. Resort to insults when you can't think of something intelligent to say. Typical.

You sound pretty familiar with Ridge, Is that you Mario.? 9 posts and you know us so well....hmmmmm

Todd's avatarTodd

Quote: Originally posted by Trillionaire on Jul 18, 2011

Ah yes, Ridge. Resort to insults when you can't think of something intelligent to say. Typical.

I agree with rdgrnr — you post a nasty message about the USA, and you would expect that nobody would respond in kind?  I found your slam on the USA to be insulting as well.  Many of the freedoms and prosperity you enjoy in Canada today are a direct result of the United States.

When looking at health care, it is easy to see that Canadians often cross the border into the USA when important life-saving procedures are necessary.  Health care is one thing Canada did NOT adopt from the USA, and unfortunately the far-leftists in the USA thought it would be a good idea to model our health care after Canada's.  Hopefully that will be reversed soon.


Quote: Originally posted by rdgrnr on Jul 17, 2011

You don't live here. What you think means absolutely nothing and has absolutely no effect on anything. Your country isn't even a player on the world stage. And you don't seem to know what you're talking about anyway.

So just sit back and relax knowing we protect you at no charge. Have some hot chips and put a spit shine on your hockey puck or something.

The truth is the truth regardless of who speaks it. Republican lies took America into Iraq. Where are the WMD? You attack President Obama for your country's problems. He did not create the problems and is doing his best to sove them. Here is another truth for you: America is bankrupt and will never be able to repay its debts.

We Canadians don't need to go off and attack anyone to prove how tough or smart we are. You are a warlike nation and have squandered your wealth on weapons and war.

Todd's avatarTodd

Quote: Originally posted by Trillionaire on Jul 18, 2011

The truth is the truth regardless of who speaks it. Republican lies took America into Iraq. Where are the WMD? You attack President Obama for your country's problems. He did not create the problems and is doing his best to sove them. Here is another truth for you: America is bankrupt and will never be able to repay its debts.

We Canadians don't need to go off and attack anyone to prove how tough or smart we are. You are a warlike nation and have squandered your wealth on weapons and war.

Do you get all your information from the left-wing media?  Seems to be the case.

There were no "Republican lies" that took us into Iraq, as much as the media would like you to believe (and which you have bought into -- hook, line, and sinker).

Bill Clinton was very firm about WMDs being in Iraq, and based policy on it.

Before we went to war in Iraq, the US Congress -- with a huge Democrat majority -- overwhelmingly approved it.  They did so based upon their own assessment of the information, not based on "Republican lies".

Note that this is very UNLIKE the current Libya debacle, in which Obama took us to war WITHOUT consent of Congress, and lied about troops on the ground.  Now he's claiming it's not even a war. 

Of course, you won't see these kinds of assessments on your favorite brand of mainstream TV show, because UNLIKE FOX, they only show the liberal point of view.  On FOX, you get both views, and you can make up your own damn mind.

Edit: I guess you don't realize that Canadian troops helped in Iraq (both times), Afghanistan, and Libya.  Did I burst your bubble?

diamondpalace's avatardiamondpalace

Congrats to the couples!

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by Todd on Jul 18, 2011

Do you get all your information from the left-wing media?  Seems to be the case.

There were no "Republican lies" that took us into Iraq, as much as the media would like you to believe (and which you have bought into -- hook, line, and sinker).

Bill Clinton was very firm about WMDs being in Iraq, and based policy on it.

Before we went to war in Iraq, the US Congress -- with a huge Democrat majority -- overwhelmingly approved it.  They did so based upon their own assessment of the information, not based on "Republican lies".

Note that this is very UNLIKE the current Libya debacle, in which Obama took us to war WITHOUT consent of Congress, and lied about troops on the ground.  Now he's claiming it's not even a war. 

Of course, you won't see these kinds of assessments on your favorite brand of mainstream TV show, because UNLIKE FOX, they only show the liberal point of view.  On FOX, you get both views, and you can make up your own damn mind.

Edit: I guess you don't realize that Canadian troops helped in Iraq (both times), Afghanistan, and Libya.  Did I burst your bubble?

I couldn't have said it any better than that. Thumbs Up

Jordans121's avatarJordans121

Quote: Originally posted by Todd on Jul 18, 2011

Do you get all your information from the left-wing media?  Seems to be the case.

There were no "Republican lies" that took us into Iraq, as much as the media would like you to believe (and which you have bought into -- hook, line, and sinker).

Bill Clinton was very firm about WMDs being in Iraq, and based policy on it.

Before we went to war in Iraq, the US Congress -- with a huge Democrat majority -- overwhelmingly approved it.  They did so based upon their own assessment of the information, not based on "Republican lies".

Note that this is very UNLIKE the current Libya debacle, in which Obama took us to war WITHOUT consent of Congress, and lied about troops on the ground.  Now he's claiming it's not even a war. 

Of course, you won't see these kinds of assessments on your favorite brand of mainstream TV show, because UNLIKE FOX, they only show the liberal point of view.  On FOX, you get both views, and you can make up your own damn mind.

Edit: I guess you don't realize that Canadian troops helped in Iraq (both times), Afghanistan, and Libya.  Did I burst your bubble?

replublican/democrat--liberal/conservative. Most are crooks, lining their pockets, working for special interest to get re-elected. Understand that we have to pay for our freedom through high taxes, oil and unlimited corruption by both parties. America is still the greatest country in the world and I would rather be no where else. Sorry Canada...(although I would like to be in canada 2day b/c it is hot)LOL

sully16's avatarsully16

Quote: Originally posted by Trillionaire on Jul 18, 2011

The truth is the truth regardless of who speaks it. Republican lies took America into Iraq. Where are the WMD? You attack President Obama for your country's problems. He did not create the problems and is doing his best to sove them. Here is another truth for you: America is bankrupt and will never be able to repay its debts.

We Canadians don't need to go off and attack anyone to prove how tough or smart we are. You are a warlike nation and have squandered your wealth on weapons and war.

You might want to be a little thankful for our military, because of us no one screws with you.

Todd's avatarTodd

Quote: Originally posted by Jordans121 on Jul 18, 2011

replublican/democrat--liberal/conservative. Most are crooks, lining their pockets, working for special interest to get re-elected. Understand that we have to pay for our freedom through high taxes, oil and unlimited corruption by both parties. America is still the greatest country in the world and I would rather be no where else. Sorry Canada...(although I would like to be in canada 2day b/c it is hot)LOL

I think in terms of liberal and conservative, because you're right, political parties are self-serving and often betray their so-called values.

So the first part you said -- "republican/democrat" -- is right.  But the next part -- "liberal/conservative" -- is not (IMHO).  Liberal or conservative does not make someone a crook, it holds them to certain values and ideals.

If you believe more and bigger central government is the answer to most problems, you're a liberal.

If you believe smaller and less central government is the answer to most problems, you're a conservative.

Why is that?  Because conservatives believe in the Constitution, as it was written.  Conservatives believe the Constitution created the ideal social and political system (not perfect, but ideal for human beings).  Liberals, on the other hand, view the Constitutiuon as an impediment to their ideal social and politicial system, so they constantly struggle to find new ways to poke holes in it.

The Constitution itself is a document that LIMITS the powers of a central (federal) government, placing the power in the STATES -- i.e., closest to the PEOPLE.  (A Federalist system.)  So hopefully you can see why conservatives view a smaller and more limited central (federal) government as a good thing -- it is closest to the original intent of the Constitution.

There are free copies of the Constitution available for anyone to read on the Internet, just do a Google search.  It's a relatively short document, and a quick read.  Everyone should read it at least once, because it will really open your eyes.

freeobama's avatarfreeobama

They look like a nice couple,hope they have fun and enjoy it! My day will comeBanana

freeobama's avatarfreeobama

Quote: Originally posted by sully16 on Jul 17, 2011

The Socialists pushing their agenda, plain and simple , if you can't afford insurance then work out a payment plan with you Doctor, Hey ,theres a new idea, be responsible for yourself.

Maybe the freeloaders won't breed out of control if they have to foot the bill, because I am good and tired of taking care of others, I work hard for my money, I would like to keep more of it.

WOW i am Offended by your Statement?Sounds kind of racist to me. Me myself served in two combat wars for this country, i did not serve just for the rich but for all! This is the USA not some third world country,I beleive in justice for all besides that this is a lottery form play at your own risk!Dance

Jordans121's avatarJordans121

Quote: Originally posted by Todd on Jul 18, 2011

I think in terms of liberal and conservative, because you're right, political parties are self-serving and often betray their so-called values.

So the first part you said -- "republican/democrat" -- is right.  But the next part -- "liberal/conservative" -- is not (IMHO).  Liberal or conservative does not make someone a crook, it holds them to certain values and ideals.

If you believe more and bigger central government is the answer to most problems, you're a liberal.

If you believe smaller and less central government is the answer to most problems, you're a conservative.

Why is that?  Because conservatives believe in the Constitution, as it was written.  Conservatives believe the Constitution created the ideal social and political system (not perfect, but ideal for human beings).  Liberals, on the other hand, view the Constitutiuon as an impediment to their ideal social and politicial system, so they constantly struggle to find new ways to poke holes in it.

The Constitution itself is a document that LIMITS the powers of a central (federal) government, placing the power in the STATES -- i.e., closest to the PEOPLE.  (A Federalist system.)  So hopefully you can see why conservatives view a smaller and more limited central (federal) government as a good thing -- it is closest to the original intent of the Constitution.

There are free copies of the Constitution available for anyone to read on the Internet, just do a Google search.  It's a relatively short document, and a quick read.  Everyone should read it at least once, because it will really open your eyes.

Well done Todd. However, I suggest the constitution was drafted by all conservatives. Perhaps thats why slavery was allowed.Embarassed  There is a fundamental flaw with your opinion. As with the Bible or Koran or Laws, the constitution can and has always been interpreted with a self serving purpose.


I think their are vital issues for Federal Government to be involved in. Simply  saying less government is better is misleading. Remember, we are the most powerful nation in the world and responsiblities go with that. I do respect your opinions. I only object to the narrow minded approach.


Sure government is a hinderance when it comes to job creation and civil liberties. Bush was a "Conservative" but after 911 he infringed on everyones civil liberties which is a direct swipe at conservative values (patriot act). Obama continues with these same laws.

The reason why you cant simply allow states to govern themselves at all times without any interruption from the fed is because their would be even more widespread corruption. Again we tried that with slavery which led to the civil war( see Jim Demint). What we find is that behind most decisions made by governments is the perpetuation of greed and censorship. How did this happen? Privatization. I can go on and on but thats my opinion.

Todd's avatarTodd

Quote: Originally posted by Jordans121 on Jul 18, 2011

Well done Todd. However, I suggest the constitution was drafted by all conservatives. Perhaps thats why slavery was allowed.Embarassed  There is a fundamental flaw with your opinion. As with the Bible or Koran or Laws, the constitution can and has always been interpreted with a self serving purpose.


I think their are vital issues for Federal Government to be involved in. Simply  saying less government is better is misleading. Remember, we are the most powerful nation in the world and responsiblities go with that. I do respect your opinions. I only object to the narrow minded approach.


Sure government is a hinderance when it comes to job creation and civil liberties. Bush was a "Conservative" but after 911 he infringed on everyones civil liberties which is a direct swipe at conservative values (patriot act). Obama continues with these same laws.

The reason why you cant simply allow states to govern themselves at all times without any interruption from the fed is because their would be even more widespread corruption. Again we tried that with slavery which led to the civil war( see Jim Demint). What we find is that behind most decisions made by governments is the perpetuation of greed and censorship. How did this happen? Privatization. I can go on and on but thats my opinion.

Oh my gosh no, the framers were rebels in their day. Slavery was ended by republicans. If Abe Lincoln was not elected it might have taken decades longer. Republicans also passed thru the civil rights laws in the 60s when the democrats were trying to kill the bill. these are historical facts. Time to switch off CNN and learn the truth.

haymaker's avatarhaymaker

Quote: Originally posted by Todd on Jul 18, 2011

Oh my gosh no, the framers were rebels in their day. Slavery was ended by republicans. If Abe Lincoln was not elected it might have taken decades longer. Republicans also passed thru the civil rights laws in the 60s when the democrats were trying to kill the bill. these are historical facts. Time to switch off CNN and learn the truth.

 CNN= communist news network. Dupe Alert


Quote: Originally posted by rdgrnr on Jul 18, 2011

I have no hatred for Obama or anybody else.

I'd just like to have competent leadership in this country. He is no leader. He voted "present" all the way through the state senate in Illinois because he wasn't capable of making a decision. He was a good community organizer but he is in way over his head now. He simply doesn't know what the hell he's doing.

But everything he is doing is wrong.

And the very survival of our country is at stake.

Great point.. I Agree!


Quote: Originally posted by Todd on Jul 18, 2011

Do you get all your information from the left-wing media?  Seems to be the case.

There were no "Republican lies" that took us into Iraq, as much as the media would like you to believe (and which you have bought into -- hook, line, and sinker).

Bill Clinton was very firm about WMDs being in Iraq, and based policy on it.

Before we went to war in Iraq, the US Congress -- with a huge Democrat majority -- overwhelmingly approved it.  They did so based upon their own assessment of the information, not based on "Republican lies".

Note that this is very UNLIKE the current Libya debacle, in which Obama took us to war WITHOUT consent of Congress, and lied about troops on the ground.  Now he's claiming it's not even a war. 

Of course, you won't see these kinds of assessments on your favorite brand of mainstream TV show, because UNLIKE FOX, they only show the liberal point of view.  On FOX, you get both views, and you can make up your own damn mind.

Edit: I guess you don't realize that Canadian troops helped in Iraq (both times), Afghanistan, and Libya.  Did I burst your bubble?

Excellent.. I Agree!


And yes indeed:

A Canadian made the longest sniper kill shot on record, during The Afghan War; a dizzying 1.5 miles..

Impressive !!

(2004 maybe, can't remember the year for sure).


Quote: Originally posted by sully16 on Jul 18, 2011

You might want to be a little thankful for our military, because of us no one screws with you.

YepYep!! Very true.. LOL

haymaker's avatarhaymaker

Quote: Originally posted by CashWinner$ on Jul 18, 2011

YepYep!! Very true.. LOL

I Agree! could not agree more, if any enity  threatend can. in any way . we would be all over it like white on rice.

Jordans121's avatarJordans121

Quote: Originally posted by Todd on Jul 18, 2011

Oh my gosh no, the framers were rebels in their day. Slavery was ended by republicans. If Abe Lincoln was not elected it might have taken decades longer. Republicans also passed thru the civil rights laws in the 60s when the democrats were trying to kill the bill. these are historical facts. Time to switch off CNN and learn the truth.

I dont watch CNN, in fact I hate it just like I hate Fox news and All mainstream media. Lincoln had to be assassinated for making that decision. Again, there is no difference from either party, most are crooks working for special interest. Obama/bush/clintoln/reagan.....all got elected because they were centrists. If Hardcore republics ran the WH and Cong. these days SS would be privatized which is a horrible thought. If Hardcore democrats ran the WH and Cong. the country be even more horrible. I'm no liberal nor conservative, I will not label nor limit myself to an ideology. There are some things in both parties that are good for the country and some not.

No Nod

sully16's avatarsully16

Quote: Originally posted by freeobama on Jul 18, 2011

WOW i am Offended by your Statement?Sounds kind of racist to me. Me myself served in two combat wars for this country, i did not serve just for the rich but for all! This is the USA not some third world country,I beleive in justice for all besides that this is a lottery form play at your own risk!Dance

You can stop the Racist bullsh*t  right now, I am a minority, most of my family through the generations has served this country and yes I am sick of people who won't stand up and take care of themselves.

so be offended all you want, I hope I offend you some more, because I am also done with this cry baby crap about feelings.

haymaker's avatarhaymaker

Quote: Originally posted by sully16 on Jul 18, 2011

You can stop the Racist bullsh*t  right now, I am a minority, most of my family through the generations has served this country and yes I am sick of people who won't stand up and take care of themselves.

so be offended all you want, I hope I offend you some more, because I am also done with this cry baby crap about feelings.

yes, time for ppl. to stand up,the majority now is the average person,no matter their backround.and many are struggling. i believe we will prevail.

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by Jordans121 on Jul 18, 2011

I dont watch CNN, in fact I hate it just like I hate Fox news and All mainstream media. Lincoln had to be assassinated for making that decision. Again, there is no difference from either party, most are crooks working for special interest. Obama/bush/clintoln/reagan.....all got elected because they were centrists. If Hardcore republics ran the WH and Cong. these days SS would be privatized which is a horrible thought. If Hardcore democrats ran the WH and Cong. the country be even more horrible. I'm no liberal nor conservative, I will not label nor limit myself to an ideology. There are some things in both parties that are good for the country and some not.

No Nod

You're pretty set in your ways and opinionated for a 26 yr old, Jordans.

Give yourself time to mature politically. You may not know who's right and who's wrong or be able to discern who's lying and who's not for a few years yet, it comes with experience if you're at all politically astute.

Even Winston Churchill knew this when he said: "Anyone who isn't liberal by the age of 20 has no heart and anyone who isn't conservative by the age of 40 has no brain."

It's all about the political environment you were exposed to. With today's overwhelmingly liberal educational systems and news media, most young people start out with a liberal bent. The smart ones eventually come to their senses over time when they see they've been fed a ration of lies. The gullible ones, the dumb ones, the ones that think they're "entitled" to something, the ones that want to be coddled and babied for the rest of their lives, all the weirdos, become democrats.

It's really just that simple.

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by Trillionaire on Jul 18, 2011

The truth is the truth regardless of who speaks it. Republican lies took America into Iraq. Where are the WMD? You attack President Obama for your country's problems. He did not create the problems and is doing his best to sove them. Here is another truth for you: America is bankrupt and will never be able to repay its debts.

We Canadians don't need to go off and attack anyone to prove how tough or smart we are. You are a warlike nation and have squandered your wealth on weapons and war.

"You are a warlike nation and have squandered your wealth on weapons and war."

If we weren't a 'warlike nation' as you say, you'd be goose-stepping to Wagner or eating with chopsticks right now, you arrogant ingrate.


"We Canadians don't need to go off and attack anyone to prove how tough or smart we are."

LOL, who you gonna attack, Greenland?  What a joke, you talking about attacking anyone. You couldn't even defend yourselves, we provide your security. You couldn't even mount an insurgency if you were occupied because you're not allowed to own guns. You're absolutely helpless and if it wasn't for us you'd be toast.

And our President wants us to be just like you.

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by CashWinner$ on Jul 18, 2011

Excellent.. I Agree!


And yes indeed:

A Canadian made the longest sniper kill shot on record, during The Afghan War; a dizzying 1.5 miles..

Impressive !!

(2004 maybe, can't remember the year for sure).

Actually, the record for the longest confirmed sniper kill has been held by a Brit Sniper since 2009.


Rob Furlong(born 1976), a former corporal of the Canadian Forces, once held the record for the longest confirmed sniper kill in combat, at 2,430 metres (2,657 yd, 12.08 furlongs, or 1.51 miles).[1] This shot exceeded the previous record of Arron Perry set in 2001 just before Furlong's record by 120 m or 130 yd. The record itself was bested by United Kingdom's Corporal of Horse (CoH) Craig Harrison who in November 2009 recorded a 2,475 m (2,707 yd) shot in the War in Afghanistan, exceeding Furlong's record by 45 m (49 yd).[2][3]


Thanks for the heads up, Ridge!! I now stand corrected.. Yes Nod Patriot

freeobama's avatarfreeobama

Quote: Originally posted by sully16 on Jul 18, 2011

You can stop the Racist bullsh*t  right now, I am a minority, most of my family through the generations has served this country and yes I am sick of people who won't stand up and take care of themselves.

so be offended all you want, I hope I offend you some more, because I am also done with this cry baby crap about feelings.

May God bless you Sully16. Remember this is a lottery form and it was not made to offend anyone.I am not a cry baby just telling how it is.Have you been in any combat infantry wars no! i thought so. May everyone no matter of there status in life is be blessed!Dance

freeobama's avatarfreeobama

Quote: Originally posted by sully16 on Jul 18, 2011

You can stop the Racist bullsh*t  right now, I am a minority, most of my family through the generations has served this country and yes I am sick of people who won't stand up and take care of themselves.

so be offended all you want, I hope I offend you some more, because I am also done with this cry baby crap about feelings.

Sully16 your tax dollars cannot buy a can of peanuts!You are not spending millions of dollars in taxes!Your Mcdonalds check is not supporting anyone!ROFL

freeobama's avatarfreeobama

Sully16 the government deduct 50 cent every two weeks from your check and you are making a big deal about it! Green laugh

sully16's avatarsully16

Quote: Originally posted by freeobama on Jul 19, 2011

Sully16 your tax dollars cannot buy a can of peanuts!You are not spending millions of dollars in taxes!Your Mcdonalds check is not supporting anyone!ROFL

You wished I worked at Mcdonalds, However, I do own Mcdonalds Stock.

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by freeobama on Jul 19, 2011

Sully16 the government deduct 50 cent every two weeks from your check and you are making a big deal about it! Green laugh

It wouldn't make any difference to me if it was two cents every two weeks.

If they're taking it from me and giving it to freeloaders who are scamming the system, that's wrong.

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by CashWinner$ on Jul 19, 2011

Thanks for the heads up, Ridge!! I now stand corrected.. Yes Nod Patriot

No problem, Cash. I didn't know it either but I found out when I went to read about the other guy.

1 and a 1/2 miles, that's a pretty dam good shot!

Jordans121's avatarJordans121

Quote: Originally posted by rdgrnr on Jul 19, 2011

It wouldn't make any difference to me if it was two cents every two weeks.

If they're taking it from me and giving it to freeloaders who are scamming the system, that's wrong.

Stop complaining and run for office.LOL

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