Includes video report
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. — The winner of a $34.5 million Hoosier Lotto jackpot wants to remain anonymous, but a woman who claims to be his estranged wife is demanding a piece of the prize.
The lottery winner, whose name was not released, came forward Friday morning and took a lump sum of $15.9 million, lottery officials said.
The winning ticket was sold in Shelbyville at the Smokers Host store at 903 S. Harrison St.
Ericka Prather, of Shelbyville, said she and lotto winner James Prather got married Feb. 14, 2008, and have two children together, who live with her.
She said they've had an on again, off again relationship, but had been together recently and never formally divorced.
But Ericka Prather claims her estranged husband called her earlier this week with a request.
"He goes, 'I got a question. Can we make our divorce final?' And I was like, it was just out of nowhere," she said. "I was like, 'Is it because you hit the lottery?' He's like, 'Huh?' and tried to say that he didn't, and then he's like, 'Yeah, I did.'"
Ericka Prather hired a Carmel attorney to help her collect what she believes is her rightful share of her estranged husband's new-found wealth.
"As long as two parties are married, they have claims on what's in the marital estate," said attorney Andrew Thompson. "In general, each party is entitled to an equal division of marital property at the time of separation under Indiana law."
Ericka Prather said her estranged husband, who owns a contracting business in Shelbyville, has stopped talking to her and has cut her off financially.
"I feel like I was put out there with nothing," she said. "I've worked for him since I've been with him."
Unless the couple can work out a settlement, it will be up to a court decide how expensive the divorce will be for the newly minted millionaire.
Thanks to TheRightPrice and B$Rizzle for the tip.
Really James ? REALLY ?.....There you have it folks !!! I can understand the remaining anonymous aspect if its allowed under Indiana law , but not having the common sense to tell your (still married) spouse. Anyone with the IQ of a handball would know they have to share equally with their on again off again legally married partner. One word describes his actions, "GORMLESS"
Estranged or not, this guy is a loser. $15 million less taxes isn't enough for you that you can't give her and your kids a piece.
Come on man! Whatta tool. Hope karma kicks ya right in the -.
She is jumping with joy..I get half! I get half!, I get half!
Child support, too! I hit the the lottery!!! Ha-ha-ha-ha!!!
and she should.....
Whoa. How many days was he sitting on this winner before the lawyer came forward? Two? Three? Sit on it for awhile. Claiming in while it is still news in a small-ish town...
Nonetheless, in the eyes of the law and lottery, you are either married or not. Take care of your family.
If I was her, I would really worry about my back. Some folks are so greedy for money that they will do anything to keep it.
I was starting to wonder: I understand her getting a lawyer involved, but why did she bother kicking the hornets nest by going on TV?
No He Didn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
James really wasn't thinking ahead. He should have had his parents claim the ticket for him and then told his wife he wanted to finalize his divorce then quit working. That way it would appear that his parents were paying for his lifestyle.
I fully believe that James would have not only continued to pay his child support, he would have paid all their bills and he probably would have given her some money, but not half. Now he's screwed.
I am not trying to say what he was attempting to do was right, but having been divorced, I would have done it to keep my ex from getting half of MY winnings. I would gladly pay all my kids bills, college, cars. But I'd rather not give her the time of day.
Just sayin.
And on the flip side: he's so greedy and distrustful, that the dumb s**t doesn't give the ticket to his mother, cousin, or best friend to cash?! Now... pay the Lady! hahahahaha
(But... why you on TV??)
I'm glad his wife found out the truth, even from him. She is entitled to some of the money for herself, (they're still married) and for the children. I'm so glad he didn't have someone claim it for him. If that happened I hope the person renigs on the promise and they have a long battle in court. It's amazing, I'm good enough for you when everything is average yet when you excell, (still married) i should be cut out. Having worked for him since business started I'm sure she contributed to it's success or whatever state the business is in.
Good for her!!!!!!!!
This guy is stupid all he had to do was talk to her about a divorce and proceed with it before claiming the ticket
Anytime you win the lottery if you are seperated, have a messy situation, or live in a common law state more than likely the
Sposes attorney will put up a big argument over why he feels you are rightfully entitled to any of the money.
This story gets me sick. Strange lady and guy who doesn't like his wife wins the lottery. Now the girl wants to be a creep and try to get some money. I'm never getting married.
Yet another example, for we lottery players, that a gambler doesn't have to be a 'respector of others' in order to receive a great fortune. Come one, come all gamblers!
what a bloomin onion moron