NAACP wants Texas Lottery shut down

Jun 28, 2012, 6:02 pm (106 comments)

Texas Lottery

DALLAS, Tx. — The Dallas chapter of the NAACP wants to stop seeing low income Texans pumping money into the state lottery by putting it out of business.

In poorer communities, though, the lottery seems to offer the chance at a life otherwise out of reach.

A study paid for by the Texas Lottery Commission says the people most likely to play Pick 3 are those making $20,000 a year or less — below the poverty line. And people who are unemployed are more likely to buy scratch-off tickets than those who have jobs or retirees, the study found.

David Anderson collects disability but still spends a few dollars a week testing his luck. "It's up to me, spend this five dollars or should I go buy a loaf of bread and hamburger to feed the kids,' he said.

But why stop something that's raking in the money? So far in 2012 Texans have spent more than $3.3 billion in lottery tickets.

"They have this delusion that they're going to win," said chapter president Dr. Juanita Wallace. "I want them to shut it down," she said. "Our people are spending their little money, their life savings away in hopes of winning." The group voted recently to urge state officials to do away with the lottery.

Just compare the North Dallas Lottery District to the South Dallas Lottery District, where there are a greater percentage of minorities and low income homes.

Not only are people in south Dallas more likely to play the lottery, they spend almost three times as much when they do.

Occasional player, Paul Meupe, says he knows the odds are slim. "I bet if I buy a scratch off right now, I won't win," said Paul Meupe.

He was right; he didn't.

Anderson, though, said it's more than just a ticket people are buying, it's hope.

"The hope that they're gonna hit and have nothing else to worry about," he said.




"They have this delusion that they're going to win," said chapter president Dr. Juanita Wallace

Is that whats wrong with me??  I frequent a lottery forum full of delusional people???  Oh boy...CrazyLOL


It's a very special privilege belonging to a group of nut jobs. They say nuts are very good for you, so if you can't beatim', just join em'   Group Hug

happygirl665's avatarhappygirl665

I believe what people choose to do with their money it's their business. Why cause everyone else to lose out on playing because of a few people who have chosen to spend their hard earn money on the lottery and not by bread for their families. Verses shutting down the lottery, how about teaching them to play responsibly and how to budget their funds. Everybody knows that you don't spend your rent money on the lottery.  This  makes more sense to verses shutting down the game as a whole. Nobody is putting a gun up to their heads to play or telling them to send their rent money. As long as the lottery exist, hope will continue to live on to be a millionaire.

As for the NAACP they need to find something else to whine about like; equality within the job market and stay out of the lottery business. Green laugh

Littleoldlady's avatarLittleoldlady

They may have a valid beef but again you can't legislate morality.  If they didn't spend it on the lottery, they would be spending it on something else.  If I had kids though, I'm sorry the loaf of bread and hamburger meat would have to come first.

If they really wanted to help them how to play and win.

haymaker's avatarhaymaker

Did i just read recently that some church group also wants to stop TX lottery ?

are they working together ?

they should get a life !


Oh, that is their life, interfering in other's lives.


Quote: Originally posted by Littleoldlady on Jun 28, 2012

They may have a valid beef but again you can't legislate morality.  If they didn't spend it on the lottery, they would be spending it on something else.  If I had kids though, I'm sorry the loaf of bread and hamburger meat would have to come first.

If they really wanted to help them how to play and win.

As long as it's not the Texas Lottery showing em' how to win!    Bat

JonnyBgood07's avatarJonnyBgood07

The Dallas chapter of the NAACP wants to stop seeing low income Texans pumping money into the state lottery by putting it out of business.

This sentenced should have been halved.First of all the old cliche' about "wanting" comes to mind.."you can sh*t in one hand and want in the other and see which one you get first..."

Outside of that,if the NAACP is so concerned,why don't they address 'their' folks on the ills of gambling??????????

When will  personal responsibilty ever be comon sense?...If you have 2 bucks and you can get a needed loaf of bread or a scratchoff and you chose a scratchoff than its your peril.It's nobodys fault because you can't get a grip on your gambling.

all I can say is RP 2012

OldSchoolPa's avatarOldSchoolPa

I imagine the NAACP will want all cigarette, cigars, and alcohol sales to cease.  And while you're at outlawing entertainment outlets some people enjoy, why not outlaw movie theaters, professional sports, and first class anything because all of those either fill kids heads with delusional dreams (pro sports career) or takes money that could be spent on food andhouseholds necessities.  And since not everyone can afford to travel in first class, don't offerout to those who can since it makes coach passengers feel like second class citizens.


Newsflash NAACP!  Sometimes the dream of winning is better than actually winning. 



One American black man who does not support the NAACP or CBC

MR 2012 (but wishing it would have been HC 2012)


sore losers.


Quote: Originally posted by OldSchoolPa on Jun 28, 2012

I imagine the NAACP will want all cigarette, cigars, and alcohol sales to cease.  And while you're at outlawing entertainment outlets some people enjoy, why not outlaw movie theaters, professional sports, and first class anything because all of those either fill kids heads with delusional dreams (pro sports career) or takes money that could be spent on food andhouseholds necessities.  And since not everyone can afford to travel in first class, don't offerout to those who can since it makes coach passengers feel like second class citizens.


Newsflash NAACP!  Sometimes the dream of winning is better than actually winning. 



One American black man who does not support the NAACP or CBC

MR 2012 (but wishing it would have been HC 2012)

Excellent points OldSchoolPa!!!  Thumbs Up


Quote: Originally posted by mcginnin56 on Jun 28, 2012

As long as it's not the Texas Lottery showing em' how to win!    Bat

Yes the NAACP should organize a group of computer whizzes ( we have quite a few right here) who give tips to poor people on what to play and when...

(all those super computers going to waste chasing clouds...*sigh*)

besides...if they spend money on scratchoffs instead of food then its their problem...let them kill a squirrel or something to feed the family...

but if these people are really in danger of starving to death...than we really need to get pumpi working on how to make an edible scratch ticket!!!LOL


Quote: Originally posted by LottoBoner on Jun 28, 2012

Yes the NAACP should organize a group of computer whizzes ( we have quite a few right here) who give tips to poor people on what to play and when...

(all those super computers going to waste chasing clouds...*sigh*)

besides...if they spend money on scratchoffs instead of food then its their problem...let them kill a squirrel or something to feed the family...

but if these people are really in danger of starving to death...than we really need to get pumpi working on how to make an edible scratch ticket!!!LOL

You were reading my mind Boner, and beat me to the punch!!!    Boxing


If they could target just the low income areas, the NAACP could provide a healthy, nutritious and tasty recipe to the Texas Lottery for all the

losing scratch tickets. (Which is basically all of them right? Green laugh).  What a win-win solution.   Cheers     Might even catch on for all the regular Fat-Cat

players as well.  Banana

sully16's avatarsully16

Quote: Originally posted by OldSchoolPa on Jun 28, 2012

I imagine the NAACP will want all cigarette, cigars, and alcohol sales to cease.  And while you're at outlawing entertainment outlets some people enjoy, why not outlaw movie theaters, professional sports, and first class anything because all of those either fill kids heads with delusional dreams (pro sports career) or takes money that could be spent on food andhouseholds necessities.  And since not everyone can afford to travel in first class, don't offerout to those who can since it makes coach passengers feel like second class citizens.


Newsflash NAACP!  Sometimes the dream of winning is better than actually winning. 



One American black man who does not support the NAACP or CBC

MR 2012 (but wishing it would have been HC 2012)

They will eventually get the government involved...

Good points Oldschool

dpoly1's avatardpoly1

Nothing more Racist or irrelevant than the NAACP!


What's this world comming to?  At least with the lottery you might feel like your are getting kissed

before your screwed.  I think we should close down all the schools too, this way we won't have to

lie to the kids about how education will make them fit for life.  Just think how much money we could

save if we did not have an education system.   I am being sarcastic here but anytime I see a group

of a-holes trying to decide what is good for the rest of us without our consent, well it kind of moves 

me to load all my guns.   


rcbbuckeye's avatarrcbbuckeye

Quote: Originally posted by RL-RANDOMLOGIC on Jun 28, 2012

What's this world comming to?  At least with the lottery you might feel like your are getting kissed

before your screwed.  I think we should close down all the schools too, this way we won't have to

lie to the kids about how education will make them fit for life.  Just think how much money we could

save if we did not have an education system.   I am being sarcastic here but anytime I see a group

of a-holes trying to decide what is good for the rest of us without our consent, well it kind of moves 

me to load all my guns.   


I Agree!

There's always a$$holes trying to tell everyone else what's good for them instead of just minding their own business.


what they really need to do is shut down the churches. how many people waste how much money going into those places to support some fairy tale belief.


Quote: Originally posted by mcginnin56 on Jun 28, 2012

It's a very special privilege belonging to a group of nut jobs. They say nuts are very good for you, so if you can't beatim', just join em'   Group Hug

Yes..thats true...the Lottery Post VIP's...its more in the line of genius nut opposed to wacko nutjobs...

Nikkicute's avatarNikkicute

Quote: Originally posted by haymaker on Jun 28, 2012

Did i just read recently that some church group also wants to stop TX lottery ?

are they working together ?

they should get a life !


Oh, that is their life, interfering in other's lives.

Some of those churches need to sit their behinds down somewhere!!

Dang hypocrites!! Same church don't want the lottery have bake sales and

church raffles, pass the collection plate three or four times during the sermon

and demand you tithe (10%) from your income!! Forget that!! You'll end up giving

more to the church than the lottery!! 


Nothing wrong with giving to your church but some of the things some churches pull

to get money out of it's members is ridiculous!! Pastor appreciation dayWhat?  come on!!!

really? Get out of my face with that mess!!

golfer1960's avatargolfer1960

Quote: Originally posted by Nikkicute on Jun 28, 2012

Some of those churches need to sit their behinds down somewhere!!

Dang hypocrites!! Same church don't want the lottery have bake sales and

church raffles, pass the collection plate three or four times during the sermon

and demand you tithe (10%) from your income!! Forget that!! You'll end up giving

more to the church than the lottery!! 


Nothing wrong with giving to your church but some of the things some churches pull

to get money out of it's members is ridiculous!! Pastor appreciation dayWhat?  come on!!!

really? Get out of my face with that mess!!

Well said, Cute Nikki!  Thumbs Up

Nikkicute's avatarNikkicute

Quote: Originally posted by golfer1960 on Jun 28, 2012

Well said, Cute Nikki!  Thumbs Up

Thanks!! It's sad but true!

These days Church is business and they don't want any competition!

golfer1960's avatargolfer1960

"They have this delusion that they're going to win," said chapter president Dr. Juanita Wallace.

I agree, I'm delusional.

I play MM and PB every week because it gives me hope. I actually think I'm going to win the Jackpot someday and when I don't win I get upset.

I would get more upset if the NAACP took that option away from me.

"Texas, please don't pass that law!!"


TX will not stop the Lottery.  However, it can probably be banned from certain towns that choose not to participate...that is if the majority wins.

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Just some dopes wantin' publicity.

They'll feel better now that they got their names in the news.

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by Pingu on Jun 28, 2012

TX will not stop the Lottery.  However, it can probably be banned from certain towns that choose not to participate...that is if the majority wins.

I got a plan for those certain towns that choose not to participate.

And here it is: Don't participate!

There, wasn't that easy?

No ban needed.

haymaker's avatarhaymaker

Quote: Originally posted by golfer1960 on Jun 28, 2012

"They have this delusion that they're going to win," said chapter president Dr. Juanita Wallace.

I agree, I'm delusional.

I play MM and PB every week because it gives me hope. I actually think I'm going to win the Jackpot someday and when I don't win I get upset.

I would get more upset if the NAACP took that option away from me.

"Texas, please don't pass that law!!"

Just a few days ago asbury park was talking about their old and uninforced law against swimsuits being worn on the boardwalk,

really ? this is insanity,

I said to some in work, Jersey never met a tax, a rule or a law it did'nt like,

maybe  I'm wrong, finally,

this will never fly in jersey,


and unless I'am as bad on this as I'am at winning lotto, It won't fly in TX. either.

golfer1960's avatargolfer1960

Quote: Originally posted by haymaker on Jun 28, 2012

Just a few days ago asbury park was talking about their old and uninforced law against swimsuits being worn on the boardwalk,

really ? this is insanity,

I said to some in work, Jersey never met a tax, a rule or a law it did'nt like,

maybe  I'm wrong, finally,

this will never fly in jersey,


and unless I'am as bad on this as I'am at winning lotto, It won't fly in TX. either.

Haymaker, I hope you're right on not making the NJ Lottery illegal and especially the bathing suit law in Asbury Park! That would be wrong!  Big Grin

asbury park

OldSchoolPa's avatarOldSchoolPa

Church is big business.  In Africa as well as America, some of the richest folk are pastors. They have no problem with people giving any amount of money to them, but blast any use of your money that falls outside of "acceptable" household purposes. Well, the way I see it, even in the Bible, they drew lots (which is a form of lottery) when the parceling out of land, and churches are indeed businesses and a racket in some cases (particularly those espousing prosperity gospel). When it comes to business, I choose those I want to patronize and those I want to I choose to give my tithes and offerings to the lottery commission by buying MM, PB, and lotto tickets.  At least I have a chance for a return on my giving. 

Multi-millionaire pastors...broke congregation members...I think I'll take a chance with the lottery.

majestic1070's avatarmajestic1070

I think people need to be educated that this game is not for gambling but should be played for fun. The odds are so against you even on play 3 and play 4 because you may spend $1 a day but If you are playing everyday that $1 now adds up to $30 a month $5 a day would be $150 a month

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