Man to donate $14 million casino jackpot to church

Dec 2, 2014, 5:39 pm (45 comments)


By Todd Northrop

A Las Vegas man who put $20 into a slot machine hit a jackpot Sunday afternoon worth $14 million, and he's donating it all to his church.

The man, who has chosen to remain anonymous, said he's not a regular gambler and he was just playing the slot machines at Rampart Casino with a friend when he won the massive prize.

Although the winner did not publicly disclose his name, he did pose for a photo holding a giant check.  The check for $14,282,544.21 was made out to "Rampart Lucky Local."

The man said he plans to donate the money to charity and his church, which holds services in a high school gymnasium, according to the statement. The church can now build its own location, he said.

The man, who was visiting the casino with a friend from out of town, had been playing the machine for about five minutes when the jackpot hit, the casino said in a statement.

"We pay large jackpots all the time, and just today we are paying $14 million to a lucky local. We are thrilled to be a part of this exciting jackpot. It doesn't get any better than this," General Manager Michael Gaughan, Jr. said.

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Lottery Post Staff


HaveABall's avatarHaveABall

Hum, I think you should keep $5M Net for yourself. Turkey

dpoly1's avatardpoly1

He better pay the taxes first!


Coin Toss's avatarCoin Toss

In churches there is a very old argument about tithing 10% based on gross or net.

Had this guy decided to tithe 10% (which he still might decide after thinking it over) this would be solid proof it would have to be done net.

dpoly1 is 100% right.

maringoman's avatarmaringoman

Very generous of him. Thumbs Up

hearsetrax's avatarhearsetrax


OldSchoolPa's avatarOldSchoolPa

Quote: Originally posted by dpoly1 on Dec 2, 2014

He better pay the taxes first!


I Agree! A fool and his money are soon parted! I hope he has the extra 39% of that windfall laying around so he can pay that fair share to Uncle Obama.

I think he might qualify for an episode of "The Curse of The Casino Winners" once he finds out his donations went to finance extravagant lifestyles of the recipient pastor and so-called not-for-profit executives. But if it makes him feel good, I guess that is all that matters. As Axel Foley (Eddie Murphy) said in Beverly Hills Cop, "Get the f*@k outta here!"

MillionsWanted's avatarMillionsWanted

I can understand if he's a multi millionaire already. If not, he's just very stupid. Even more than Jack Whittaker.

OldSchoolPa's avatarOldSchoolPa

Quote: Originally posted by Coin Toss on Dec 2, 2014

In churches there is a very old argument about tithing 10% based on gross or net.

Had this guy decided to tithe 10% (which he still might decide after thinking it over) this would be solid proof it would have to be done net.

dpoly1 is 100% right.

Money tithing is an erroneous practice. It is not Biblical since all tithes in the Bible consisted of agricultural products in Israel and was only taken in by the Levite priests. Money was not tithed in the Bible. Churches outside of Israel are wrong to preach tithing. And the Levitical order (that tribe that could not receive land in promised land) does not exist ANYWHERE today. Ask your pastor who preaches money tithing who owns his house and car! If he says he does, then leave that church immediately because you are talking to a false prophet.

TheGameGrl's avatarTheGameGrl

makes me want to change my name to Church. :)

Thanks oldPa for the informativeness on tithing. Often wonder about it.


I always get nervous when I see people giving enormous amounts of monies to churches (due to seeing so many people giving their monies to televangelists & frauds).  If he's one of the faithful, and it's a legitimate church that does outreach work & helps the community, then that's just awesome; he's a better man than I...

ThatScaryChick's avatarThatScaryChick

I'm sure this guy has his reasons for donating the money. For all we know he might already be a millionaire and feels giving the money away would be best. He got very lucky and I'm sure those people and charities he donates to will be very happy. Congrats to him. Smile


Quote: Originally posted by dpoly1 on Dec 2, 2014

He better pay the taxes first!


Better yet, he better see his accountant first; as I understand it (and I could be wrong here), there's a limitation of $5 million he can donate in gifts/charitable donations without tax liability.  If he gives the whole $14 million to the church, he could end up owing the IRS at least $3.0 million, if not more...


2 words. 


Complete Moron.


Quote: Originally posted by Seattlejohn on Dec 2, 2014

Better yet, he better see his accountant first; as I understand it (and I could be wrong here), there's a limitation of $5 million he can donate in gifts/charitable donations without tax liability.  If he gives the whole $14 million to the church, he could end up owing the IRS at least $3.0 million, if not more...

I Agree!...

What would be an eye opener is if he saw his Pastor driving around with a" top of the line " Lexus or Mercedes-Benz after his donation while he hung onto his 2001 Buick. Just saying. .

Oh the Horror....


Todd sure knows how to dredge up some doozies..


What an idiot. Hope he isn't surprised when his pastor builds himself a nice new million dollar home, buys a couple $100,000 cars and maybe a plane and a boat too.


I have to commend this gentlemen, he does not need the money, and money is not his lord and savior, when we all learn that this world will be a better place!!!!!

Coin Toss's avatarCoin Toss


Good points but most Christians are 'hypnotized' when it comes to tithing and unfortunately far too many churches put the business if being a church way ahead of being a church.

I saw a pretty heated thread on a Christian board where not only was it a battle of gross vs net but also of cash vs checks. One guy said that those giving by check were only interested in a tax write off. Finally someone told him they didn't know what he gave in cash but some people giving by check give thousands over the course of a year.

Then of course there was a lottery winner who tried to give $1M to the Salvation Army and they refused it.


Quote: Originally posted by Coin Toss on Dec 3, 2014


Good points but most Christians are 'hypnotized' when it comes to tithing and unfortunately far too many churches put the business if being a church way ahead of being a church.

I saw a pretty heated thread on a Christian board where not only was it a battle of gross vs net but also of cash vs checks. One guy said that those giving by check were only interested in a tax write off. Finally someone told him they didn't know what he gave in cash but some people giving by check give thousands over the course of a year.

Then of course there was a lottery winner who tried to give $1M to the Salvation Army and they refused it.

..Which reminds me CT- whatever happened to Brother Roy or someone to that effect who " swore an oath of poverty" and ended up winning Millions- if l am not mistaken, he too said that he was donating to the " Order",,, l doubt he was going to give them the entire enchilada though.Seemed like a nice guy though....

RedStang's avatarRedStang

I would of donated to John Jacobs so we can rip up telephone books together.

Gleno's avatarGleno

Meeting in a gymnasium ,sounds like another start up church. Ever notice how some are just family businesses?
Another church building may help those in the building trades, so guess that will help in an indirect way.


sully16's avatarsully16

That was nice of him, Congrats lucky Church.

dallascowboyfan's avatardallascowboyfan

Congratulations to the winner Hurray! good for him for donating to his Church and Charity. Blue Angel


Quote: Originally posted by dpoly1 on Dec 2, 2014

He better pay the taxes first!


He forgot all about the taxes.

IPlayWeekly's avatarIPlayWeekly

Quote: Originally posted by VenomV12 on Dec 2, 2014

What an idiot. Hope he isn't surprised when his pastor builds himself a nice new million dollar home, buys a couple $100,000 cars and maybe a plane and a boat too.

Yep, I agree... He will also have a major tax bill.  I also wonder how he'll feel going back to work knowing he could have retired himself and set up the next generation.


There is zero percent chance the winner is not already set for life financially.

music*'s avatarmusic*

THRIFTY ,  I like your avatar - May the Force be with you Darth Vader. Beware of the Dark side.


maringoman's avatarmaringoman

Quote: Originally posted by JWBlue on Dec 3, 2014

There is zero percent chance the winner is not already set for life financially.

There are people out there who have big hearts and are content with the lives they currently live. It says on the article that the guy isn't a regular gambler and might have only gone there to accompany his friend. His generosity shows there's hope in humanity and that blessed is the one that giveth...

Marilyn222's avatarMarilyn222

What a beautiful heart.Blue Angel


I think he knows he can win that much or even more again many times over.  That's probably why he gave it away.

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