$50M Canada lotto winner says he had a vision of winning numbers

Feb 16, 2015, 9:53 am (36 comments)

Canada Lotto Max

Six years ago Randall Rush was at a friend's house watching a football game when a series of numbers flashed into his head.

His friend told Rush to write down the numbers, and when he took a look, he thought they would make for good lottery picks. But the 48-year-old was skeptical — he never played the lottery.

"He goes: 'If you didn't play and these numbers come up, how would you feel?'" said Rush.

Ever since that fateful day, the resident of Lamont, Alberta, has picked the same numbers when purchasing lottery tickets once a week.

Last weekend, it finally paid off. Rush found out he was the winner of the $50-million Lotto Max prize.

"Seriously this sounds fabricated, this sounds hokey, but it is the honest-to-God truth," he said at a press conference on Friday, where he was awarded his winnings.

"It was a shock I won so much... but at the same time I was expecting it," he added.

Rush, who worked as a sales representative for Hertz Equipment Rental, said in the last two years he had a growing premonition that he was going to win.

"Again, it sounds hokey but for the last two years I didn't think I was going to win — I knew I was going to win."

The Vancouver native was so confident that he started planning for his eventual jackpot. But Rush wasn't planning to buy a fancy home or a fleet of flashy cars.

He says that winning the lottery comes with a burden of responsibility.

"To whom much is given, much is required," he said.

Rush has planned to dedicate his life to a new charitable organization that will focus on feeding hungry and homeless children across the world.

While he says he will look after a close circle of friends and purchase a few toys, including a 1965 Corvette for the self-described "car nut," he says the "vast majority" of his winnings will be placed in a trust. The interest generated from the account will be funnelled into his charity.

"This money can go a long way in foreign countries, so if I could make someone's life a little happier — that would be great," he said.

Besides his philanthropic goals, Rush says it is about time he paid off a long-overdue parking ticket that he received in Moncton, N.B.

"I've been putting that off forever and ever — it is on the front of my fridge — and I'm like, 'Ugh, next paycheck, ugh next paycheck.' And now I have no excuses," he said.

"I just hope they don't come looking for me now," he said with a laugh.

Rush also plans to look after his cat Conway Kitty, named after the country music star Conway Twitty. It was on Rush's trip to the grocery store for cat food last weekend, when he found out he had won the $50-million prize.

"He was sleeping, and he gave me the one eye, 'Oh I disturbed your royal snooze, eh?'" Rush said.

"He's a big fan of pate, so I think we'll stick to that program," he added.

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Thanks to deeharveyd for the tip.



Original Bey's avatarOriginal Bey

Pay that traffic ticket! Green laugh


Whether its a quick pick, wheeling system, psychic vision or last minute impulse buy, who cares? IT WORKED. That's all that matters



Kee12's avatarKee12

He seems like a nice guy with a good sense of humor. Enjoy your winnings, Mr Randall!

Artist77's avatarArtist77

I like this guy. Conway kitty...lol.  He will do a lot of good with that money but buying fancy cars for friends is not a good idea.

Coin Toss's avatarCoin Toss

Nice vision, eh.

myturn's avatarmyturn

Q: If I win a major prize, do I need to have my picture taken?

A:  Yes. Under WCLC Rules and Regulations, the Corporation has no obligation to pay a prize unless the winner gives WCLC the right to publish the winner's name, city or town of residence and/or recent photograph.  Names and photographs of major lottery winners are publicized to protect the integrity of the games – it verifies that prizes are won and shows that winners come from every walk of life.


Western Canada Lottery Corporation 

Frequently Asked Questions

myturn's avatarmyturn

Q: Are lottery winnings taxable?

A: No. All cash and merchandise prizes paid by WCLC are tax-free within Canada. However, prizes with an annuity option may have tax implications if the annuitey is selected.


Western Canada Lottery Corporation

Frequently Asked Questions

Think's avatarThink

The close circle of friends should include his cat.

Leave it all to your cat in the will!

ThatScaryChick's avatarThatScaryChick

Congrats to Randall on his big win!

SammyJoe10's avatarSammyJoe10

Great story! Congrats!

MillionsWanted's avatarMillionsWanted

Coincidences happen all the time.


I've heard that the lotteries in Canada and the European countries are all tax free.  You win a jackpot of $50 million, you get $50 million.  No taxes at all.  Here in the United States the taxman steals a large chunk; or threatens to place you in prison if you don't.


Sounds like this winner is heading in a healthy direction for the most part. Big Smile

Original Bey's avatarOriginal Bey

Quote: Originally posted by Suzy-Dittlenose on Feb 16, 2015

I've heard that the lotteries in Canada and the European countries are all tax free.  You win a jackpot of $50 million, you get $50 million.  No taxes at all.  Here in the United States the taxman steals a large chunk; or threatens to place you in prison if you don't.


Sounds like this winner is heading in a healthy direction for the most part. Big Smile

You are correct. Keep in mind though that in Canada you will never read about a $564 million jackpot. They have caps, and it takes more than a dollar or two to buy into the lottery dream each drawing.

eddessaknight's avatareddessaknight

Quote: Originally posted by MillionsWanted on Feb 16, 2015

Coincidences happen all the time.






Nice! Congrats! White Bounce

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