LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Two men are behind bars after being accused of shooting a 19-year-old for his winning lottery ticket two weeks ago near Churchill Downs.
One minute the man was on top of the world, and minutes later he was undergoing surgery at University Hospital and one of the suspects was trying to cash the lottery ticket.
"I was on the phone, somebody came up behind me, grabbed me and shot me for the ticket," the victim said.
He was on the phone talking to his mother.
It began at a convenience store on Taylor Boulevard earlier this month where the 19-year-old bought a $5 Win Win Win scratch-off ticket. The ticket was worth $1,000.
"We told him you have to sign behind the ticket. He signed behind the ticket. After that he left," store owner Mehr Dad.
After leaving the store the victim called his mom to tell her the good news.
"I was excited," Patricia Manning said. "(Then) I heard the gunshot."
Two shots were fired, with one striking her son in the side. Doctors had to remove his spleen. The store owner said one of his regular customers was in line.
"Actually he was standing in the line when he say he won $1,000 and I believe his partner was sitting in the car and they followed him," Dad said.
Metro police said James Watts, 40, is the man, who was standing in line. Watts is accused of trying to cash the winning ticket at other lottery outlets. He's charged with facilitation to commit a robbery.
Andrel Page, 21, is accused in the shooting. Page is facing robbery and assault charges.
"It should at least be attempted murder. I was unarmed and (he) shot me in the back," the victim said.
"I'm never going to forget that phone call. And I know he's never going to forget the day he got shot," Manning said.
Bond for Page was set at $50,000 and Watts is being held on a $5,000 bond. Both are due back in court on March 4.
Police said that although both admitted to their involvement in the shooting, they are still searching for a third suspect.
The victim was able to get his $1,000 in lottery winnings despite losing the ticket.
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Thanks to Bluegrass for the tip.
Sad. Watch what you do today and what you say and who you tell things to like this.
When you think you can be comfortable and happy in your own space, someone is probably watching you waiting for
a chance to take it away. The world has become a sad place and I don't expect it to get better anytime soon. No morals,
respect and not much is taboo anymore. I'm sorry this happened to this kid, it was his and someone needed to take it
from him. I see the lottery paid him for it? That's good. I hope he recovers quickly.
The ones that shot him should be shot and say now how does that feel !!
Old saying a tooth for a tooth.
You aren't safe any place anymore.
It is a sad and sick world out there
May they rot in prison !!!!
If they'll shoot ya for a lousy thousand bucks, imagine what they'd do if you win a big jackpot.
I hope the victim recovers fully.
Love the mean mugging mug shot. Real tuff.
Lousy thousand bucks? A pizza guy was robbed by a bunch guys with guns, for his pizza. They took the bag of pizza and ran. They never bothered to take his money. I guess that a bag of pizza is more valuable than money. Dumb knuckleheads!!!.
Never purchase a scratch ticket and then scratch it there at the store. I remember not too long ago I was at a local fast food convenience store where I purchased a Powerball ticket. I had made a mistake on one of the numbers and was asking for help with one of the clerks there to correct it when someone who looked like one of the guys in this article that was apprehended. This guy asked me " Did you win? " I said " No " When you purchase a lottery scratch ticket, don't scratch your ticket in the store. Ever since that incident with my lottery ticket, I don't purchase my lottery tickets at a convenience store.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery & congratulations on the win
If you don't scratch your tickets where you buy them and take them home, you will buy less and save $$$
I buy one $5 ticket and bring it home to scratch. If it wins, great, if not, I'm not at the store to buy more!
Both criminals probably have rap sheets. This is not their first crime. Using a fire arm to commit a crime will get you five years in most States.
On the news just now they're looking for a third perpetrator. I don't know about other states, but many of these rap sheets here are incredibly long. WTG Derby City!
They did this for $1000? There are some crazy people out there. State laws should give people the right to remain anonymous. It can be very dangerous for winners to be identified, people can be like vultures when big bucks are involved.
This so sad....Just think how in some states you can't be animosity.
Countless lottery winners targeted by criminals, sad trend.
Hoping for a speedy recovery for you young man
. I hope these thugs serve a long time in jail. Glad the lottery Commission went ahead and paid the young man.