Oops, Georgia Lottery can't find a C8 Corvette to award man who won 'Corvette and Cash' game

Jan 20, 2021, 5:21 pm (16 comments)

Georgia Lottery

By Kate Northrop

A Georgia man who won the top prize of a C8 Corvette in a scratch-off lottery game is having trouble claiming his prized car, as the Georgia Lottery is unable to locate a car to award him.

Dennis Kahler did not get what he bargained for after playing and winning the "Corvette and Cash" scratch-off game for $5. After discovering that his ticket would earn him the top prize of $250,000 plus a Corvette, the Georgia Lottery found itself in a bind when it could not locate a single dealer who could supply the car.

In a discussion on CorvetteForum, Kahler said the Lottery sent him a letter confirming the prize he was owed. Not only would he receive a $250,000 cash prize, but the Lottery would award him a Corvette valued up to $107,000. Kahler would then receive the difference between the final cost of the car and the remaining $107,000.

The fact is, C8 Corvettes are sold out everywhere, which has car enthusiasts and lottery players alike scratching their heads and wondering why the Lottery did not strike a deal with Chevrolet to reserve a car in the first place.

"I already know what I want — a 2LT," Kahler told CorvetteForum, a Rapid Blue 2LT Z51 to be exact. The specific build has an MSRP of $80,465, which falls under the $107,000 that the Lottery allotted for his prize car and granting him $26,535 in additional cash.

However, Kahler's case got a bit more convoluted. The good news is that the Lottery was able to work out a deal with car dealership Five Star Chevrolet. The bad news is that they did not mention that they would charge $10,000 over the MSRP.

Dealerships are well within bounds to mark up cars however they like, but Kahler was not willing to lose out on the extra $10,000 that he would receive as part of his cash prize.

"I used to be a general sales manager for a dealership, so I know the way things operate," he said. "I'm not giving up the money on my purchase by using them."

Kahler was able to find dealerships who would sell him the car without the markup Five Star Chevrolet was giving him. He got in touch with Master Chevrolet, who said they could offer him a C8 Corvette at MSRP, but he would have to wait until the third quarter in 2021 to receive it. It's common for those ordering the latest model to have to wait a while for the car to be delivered, but it'll be a long time before Kahler would receive his seeing as how the car is currently sold out everywhere.

Next time, the Lottery might think twice about promising a sought-after car without coming to an agreement with a dealership first.

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Lottery Post Staff



When the casinos (pre Covid) would have a car to give away, the actual vehicle was there.    This seems like an honest mistake or not forethought that they all sold out.

Mink404Ski's avatarMink404Ski

Try this site in Texas


They have about 14 2020's and they are all beautiful!



GiveFive's avatarGiveFive

As long as The Georgia Lottery ponyed up the $250,000 in cash, I'd have no problem waiting to take delivery of the Vette.  G5

HaveABall's avatarHaveABall

Bleudog101 I Agree!.  Hopefully, the other gambling opportunities offering a vehicle learn from this mistake, since it is such an imposition/deflation to the winner. 

I think the winner is right. Why should he have to pay USA Federal and State income taxes on more than MSRP, when Master Chevrolet has indicated that they would charge a fair amount to backorder (isn't it sad that he had to call a few places to even get this deal on a prize!)?  If there is some unknown deal between the Georgia Lottery and this high markup dealership, then it is the dealerships fault for not pre-ordering and widely marking-up this highly advertised/marketed prize.  Yuck.


HaveABall's avatarHaveABall

Wow, this picture of "rapid blue" sure is sexy!, right?


Nice win cash and a sought after Corvette. GA next time secure the vehicle before offering the prize.



That's messed up. Only Corvette I ever drove in was the 72 or 73. So long ago. Guy still has it too. Gotta love Corvette's.


JuJu stole the corvette as payback for losing to the Cleveland Browns. LOL

LottoMetro's avatarLottoMetro

"The Lottery would award him a Corvette valued up to $107,000. Kahler would then receive the difference between the final cost of the car and the remaining $107,000."


I would be at that junkyard looking for a Corvette and pocketing the difference.....

KY Floyd's avatarKY Floyd

"Why should he have to pay USA Federal and State income taxes on more than MSRP,"

Why would you think he has to?

"next time secure the vehicle before offering the prize."

Right, because the winner will definitely want whatever car a random dealership has. It's not like people getting 80 to 100 thousand dollar cars have a preference for a particular color, or any of the other options that are available. At least he wouldn't have to worry about getting one with one of the transmission models GM claims have a design defect, because it doesn't seem to be available on the Corvette.

The lottery's only mistake here was not realizing that the heavy demand would make it difficult to find whatever the winner wanted.


Quote: Originally posted by KY Floyd on Jan 20, 2021

"Why should he have to pay USA Federal and State income taxes on more than MSRP,"

Why would you think he has to?

"next time secure the vehicle before offering the prize."

Right, because the winner will definitely want whatever car a random dealership has. It's not like people getting 80 to 100 thousand dollar cars have a preference for a particular color, or any of the other options that are available. At least he wouldn't have to worry about getting one with one of the transmission models GM claims have a design defect, because it doesn't seem to be available on the Corvette.

The lottery's only mistake here was not realizing that the heavy demand would make it difficult to find whatever the winner wanted.

I thought about that after I posted. But thankfully we have posters like you who pretend to be SO SMART to help us out. Have you thought of GA working directly with the manufacture GM to build a car to his specifications. Or putting the model Corvette specs in the games rules. The customer must then accept a yellow Corvette or cash equivalent. Todd should really ban you for a while. I'd sign that petition.

cottoneyedjoe's avatarcottoneyedjoe

Quote: Originally posted by LottoMetro on Jan 20, 2021

"The Lottery would award him a Corvette valued up to $107,000. Kahler would then receive the difference between the final cost of the car and the remaining $107,000."


I would be at that junkyard looking for a Corvette and pocketing the difference.....

LOL good one. Glad I'm not the only one who would rather have $$$ than a vehicle.

HaveABall's avatarHaveABall

Quote: Originally posted by LottoMetro on Jan 20, 2021

"The Lottery would award him a Corvette valued up to $107,000. Kahler would then receive the difference between the final cost of the car and the remaining $107,000."


I would be at that junkyard looking for a Corvette and pocketing the difference.....

LOL what a vision and coupe!


Quote: Originally posted by cottoneyedjoe on Jan 20, 2021

LOL good one. Glad I'm not the only one who would rather have $$$ than a vehicle.

I would just wait for the car dealership to acquire my prize because that is just one beauty of a sex machine in that picture. Hey, besides i would be grateful in the first place i won 250k and the car was a icing on the top. i would not take the 107k just me though ever one is entitled to, " each his own."  250k i'd be just fine with that.


Quote: Originally posted by MsBee18 on Jan 20, 2021

I thought about that after I posted. But thankfully we have posters like you who pretend to be SO SMART to help us out. Have you thought of GA working directly with the manufacture GM to build a car to his specifications. Or putting the model Corvette specs in the games rules. The customer must then accept a yellow Corvette or cash equivalent. Todd should really ban you for a while. I'd sign that petition.

Ouch that hurts, ban?. Wow not that serious


Gotta say I really don't care for the new vette. The outside is sharp looking - while looking more like a McLaren supercar than any Vette.

It's the interior that is an ergonomic disaster. That ridiculous center console with a line up of some thirty odd button and switches. 

And that paint color - what guy wants a 'baby blue' paint job. That's a chicks color choice.

End of comments
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