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How Privacy Vanishes Online, a Bit at a Time
How Privacy Vanishes Online By STEVE LOHR Published: March 16, 2010 If a stranger came up to you on the street, would you give him your name, Social Security number and e-mail address? Probably not. Yet people often dole out all kinds of personal information on the Internet that allows such identifying data to be deduced. Services like Facebook, Twitter and Flickr are oceans of personal minutiae birthday gr...
Mar 18, 2010, 7:33 pm - Coin Toss

to Russia, Brazil, Canada, Africa, Europe: How Much Will it Cost You: Women/Elderly Weights Lotto
How much will it COST for you to have: Adult Women, Elderly, Young Females Weight Lifting Boxing Lotto...Guys i dont have any money, listen this is a priority, It needs to be done...All i can do is set money aside for it and hope people do it sometime in the future...How much will it cost to bribe your government...Dude i know you are saying robots this robots that and is nice, but MAY GOD NOT SO WISH, and a...
Feb 11, 2010, 8:44 pm - pumpi76

The 545 People Responsible For All of America's Woes. Charley Reese. Stonewall County Courier. Aspermont, Texas. September 19, 1985 The TRUTH NEVER gets OLD!! 545 vs. 300,000,000 (Republicans Democrats Alike - No One Is Blameless) EVERY CITIZEN NEEDS TO READ THIS AND THINK ABOUT WHAT THIS JOURNALIST HAS WRITTEN IN THIS MESSAGE. READ IT AND THEN REALLY THINK ABOUT OUR CURRENT POLITICAL DEBACL...
Feb 3, 2010, 11:17 pm - budward

"Zero Private-Sector Jobs Created In Past 11 Years
Zero Private-Sector Jobs Created In Past 11 Years By Jed Graham Wed., Jan. 27, '10 1:21 PM ET Source I t s been pretty widely discussed that the past decade was a lost one for job creation. But focusing on private payrolls alone would also wipe out nearly all of the employment gains from 1999, among the better years on record....
Jan 29, 2010, 1:35 pm - konane

Iraq's 'Chemical Ali' hanged for 1988 gas attack Even in Saddam Hussein's ruthless regime, Chemical Ali stood apart, notable for his role in gassing 5,000 people in a Kurdish village the deadliest chemical weapons attack ever against civilians. Ali Hassan al-Majid was hanged Monday, leaving a notorious legacy that stamped Saddam's regime as capable of unimaginable cruelty and brought unsettling questions about Iraq'...
Jan 28, 2010, 11:47 pm - time*treat

This is Beyond the Police & Some Ideas and some thoughts
You First heard it from me : There is a group OR organization...i DONT KNOW who they are well this group/organization can commit a crime blame someone else and you will NEVER EVER suspect that the person who they are blaming did not do the crime...Dude there are moments when you say that someone to be that good HAS to be a psychic...I dont know if this group committed the September 11th...Dude the way they operate...
Jan 23, 2010, 3:21 pm - pumpi76

Where have all the leaders gone?
Remember Lee Iacocca, the man who rescued Chrysler Corporation from its death throes? He's now 82 years old and has a new book, 'Where Have All The Leaders Gone?'. Lee Iacocca Says: 'Am I the only guy in this country who's fed up with what's happening? Where the hell is our ou...
Jan 22, 2010, 12:03 am - Jack-C

To Americans: The Only Bailout you are going to get: Free Car Replacement
Listen Americans, i heard you saying you want help bail out from the government...Well there is one way you could get a: Bail Out and is the only way i call it making your own: Bail Out Program... I read that there are 16 million cars sold every year...In 6 years it will be: 96 million cars...You know what i ve noticed when i was living in Georgia, that they will change cars every 5 years you could tell because the older models will began to face out of the streets in the city...
Jan 10, 2010, 1:50 pm - pumpi76

"How much imaginary gold has been sold?"
Long article but worth the read. Looks like if they can't scam people out of their retirement funds, investments, savings ..... they thought of something else. ______ How much imaginary gold has been sold? By Adrian Douglas for Source Life After the Oil Crash On October 10 I published an article that postulated that the gold market i...
Dec 20, 2009, 3:50 pm - konane

Years Of Deceit: US Openly Accepts Bin Laden Long Dead
Eight years of a lie is just STARTING to creep into mainstream knowledge. It is not a question of an incompetent news media failing to do its job, it's a question of the MSM manipulating the populace. Two wars, egged on by the media and both proven to be based on lies, and nobody in this country seems to give a snip that our kids are STILL being maimed and killed because of those lies. Those kids are someone's son or daughter, spouse or par...
Dec 11, 2009, 5:32 pm - Rick G