
ForumsResults 111 - 120 of 154 for odds. (0.16 seconds)

Hits and skips looking for ideas not how to
1. Frequency analysis : Very basic analysis is expected vs actual frequency :any bias or short term/long term trend will show up if compared side by side. Difference of actual to expected is bias . You can add some weights for that when projecting/predicting. You can analyze frequency over periods 10,20,30,60,90,180, 360,720, 1440, etc., and see long term and short term trends/stats. Back test and see how the trend shifts. Catch hold of the growing trend and use it. 2. Skip Distribution
Feb 18, 2024, 11:18 pm - thamizhpayan - Lottery Discussion Forum

On Average How Many People Play PB or MM In A Drawing
Thanks for your insight on the question. I know from the onset that it would be hard to have an exact number and this the use of the term on average. It's sobering to know that possibly 10M other humans had a ticket for yesterday's drawing, and some had hundreds of tickets when you consider pools. Also the fact that people outside the USA can also buy tickets through some platforms. When one wins the jackpot, it really is defying great odds.
Apr 7, 2024, 9:14 pm - JustMaybe - Lottery Discussion Forum

The Idiot Tax
if lottery_chance = 0.000001: print( Better odds than getting struck by lightning while coding! ) Whuuut RuBbIsH...!! Exactly 0 Lottery Jackpot Winnerz haz EEVAAH reportly been Struck by Lightning before OR afata Winning..!! Dumb Down da Clichez
Apr 2, 2024, 1:28 am - Stat$talker - Lottery Discussion Forum

How do you deal with lottery losses?
This is quite a list of questions; I will try and respond to each and hopefully help a soul out there. Q. How do you deal with lottery losses? Ans. I treat the lottery the same way I treat my house, car, property etc. insurance. I pay for the insurance so that in case something happens, say to my car, the insurance will cater for it. I know very well that there is a high possibility that nothing will happen to my property, but I still pay for the insurance. I don t consider the insurance
Mar 14, 2024, 4:38 pm - JustMaybe - Lottery Discussion Forum

what is the very first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?
Agree for sure Garyo, There's no guarantee buying more lottery tickets will win you anything. If I won say up to $1 mil I wouldn't buy like 1,000-2,000 extra tickets every draw banking on a win. I'd buy maybe 20 - 30 extra tickets max . The odds to win the big one never change. You could go broke a lot sooner than you expected otherwise.
Mar 11, 2024, 9:58 am - LottoBux - Lottery Discussion Forum

When is the right time to hang your lottery boots?
The truth is We won't all win the jackpot we may get some winnings here and there but maybe not the jackpot. However like you have said we keep the hope alive that maybe some day, one day, it's going to be us. In all that I think the bottom line is to spend what one can afford to loose and have some fun along the way. Whether that involves crafting some system to beat the odds or just walking into a store and getting a QP like I do. I hope that whatever next inspiration that come
Mar 6, 2024, 7:29 pm - JustMaybe - Lottery Discussion Forum

Because the hottest number in a lottery doesn't mean it will come in the next draw?
Things work within probability and abide by it but the odds/probability of things are too deviant that you can pin things every draw Be careful NOT to contradict yoself naah.... Either you believe the Math werkz or it duzzn't..!! Seemz the only thang too deviant about it, iz some folk'z faith in it..and/or their ability to comprehend it. cauze it'z hidden in plain sight.. Like yo boi, PoPe1354 ,.. he oughtta be the LAST one to comment on utherz intelligence when he cain't git
Feb 29, 2024, 12:22 am - Stat$talker - Lottery Discussion Forum

How many combinations of the 4 patterns
Yes Garyo. A regular pick-5 pick game odds of 0-9 in each position is same whereas it varies in the big games or state games draw games. I do take those into account. These are Good ideas but I think most of these have been discussed multiple times. Some new ideas might stir up interest. Good Luck
Feb 17, 2024, 8:54 am - thamizhpayan - Lottery Discussion Forum

What are the most used techniques to predict lottery numbers?
My take on it - What are the most used techniques to predict lottery numbers? Not everyone use systems most buy QPs so its a toss up in both. What are the most interesting results you have seen when analyzing lottery numbers? There is patterns and patterns tend to repeat. Do you believe it is possible to accurately predict lottery numbers? Yes and No -If you understand that a lottery is a puzzle and only 1 puzzle piece can fit correctly in its slot you cannot make a piece fit -same a
Feb 2, 2024, 9:24 am - Ricklou - Lottery Discussion Forum

One Early Warning In Movies or Televisión
Did you get this Idea that God's Word will make you Rich from playing the Lottery from one of those Telivision preachers? Joel Osteen perhaps? The Prosperity Gospel? God works in Mysterious Ways Ever wonder if or why God would give a weak person a Fortune from the Lottery? Put that weak soul on a Camel and then make it nearly impossible to get in the Gate. Not saying it has never happened, but if it did, the Odds are probably exponentially worse than the Game itself. Beware of F
Jan 25, 2024, 10:22 am - AllenB - Lottery Discussion Forum

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