
ForumsResults 51 - 60 of 88 for Arrest. (0.01 seconds)

v-dude vision fully explained
V-Dude,Since you opened up, I am gonna tell a secret. Only my family knows this and maybe you if I told you awhile back. I can't remember.When I was in the ambulance, they said I was in cardiac arrest (which later was found to be false).........I was having an arterial seizure -- two different things.......I had aphlactic allergic reaction to some medicine I took. Anyway, my husband said they used the paddles on me..........I was not there........I was somewhere else........cruising
Sep 25, 2003, 6:04 pm - Sandy K - Lottery Discussion Forum

A large percent of us miss your, all of us. You're still on that 26 payments kick? You actually think tax rates for the rich are gonna' go down in the next few years? Even if Bush wins next election (a big if in a recession), those promised tax cuts for the top rates could still be chopped away. Even if they are left completely intack, my understanding is that they will be automatically go back to were they are now in around 2011 or 2012. Government is getting bigger under Bush
Jun 28, 2002, 3:47 pm - MrHappy - Lottery Discussion Forum

Arrested for buy too many Lottery tickets?
Sue the lowlife snitch store clerk for the lost time and emotional distress he/she caused you. Boycott the store. If the snitch was motivated by financial incentives from a police state, sue the police state. If you live in a place that doesn't take a daily dump on your individual rights, then there are probable cause requirements for arrest. If they had no probable cause (snitch conjecture is not probable cause), then sue the organization that arrested you. Negative feedback is
Sep 8, 2023, 4:49 pm - Wavepack - Lottery Discussion Forum

Would you ever pretend to be LO after being scammed by Clerk?
I once had a next door neighbor, Freddie, who happened to be a detective in the police department in the town I lived in. I saw his name in a local newspaper story about him apprehending a petty thief. A couple of days later Freddie was mowing his lawn so I wandered over to his yard and congratulated him for having caught the guy. Freddie told me that the guy he arrested was Just like all the other idiots I track down and arrest . By that statement he said meant They get in trouble with the
Jan 15, 2023, 9:47 am - GiveFive - Lottery Discussion Forum

Who is Sam Bankman-Fried and Why Are The Fed's After Him?
If you're wondering why The Justice Department held off on filing criminal charges for SBF here's one very good reason - Having SBF arrested in the Bahamas required more care than an arrest on U.S. soil. The United States has an extradition treaty with the Bahamas. Under that treaty, an individual can be arrested in the Bahamas and returned to the United States for an offense if it is punishable under the laws in both Contracting States by deprivation of liberty for a period of more than one
Dec 13, 2022, 1:01 pm - GiveFive - Lottery Discussion Forum

How can I be such a loser!!
Stop playing Keno for a while and play something else, give it arrest. Lots of people think the lotto eliminates previous numbers picked some how to there will not be a winner, I don't know if that is true and I hope not, I dont' think it is, you just have to keep on playing or stop, many have played for years and hit the jackpot, it just may happen to you but it won't if you stop playing all together.
Jun 12, 2012, 2:27 pm - Nikkicute - Lottery Discussion Forum

What is a lottery system? What distinguishes a lottery system from guesses, dreams and quick picks?
Duuuuuuuude.... I see no lies about your character, because your character shows true, and it ain't what you think. As far as integrity lines , just because you annoint yourself an integrity cop, trying to arrest guys that cross imaginary integrity lines, doesn't mean you are one. Like I said, people who yap about how great they are, are actually the exact opposite. I .... I ..... I . You really are full of yourself. I see a thread that started out as an interesting thread, and it ended
Apr 26, 2011, 10:23 pm - rcbbuckeye - Lottery Discussion Forum

scratch off ticket cheating and in a sense cheat the lottery That is sort of suggesting the only way to win any lottery game is to cheat. I hope the lottery police don't find this site and arrest all the LP members for conspiracy to cheat the lottery. 1) Most you ever spent on pick 3 or pick 4? 2) Most you ever spent on mega or powerball? 3) Most you ever won?I should do a search and find out how many times those type of questions have been asked and play that number in the pick-
Nov 28, 2007, 7:27 pm - Stack47 - Lottery Discussion Forum

can someone here post me an example of a fake RNG lottery drawing?
Sure, treat; I'd be happy to elaborate. I think it was in 2004 when LosingJeff and I went to Indianapolis to give our evidence file to the FBI. The meeting got off to a bad start when they refused to let us see an agent, and told us to go home and contact our attorney general. We told them we weren't leaving until we spoke with an agent. They threatened us with arrest if we didn't leave immediately. Then, they had us escorted to the lobby, where we were warned not to come back. I'm the
Jul 26, 2007, 12:24 am - jim695 - Lottery Discussion Forum

What is your opinion on new WA state law
Thanks to the third world style corruption in WA state it is now a class C felony to gamble on the internet. THis includes sports, poker, lottery and all other gambling. It is NOT limited to those who run gambling sites but anyone ordering from betslips or any customer of gambling sites as well. We have a big problem in this state with Tribal casino's bribing state legislature members and it looks like all those bribes paid off. I'm sick of living in a third world style corrupt state. I'm jus
Jun 7, 2006, 11:51 pm - dvdiva - Lottery Discussion Forum

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