
ForumsResults 1 - 10 of 93 for scientific games. (0.01 seconds)

What You Have To Look Forward To...
It amazes me how often people can have something shoved in thier faces and still not be able to see it.Below are some press releases from the Hoosier Lottery website. I'm sure that many of you will be able to convince yourselves that they're just kidding because, after all, they have too much to lose...For those of you who want the truth, read on. The remainder of you may now bury your heads in the sand, lest this information disturb the natural order in Xanadu...
Aug 26, 2004, 8:43 pm - jim695 - Lottery Discussion Forum

My Made-Up State's Lottery
Lottery Terminal Manufacturer-Scientific Games
Dec 7, 2004, 12:25 am - JimmySand9 - Lottery Discussion Forum

stalking customers
we have scientific games handling things here in tennessee if i'm correct...
Nov 30, 2004, 12:24 am - LOTTOMIKE - Lottery Discussion Forum

stalking customers
which is better----gtech or scientific games....
Nov 30, 2004, 12:22 am - LOTTOMIKE - Lottery Discussion Forum

indiana lottery
Thank you for visiting the Hoosier Lottery Web site. We appreciate that you took the time to share your concerns. Our scratch-off tickets are manufactured by an internationally respected company, Scientific Games. Scientific Games is subject to independent audit of its products and we have full confidence in the tickets they produce for us. No one at the Hoosier Lottery knows the distribution of prizes by Scientific Games. Scientific Games certifies that the distribution of prizes is random. Lot
Nov 11, 2004, 3:29 am - Sconiers - Lottery Discussion Forum

Is any State Run Lottery Honest?
After reading about the man going to trial in Indiana for rigging the scratch off, I paused to wonder why is he the only one getting caught? Scientific games actually knew where the winning tickets where. The tickests have serial numbers and are tracked. The following taken from the news article I read in the News section. How it happenedA trucker called in and said he thought he had a winning ticket in the $2 million game but had lost it. He also couldn't remember at which of about 40 st
Jan 30, 2006, 5:31 pm - richwood - Lottery Discussion Forum

Why they call it Scientific Games?
Yeah why do they call it Scientific Games? There is nothing scientific about the lottery... The Truth is Out There from movie The X-Files
Sep 26, 2007, 1:49 pm - pumpi76 - Lottery Discussion Forum

stalking customers
Who supply's the scratch off's and machines for Texas Gtech or Scientific games. Today I had my hands on two brand new packs of scratch off's from scientific games and they were rapped in cellophane with no stickers on them of any kind. Just plane wrapped cellophane. So their was no indication of these stickers you suggest that are on the new packs of scratch off's unless Gtech does it differently. When the lottery operator scanned the pack all that it did was record the first bar code for the f
Nov 29, 2004, 4:23 pm - four4me - Lottery Discussion Forum

What state uses what terminal?
I would be more than happy to help out. I also can indentify scratch-off manufacturers merely by looking at the ticket. But keep in mind many lotteries use several manufacturers to make the tickets. New Jersey, for example, most of their tickets come from Pollard Banknote and their plant in Michigan, but they also buy tickets from the other 3 instant manufacturers in the US, Scientific Games, Oberthur, and Creative Games (based in my hometown of Plant City, FL). So if you want document insta
Oct 29, 2006, 1:01 am - JimmySand9 - Lottery Discussion Forum

Roller Coasters Vs. the lottery...
Lotteries are money making businesses. Why do you think GTECH and Scientific Games are contracted by the states to run them? They setup the games, design the software and terminals to run the games and the maintenance procedures to keep the whole system running. The odds and payouts of the different games aren't just picked out of the air, they are designed to appeal to a particular group of people. You may buy a quick pick and hope to get lucky, but states don't start lotteries hoping to get
Aug 10, 2006, 12:07 pm - RJOh - Lottery Discussion Forum

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