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Remote Viewing
May 15, 2009, 11:47 am - Amazing Grace - Mystical Forum

Some good books on metaphysics
The simplest way of explaining it would be to suppose you were here on this thread, but actually reading the Remote Viewing (RV) thread. You would be remote viewing if you did that.Or if your comp were on lottery post but you were reading the links to the RV threads that are posted there, that might be called remote viewing.Take away the comp and do the same thing and you'd be remote viewing in the way the people who talk about it here are describing.Jack
Apr 30, 2005, 7:50 am - Rip Snorter - Mystical Forum

Proof that remote viewing works
For those of you who doubt and have the right to sdo so about remote viewing abilities, and have probably never seen a demonstration on my predictions, its because you haven't looked up my prediction on tuesday 9- 28 -10, 4568 and Ct hit 5468 0n9-30-2010. two days after my first prediction using no wheels or lottery system although i do know they work more often than remote viewing, remote viewing is very exhausting and a numbers for me can take days or 2 weeks in rare cases.BUt when i get those
Oct 5, 2010, 8:50 pm - basil19 - Mystical Forum

Remote Viewing of future lotto numbers
Okay so I've been practicing Remote Viewing for over 4 years now and I can say I've gotten quite good at it. I've become specifically good at targeting locations which leaves me at a novice level of Remote Viewing I guess you could say. I sometimes get to the point where I can smell things or I will feel temperature changes. I know it sounds crazy but this is something I've proven many times in front of family and friends. I've found that Remote Viewing of numbers is very difficult becau
Dec 29, 2011, 2:37 am - vincesoz - Mystical Forum

Remote viewing lottery numbers
Has anyone used remote viewing to win a lottery jackpot ? I have had 11 wins this year using ARV lottery but only small amounts. Would like to hear of other peoples success using ARV for lottery, I don't feel this method is the best one for predicting lottery outcomes, maybe works better when combined with another method such as visualisation.
Aug 5, 2023, 9:25 am - Violet5712 - Mystical Forum

Remote viewing multiverse
Picking numbers doing this method can help you choose a good chance hit the target
Oct 11, 2022, 7:22 am - AEnderWiggin - Mystical Forum

Remote Viewing Lottery Number!
Meditation is a great way to learn control and focus, remote viewing requires concentration.
Jan 24, 2014, 11:18 pm - sully16 - Mystical Forum

How oftn can you win the lottery
You can win the lottry as often as possible but if you remote view the numbers all the time you would win all the time, but remote viewing is like any other talent but more rare so its its not practiced all the time, there is a time for everything, we were all created in time.Thatvis the reason why remote viewers are not jackpot winners they are rmote vierwers, i have known lotterty numbers but hardly won,compare to the amount of times i got the numbers right.Now i'm aplling myself to playing to
Oct 2, 2010, 4:57 am - basil19 - Mystical Forum

Happy Birthday Libra Dave
Remote Viewing Ky!! 123
Sep 29, 2010, 1:43 pm - marcie - Mystical Forum

remote viewing lottery numbers
I'm a remote viewer, but when i first started i just guesss the numbers for fun, but a lot of them came out,i knew of someone who played for years and i suggested he change his method to quick picks and he finally hit big .I've seen numbers that hit the same day next day.until i realized i have a gift. i won using remote viewing only a few times and not huge jackpots.Now i realized this works for me most of th time.Have you noticed that number dreams are more likely to hit,ask yourself why.Want
Sep 28, 2010, 2:38 pm - basil19 - Mystical Forum

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