
ForumsResults 21 - 30 of 122 for dispute. (0.01 seconds)

military time
The date is important (to make sure that it is legit) but the time is optional... sure it would help in exact verifications in case of a dispute, but imagine you are a state that needs to keep ALL of the tickets from every terminal in a central database... skipping the time could lead to saving TERRABYTES of data storage expenses, depending on how long they must hold it...
Jan 9, 2004, 2:23 pm - hypersoniq - Lottery Discussion Forum

Jack Whittaker in trouble with law!
When J.W. woke up in the parking lot of the Pink Pony strip club in August, with the engine of his SUV running, it sounded like a simple case of alien abduction. Doesn't anyone else watch X files?I'm sure we'll find that this latest bar fight or domestic dispute might be easily attributed to nothing more than *ptjs. *post traumatic jackpot syndrome
Jan 7, 2004, 5:34 pm - golotto - Lottery Discussion Forum

PayPal is working at the PP3 web site
Of course inanimate objects have no memory,but they do have patterns.Just as every breath you breathe has a rhythm so do lottery numbers.I don't want to get in a discussion over things written in the bible ,because then we would have to open up a whole new dispute over gambling matters period,random or not.However ,I would like to use numbers to make my point.Even if the predictors out there are right 20% of the time,that is still better than the law of chance.No human can ever be 100% accurate
Aug 2, 2002, 1:47 pm - Tina - Lottery Discussion Forum

Buying lotto tickets online
If you read the legal notices on these sites, they do not sell lottery tickets, only the states and their agents can sell lottery tickets. They buy tickets for you and their liablity is limited to what you paid them not to what you think you've won. LotteryUniverse seem to be based in Texas, but they do not buy lottery tickets in Texas, so it unlikely the courts of Texas could help you if you had a dispute over winnings in California or the Powerballs and MegaMillions States. RJOh
Jul 17, 2002, 10:45 am - RJOh - Lottery Discussion Forum

Help organizing a work pool and forming a contract
This method offers no possibility for disputes. There is always a possibility that there will be a dispute. The only question is how easy it will be to resolve a dispute when it comes up. An email for each drawing listing the people you believe are in the group is a good way to prove that the people listed are in the group, but why would you need to prove that somebody is in the group? The problem is that the email may not be very helpful when somebody who played last week claims that
Jan 26, 2007, 9:37 pm - KY Floyd - Lottery Discussion Forum

Pay for tickets w/ credit card? NYC promotions
I find this situation highly improbable, but even if it did happen, so what? Have you ever filed a dispute over a charge with a vendor? The credit card company almost always takes the side of you, their customer, not the vendor. The vendor would have to show a receipt with your credit card number and signature showing you purchased 35 tickets instead of 20, and even then you could claim fraud and still win. The chance of a vendor scamming you over tickets is no higher than a vendor scamming you
Mar 8, 2015, 7:41 pm - Teddi - Lottery Discussion Forum

Lottery Pools
I run a lottery pool in my office and have done so for around 12 years or so. Our pool currently has 12 members. Each member pays $4 on payday, which is every 2 weeks. I use that money to buy a mix of Powerball, MegaMillions, and Louisiana Lotto tickets. I buy tickets for all of the drawings between paydays, a total of 4 on 3 different games. We don't have a written agreement in place and I hope all the members are trustworthy. We play every drawing regardless of what the jackpot is. Lower tier
Mar 2, 2014, 12:29 am - PrisonerSix - Lottery Discussion Forum

Do some number combinations have better odds?
In the link posted by Jimmmy april 1, 1964, he clearly stated that he has never tried to pick any winning numbers, and I think we can begin to see he and boney have the same mental and emotional issues. What we have proven here {without dispute) is that people who TRY to pick winning numbers, can pick winning numbers which is something the doubters and haters will never comprehend from withing their lucid egg shell existence.
Jan 17, 2013, 10:38 am - Ronnie316 - Lottery Discussion Forum

This Change is Bad
Yeah, but like I said, that guy was in a dispute with a co-worker over the ticket. Suspect number one. Also, he's been missing since April and the family just reported recently. I smell a rat.
Dec 4, 2009, 10:55 pm - Nino224 - Lottery Discussion Forum

This Change is Bad
They don't always publish the who. It's the where and how. And a 33 million jackpot winner from FL did go missing recently, but he was in a nasty dispute with a co-worker who claimed the ticket was his.
Dec 4, 2009, 4:50 am - Nino224 - Lottery Discussion Forum

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