
ForumsResults 121 - 130 of 362 for jackpots. (1.80 seconds)

Looking for system that focusing on Odd and Even numbers?
Hi, I hope everyone here doing well. I am looking for system that would specifically focus on calculationg or predicting odd and even numvers by positions for Jackpots games or match5 or pick6.. I dont know if systems like this even exist. But thought I would ask anyway here, may be someone here came across something like this..... Thank you for any responces!!
Mar 25, 2014, 5:57 pm - tvpventures - Lottery Systems Forum

Getting One Number
RJOH have u had anyluck with any Ohio Jackpots Since your last Major win??? I'm in Cincinatti. About to go buy some $1 scratchers
Feb 21, 2014, 6:55 pm - Ilovecash3 - Lottery Systems Forum

RL's Digit Master Pro Big Game software download.
Good morning jimmy. I hate it when you're right. But I admit you are right. And thanks for the new word. Semi-retired. That is what I am. I normally tell people I'm retired, but nobody ever retires. Even at my advanced, crippled, disabled, mentally challenged, flotsam age, I still have to pay bills, buy food, and do silly things like pay taxes. Can you believe that? I'm expected to pay taxes just for living this long!!!! Who would have thunk it? The good news is I get senior citizen disco
Dec 11, 2012, 12:51 pm - garyo1954 - Lottery Systems Forum

What is a great software to search and find combos
I'm assuming you are looking for jackpot games. As for searching for drawing results all the way back, go to quick links on the left, click on lottery results, scroll down to top 10 current jackpots, click on your game, then on the dropdown, click on past drawing results. It will give you the numbers for every drawing. As for software, I'm sorry, but I don't know of any. However, I'm sure someone else here will be able to help you.
Aug 23, 2012, 12:57 am - grwurston - Lottery Systems Forum

RL's Digit Master Pro Big Game software download.
P-6 jackpot over here has gone as high as to ar. $ 6 mln which does not happen every day. I think I will give it a try tomorrow. I do not play that game, but such jackpots happen only a few times per year. Just a couple of sets to play. Adam
Jul 30, 2012, 12:12 pm - adamcustom - Lottery Systems Forum

steve player pick 4 system-cash eyes
He also wins a lot with PB, Mega Millions. I wouldn't be surprised if one day he wins one of those Jackpots. Anyone who purchases MM and PB tickets could win. Look at the numbers of MM and PB jackpot winners who were not Steve Player and probably never heard of him. I wouldn't be surprised if one day a LP member wins one of them too and they post systems at LP all the time for free.
Dec 11, 2011, 1:34 pm - RJOh - Lottery Systems Forum

PICK 4,5,6 Cracked - New System
How many games have you won using your algorythym? How many jackpots, etc?
Dec 7, 2011, 3:37 pm - patwins - Lottery Systems Forum

What is the Richard Lustig secret?
I came across a system that claims a winning very day if you can count from 1 to 10 you can learn it, do you think tha's possible. I'm not good with systems i'm better at remote viewing numbers.When my numbers are remotely viewed i only posted them in the forums.Have any one experimented with richard Lustig's method?I have not read his method, but my friend has it, he challenged me to remotely view the main secret of winning huge jackpots according to his book.I think i discovered one and that i
Nov 4, 2010, 12:43 pm - basil19 - Lottery Systems Forum

My digit system for pick-5 or pick-6 lottery
Predicting jackpot winners is easy. I predict there will be many Quick-Pick-Playing Jackpot winners across the US over the next month. What kind of predicting is that? If you prefer to predict jackpot winners rather than numbers, at least name them. It doesn't take any smarts to know somebody will eventually win the jackpots with some numbers and 70-80% of those somebodies will be Quick-Pick players.
Sep 20, 2010, 3:51 pm - RJOh - Lottery Systems Forum

What "System"??
Joker17, There's influence, then there's just plain luck. I think the latter applies in this instance. I always challenge people to win using their particular methods, and they never do. I also insist that psychics and fortune tellers either win the jackpots, or give me the winning numbers. If I win with their suggested numbers, I'll believe the rest of their predictions.
Aug 31, 2010, 9:49 pm - Daveyl - Lottery Systems Forum