
ForumsResults 41 - 50 of 52 for missouri. (0.15 seconds)

Some new results on some old techniques.
Just an update as to what did what on my earlier test I ran. Kansas had 8-0-1. Showing was 3-9-3-9. Mirrors would be 8-6-8-6. And it had 5-4-7-2 as possibilities to look at. Missouri had 6-0-4 for the pick 3 and 3-0-9-7 for the pick 4. This had 3,4,6,7,3 (mirrors would be 8,7,9,4,8) and it showed 3,2,3,2 as to what to look at. A little better than the Kansas one. Had the 4 and 6 for the 3 showing with no mirrors. Then the 3,7 for the pick 4 showing and 6 mirror for the 9. N
Jul 7, 2013, 4:49 am - Greenfox - Mathematics Forum

MATH 5/39: Stack47, Garyo1954, RL-RANDOMLOGIC VS Jimmy4164
Jimmy We established quite a while ago that unless you win a Jackpot in the Missouri Show-Me-5 buying QuickPicks, on average, you will end up losing about 72 for every $1 ticket you buy. ( 1 ) Who do you consider WE in the statement above, I know you are counting (you) and just wanted to know who the others are. The only thing you have done is just repeat the statitics for a 5-39 game provided it is sufficiently random Wake up, the calculations you use are as commo
Feb 28, 2011, 7:11 pm - RL-RANDOMLOGIC - Mathematics Forum

Statistics around the balance of even/odd and small/big numbers
You said, You know the only ones who reply to your post are me and stack. This isn't true, but regardless, unless you and Stack47 are the only ones accounting for the thousands of views, I have to assume there are a few out there who have learned something. Many people are shy in these situations, and not as willing to risk looking foolish, as you are. If we decide to quit then it will beas though you are talking to yourself. Why then don't you do me, yourselves, and everyone else a
Feb 16, 2011, 4:44 pm - jimmy4164 - Mathematics Forum

Statistics around the balance of even/odd and small/big numbers
Jimmy Some times I feel alone in this world, It is maybe my fault as I seem to be unable to convey my thoughts. Nothing in the previous post was meant to be used as a method of improving ones chances but to explain a process which I think that few ever even think of. You can use the stats and probability just so many ways before they begin to sound like a record that skips. I though you would be interested it this, My mistake. It's clear to me that your main and maybe only interest is the bo
Jan 21, 2011, 3:33 am - jimmy4164 - Mathematics Forum

Statistics around the balance of even/odd and small/big numbers
RL-RANDOMLOGIC, Your observation of the difference in the frequency of sets with more or less odd or even numbers is analogous to observing that the sum of the 5 numbers in a majority of sets falls into a minority of the total range of possible sums. The same is true for observing the number of unique digits in a set, or the average spread between the numbers. None of these patterns have anything to do with the probability of any particular set emerging. They just ARE! I thought my poi
Jan 16, 2011, 12:20 pm - jimmy4164 - Mathematics Forum

Pick 3 - Short Sums Math
Wednesday 8/29/07 Evening only : Missouri and Ontario 38 24 21 MO3E 7 2 1 42 31 22 ONT3E 1 8 9
Aug 29, 2007, 8:45 am - winsumloosesum - Mathematics Forum

MATH 5/39: Stack47, Garyo1954, RL-RANDOMLOGIC VS Jimmy4164
I think the best way to solve the problem of interference in our Topics is to establish a sanctuary, so to speak, for discussion of our areas of disagreement. It's easy enough to reference whatever posting we feel a need to question, leaving the original poster's Topic intact. So, for starters, here we go! We established quite a while ago that unless you win a Jackpot in the Missouri Show-Me-5 buying QuickPicks, on average, you will end up losing about 72 for every $1 ticket you
Feb 28, 2011, 5:58 pm - jimmy4164 - Mathematics Forum

Digit System Filters (Another Angle)
I'm sure everyone is aware that the Base 10 number system used in much of the world today is used arbitrarily. There is no compelling reason to use Base 10, other than the fact that it evolved from our primitive ancestors counting on their fingers and is now so ingrained in our commerce and culture that it would be very difficult to change to another. Here are some links for those interested in reading more on this topic: http://wiki.answers
Nov 2, 2010, 1:59 am - jimmy4164 - Mathematics Forum

Daily and Evening Pick 3 and 4 draw similarities.
Sorry about your laptops MzDuffleBaglady! Hope you get them back soon and in great working order. Here's the totals on the MO draws with a complete run of the games. In Missouri, there have been a total of 4,209 daytime draws where there have been pick 3 and pick 4. (I guess that all states pretty much do like here in NC where they draw pick 3 then pick 4 directly after?) But in those 4,209 draws, there have been a total of 12,627 pick 3 numbers drawn and a total of 16,836 from 7/6/2004
Feb 2, 2016, 8:47 pm - Greenfox - Mathematics Forum

Mathematics and the Lottery
Missouri Lotto - Draw Method:Computer Random Number Generator (RNG) Game = 6 out of 44 odds 6 of 44 = 1 in 7,059,052 odds 5 of 44 = 1 in 1,086,008 odds 4 of 44 = 1 in 135,751 Date Range 01/03/2009 - 11/27/2013; number of games played 512 games. Fact - In the date range shown above - 281 games of the 512 have had 4 of 6 of the same numbers hitting more than once or 54.88% of the Total Drawings. Don't believe me - Go To MY File -- - T
Nov 29, 2013, 11:24 am - butch2030 - Mathematics Forum

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