
ForumsResults 1 - 10 of 20 for ticket machine. (0.02 seconds)

I have a question about he odds (math)
Like if I pick 1 2 3 4 5 6 and the machine draws 2 4 1 5 6 3 that means it is a winning ticket. You're absolutely correct! Now, this is where it becomes very interesting because that one particular combination must be drawn out of all the other millions that are also in the mix...and YOU must then possess that winning ticket.
Jan 28, 2018, 12:57 pm - Lucky Loser - Mathematics Forum

question about using SAS
SAS isn't necessary. The simple, surefire way to ensure a jackpot win is to convince the lottery in question to remove all the balls from the machine which are NOT on your ticket before they start the spin!
Feb 13, 2011, 12:05 pm - jimmy4164 - Mathematics Forum

I have a question about he odds (math)
For starters there are 119,877,472 possible outcomes in a 6/69 lotto game. You get the number of permutations by factoring 69 six times (86,311,779,840) and then divide that by factoring 6 (720). if I pick 1 2 3 4 5 6 and the machine draws 2 4 1 5 6 3 that means it is a winning ticket. Lotto numbers are combinations and the numbers are always shown on a ticket as in a low to high order so regardless of which number was drawn first, second, etc.
Jan 28, 2018, 12:09 am - Stack47 - Mathematics Forum

God's number
like 1 week ago i was going to post that you could/can win the lottery with the rubik s cube but is only if you are trying to win with 1 ticket and is more complex you will need like a supercomputer even though now that i think about it you could retrace the position of the bouncing balls per second... the way it works is that if you let the bouncing balls machine be like a rubik s cube and each small cube of the rubik s cube be the position of the bouncing balls in time per second you could
Aug 18, 2010, 12:35 pm - pumpi76 - Mathematics Forum

How to create an Artificial Computerized RNG thanks to a Credit Card...
the problem with balls machine is that there are certain combinations maybe hundreds of them in pick3 that create a loss for the HOUSE/STATE and a machine could literally go through all those combination like 15 days in a row, creating a loss for the HOUSE/STATE, making the state recover in 40 days to make up for the loss and if there is another wave that means another 40 days more for the state to recover....while an RNG can be programmed to skip the lost combinations...what happens if the stat
Mar 23, 2011, 3:52 pm - pumpi76 - Mathematics Forum

Fingers and Toes, Here We Go!
Stack47 said, You should have taken Abe Lincoln's advice before answering a question about SAS. Because I said, SAS isn't necessary. The simple, surefire way to ensure a jackpot win is to convince the lottery in question to remove all the balls from the machine which are NOT on your ticket before they start the spin! Stack47, RL-RANDOMLOGIC, and RJOh should look up the meanings of Irony, Metaphor, and Sarcasm. They miss a lot.
Feb 15, 2011, 10:52 pm - jimmy4164 - Mathematics Forum

21 Combinations
Hi Newb This is a fair point but try this next time! If you have 5 lines ticket (your own selections) and after you bought your ticket then ask for one lucky dip then you'll find some of your numbers in lucky dip again which raise a question, does the machine know that your numbers are already a loser? I think it is irrelevant how the machines are generating the numbers for lucky dip because the actual calculation does not start half an hour after the deadline! My question is why they n
Apr 1, 2009, 6:49 am - Moses - Mathematics Forum

21 Combinations
...There certainly is that off-chance that the draw results can be manipulated or adjusted to some degree in a true conspiracy fashion if the draws are not televised live in real time. Whether a half an hour of deadline time is enough time to accomplish that massive feat is debate-able. ...The ticket-vending deadline is probably required to make sure that all vending machines are offline and disabled before the draw, so that the vendors/public-at-large cannot purchase a winning ticket combo a
Apr 1, 2009, 10:52 am - LottoHackJack - Mathematics Forum

Quick Picks can't match the power of Self Picks
Let me see if i can explain this better. Lets say i go to 10 different farm stores and by 10 quick pick tickets then go home and check each ticket i have found that for some reason 8 of ten tickets out of the 100 have numbers like 01-03-05- others might have 34-35-39 and still others might have the same or similar numbers etc. Now on a piece of paper i write down all the numbers 1 thru 46 in the pool and then check every number on the tickets and make hash marks for every number i have on the
Sep 11, 2007, 1:30 am - four4me - Mathematics Forum

I have a question about he odds (math)
Hi Everyone. So since I've never been good at math I would like to ask a question here. A chance to win a 6 number (1-69) is around 1 in 14 million. Could someone explain to me how it is so? The draws are not played in numerical order no matter what number comes first, second... Like if I pick 1 2 3 4 5 6 and the machine draws 2 4 1 5 6 3 that means it is a winning ticket. So can someone explain how does it come to 14 million? And I know the chance is 1 in millions to win I am just trying
Jan 27, 2018, 10:08 pm - Balakni - Mathematics Forum

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