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California winner of $2.04 billion Powerball lottery jackpot revealed
Winner of the world's largest jackpot makes himself known Includes video report By Kate Northrop The California Lottery announced the name of the record-breaking $2.04 billion Powerball jackpot today at a news conference. The winner of the world's largest lottery jackpot has finally come forward to cement his name in the history books and claim his earth-shattering prize. Lottery Director Alvin Johnson revealed the winner's name to be Edwin Castro, who declined to take part i
Feb 14, 2023, 2:54 pm - Todd - Lottery News

I wanted to take a minute to thank everyone for sharing their thoughts and feedback about the new website, whether it is a compliment, criticism, suggestion, or anything else. Please continue trying out the new website and sharing your feedback as it comes to you, as often as you like. It is incredibly helpful! Yesterday was a big day, and getting to the point of being able to launch the new preview website was a huge milestone during this amazing and difficult two-year journey. There ar
Jun 25, 2022, 8:48 am - Todd - Lottery News

$1.725 BILLION: Powerball jackpot now 2nd-largest of all time
The amusing thing is people thinking there is some kind of coordination or special thought given to the number published. Most of the time it's just some developer who when the site is first being created asks, how many decimal places should I round it off to? And so for the ones showing 1.72 billion , you know their rounding code sucks, because they just dropped the extra decimal place. It's not like some lottery executive is plotting and planning to put 1.72 billion on their website because th
Oct 11, 2023, 5:53 pm - Todd - Lottery News

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