Jacksonville Florida United States
Member #23,017
October 6, 2005
1,111 Posts
My information is correct regarding scratch ticket printing algorithms. The examples given were for the game I used as the example with the stated prize ratios. I have seen many different prize distribution ratios for $1 games. Some have top prizes as little as $50 and as high as $10,000, with various lesser prizes. Some have more upper level prizes and fewer lower prizes...some have the reverse. It all depends on how the game is set up. If you did get something that defeats the odds, then good for you.
BUT, you will not be able to do this consistently. This is where all systems or schemes fall short: the ability to beat the odds consistently.
The more you play, the more you will lose. Eventually, even if you are lucky enough to beat the odds once or twice, if you play long enough you will lose...the statistics WILL catch up to you.
Jacksonville Florida United States
Member #23,017
October 6, 2005
1,111 Posts
Quote: Originally posted by mech2009 on Nov 27, 2007
1) you will never scratch 20 2 dollar tickets with no winners. I've tested it, and you can too. The odds of that happening are over 1 in thousands. You're lying or misunderstood. I've never, ever, ever, EVER scratched even 6 2 dollar tickets and not had at least 1 winners. Sometimes more than 1.
2) The chances of getting 10 winners in a row are even more unlikely. You are lying, or misunderstood, or an alcoholic and can't remember correctly.
3) Each roll costs 300? that means there is only 15 tickets of the 20dollar tickets in a row. so false, agian.
4) 10 dollar ticket, 15 losers in a row, close to impossible. No one here, NO ONE, is likely to go buy 15 10 dollar tickets and get no winner. I MEAN NO ONE. None. Not one single person here can go to their local gas station tomorrow morning and buy 15 2 dollar tickets, scratch all 15 tickets, and not get 1 single winner. Everyone will come back and the one with the worst luck will at least have got a free ticket, which is 10 dollars worth of tickets since its a 10 dollar ticket.
5) If I go buy 200 dollars in 1 dollar tickets of 2 different kinds (100 each), I will win close to 100 dollars if not almost 200 dollars back or more. By the time I'm down, I'll have got over 100 dollars in free play from winners. I'll have played over 200 dollars in tickets, but only 100 came out of my pocket.
i'll video tape it if you want to argue about it, or find someone else to test it and video tape it. i dont care where you live or what ticket it is.
It is possible to scratch 20 $2 tickets in a row and get zero prizes..improbable but not impossible. The same goes for someone who scratches off 10 in a row all winners...improbable but not impossible. Both of these scenerios lie on opposite sides of the statistical probability curve. In the middle of this probablility curve lie the majority of the 1-out-of-3 or 1-out-of-4 set averages that most people get. Within this most probable part of the statistical curve lie the other combinations such as 2-in-a-row-winners and 2-in-a-row-losers and 3-in-a-row-winners and 3-in-a-row-losers and so on.
If you buy 200 $1 tickets and the payout averages 50% then you should get, on average $100 back. The more times you do this, the closer you will get to that statistical average. So if you are "lucky" enough to get larger prizes outside of the average odds, keep playing because the lottery will get its money back as the more you play the closer you will get back to that statistical average.
Are some ticket books "loaded" on the front half? Yes, just as some ticket books are "loaded" on the back half. That is what random does. If the lottery prints 100,000 books of tickets, some will have several in a row as winners, and conversely, several in a row as losers...front half, back half, middle, etc.
What many people do not realize is that the more you play a scratchoff game, the more statistics will even things out and get back to what the game's odds are.
If you were to buy ALL of the tickets in a scratch game (no one else had bought any), and the payout was 50%, you would be guaranteed to lose 50%.
Are some people lucky and win? Yes...the same as some people are not lucky and lose.
It is not luck when you can win against the odds consistently. Consistent over time is the key.
United States
Member #56,606
November 26, 2007
39 Posts
Quote: Originally posted by duckman on Nov 28, 2007
It is possible to scratch 20 $2 tickets in a row and get zero prizes..improbable but not impossible. The same goes for someone who scratches off 10 in a row all winners...improbable but not impossible. Both of these scenerios lie on opposite sides of the statistical probability curve. In the middle of this probablility curve lie the majority of the 1-out-of-3 or 1-out-of-4 set averages that most people get. Within this most probable part of the statistical curve lie the other combinations such as 2-in-a-row-winners and 2-in-a-row-losers and 3-in-a-row-winners and 3-in-a-row-losers and so on.
If you buy 200 $1 tickets and the payout averages 50% then you should get, on average $100 back. The more times you do this, the closer you will get to that statistical average. So if you are "lucky" enough to get larger prizes outside of the average odds, keep playing because the lottery will get its money back as the more you play the closer you will get back to that statistical average.
Are some ticket books "loaded" on the front half? Yes, just as some ticket books are "loaded" on the back half. That is what random does. If the lottery prints 100,000 books of tickets, some will have several in a row as winners, and conversely, several in a row as losers...front half, back half, middle, etc.
What many people do not realize is that the more you play a scratchoff game, the more statistics will even things out and get back to what the game's odds are.
If you were to buy ALL of the tickets in a scratch game (no one else had bought any), and the payout was 50%, you would be guaranteed to lose 50%.
Are some people lucky and win? Yes...the same as some people are not lucky and lose.
It is not luck when you can win against the odds consistently. Consistent over time is the key.
You will spend thousands and thousands before you can provide to me a video of 20 $2 tickets scratched in a row with no winner.
My point is the same and still valid.
If you buy 100 one-dollar tickets, you will play over 200 dollars in tickets or close and only spend 100 from your pocket.
If you buy 50 one-dollar tickets, or 25 2 dollar tickets, you will play at least 50 dollars more than what came out of your pocket by the time you're done.
and ect.
In conclusion, buying 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 1 dollar tickets a day or 10 dollars in 2 dollar tickets or 2 in 5 dollar and so on is foolish.
And it is cheating.
You are spending 50 to 250 dollars and playing 100 to 400 dollars in tickets. More fun. More excitment. Better odds.
United States
Member #60
October 28, 2001
455 Posts
It seems to me, you can apply that different strokes for different states philosophy to lotteries such as, the pick5. In states like Massachusetts, New York and Connecticut...When you hit on all 5 numbers. (Keep in mind some pick5 lotteries range from 35 to 45 balls) You win $100, 000. 00 Yet, in some of the southern states you only win $50, 000. 00 and the numbers may be between 39 - 45. I believe we had this discussion before some years back. I believe that states like Massachusetts, New York and Connecticut knows how to encourage business whereas, other states are simply about disenfranchising their players. If you can win $100, 000. 00 on thw Mass Cash or the TAKE5 or the CASH5 howcome you cannot win that same amount in other states. They start out ripping you off. No disrespect to this argument but, when I first started out buying scratch tickets, I was told to buy the whole book and to buy them as close to BRAINTREE, Massachusetts as possible. When I did I practically got rich. However, The books at that time were filled with 5 $100.00 winners, 7 or 8 $50's, 2 or 3 $20's and the rest were $1.00 prizes on games called: Pot-O-Gold, Lucky7, Monopoly etc... But, I was always told to wait on the first of the month and then purchase. In New York the prizes were better...You could win $5,000. 00, $10, 000. 00 etc... Massachusetts began to catch on.
Kentucky United States
Member #32,651
February 14, 2006
10,443 Posts
Quote: Originally posted by tntea on Nov 27, 2007
The tickets are 1 winner out of 4...
What does this mean...?
It means for every winner there are 3 losers..
It means that if they print 400 tickets 100 would be winners, 300 losers... Not necessarily back to back on the same roll..
It means that ticket winners (winning a free ticket) is counted as a winner of the promised 1 out of four tickets.
It means that at the printing station.. they are required to print a winner for every three losers they print.
It means that the state is willing to give back a ticket for each three they sell...
It means that people will think if they buy four tickets they will win at least 1.. That is what they want people to think...
It means that they aren't lying when are able to prove they printed a winner for every three losers.. All the winners could be on one roll..
If means that they don't have to have 75 winners on a roll of $1 tickets. (those rolls have 300 tickets on them).. They only have to prove that for every three losers a winner (of at least a ticket) was printed.
It means that the state has a lot of people suckered into these games....and that is how they want it...
It means in the long run you can never win at this game.
It means there is no possible way of cheating on scratch-offs.. you all have a better chance of guessing the PB than to figure out a way to beat the scratchoff system.
"The tickets are 1 winner out of 4..."
Exactly, but it looks like some people believe that means that every fourth ticket is a winner.
"It means that they don't have to have 75 winners on a roll of $1 tickets. (those rolls have 300 tickets on them).. They only have to prove that for every three losers a winner (of at least a ticket) was printed."
On the back of the ticket it says "overall odds" so it's possible (though highly unlikely) that one roll of 300 tickets could have 300 winners and three other rolls would have no winners.
"It means there is no possible way of cheating on scratch-offs.."
When I first saw this thread I thought it was about a scam or doing something illegal.
Jacksonville Florida United States
Member #23,017
October 6, 2005
1,111 Posts
Quote: Originally posted by Stack47 on Nov 28, 2007
"The tickets are 1 winner out of 4..."
Exactly, but it looks like some people believe that means that every fourth ticket is a winner.
"It means that they don't have to have 75 winners on a roll of $1 tickets. (those rolls have 300 tickets on them).. They only have to prove that for every three losers a winner (of at least a ticket) was printed."
On the back of the ticket it says "overall odds" so it's possible (though highly unlikely) that one roll of 300 tickets could have 300 winners and three other rolls would have no winners.
"It means there is no possible way of cheating on scratch-offs.."
When I first saw this thread I thought it was about a scam or doing something illegal.
Books and groups of tickets are printed with a certain percentage of winners in them. This is done so that each book will not have an unusually large number of winning tickets and each book will not have an unusually large number of losers.
In fact, many states will advertise that a book or pack has a "guaranteed" amount of winning tickets in that book, pack, or grouping. The number of guaranteed winners also means there will be a number of guaranteed losers in each pack.
Check out Texas' Cash Explosion $1 scratch off game. Under game features it states that "Guaranteed Total Prize Amount = $77 per pack" with a pack size being 150 tickets:
Jacksonville Florida United States
Member #23,017
October 6, 2005
1,111 Posts
Let's take the Texas' Cash Explosion $1 scratch off game and look at how it is structured:
Total Tickets Printed: 10,072,350 Total Number of Packs or Books: 67,149 Tickets Per Pack or Book: 150 Cost Per Ticket: $1.00 Guaranteed Prizes per Pack: $77
Prize Amount - # Tickets in Game - # of Packs to get this Prize - Average # in a Pack
* The "0" amounts are the prizes that are distributed throughout the many packs and groupings for the game.
In every 454 Packs (of 150 tickets each or 68,100 tickets), there will be ONE $1,000 winner. In every 861 Packs (of 150 tickets each or 129,150 tickets), there will be ONE $500 winner. In every 40 Packs (of 150 tickets each or 6,000 tickets), there will be ONE $100 winner. In every 7.5 Packs (of 150 tickets each or 1,125 tickets), there will be ONE $50 winner. For the lesser amounts, there will be (on average): 1-$20 1-$10 1-$5 and various combinations of $4, $3, $2, and $1 winners.
As is evident, the chances of consistently getting $50 and up prizes in ANY pack are poor. Even getting one $50 winner requires, on average, the purchase of $1,125 worth of tickets.
Break even? Will not happen on a consistent repeatable basis over time. If you get one of the packs that has an upper level winner, then for that time you will be in the black. That upper level winner is now out of the game for the remaining packs in that grouping distribution. You cannot consistently get an upper level winner in every pack (or in however many tickets you buy at a time, unless you buy much more than you will get back). There are not enough winning tickets to consistently make more than you put in.
Zeta Reticuli Star System United States
Member #30,469
January 17, 2006
11,851 Posts
Odds of winning any prize overall are based on all the tickets of any given game, not each pack of tickets.
What's being posted by some in this thread is the same thing as people who learn that there should be a 2 or 12 every 36 rolls of the dice, so they actually stand at a game and wait for 35 rolls to show and then bet "snake eyes and box cars".
You may not see a 12 for 144 rolls, and then see 4 of them back to back. Over the long haul there will have been one every 36 rolls, but never in a predictable sequence. The same goes for scrathers.
The house is never going to offer anything this predictable, remember that.
Those who run the lotteries love it when players look for consistency in something that's designed not to have any. So many systems, so many theories, so few jackpot winners.
There is one and only one 'proven' system, and that is to book the action. No matter the game, let the players pick their own losers.
United States
Member #56,606
November 26, 2007
39 Posts
Quote: Originally posted by duckman on Nov 28, 2007
Let's take the Texas' Cash Explosion $1 scratch off game and look at how it is structured:
Total Tickets Printed: 10,072,350 Total Number of Packs or Books: 67,149 Tickets Per Pack or Book: 150 Cost Per Ticket: $1.00 Guaranteed Prizes per Pack: $77
Prize Amount - # Tickets in Game - # of Packs to get this Prize - Average # in a Pack
* The "0" amounts are the prizes that are distributed throughout the many packs and groupings for the game.
In every 454 Packs (of 150 tickets each or 68,100 tickets), there will be ONE $1,000 winner. In every 861 Packs (of 150 tickets each or 129,150 tickets), there will be ONE $500 winner. In every 40 Packs (of 150 tickets each or 6,000 tickets), there will be ONE $100 winner. In every 7.5 Packs (of 150 tickets each or 1,125 tickets), there will be ONE $50 winner. For the lesser amounts, there will be (on average): 1-$20 1-$10 1-$5 and various combinations of $4, $3, $2, and $1 winners.
As is evident, the chances of consistently getting $50 and up prizes in ANY pack are poor. Even getting one $50 winner requires, on average, the purchase of $1,125 worth of tickets.
Break even? Will not happen on a consistent repeatable basis over time. If you get one of the packs that has an upper level winner, then for that time you will be in the black. That upper level winner is now out of the game for the remaining packs in that grouping distribution. You cannot consistently get an upper level winner in every pack (or in however many tickets you buy at a time, unless you buy much more than you will get back). There are not enough winning tickets to consistently make more than you put in.
What about the $1500 and $2500 and $3000 and $5000 and $10000 and $25,000 and $50,000 winners?
How many of them?
Can't you win up to half a million on the monopoly game? I know its over $100,000 and then another $50,000
but they got $1000 to $15000 too.
like $2000, $2500, stuff like that.
When you scratch them you always see "$1500, $2000, $3000, $5000"
So I'm assuming it is possible to win those amounts or otherwise they wouldnt come up when you scratch them, right?
I'll look it up on the site.
About your post though, if you buy 150 of those tickets you're talking about then you get to play 77 dollars more than you spent with the good chance of winning over 77 dollars (Example: 85-90, or more)
Then, once you go play those 77 dollars worth, you win lets say another 30 to 40, play that, win another 10 to 15 or more, play that, couple free tickets, play that, nothing.
So you get to play over 100 dollars more than you spent (about 120-140 est.)
Buy 150 tickets, scratch 275 <--- But only 150dollars from your pocket. More fun. Better odds. Better cheat.
You should go buy a whole pack and then play the winnings on the same ticket with the new or next book they put in.
I once met with a 20 year old african american male who worked at a gas station, planned it out, he agreed to take his percent of the tickets, and we set the date.
I walked in with a hoodie over my head away from the cameras with 2 big sweatshirts under the hoodie and 4 tshirts to make me look bigger. I raised my height with order eaters and wore a throw-away pair of shoes.
I walked in, and said "hey man...uhh...lemme get that whole roll of the 10 dollar monopoly ticket and a whole roll of the other 20 dollar monopoly ticket and the roll of those 10 dollar tickets right there"
As planned, he replied "both of them? you want both the whole rolls? you sure you can pay for it before I pull it out?"
and as planned, i replied, "me and 6 friends been saving $100 a week each for awhile now"
some more small talk and as he laid the tickets on the counter and typed in the number amount and told me my total, I put my hand on the register and pointed the tip of a bb gun at him (the tip of it), and he went into a scared shock because i quietly, calmly, very relaxed but SERIOUSly said to him (this was all planned out between me and him, he was acting to keep his job) "i'mma put one in your chest if you walk outside in less than 10 seconds after i walk out the door bro" dead in his eyes.
i ran out, he fell on the floor and grabbed his stomach and said "oh my god...s***...." and got up very quickly and grabbed the phone and called the police. (all part of the plan, we were acting for the cameras.)
by the time they got there, filed the report, and put word out, i was in a different city in different clothes with thousands of dollars in tickets and cashing them in at different locations all that night and into the next morning.
2 days after, he got 25 of each ticket for free (the two 10 dollars and the 20) that i dropped off at the location as promised.
he kept his job, i never got caught, and i still have the newspaper clippings in a hidden spot outside of this house.
I won thousands, didnt spent 1 dollar.
lol. just kidding. i was going to though.
don't go getting no bright ideas anyone. they have satellites in the sky that they use to give the FBI information, then when they catch you, they make up other excuses of how they got you IF you ask. Sometimes it is a witness (one of their own), sometimes its other methods.
you will get caught. they can see you walk out, get into the car, drive, where you drive too, and even your license plate.
United States
Member #56,606
November 26, 2007
39 Posts
Quote: Originally posted by Coin Toss on Nov 28, 2007
Odds of winning any prize overall are based on all the tickets of any given game, not each pack of tickets.
What's being posted by some in this thread is the same thing as people who learn that there should be a 2 or 12 every 36 rolls of the dice, so they actually stand at a game and wait for 35 rolls to show and then bet "snake eyes and box cars".
You may not see a 12 for 144 rolls, and then see 4 of them back to back. Over the long haul there will have been one every 36 rolls, but never in a predictable sequence. The same goes for scrathers.
The house is never going to offer anything this predictable, remember that.
If you're right, provide me a video of you scratching over 20 1 dollar monopoly tickets with no winners, live on camera.
I believe, there COULD be a 1 out of 10 chance to scratch 10 in a row with no winner if you buy a whole book, i believe that.
but never 20 losing tickets in a row in the same book.
they don't print them like that.
i don't believe it. and I won't until you prove it to me with a video of 20 tickets in a row, all losers, same book, same ticket.
you will spend thousands before you can provide me with the video :|
United States
Member #56,606
November 26, 2007
39 Posts
"About your post though, if you buy 150 of those tickets you're talking about then you get to play 77 dollars more than you spent with the good chance of winning over 77 dollars (Example: 85-90, or more)
Then, once you go play those 77 dollars worth, you win lets say another 30 to 40, play that, win another 10 to 15 or more, play that, couple free tickets, play that, nothing.
So you get to play over 100 dollars more than you spent (about 120-140 est.)
Buy 150 tickets, scratch 275 <--- But only 150dollars from your pocket. More fun. Better odds. Better cheat."