CashWinner$'s Blog

Coulter Quote

"I'm more of a man than any liberal." ~ Ann Coulter ~

Entry #131

Bancroft Quote

Many things are revealed to the trained eye; more things than an ingénue

could possibly even grasp.       ~ Bancroft ~

Entry #127

Ahhh .. Men .. LoL

Eleven people were hanging on a rope, under a helicopter.
10 men and 1 woman.
The rope was not strong enough to carry them all, so they decided that
one had to leave, because otherwise they were all going to fall.
They weren't able to choose that person, until the woman gave a very
touching speech.
She said that she would voluntarily let go of the rope, because, as a
woman, she was used to giving up everything for her husband and kids or
for men in general, and was used to always making sacrifices with little
in return.

As soon as she finished her speech, all the men started CLAPPING . . . .


Entry #126

Breaking News ::

Congressman Anthony Weiner just announced he will run for President

and has selected Attorney General Eric Holder as his Vice-Presidential

running mate.  Weiner-Holder in 2012. 

Entry #124


Entry #123

E l i t i s m

Liberals believe in egalitarianism. They don't often get called on it, though, because no one bothers to defend elitism—but you should. Ask a liberal, "So you really disapprove of competition and hierarchy and achievement and want everything to be equal do you?

Well, answer me this, if you were president and you needed a handful of troops to do a delicate, dangerous job, who would you turn to—a unit of racially and sexually and disability diverse troops or the elite: Special Forces, Navy Seals, Delta Force? When you watch football, assuming you're willing to watch something so violent and competitive, do you want to watch the elite, the best of the best, the professionals who made it to the NFL on the basis of their talent and training, or a United Nations coordinated rainbow coalition of teams drawn from men and women from around the world to make it a truly global unisex game? Or suppose you needed serious surgery, would you prefer the operation to be done by a surgeon with years of practice behind him, drawn from the elite of the medical profession, or by a deserving recent immigrant, selected for the task as a result of the new Obamafair™ social justice program designed to boost the self-esteem of low-skill workers while simultaneously combating society's sexist, racist, elitist hegemony?" Just wondering….

Entry #122