MonEl's Blog

SemiUniversal Filtration System and Fast Boot Time.

First, my new fast boot time:

23 Seconds from the time the Pc is turned on till everything has finshed booting, really everything finished booting in about 18 seconds, but that program waited about 5 more seconds to show that little window, maybe there was some internal Pc stuff that I could not see.



Filter programs have a finite number of filters on them, to enable more filtration you can do like this:

There are a few programs that let you SUBSTRACT - DELETE-REPLACE pick 3 numbers.

For example from loaded or a preloaded list of pick 3 numbers you load a second list of pick 3 numbers, any pick 3 numbers from the 2nd list that the program finds on the first list are deleted.

It is like a sort of find and replace function, but the pick 3 numbers that it finds are replaced with nothing, they are just deleted-erased.

Which programs can do such things?

I have not found any freeware progras that can do that, bbut it would be nice if somebody would make one of those.

For paid or commercial programs:

The "Crunch"

The "Crunch 3"

Number Combination Slasher

If there are any other softwares that can do that kind of filtration I don't know about them.

Here I have some groups of boxed numbers that can be used for stats and filtration, but other groups are also possible:

This would be "Fernando's (LANTERN'S) SemiUniversal Complementary Filter System"

I know, that many or maybe even most people will not understand this, so it is for that few that might understand it, if there are any of those.

Even-Odd-Low-High = 4 Patterns


012 014 016 018 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 034 036 038 045 046 047 048 049 124 126 128 146 148 234 236 238 245 246 247 248 249 346 348


056 058 067 068 069 078 089 168 256 258 267 268 269 278 289 368 456 458 467 468 469 478 489 568 678 689


013 015 017 019 035 037 039 123 125 127 129 134 135 136 137 138 139 145 147 149 235 237 239 345 347 349


057 059 079 156 157 158 159 167 169 178 179 189 257 259 279 356 357 358 359 367 369 378 379 389 457 459 479 567 569 578 579 589 679 789
High-Low = 4 Patterns
056 057 058 059 067
068 069 078 079 089
156 157 158 159 167
168 169 178 179 189
256 257 258 259 267
567 568 569 578 579
268 269 278 279 289
356 357 358 359 367
368 369 378 379 389
456 457 458 459 467
468 469 478 479 489
589 678 679 689 789
015 016 017 018 019
025 026 027 028 029
035 036 037 038 039
045 046 047 048 049
125 126 127 128 129
012 013 014 023 024
135 136 137 138 139
145 146 147 148 149
235 236 237 238 239
245 246 247 248 249
345 346 347 348 349
034 123 124 134 234
Even-Odd = 4 Patterns
012 014 016 018 023
025 027 029 034 036
038 045 047 049 056
058 067 069 078 089
124 126 128 146 148
024 026 028 046 048
168 234 236 238 245
247 249 256 258 267
269 278 289 346 348
368 456 458 467 469
478 489 568 678 689
068 246 248 268 468
013 015 017 019 035
037 039 057 059 079
123 125 127 129 134
136 138 145 147 149
156 158 167 169 178
135 137 139 157 159
189 235 237 239 257
259 279 345 347 349
356 358 367 369 378
389 457 459 479 567
569 578 589 679 789
179 357 359 379 579
In-Out = 4 Patterns
034 035 036 037 045
046 047 056 057 067
134 135 136 137 145
146 147 156 157 167
234 235 236 237 245
345 346 347 356 357
246 247 256 257 267
348 349 358 359 368
369 378 379 458 459
468 469 478 479 568
569 578 579 678 679
367 456 457 467 567
013 014 015 016 017
023 024 025 026 027
038 039 048 049 058
059 068 069 078 079
123 124 125 126 127
012 018 019 028 029
138 139 148 149 158
159 168 169 178 179
238 239 248 249 258
259 268 269 278 279
389 489 589 689 789
089 128 129 189 289
Bala-Nced = 4 Patterns
012 014 015 018 024
025 028 045 048 058
123 126 127 129 134
135 138 146 147 149
156 157 159 168 178
124 125 128 145 148
189 234 235 238 246
247 249 256 257 259
268 278 289 345 348
358 456 457 459 468
478 489 568 578 589
158 245 248 258 458
013 016 017 019 023
026 027 029 034 035
038 046 047 049 056
057 059 068 078 089
136 137 139 167 169
036 037 039 067 069
179 236 237 239 267
269 279 346 347 349
356 357 359 368 378
389 467 469 479 567
569 579 678 689 789
079 367 369 379 679

If somebody makes such freeware tool as it is needed I might explain in more detail this my "SemiUniversal Complementary Filter System".

Entry #16

Computer Boot Time.

Everything that has to load slows down the boot time.

If like me, you have a low level kernel "Restore" like program that boots in before anything else does and also a multi-boot system (many boot-able partitions) and then a firewall and other programs that auto-start with Windows, then your boot-time might be a little slower than with a clean one partition Windows installation.

Anyhow, everything takes less than 1 minute to boot-load from the time that the computer is turned on, so it is not too bad:

Boot time picture

Before it gives the little window in the center it does wait for everything to load, including any and all auto-start programs that you might have, if any, likes those that show up on the bar that is down on the right corner of the desktop and any others.

I use Sygate 5.5 as other newer versions of that firewall are resource hogs and take way too long to load.

So at this time it is 40 seconds from the time that I turn the computer on.

Entry #15

Win XP Pro SP3 Services Tweak Reg File. Pro SP3 Services Registry File.reg

Good for about 7 days.

Every Windows operating system has something called "Services" that is not something that most people need to care about, of course.

If you want to know more about it use a search engine and type on it:

Black Viper, he talks a lot about it there.

Anyhow based on the Black Viper and a tool that he provides on his site I made this registry keys patch that tweaks the Win XP Pro SP3 services, it might make Win XP Pro SP3 work just a little faster and might also make it more secure, but it will also turn the Windows updates off and also turn the security center off.

If you have your own firewall installed you won't need the security center being on.

And you can always make manual updates if you want to.

The reg file might make a little harder for things getting inside your Pc and for things inside to "call home".

You shoul still download and install a good firewall such as the:

Sygate Personal Firewall 5.5, it is freeware:

That is the very same firewall that I use for Win XP.


The registry patch wil also turn off "Restore" on Win XP and it will tweak most of the services.

But don't worry if you don't like the changes that it makes  I will later post a less severe registry file that will turn back on "Restore" , security service and Windows updates, but that will keep many of the other tweaks on it.

Entry #13

Portable programs.

Whenever possible I try to use portable versions of programs, for example, among the many portable programs that I use are Firefox and Irfanview, why install them if you don't have to? Many portable programs don't leave junk in your computer, if you ever don't want them anymore all that you need to do is delete them, installed programs have to be uninstalled and when you do that, many or most of them leave left-over trash in your computer.

You can't find portable versions of all the programs only of some of them.

A person who knows enough about how software works and or how software is made might be able to make many programs portable or at least some of them.

I know next to nothing about such, yet I have been able to make some few programs portable, including 3 lottery programs, two of them seem to now be fully portable and one of them is semi-portable.

I of course can't tell you which programs I made portable nor can I tell you how I did it, because I could maybe get in trouble, I will use the portable versions only for myself, because I don't want to get in trouble.

If I knew much more than I do, maybe I could make most programs portable, or at least very many more than I can make right now.

I think that at least most freeware programs should be made portable.

Whenever it is possible I try to use freeware instead of shareware (commercial).

There are some few people out there who can make most programs portable, I am not one of them.

Entry #12

A Picture Of Another Young Woman, "Fixed"

It doesn't need too much fixing.


The original image:



The "fixed" image:

It is like giving the picture images a sort of "make-up". this picture unlike the last-one does look natural enough.

In order to see them better you need to download them, because the Lottery Post here cuts them off if they are too big.

I still don't make perfect fixings and never will.

I will again say that I use a freeware program called "Irfanview" is is a very good picture image viewer.

You will be able to see very many kinds of images with it.

Entry #11

Young Blond Woman, Before and After "Fixing" the Image.

The original picture downloaded from the Internet:

Blond Woman

The "fixed" Image:

Yes, after so much "fixing" it doesn't look natural anymore and of course it is not, incredible, what can be done with software.

I did all the "fixing" by myself, same as with all the other downloaded photos.

It isn't so much myself, but the softwares.

Entry #10

I tried fixing another picture (Not the same one).

The first one is the before:

Woman Picture


Fixing a picture so much, does take away detail (clarity) away from the original picture, at least in the way that I am doing it, there is a trade-off, when you clean the face, of course that you take the original details away from the picture.

Woman fixed

Not too good, but not too bad either. The pictures "fixed" in this way don't look so natural anymore.

Entry #9

I worked 3 more times on the picture of Nicole.

I don't know which of these last 3 fixings is the best of them, but maybe the one that has the watermark on it.

I won't work any more after this on that particular original picture of Nicole the one with the make-up powder face on it, after the fixing all the powder make up is gone not to mention everything else.

The original picture is on the blog post before this one, well so much for Nicole.




I reduced this picture from 100% in size to 70%  or 75% to make a little more in size like the first-one above.

But I guess that I reduced it too much, should had been maybe 80%

Making them larger and or smaller also takes away clarity from the photos.

The original wa kind of small.

So the pictures have been changed in size several times already.



This picture was also reduced from 100% to about 70% 0r 75% again it should had been maybe about 80% only, none are exactly the same, that is the touch-ups on them are not exactlyu the same, but they all come form the very same original Nicole powder make-up on face photo that it is on the blog entry before this one, to me it is hard to say which of these 3 pictures looks best, but maybe the first one the one that has the watermark on it, but they all look much better than the original picture, I think.

I guess that touching up pictures works O.K, unless the original picture is too bad, then a professional touch-up service or person might be needed or somebbody who is very good at it.

Entry #8

Touch Up A Picture, 4 Pictures In Progression. (Nicole).

A 3 steps touch-up progression of a source picture that I downloaded from the Internet.

Nicole Original

The original picture, powder face make-up of Nicole, take a good look at it.


Nicole 2

Nicole, 1st fix and much bigger picture.


Nicole 3

Nicole, second fix of the original picture and much bigger than the first one.


Now, next are the pictures of the 2nd and the 3rd and last fix, but they are smaller and it has a watermark also, otherwise we could see that the last picture looks best:

Nicole last fix

The one on the Lth was the 2nd touch up fix and the one on the Rth is the very last and 3rd fix.

No more powder make-up face as on the very first picture, too bad that the picture was made smaller by the program and that it put a watermark on it, WOW that Nicole good looking.


Too bad that people can't be made to look better that easy.

But the years don't pass by in vain.

Entry #7

Making Faces? Face Make-Up software.

The old kind of drawing as was seen on the movies and or on the T.V, very cheap looking:

I guess that it might still be used somewhere.


Some software they sell for about $4, 000.00 or more.

Those who can draw good by hand can do much better and cheaper.



This needs some improvement also, I don't see a way of putting any hair on it.

Also as good as it is, it and it is, it does need to have more control of the elements that make-up a face.

And you can't put hats, hair, Etc on the faces and also as I said it needs even a few more controls of the features of the faces than it already has.


As you can see I am new at making faces and I am not so good at it, so far anyway.

Some other softwares are quicker at making stuff like this, but we can't get them and if we could it might cost way too much money to buy such softwares.

And what about the eyes? I so no way of making the eyes.

This is a trial that I am using, but the full version might maybe be exactly the same, I am not sure.

Entry #6

Picure Image (Photo) Touch-Up Software.

Is it magic?

It is not perfect, it needs some impovement, but it is not bad, it does help a lot.

I got the photo from the Internet, the first or before is before the software works on it.

It is not completely automatic, it does require some work, but not too much.

It does need to be made a little better, cause as we can see the "Fixing" of the photo is not perfect with the program as it is right now.

Lady Has Acne


Face with a little acne

The program and myself didn't do much fixing on this-one as there was no need for it.

That is, I could have tried to fix it a little better, but didn't take the time to do it.

That software is O.K. but does need to be made just a little better yet, as seen on the first picture above and I tried hard on that-one to fix it better.

In order to do a better job, I need to also use another software after first using this one.


It is a trial, that is why it has a "WaterMark" on the "Fixed" images, also the images can't be saved on the trial version, but I saved them anyway in order to show them here.

Entry #5

Possible Trojans on some lottery programs.

stoopendaal has made some lottery programs some free and some not.

I use several antimalware programs on my computer to check programs with.

I have to do that, because no one program finds everything.

While some of those programs don't find any malware on stoopendaal's programs a few of them do find trojans on some of his programs.


Thru the years I have tested dozens of lottery programs for malware using many antimalware programs and most of those lottery programs came out clean.

But on quite a few of those  programs made by stoopendaal a few antimalwares find trojans and it has been like that for many years.

Because only some of the antimalware programs find trojans on them I don't know for sure if they do have trojans or not.

Remember, not each of the antimalwares finds everything.

But also remember that some antimalwares do give a few fault positives.

Either way, use any software at your own risk.

If it was just one antimalware giving positives I would say that they were false, but it is more than one program that give positives and it isn't just one of stoopendaal's programs that come out positive, but at least half of them do.

That doesn't mean that you can't or should not use them, just use them at your own risk.

Good Luck!


This is just one small sample for one of stoopendaal's programs of what the programs show but they show that for many of his programs and a few antimalware programs report such things.

Name    LTG.exe
Location    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\OtherLottery Programs\0IntelBet\LTG
Size    292 KB
Time    2.9 days ago (2013-06-25 16:00:12)
Entropy    6.7
Product    LTG
Description    LTG
Copyright    Copyright ©  2012
SHA-256    55FB04B656B088A5F6FF865133FA5CCA106315F408549B79DF8E9F8A96C40AD1

Detection Names
Ikarus    Trojan.Win32.Comitsproc!IK

Scoring (103.0)
One or more antivirus vendors have indicated that the file is malicious.
Time indicates that the file appeared recently on this computer.
Authors name is missing in version info. This is not common to most programs.

Entry #4

Some Interesting Internet sites.

First of all if you want to check your firewall you can go here:

And go to "Services" to ShieldsUP!

Or you can go to:


To test you Internet speed there are many places for example:




Speed Test

That was mine just a few minutes ago, not too fast, but not too slow either.


About firewalls, well I had made a mistake, I made some changes to the operating system like disabling too many "Services" and at least one of them I should not had.

If you are not going to use the "Windows firewall" you should yes, turn it off and then disable the "Security Center", but be very carefull and don't disable any other services unless you are sure that you know what you are doing.

Security Center Disable

Go to Start then to Settings then to Control Panel then to Administrative Tools then to Services.

Then to Security Center.

Yes, I have my WinXP set the same as I had my old Win98SE more or less, the classic settings.


So I was wrong and the Sygate firewall is again working just fine, it is a very old firewall, kind of almost antique and yet it is the best firewall that there is anywhere on the world for WinXP and also for Win98SE.

It is state of the art, nothing but nothing still matches it, even the very newest firewalls are dirt when compared to the Sygate firewall and I am using the free version that is not as good as the pay registered version.

When they made the Sygate firewalls they broke the mold, no other forewall has ever been made that it is as good as it.

All that you have to do to it is install it and that is it.

But if you want to make it just a little better you can make at least 2 firewall rules.

By  the way even after so very many years you can still find the free version and download it.

It works for WinXP, and Win98SE I don't know if it would work for Windows 7 or 8.

Anyhow, if you want to set rules (But you don't have to, it works just great as it is).

Click on the firewall icon on the tray then goto:

"Tools", then to "Advanced Rules", then to Click on "Add", then on "Rule Description" put anything, give the rule a name, like "Block All In and Out".

Then click on "Hosts" and click on "All Addresses" that is chose that option, then click on "Ports and Protocols" then on "Protocol" chose "All" and then click on "O.K."

Now all trafic in and out of your Pc is blocked, nothing comes in nor out.

Now you need to make just one more rule, one that will let your browser go out (Outbound) of your Pc into the Internet.

Make one more rule in about the same way and move it all the way up so it is the very first rule, otherwise youir browser won't be able to go out into the Internet.

Tools to Advanced rules Make a name for the rule like "Let browser go outbound" then press on "Add" and chose "Allow this trafic" then go to "Hosts" "All Addresses" then "Ports and Protocols" and chose "TCP" and "Trafic Direction" "Outgoing" then go to "Applications" and find your bowser there the name of your browser like for mine it would be "Firefox" put a Check Mark to the left of Firefox and then click on O.K. and that is it.

Make sure that you move the Firefox rule all the way up or make it first otherwise you won't bbe able to get on the Internet.

Very easy right? Now you have the very most secure browser in the whole world.

And for free.

Entry #3

WinXP, Firewalls, Internet Sites, operating systems and software.

I am using Win XP, it is not bad, but I was using an old firewall, sygate, the free version, it was very good for very many years, but now many Internet sites and or people go thru it as if it wasn't there at all.

It was the best free firewall that I could find for very many years and I had tested very many free firewalls.

But it didn't last forever,

I have now tested several other free firewalls all over again as I did years ago.

Since I have WinXP first of all I had to disable and stop the  Wndows firewall and the "Security Center" as many firewalls that I tested would not work otherwise.

All the firewalls are very intrusive and if you disable that, they don't protect right.

I found one that can be set to be somewhat better than the others, it is a little less intrusive and it protects better.

With the Sygate firewall that only way that I can get good protection nowdays it is if I make some "Rules" that restrict all the trafic in and out of the computer other than that of my Firefox browser going outbound and stop it from acting as a server.

But Internet sites are such nowdays that like that they only let you go to their front page and you can't go in any more.

People and Internet sites do get into your Pc if you let them.

Your Pc  and or operating system tries to get out and call home.

Software that you use tries to read your screen (Desktop) and also read your keyboard and also tries to get out and call home.

Some might look in your Pc and then call home.

How do I know? The firewall tells me and also another security program that is on my Pc.

Microsoft has made the operating system that way and also people who make software and also many of those who make Internet sites.

Too bad, I sure liked that old and free Sygate firewall, it was the very best of them all.

I won't say which firewall I am using right now, but it is a free version that is about 4 years old and seem to be better than many new and old firewalls for my WinXP Pc and me.

Sure, maybe nothing will keep everything out and in unless you block everthing.

Too bad that I never tried to learn enough about networks and Internet connections and protocols.

But I do know a few things about compuiters and mostly about Win98Se and WinXP.

But I no longer use a Win98SE Pc.

2 Comments (Locked)
Entry #2