csfb's Blog

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365 days or a year ago today, I became LotteryPost member #15,582.  So far, I've  posted 67 times and blogged 13 times.  I will celebrate when I reach my hundredth post.

There are now 39,681 members and counting - more than 100% increase.  It would be interesting to see how many members there are a year from today.  For the first time, I am predicting something - 69,370 members a year from today.  That is my  conservative prediction.

To celebrate my first year anniversary, I'm buying 365 lotto numbers.  Yikes, I doubt I can bring myself to do that.  36 numbers, is more like it.

Cheers everyone, have a winning weekend!


Entry #13


Scams, my friends, come in all forms.  Be careful not to fall victim. 

See ya'...

Entry #12

American Idol

Watched American Idol last nite.  Ace Young finally got the boot.  I thought he was  boring so that was no surprise.

I'm rooting for  Pickler or Mcphee.  Chris Daughtry has got a powerful voice.  If he makes it, good for him.  Yamin, I like him too, but he seems to be the hesitant performer.

Paris, she'll be a successful singer one day.  She's only 16.  Taylor Hicks.  I don't know about this guy.  He reminds me of Jay Leno with a way much better voice.

Simon Cowell?  The incorrigible Simon Cowell, was the reason I watch American Idol.  Now he's getting to be boring.

I'm getting boring myself.  See ya'...

Entry #11

Illegal Aliens

Illegal Aliens.  There is so much volatile energy going on about them.  Who are they?

Before I say anything about them, who am I?  Who am I to even talk about them.

Suffice it to say, that I could have been one of them; but instead, I chose to be a legal alien.  I chose to immigrate the right way.  The wait was long, about 17 years.  But so what if the wait is long.  That makes the reward of U. S. citizenship even more precious.

I am now a proud American citizen and love dearly the country of my choice.  I believe I have achieved or am achieving the great American dream which millions and millions of people all over the world can only dream of.  Among other things that I have achieved, I am a licensed attorney, admitted to practice law in a state jurisdiction, some U. S. district courts, AND the U.S. Supreme Court.

I am proud of things I achieve because they are the fruits of honest labor.  Believe it or not, it is simpler and easier to do things legally than illegally.  Besides, you sleep better.

So, who are these illegal aliens?  We have 2 kinds, basically:  The "documented illegal aliens" and the "undocumented illegal aliens".

The documented illegal aliens start out as legal aliens.  They are those that come to the country with non-immigrant visas, such as tourist visas, business visas, student visas, etc.  These are temporary visas with expiration dates.  Holders of these visas choose to stay in the country beyond the expiration dates of their visas, thus becoming the "documented illegal aliens".  Government has a record of them.

On the other hand, the undocumented illegal aliens are those hundreds we see everyday crossing the U. S. borders, by foot or otherwise.  They avoid going through customs because they have no "documents".  Sometimes they are caught and summarily sent  back where they came from.  Some get through and blend with the population.  The undocumented illegal aliens are also the hundreds of boat people who attempt to reach U. S. shores.  They come from near and far, as we sometimes see them unfold on live television.

Sometimes, the U.S. government gives special treatment to some illegal aliens for some special reasons after careful study (or maybe powerful lobby?).  We see this with the boat people coming from Cuba, for example. 

Emotions are presently high as the U.S. government is trying to find a solution for those that are already here, and those coming from south of the border down Mexico way.  For me, security for the country and compassion for them is top on my list.  Any suggestions?


Entry #10


Lottomike has started a topic in the forums, "constant criticism".  It is a very valid concern that he points out:  some people seem to be just lurking to pounce on someone to ciriticize or put down, if they can.  I have noticed this too.  For me, it would be difficult to get me rattled in whatever shape or form.  I do not allow it.   

There is one poster that seems to be raving and ranting, and ranting and raving all the time.  He is never normal.   I avoid his posts 'cause he makes me dizzy!  I do not want to be dizzy, so I just avoid him.

There is one poster who pretends to be an expert in every field.  Though he makes it a point to say he is not an expert, he goes on to write the little he knows and editorializes as though he were an expert in the field.  Little does he know, that he knows so little.  And more often than not, he is in error.  To him, I pass on one of my favorite quotations:  "A little learning is a dangerous thing, drink deep or taste not the pierein spring."  (Alexander Pope)

Tomorrow is megamillions day.  Yes.  Good luck to all. 

Entry #9

The doctrine of

For the past few days, the issue of immigration has taken center stage.  Protesters all over the nation have gone to the streets calling attention to immigration reforms.  A few have brazenly waved some foreign flags.  I have my very personal views on this matter, albeit biased, I being an immigrant myself.  For the moment however, I just want to bring to the fore, the doctrine of "jus soli".

Yes, I have been bugged by this doctrine for sometime now - anybody born in the United States is a natural-born U.S. citizen.  No matter who his parents are, he is a citizen by reason of place of birth. 

So now, I am looking at this couple ahead of me, at the supermart, speaking a foreign language, with 4 children in tow, paying a cartful of goods with gov't coupons.  My mind starts reeling with questions:  Were the children born here?  How come they have gov't coupons?  The couple looked so robust and healthy, certainly, they could find work?  How much are they receiving for child welfare?  Four children would add up to about $1500-2000 a month?  How about health and medical benefits?  Is the government actually spoiling them, and enabling them to be dependent on handouts?  Is the gov't actually enticing foreigners, undocumented or not, to come here to the USA, by way of very generous government benefits? 

How about the loyalties of the parents?  Should they not come into play when considering whether or not to grant their children citizenship by reason of "jus soli"? Children usually assimilate the prejudices of the parents... Should we at least put some limitations on the use of this doctrine?  Like disallowing citizenship to children of parents with known terrorist ties? 

Should our lawmakers re-visit the doctrine of "jus soli"?




Entry #8

It's a whole new sphere...

Blogoshpere.  Yes, the whole new world of bloggers:  Political bloggers, literary bloggers, picture bloggers, anonymous bloggers, etc.

Whoever started blogging, perhaps had no idea how it would catch on, like wild fire, across the globe.

Blogging anonymously?  I like that.  I blog when I need to get out from the cares of the real world.  Sort of escaping, like I used to do when I was a kid.  Back then, I would run to the public library, which was conveniently located near our home.  I would get a couple of books, find a quiet, empty, bottom bookshelf, crawl in, and read the time away.  I was off to fantasy land.

Last night, some lucky guy in Missouri hit the Powerball jackpot  of $224.2M.  If he chooses the cash option, he gets about $70M after taxes.  A very hefty sum.  Congratulations to the lucky one.

For me, in the event I win, I will assign my prize to a revocable private trust created solely for this particular asset.  35-45% of it will go to a charitable foundation that I will put up.  My first project through this foundation will be a learning center for the gifted child.  It will be a top of the art center, open to all gifted children...

I better close here, lest I ramble on and Todd gets alarmed.  'Till next time.

Entry #7

It is over

Yes, by tomorrow, my vacation is over.  Tomorrow, I go back to my other abode. 

I have 2 goals for this 2nd quarter of 2006.  I gave myself 'till end of June to accomplish these goals.  I have printed them up and when I get home, I will tuck this print on my bulletin board to remind me what my goals are.

Yesterday, I parked my car on the curve alongside our building.  When I went to my car, I noticed a streak of red paint on the left front side of my car.  Upon closer scrutiny, I saw part of my car's white paint was also scraped off.  Some red vehicle must have done it.  Hopefully, I could erase that red paint and shiny up the scraped white paint so they wouldn't be noticeable.  I'll do that when I get home.  Yes, my real home - where I have a real garage that I can work in.  Here, where I'm at right now,  residents have carports only and of course, restrictions.  In fact, you can't park on the curve for more than 2 hours, unless you have a permit from the city.

Watched "The Apprentice"  last night.  Donald Trump looked fuller.  Perhaps because life is going great for him -  he just had a bouncing baby boy with his beautifule wife, Melania. 

"Til next time, see yah ...

Entry #6

I don't know yet

It's almost the end of the first quarter of this year and I haven't accomplished anything yet, it seems. At least I'm ahead with my spring cleaning. I managed to sort out my clothes. Most need to go. Either they've shrunk or I became 2 inches fuller.

News said, Andrew Card resigned, Bolten in. I don't know about that. They belong to the same inner circle. But, we will see.

Casper Weinberger dead at 88 years old. Now, there's a good man. He served his country well. With integrity.

My e-mail read: "Help put us over the top." Ken Mehlman, RNC Chairman.
I don't know about that, Ken. I need a boost in the arm to continue supporting him- son of upright true Americans, husband of a lovely, very effective white lady. I see him plodding along with dogged stubbornness. Right now, I'm on inactive mode.

Well now, what am I rambling about...

Entry #5

odds and ends

Just came from visiting USAMEGA. I have 4 sections in that site that I usually visit: Results, News, Jackpot Analysis, and PowerSearch. Love 'em!

Last nite, I dreamt... Had my nails done. Manicurist meticulously trimmed my nails in triangular form, then cut the tips straight flat. She put 3 tiny pink dots on each nail. I asked her, "How much do I owe?" She looked up and said, "$2.99."

"$2.99!", I exclaimed. "For you, $1.49," she replied.
"$1.49!", I exclaimed again. Then handed her $4.00.

Gosh, what a weird dream.

Walked along the beach yesterday. Saw this young couple with their 5-6 yr. old kid. Mom was carrying a pail half filled with water. I peaked in the pail and saw 2 tiny octopuses swimming very slowly.   Dad was stooped on a small pond quietly moving a rock and pulling some algae, looking for more helpless creatures. Kid was patiently watching.   Not far from us was a big posted sign that warned against picking any shells, crabs, fish or any living creatures, algae, rocks. etc.   Wow, what a selfish and blatant disregard for rules, I thought. When that kid grows up, he'll be doing the same thing he saw his Dad doing.

Entry #4


Guys, below my entry are the words, Edit/Delete/Lock or Unlock.  Can anyone tell me what the words lock or unlock mean?  Which button should I press?Thanks

When it comes to computers,  I am just an amateur.  I had a tutor from India.  He was very good with computers, very smart, but I had a hard time learning.

Thanks and good night.

Entry #3

About Nothing

I am keyboarding this from my vacation home. I'm on vacation and will be for a few days. That means I will be visiting LotteryPost, my favorite website, more than usual. I just came from the forums. I enjoy reading the various posts. In fact, I have a growing list of favorite posters.   

I have a habit of profiling. When I'm talking to someone on the phone that I haven't met in person, I try to form a mental image of him/her. Same here in the forums. I profile the posters as to age, gender, education, and IQ. Eventually, somehow, I discover that I'm quite correct or very wrong in my profile of that person.

For example, I had profiled Chewie as between 35 - 45 years old, male, graduate of CSU, with above average IQ.

What is CSU, you ask?

Another of my favorite is Weshar. But I'll talk about him later. Hope he wouldn't mind. You see, it was through his blog that I got interested in the forums. And he does not even know it.

Well, good nite everyone. Tonite is Megamillions! Don't forget to buy your tickets.

Entry #2


I'm getting more and more amazed at how good this website.  It's user-friendly.  It has various features that I can look at depending on my mood.  I can easily access USAMEGA, my favorite site for powerball and megamillions.

Tonite, I even got a private message in my own private inbox!  My first one.  Never bothered about this feature before.  This is my first bog entry, too.

 I come to Lottery Post to de-stress myself and get away from the real world.  Here I can think aloud while wearing the cloak of anonymity...

Won $3.00 from powerball.  Hit #23, the powerball.  Last year, I hit the same number.   I have 7 powerball tickets, advance play till 3/22.  Good nite.  All is quiet on the western front.

Entry #1
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