amber124's Blog

This is just too funny!

People feel entitled. It's my time, this is my show now blah blah blah blah blah no! If you rape girls, you have no business being anywhere near the highest justice system post on planet Earth! The average 99.9% of the masses aren't running for the highest seat in the Justice Department!

It's not the same as Michael Savage wood

Entry #46

Fake or real?

Either this is fake with very very good actors and actresses, or a real section of reality playing out.


Entry #35

LOL at Republicans pointing fingers at democrats for being violent,amp.html,amp.html


By posting fake Flyers, you are inciting violence. You people always harp on Maxine Waters for inciting violence when she doesn't. But that's where the difference comes to light, most of you right wingers, especially the not jobs, don't get it and never will.


There are a lot of stupid people in this world and they'll believe what those flyers were imagine all the harm that has already been done. Pathetic Hypocrites you all are!

Entry #33