Wheeler's Blog

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Previous Draw

I took Kansas' Saturday nite's 163 and did the rundown horizontialy:163274385496507618729830941052

Then I did this: 163,632,327,274,743,438,385,854,549



Now I am going to wait tonite to see if I will hit anything. I did the above using May 2 216 and I hit the 163 I haven't played this for real yet.

Last week I bought a P3 QP for 7 days. I had 193 The 9(6) was upsidedown

Entry #19

Name Changer

A friend sent me this the other day.

If you want to have some fun with your name and your friends names here is a list of names and instructions Take the 3rd letter of your first name and find the name that goes with the letter.

Here is a list of names beginning with the 3rd letter of a first name

a = snickle
b = doombah
c = goober
d = cheesey
e = crusty
f = greasy
g = dumbo
h = farcus
i = dorky
j = doofus
k = funky
l = boobie
m = sleezy
n = sloopy
o = fluffy
p = stinky
q = slimy
r = dorfus
s = snooty
t = tootsie
u = dipsy
v = sneezy
w = liver
x = skippy
y = dink y
z = zippy

2. Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half of your new last name:

a = dippin
b = feather
c = b atty
d = burger
e = chicken
f = barffy
g = lizard
h = waffle
i = farkle
j = monkey
k = flippin
l = fricken
m = bubble
n = rhino
o = potty
p = hamster
q = buckle
r = gizzard
s = lickin
t = snickle
u = chuckle
v = pickle
w = hubble
x = dingle
y = gorilla
z = girdle

3. Use the third letter of your last name to determine the second half of your new last name:
a = butt
b = boob
c = face
d = nose
e = hump
f = breath
g = pants
h = shorts
i = lips
j = honker
k = he a d
l = tush
m = chunks
n = dunkin
o = brains
p = biscuits
q = toes
r = doodle
s = fanny
t = sniffer
u = sprinkles
v = frack
w = squirt
x = humperdinck
y = hiney
z = juice

Using my name I became Boobie Dippindunk

Now I am going to use Wheeler and see what I come up with: Crusty Waffle Hump

Now i am going to see what Wheeler would be using all the letters of Wheeler. But only using the first list




E=Hump (from 3rd list)




So now I would be Liver Farcus Crusty Hump Fricken Chicken Dorfus

There is a name changer in the Captain Poopypants web site. It will give you different names than what is here

Have fun

Entry #18


834 934 844 835 846 345 315

945 045 955 946 957 456 204

056 156 166 057 068 567 193

167 267 277 168 179 678 082

278 378 388 279 280 789 971

389 489 499 380 391 890 860

490 590 500 491 402 901 759

501 601 611 502 513 012 648

612 712 722 713 624 123 537

723 823 833 834 735 234 426

The  above is the RD using 834 

Entry #17

-/+ Feb 07

02/01/07 654 NH
02/02/07 289 NH
02/03/07 412 NH
02/04/07 669 NH
02/05/07 086 NH
02/06/07 974 H
02/07/07 218 H
02/08/07 954 H W/RVL2D
02/09/07 921 H W/RVL2D
02/10/07 912 H W/RVL2D
02/11/07 808 NH
02/12/07 816 H W/RVL2D
02/13/07 352 NH
02/14/07 002 H W/ALL#'S
02/15/07 718 NH
02/16/07 666 H W/RVL2D
02/17/07 893 NH
02/18/07 436 NH
02/19/07 555 H W/RVL2D
02/20/07 047 NH
02/21/07 996 H
02/22/07 018 H
02/23/07 886 NH
02/24/07 803 NH
02/25/07 430 NH
02/26/07493 NH
02/27/07 377 H W/ALL #'S
02/28/07 557 NH

Entry #16

Minus/Plus Method

I will be posting  a years worth of using the Minus /Plus methodI am doing this jsut to have something to do. Here is January 2007  Also these draws are from the Kansas P3

12/31/06 235

01/01/07 220 NH

01/02/07 371 NH

01/03/07 034 H W/ RVL2D

01/04/07 341 H W/ ALL #'S

01/05/07 374 NH

01/06/07 888 NH

01/07/07 799 NH

01/08/07 011 NH

01/09/07 045 NH

01/10/07 326 H

01/11/07 946 NH

01/12/07 598 NH

01/13/07 172 NH

01/14/07 111 NH

01/15/07 643 NH

01/16/07 403 NH

01/17/07 498 H W/ ALL #'S

01/18/07 638 H

01/19/07 587 H W/RVL2D

01/20/07 424 NH

01/21/07/ 600 H ALL #'S

01/22/07 120 NH

01/23/07 705 NH

01/24/07 027 NH

01/25/07 015 H

01/26/07 692 H ALL #'S

01/27/07 449 NH

01/28/07 145 NH

01/29/07 408 NH

01/30/07 725 NH

01/31/07 215 NH

Entry #15


Playing with the RDs again I found the 412 in the 882 RD but only after it was drawn It was inthe 882 diagonally:











Entry #13

Next Draw

On 12/26/07 I was playing around with  lottery math to see if I could find the next draw. I did sorta. Using lottery math I added Monday's (12/24/07) 719 to Tuesday's (12/25/07)draw 543. 719+543=252 Then I think I did the tundown for 252 using 111. Then I subtracted 719 from 543 again using LM 719-543=276 and did the rundown. But I only started doing the 276 RD after I doing the RD for the winning draw 054











I have been subtracting and adding the past Kansas draws for Dec using Lottery Math Sometimes I was off by 1 number

As of now i am gong to get me a couple of sandwiches and then start on the Kansas Lottery

Entry #12

Follow Up

Going over the minus/plus method again and using all numbers from the draw (194) t0 find the next draw it took over 60 #'s to find the next draw (667)194 and 667 are the first 2 draws for Dec in Kansas

Entry #11

Rundowns (RDs)

The other night I was going through a list of rundowns. While doing a rundown I found some winning numbers. Not in the next draw tho. 2 or 3 days later draw On 12/14/07 I di the rundown of 708 Here is the rundown of 708











Now on 12/15 the number that hit was 920 It is in the rundown. Now as I was doing the rundown of the winning number (198 12.17/ 07)I noticed it was a box hit 819 in the 708 rundown

Now I am going to start playing the same 10 numbers in the rundown for 2 or 3 days. But just not yet. I want to wait until it warms up

Going over my rundown list I noticed hit for November 3rd rundown 631 the winning number was 308. It is in the 631 rundown but it hit2 days later. In some cases it will only take a couple of days for it to hit and probably 5 days if the number hits at that week

Entry #10

Using All Numbers

I got this idea from Omnscient.

I took all the P3 mumbers (0-9) and put them in numerical order (0123456789) Using Ks past draws.

I used all the numbers in this way:









Now using Ks's past draws and   using imaginary money @.50/game. In 4 days I had a hit 356. after spending $54 to win $40 In 3 days tho I had another 289 after spending an imaginary $36 to an imaginary $40 spending another inaginary $54 (glad this is only imaginary money) I hit for a 3rd time to win $40 It looks like I would be in an imaginary hole, $144-120=$20

Entry #9

2by2 Wheel

Sunday, 11/4/07 I finished the 2,094th 2by2 wheel. I am usually tired when I am wriying down the numbers and  doze off for a few minutes. Even the coffee I am having doesn't keep me awake.

I use a spiral notebook  with 5 subjects 180 pages. I use all 33 lines and even go past the margins to get as many numbers on the page as I can. when I figured up how many numbers I could get on a page I came up with 297 numbers

Entry #8


I did an anagram of the word Christmas. And it came out about right if you do a lot of Christmas shopping. Now as an anagram the word Christmas anagrammed as "trims cash"

I just anagrammed Lottery Post and it came out as "Pretty Tools"

Entry #7

Just Blogging

When I started blogging I was surprised at how many views I got. As of now my blog has 309 views. I got a comment fromTodd telling me blogging is fun and he right. I like putting enties in my blog.

Even tho I only get 2 blogs a  day that is enough for me.

I have read and viewed other blogs.

Now I will be waiting for Ks's P3 draw to finish out the month. I am going to check with it how much I would have won/lost/broke even 

Entry #6


Good morning. It is 5  a m as I enter this blog.

Today is Wenesday, Oct 31, 07. I will be dressing up. I took yhe pic of myself in my "costume". I had the big ears and a Groucho glasses with eyebrows and moustache. When I saw myselfin on the webcam, with my bald head, I looked like Yoda and Grouncho Marx. I called myself Yoda Marx. Long lost cousin to Groucho

Entry #5


I hope whoever views this blog will be able to read it. for some reasom I can't gwt the font size I normally use.

Now for the real reason of this blog. The rundown of 474 Ks past draw 10/28/07 to the next draw 160











As you can see the next draw is there.  i did the rundown after the 160 as drawn. I still don't know how to find the next draw.

I have used every method I could think of I learned from LP memebers

Until next time. sure hope I can get my fonts back

Entry #4
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