eddessaknight's Blog

WASHINGTON TGIMES: Biden Silent On Church Attacks

Advocacy  group 'Catholic Vote' launched a $1M  defensive ad campaign criticizing President Biden's  "notable  silence" on multi attacks  on dozens of churches nation wide following the Supreme  Courts ruling reversing RoeV. Wade.

Entry #1,696

Set-Up: Feds Mailed the 15 Boxes to President Trump That They Seized at Mar-a-Lago

he 15 boxes that the FBI seized from President Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago this week were mailed to him by the federal government. You can’t make this up. On the one hand, you might think that Trump’s enemies couldn’t possibly be stupid enough to arrest him on some fake charge, thereby turning him into a beloved Nelson Mandela-like martyr figure in American politics for all time. No one is that dumb, right? Then again, when have Trump’s enemies ever proven themselves to be careful and circumspect? They’re going to arrest him and put him in handcuffs, and we need to brace ourselves for that fact.

Miranda Devine at the New York Post has uncovered one of two key facts about the raid and siege of Mar-a-Lago that took place on Monday. The narrative is that Trump took classified documents from National Archives when he left office, which he’s kept sitting around in his basement since last February or so. Here’s what Devine found out:

 “The boxes contain documents and mementos from Trump’s presidency, reportedly including letters from Barack Obama and Kim Jong Un, and other correspondence with world leaders. A legal source said that the boxes had been packed up by the General Services Administration and shipped to Mar-a-Lago when Trump left office in January 2020.”

Packed up by the General Services Administration (the federal government) and shipped…

Emerald Robinson describes the materials as 15 boxes of autographs, keepsakes and knickknacks. That sounds about right. The fact that the boxes have been locked in a windowless storage room in the basement of Mar-a-Lago all this time suggest that there are no classified documents there. It’s just a bunch of stuff that someone will dig through at some point for the Trump Presidential Library. And even if the boxes did contain classified docs, Mar-a-Lago is crawling with Secret Service agents carrying fully automatic rifles. It’s not like the materials were ever going to fall into the wrong hands.

This was a set-up.

And we know it was a set-up because Newsweek has uncovered a second key fact: The FBI had a confidential informant on Donald Trump’s staff at Mar-a-Lago. The informant told the FBI where the 15 boxes were stored, and also pointed them to the empty safe that the FBI cracked open.

Take two steps back and consider the magnitude of this. The FBI spied on Donald Trump when he was a candidate for president as far back in 2015. They spied on him into 2017 as part of the Russia hoax. And they had a spy on his staff at Mar-a-Lago in 2022, almost two years after he left office. For SEVEN YEARS they’ve been spying on him.

If I see one more squishy, spineless “Republican” fail to condemn the FBI for this and who isn’t willing to call of the complete elimination of the FBI, I swear…

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) told some TV show this week, “We need to let this play out.” As if there is going to be some legitimacy to the FBI’s fake attacks on Trump this time. After we “let this play out,” there will be some real evidence at the end of it? Really, Senator Scott? How about “Hell, no.”

The same FBI that fabricated the Russia hoax with the help of the media and the Democrat Party, and fabricated the Ukraine phone call hoax, and fabricated the gun-free “insurrection” hoax on January 6, and fabricated the “two scoops of ice cream” hoax, and fabricated the “burgers piled a mile high” hoax, and sent multiple teams of reporters to investigate whether 5-year-old Jacob Trump had really built a replica LEGO White House all by himself doesn’t get the presumption of legitimacy anymore.

The FBI was formed through an emergency federal mandate more than 80 years ago. It’s done as far as I’m concerned. The very first day of the next Congress, when Republicans have taken over, they need to declare that the FBI has exceeded its mandate and choke off all of its funding until it no longer exists. There are no “good apples” left there. Cut all its funding, demolish the Hoover Building and salt the earth. They get no more benefit of the doubt from us. And any Republican who ever votes for another dime of taxpayer funding for the FBI will lose my vote forever.

Best regards,

Entry #1,695


American forces won the Battle of Bennington in what was considered  a crucial turning point in the Revolutionary War struggling Colonies

Battle of Bennington





Battle of Bennington

Entry #1,694


Time Line  August 15th, 1057- Scotland

Macbeth, KIng of  the Scots was killed in battle by Malclom, the eldest son of king Dulcan,  whom Macbeth  hath slain.

"A drum, a drum, Macbeth hath come...." ~shakespear

Entry #1,693

SALMAN RUSHDIE Attempted Assasination on NEW YORK STAGE

Author of infamous revealing Islamic book of "SATONIC VERSES" drew death threats requiring 10 years of police  protection this  publicly attacked, that shocked literary world as a State trooper and sheriff deputy arrested HADI MATAR  on the scene.

Rushdie was taken by emergency helicopter to local hospital where he is expected to survive the stabbing and ferocious beating.

The controversial book was banned in Iran with Ayahtolla issuing in 1989 a "FATWA" death warrant  and $3,000.000 reward on his head

Salman was born into a Muslim family in in India.

Salman Rushdie | Biography, Books, & Facts | Britannica

Entry #1,691

Terror Charges For Member Islamic State Group Cell Murdered Americans

Associated Press

A member of IS 'Beatles' charged in UK with terrorism

 August 12, 2022 

LONDON (AP) — A member of an Islamic State group cell nicknamed “The Beatles” that tortured and killed Western hostages was charged with terrorism offenses in Britain on Thursday after being deported from Turkey.

Aine Davis, 38, was arrested at Luton Airport north of London on Wednesday night after arriving on a flight from Turkey and charged with offenses under the Terrorism Act, the Metropolitan Police Service said.

During a court appearance on Thursday, Senior District Judge Paul Goldspring ordered Davis held in custody until his next court appearance on Sept. 2.

The militants dubbed “The Beatles” by their captives because of their British accents, held about two dozen Westerners a decade ago, when IS controlled a large swath of Syria and Iraq. Several of the captives were killed in gruesome beheadings that were broadcast online, including Americans James Foley and Steven Sotloff and Britons David Haines and Alan Henning.

Davis spoke briefly to confirm his name and date of birth during a brief hearing at London’s Westminster Magistrates Court. He wasn't asked to enter a plea.

Prosecutors say he has been charged with possession of a firearm for terror purposes, and two charges related to funding terrorism, after a friend allegedly tried to take 20,000 euros to Syria. The charges relate to alleged offenses in 2013 and 2014.

Davis was arrested in Turley in 2015 and convicted in 2017 of belonging to the Islamic State group. During his trial there, he denied being one of “The Beatles.”

The group’s four alleged members knew one another in West London before traveling to the Middle East and joining IS. Mohammed Emwazi, who carried out the executions and was nicknamed “Jihadi John,” was killed in a drone strike in 2015.

Two others, Alexanda Kotey and El Shafee Elsheikh, were captured by U.S.-backed Kurdish forces in 2018 and are imprisoned in the U.S. Kotey has been given a life sentence and Elsheikh is expected to get life when he is formally sentenced later this month.

Entry #1,690

A Forgotten Man"Srights

 Wise Word from  A Wise (un)forgotten man

Fredrick Douglas


A man’s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box. Let no man be kept from the ballot box because of his color. Let no woman be kept from the ballot box because of her sex.”

Speech, 15 November 1867 as quoted in Robin Van Auken, Louis E. Hunsinger, Williamsport: Boomtown on the Susquehanna (Charleston, SC : Arcadia, 2003), 57.

Entry #1,688

If You Care About Media Censorship and Fair Elections...

Alexander: If You Care About Media Censorship and Fair Elections...

"We should be unfaithful to ourselves if we should ever lose sight of the danger to our liberties if anything partial or extraneous should infect the purity of our free, fair, virtuous, and independent elections." —John Adams (1797)

What is the greatest threat to fully informed public opinion, and thus the greatest threat to "free and fair elections," including the upcoming midterm election?

No, it's not the Demos' far more egregious bulk-mail ballot fraud used so effectively to hand Joe Biden a massive popular vote win in 2020. That Demo "voter rights" scam involved mailing tens of millions of ballots to last known addresses of registered voters with no confirmation that those addresses were legitimate, much less that the recipient was even living. The ballots that were returned in bulk, then counted, despite the fact that millions of those vote casters were not authenticated — not by ID, not by signature comparison, not by authentication, period.

A fundamental tenet of election integrity is verifying the identity of every voter — something virtually every other Western nation requires except the U.S., where Democrat-controlled states have discarded voter ID requirements for obvious reasons.

No, it's not even the ballot-harvesting mules suspected to have operated in certain swing states.

So, what is the greatest threat to free and fair elections?

It's a dark and far more nefarious effort to suppress free speech, and, by extension, suppress voter information.

Read on, because this is the biggest factor in rigged elections, and I will explain how.

You have heard of the so-called "fact-checkers" and "fake news busters" who pose as "journalists" with outfits like USA Today, which has targeted The Patriot Post with fabricated fake fact-checks. Under the pretense of "objective journalism," their mission is the systemic redlining of free speech — and in ways that are imperceptible to most Americans. They operate primarily under the umbrella of Demo/Leftmedia propagandists who, in recent years, have perfected their scheme to undermine the First Amendment — and, in effect, rig elections.

How do they accomplish this?

The "fact-checkers" and "fake news raters" find a way to flag conservative news platforms for inert and obscure "violations," then they apply a poor rating to those platforms. Social media platforms, the most influential information networks, then use those ratings to severely restrict the number of people conservative news can reach.

But the real objective of these checkers and raters is not to target the fringe platforms, but to hit legitimate news platforms. They form leftist fronts to suppress free speech, thus undermining free elections — and ultimately, to ensure Democrat majorities.

Entry #1,687

HELP: Border crisis solution


This may get the attention of these Blue state demagogues who think its OK to overwhelm the southern border…until it hits their communities.




"...the request for National Guard assistance richly proves the point Texas is making.

The release said that “our communities (in Texas) are overrun and overwhelmed by thousands of illegal immigrants.” The Biden administration’s “open border policies” were blamed for the chaos".




Entry #1,685


Crime the last three years has increased. It is epidemic in local jails. San Francisco has the highest property-crime rate per capita of any major city. The California prison system is a mess, and sanctuary cities ensure that illegal aliens charged with crimes will not be deported. Pick up a McClatchy paper and you’ll see that the day’s fare of Central Valley criminality, even after sanitization and editorializing, is mind-boggling.

Entry #1,684

Chinese Venerated Statues of FREEDOM

Free Taiwan  angers China  because it offers  a living stark contrast between freedom and oppressive govern-men (t)

See the source image


Goddess of Democracy

The Goddess of Democracy, also known as the Goddess of Democracy and Freedom, the Spirit of Democracy, and the Goddess of Liberty, was a 10-metre-tall statue created during the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. 


See the source image

Chinese Freedom Quan Guan Kwan Yin Statue



Entry #1,683

Scientist Albert Einstein Recommends Atomic Age +Mariyn Monroe

Time Line: August, 1939

Ex German 1933 emegrant U.S.Citizen Einstein wrote a letter to President ranklin D. Rooosevelt strongly urging  creation of an Atomic Weapons  Research Program.

Image result for Einstein & Marilyn Downloadable. Size: 152 x 106. Source: www.taringa.net

Einstein with another bombshell: Marilyn Monroe



This action led directly to funding and constructing the "MANHATTAN PROJECT" thereby issuing in the ATOMIC AGE 

Entry #1,682