eddessaknight's Blog

Planned Chaos

 Planned Chaos

If you leave the gate open, the cow will wander off.  So if you

intentionally leave the gate open, you want the cow to wander off.

You can't blame stupidity or laziness. It was intentional.


If you cut police budgets, you will get more crime on the streets.

So if you intentionally cut police budgets, you want more crime

on the streets.


If you cut back the supply of oil, gas prices will go up. So if you

intentionally cut back the supply of oil, you wanted gas prices to

go up.


If you print trillions of dollars without increasing the supply of

goods, inflation will hit hard. So if you intentionally print trillions

of dollars without more goods you wanted inflation to hit hard.


If you leave the southern border wide open, you get more drug

trafficking and human trafficking.  So if you intentionally leave the

border wide open, you wanted more drug trafficking and human



If you shut down 40% of the supply of baby formula in February,

you'll get a huge shortage. When you KNOW a huge baby formula

shortage is coming because of the FDA's actions, and you

purposefully do nothing to prevent it, month after month, until the

crisis finally hits hard, you INTENDED this crisis.


It is time to recognize the evil people behind that old man. They

want crisis. They want chaos. They want riots. They want conflicts

in your town. Their stated purpose years ago with Obama was to

"take the US down a few notches on the world stage." You can feel

the quality of your life going down with the country. These are not

foolish or misguided people. They are headed somewhere you

don't want to go.


Entry #1,635

Honoring our National Flag Day since 1776

In celebration of our American Democracy: American Founders, Presidents, and Enlightened Philosophers, sinners and saints Wink

Following the Renaissance, democracy was still considered a dangerous form of government. Democracy was often regarded as a fool's folly and a madman's paradise. The well-wishers of the Republican Government would have fanciful debates in intellectual circles, but paternal monarchies dominated the western and eastern world. Yet in a heroic and herculean way, a group of Anglo-Saxons, who grew up under proud monarchies, rose to dethrone the English Crown and to establish the greatest democracy in history. What theories inspired these men? Why didn't they just simply create an American King? Or better yet, make themselves kings? The answers to these questions lie in the eloquent and exact quill writings of great American Founders hands guided by invisible provenance Blue Angel,Presidents, and Enlightened Philosophers such as: James Madison, George Clinton, Edmund Randolph, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Patrick Henry, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Rush, John Han<snip>, John Jay, Cicero, Aristotle, John Locke, Hugo Grotius, John Winthrop, Franklin Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, William McKinley, Ronald Reagan and more. Unlike other rulers, American rulers are bound to the law. There is no doubt that the Founding of America is an event of unparalleled greatness. 

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Eddessa_Knight with National Glory LIGHTSun Smiley

Entry #1,630

Islamic Gun Man Opened fire on Orlqndo Club killing 49, w/53 wounded

June 12,2016

Omar Mateen creates mayhem in a gay Pulse nightclub inOrlano, FL  murdering & wounding many in cold blood

Mateen openly pledging allegiance  to the Islamic State enemy  during  a tragic and terrifying standoff before being shot in a shootout with police 


Entry #1,628

Intrepid Captain James Cook, bumps into Australia

Courageous Captain James Cook,on June 11th 1770, Commander of the British 4 master ship, navigating by Stars beneath the Southern Cross constellation discovered the hazardous 'Great  Barrier Reef' opens the gateway  to the Content of AUSTRALIA

  • The first voyage of Captain James Cook was to Tahiti and Australia from 1768 to 1771. Cook’s job was to observe the planet Venus pass in front of the sun.Sun Smiley
  • His second voyage was in 1772 was to search for the large continent of Australia. ...
  • Cook’s third voyage in 1776 was to find the Northwest passage, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific. ...
  • A monument at Kealakekua Bay in Hawaii commemorates Cook’s landing there 


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Entry #1,627

One Major Contributor To Crime & Shooting : MEDIA

Just consider what society is  being shown in public media daily, that is being passed off as entertainment for the last 2 generation and as the solution for our problems on TV, Movies, Music,pornography,on line computer networks etc for everyone from ages 5 to 100.

A daily program diet of murder, rape all forms of mayhem, blasphemy, and glorification of anti moral and of once standard civil behaviors. All this being invited into our family' home & individual electronic receivers.Much would have been once in violation of decency governed by the Federal Communication Commission & Hollywood's Movie Code. 

Does this represent the siren & subliminal education to our children?

Is it any wonder that many , psychopaths,  sociopaths fueled with dangerous deviancy that, require medical attention, and those  with weak,corrupted & disgruntled on the fringes of Civilization strike out; out of, with their embedded programmed behavior :-(

Is this our Frankenstein monster?

How much more can we afford anymore of this anti Deity &  anti social, entertainment, hypnosis can we absorb ?

Entry #1,626

President Ronald REAGAN

June 9th 2004

The body of Ronald REAGAN arrived in Washington D.C. to lie in State in the US Capitol Rotunda with thousands honoring visitors before the beloved 40th President's funeral.

Requiem en parce :-(


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“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
Ronald Reagan

Mr. President, you have been so missed!

Entry #1,625

Phd Economist Noami Prins Warns something startling !

"$150 trillion to ‘transform’ our economy into something we didn’t vote on… didn’t ask for… and very few are prepared for."


Something strange is happening behind the scenes in our financial system.

Amid the distractions caused by conflicts overseas, shortages, and inflation, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen recently took the stage at an event called COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland to address some of the world’s most powerful people, including:

  • U.S. President, Joe Biden…
  • British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson…
  • Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau…
  • French President, Emmanuel Macron…
  • … and many more…

From the stage, Yellen called for world leaders to commit to a $150 trillion ‘global transition’ of our economy.

Since then, Bank of America has committed, along with 131 countries, 234 cities, and 695 of the world’s biggest companies.

Several billionaires, led by Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk have invested in this ‘transformation’ as well.

What is it that Yellen, Biden, Trudeau, Bezos and Musk are pushing for with their ‘transformation’?

And what does it mean for your money?

While the mainstream media is completely ignoring what might be the most important story in the financial world that nobody is talking about…

Investigative journalist and renowned economist, Nomi Prins, who predicted the 2008 market meltdown has followed the money…

And what she’s discovered is startling.

It has nothing to do with a market crash… a new reserve currency… or the end of fiat.

Prins says:

“While most Americans are distracted by mainstream media headlines, I’ve found evidence the elites are spending $150 trillion to ‘transform’ our economy into something we didn’t vote on… didn’t ask for… and very few are prepared for.

In essence, we’re about to see a stranger, more extreme ‘new normal’ in America.

Most people will be shocked when they see what happens in the months ahead.”

Prins considers this transformation so urgent, she has agreed to sit down for an interview to get her message in front of as many Americans as possible.

For now, there’s no cost to watch.

Click here to see how this ‘transformation’ could affect you – and find out what it means for your money.

Entry #1,624

Hard Rock Boss VS NJ Gov Prposed NO CASINO Smoking Bill

Allen, Cairman of Hard Rock International, told The Associated Press on Monday that smoking was one of several topics he discussed with the governor in recent weeks.

“I don't think I was trying to change the governor's mind,” Allen said. “It was a general conversation about the economic challenges of a smoking ban and the impact it would have” if one were enacted.

Phil Murphy

We operate in many states where smoking is not allowed,” Allen said. “When you look at markets where smoking has been banned, there have been significant double-digit declines” in casino revenue.

Anti-smoking advocates say the casinos are overstating the potential economic impacts of banning smoking, predicting that customers and revenues will return after an initial adjustment period.

Read More: Hard Rock boss talks casino smoking ban with NJ Gov Phil Murphy | https://nj1015.com/hard-rock-boss-talks-casino-smoking-ban-with-nj-gov-phil-murphy/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral

Entry #1,623

New York Senator Robert E. Kennedy Murdered on June 4th1968 :-(

Date Line:  June 4th, 1968 -Ambassador Hotel,  Los Angeles,CA 

RFK was mysteriously shot and mortally wounded after claiming victory in  California's Democratic primary in the  Ambassador Hotel by a Middle Eastern emigrant, Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, who was arrested on the scene

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Requiescat in pace RFK

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Entry #1,622