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Ex-NBA Player to Haitians: 'Use Condoms'

If You Rebuild It, They Will Come, by Paul Shirley

Published: January 26, 2010Posted in: Paul ShirleyIf You Rebuild It, They Will Come, by Paul Shirley

I do not know if what I’m about to write makes me a monster. I do know that it makes me a part of a miniscule minority, if Internet trends and news stories of the past weeks are any guide.

“It”, is this:

I haven’t donated a cent to the Haitian relief effort. And I probably will not.

I haven’t donated to the Haitian relief effort for the same reason that I don’t give money to homeless men on the street. Based on past experiences, I don’t think the guy with the sign that reads “Need You’re Help” is going to do anything constructive with the dollar I might give him. If I use history as my guide, I don’t think the people of Haiti will do much with my money either.

In this belief I am, evidently, alone. It seems that everyone has jumped on the  “Save Haiti” bandwagon. To question the impulse to donate, then, will probably be viewed as analogous with rooting for Charles Manson, John Wayne Gacy, or the Spice Girls.

My wariness has much to do with the fact that the sympathy deployed to Haiti has been done so unconditionally. Very few have said, written, or even intimated the slightest admonishment of Haiti, the country, for putting itself into a position where so many would be killed by an earthquake.

I can’t help but wonder why questions have not been raised in the face of this outpouring of support. Questions like this one:

Shouldn’t much of the responsibility for the disaster lie with the victims of that disaster?

Before the reader reaches for his or her blood pressure medication, he should allow me to explain. I don’t mean in any way that the Haitians deserved their collective fate. And I understand that it is difficult to plan for the aftermath of an earthquake. However, it is not outside the realm of imagination to think that the citizens of a country might be able to: A) avoid putting themselves into a situation that might result in such catastrophic loss of life.  And B) provide for their own aid, in the event of such a catastrophe.

Imagine that I’m a caveman. Imagine that I’ve chosen to build my house out of balsa wood, and that I’m building it next to a roaring river because I’ve decided it will make harvesting fish that much easier. Then, imagine that my hut is destroyed by a flood.

Imagining what would happen next is easier than imagining me carrying a caveman’s club. If I were lucky enough to survive the roaring waters that took my hut, my tribesmen would say, “Building next to the river was pretty dumb, wasn’t it?.” Or, if I weren’t so lucky, they’d say, “At least we don’t have to worry about that moron anymore.”

Sure, you think, but those are cavemen. We’re more civilized now – we help each other, even when we make mistakes.

True enough. But what about when people repeat their mistakes? And what about when they do things that obviously act against their own self-interests?

In the case of mistakes and warnings as applied to Haiti, I don’t mean to indict those who ignored actual warnings against earthquakes, of which there were many before the recent one. Although it would have been prudent to pay heed to those, I suppose.

Instead, I’m referring to the circumstances in which people lived.  While the earthquake was, obviously, unavoidable, the way in which many of the people of Haiti lived was not.  Regrettably, some Haitians would have died regardless of the conditions in that country.  But the fact that so many people lived in such abject poverty exacerbated the extent of the crisis.

How could humans do this to themselves? And what’s being done to stop it from happening again?

After the tsunami of 2004, the citizens of the world wailed and donated and volunteered for cleanup, rarely asking the important – and, I think, obvious – question: What were all those people doing there in the first place? Just as important: If they move back to a place near the ocean that had just been destroyed by a giant wave, shouldn’t our instinct be to say, “Go ahead if you want, but you’re on your own now.”?

We did the same after Hurricane Katrina. We were quick to vilify humans who were too slow to respond to the needs of victims, forgetting that the victims had built and maintained a major city below sea level in a known target zone for hurricanes. Our response: Make the same mistake again. Rebuild a doomed city, putting aside logic as we did.

And now, faced with a similar situation, it seems likely that we will do the same.

Shouldn’t there be some discourse on how the millions of dollars that are being poured into Haiti will be spent? And at least a slight reprimand for the conditions prior to the earthquake? Some kind of inquisition? Something like this?:

Dear Haitians –

First of all, kudos on developing the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Your commitment to human rights, infrastructure, and birth control should be applauded.

As we prepare to assist you in this difficult time, a polite request: If it’s possible, could you not re-build your island home in the image of its predecessor? Could you not resort to the creation of flimsy shanty- and shack-towns? And could some of you maybe use a condom once in a while?


The Rest of the World

It shouldn’t be outlandish to hope that we might stop short of the reactionary word that is so often flung about after natural (and unnatural) disasters. That word: Rebuild. Thus, the tired, knee-jerk cycle of aid/assist/rebuild would be replaced by a new one: Aid/assist/let’s-stop-and-think-before-we-screw-this-up-again.

If forced to do so through logic-colored glasses, no one would look at Haiti and think, “You know what? It was a great idea to put 10 million people on half of an island. The place is routinely battered by hurricanes (in 2008, $900 million was lost/spent on recovery from them), it holds the aforementioned title of poorest nation in the Western hemisphere, and it happens to sit on a tectonic fault line.”

If it were apparent that Haiti would likely rebuild in an earthquake-resistant way, and if a cure could be found for hurricane abuse of island nations, then maybe one could imagine putting a sustained effort into rebuilding the place. But that would only be feasible if the country had shown any ability to manage its affairs in the past, which it has not done.

I can tell, based on my own reaction to that last sentence, that it might strike a nerve. The reader might be tempted to think, “We can’t blame the people of Haiti for their problems. Surely it’s someone else’s fault.” A similar sentiment can be found in this quote, from article on the geology behind the quake:

“Unfortunately, [Haiti]’s government was not in a position to really do much to prepare for the inevitable large earthquake, leaving tens of thousands to suffer the consequences.”

The sentiment expressed is one of outrage at the government. But, ultimately, the people in a country have control over their government. One could argue that in totalitarian regimes, they do not have much control, but in the end, it is their government. And therefore, their responsibility. If the government is not doing enough for the people, it is the people’s responsibility to change the government. Not the other way around.

Additionally, some responsibility for the individual lies with that individual.

A Haitian woman, days after the earthquake:

“We need so much. Food, clothes, we need everything. I don’t know whose responsibility it is, but they need to give us something soon,” said Sophia Eltime, a mother of two who has been living under a bed sheet with seven members of her extended family. (From an AP report.)

Obviously, a set of circumstances such as the one in which Ms. Eltime was living is a heart-wrenching one. And for that, anyone would be sympathetic.  Until she says, “I don’t know whose responsibility it is.” I don’t know whose responsibility it is, either.  What I do know is that it is not the responsibility of the outside world to provide help. It’s nice if we do, but it is not a requirement, especially when people choose to influence their own existences negatively, whether by having too many children when they can’t afford them or by failing to recognize that living in a concrete bunker might not be the best way to protect one’s family, whether an earthquake happens or not.

Ms. Eltime’s reaction helps define what is the crux of my problem with the reaction to this and to other humanitarian crises. I recoil at the notion that I’m SUPPOSED to do something. I would like to help, but only if I feel that my assistance is deserved and justified.  If I perceive that I am being told to feel a certain way, and if I can point to a pattern of mistakes made in similar situations, I lose interest.

When I was young, the great humanitarian crisis facing our world – as portrayed by the media, anyway – was the starving masses in Africa. The solution found, of course, was to send bag after bag of food to those people, forgetting the long-understood maxim that giving more food to poor people allows them to create more poor people. (Admittedly, it’s a harsh truth.) At the time, my classmates and I, young and naïve as we were, thought we had come up with a better solution. “They should just go somewhere else,” we said. Our teacher grimaced, saying, “It’s not that simple.”

It still isn’t. And I’m not as naïve as I once was – I don’t think the people of Haiti have the option of moving.  But I do think that our assistance should be restricted, like it should be in cases of starvation.  It simply does not work to give, unconditionally.  What might work is to teach.  In the case of famine-stricken segments of Africa, teaching meant making people understand that a population of people needs a certain amount of food, and that the creation of that food has to be self-sustaining for the system to work.  In the case of earthquake-stricken Haiti, teaching might mean limited help, but help that is accompanied by criticism of the circumstances that made that help necessary.

In the case of the Haitian earthquake, it’s heartening to see people caring about the fates of their fellow men. What is alarming, I think, is the sometimes illogical frenzy toward casting those affected by the earthquake as helpless, innocent souls who were placed on the island of Hispaniola by an invisible force. In the case of some, this analogy might well be accurate; children cannot very well control their destinies. And as far as sympathy goes, much of it should go to those children.

But children are brought into the world by their parents. Those parents have a responsibility – to themselves and to their kids – to provide. They have a responsibility to look around – before an earthquake happens – and say, “I need to improve this situation, because if a catastrophe were to happen, we’d be in bad shape.”

The people of whom I write are adults. Functional, human adults with functional, human adult brains. It is not too much to ask that they behave as such. That they stand up and say, “Yes, we screwed this up the first time. We are forever indebted to you. Now show us how we can do it right.  So that, next time, we won’t need your help.”


Entry #22

Words To Live By A Summation of The Science of Getting Rich

  1. Get a clear mental image of my vision.
  2. Keep a clear mental image of my vision continually in my mind.
  3. Keep my face toward my vision at all times.
  4. Always stay in constant thankfulness and gratitude to GOD that my mental image is a reality.
  5. Hold my vision (image, desire, dream) with faith and purpose.
  6. Use my will power to keep my mind working in the Right Way.
  7. Use my will power to keep myself acting in the Certain Way.
  8. Commit to my image.
  9. Retain my vision.
  10. Stick to my purpose.
  11. Maintain my faith and gratitude.
  12. The answer to prayer is according to my faith while I am working.
  13. Use my will power to keep myself thinking and acting in the Certain Way.
  14. Every act of my life is an efficient act.
  15. My whole life MUST be a success.
  16. I can develop my talent even if I have to make my tools as I go along.
  17. When I have a strong desire to do a thing, the power to do it is strong, and only requires to be developed and applied in the Right Way.
  18. In times of doubt and indicision, I cultivate gratitude.
  19. The exercise of GRATITUDE will never fail to strengthen my faith and renew my purpose.
  20. The key-thought of all my effortrs is to convey the impression of success and increase.
  21. Form my clear mental vision of what I desire, and begin to act with faith and purpose.
  22. Put the power of success and the purpose to succeed and increase into everything I do.
  23. Keep my faith.
  24. Hold to my purpose.
  25. I have gratitude.
  26. Everyday, I do all that can be done that day with thanksgiving and gratitude.
  27. I do each act in a successful manner.
Entry #21

Pick 3 and Pick 4 numbers for the week of Jan 24 to Jan 30

These are the Pick 3 and Pick 4 numbers for the week of Jan 24 to Jan. 30.

Pick 3: 372-472-478-482-634-638-972-973-975-985

Pick 4: 2342-2965-3965-4140-4488-4548-4583-6372-9372-9788

I am feeling 482 & 2342 for some reason. Not sure why.

I look forward to seeing you in the winners circle.


Heavenly Father who sits between the Cherubims, I thank YOU in the name of Jesus Christ, for allowing these Pick

3 and Pick 4 numbers to hit in exact order for the Pick 3 and Pick 4 player that has petitioned YOU with a

financial request. GOD YOU do not discriminate. YOU give to all who ask. So based on YOUR word and what YOU said

in YOUR word, I am asking YOU in Jesus' name to grant the petition of the Pick 3 and Pick 4 players for today and

for this week. Amen.

Father, I thank YOU in the name of Jesus for the numbers given. I ask YOU to bless who ever these numbers are for

with exact order wins so that all glory and praise goes to YOU, Father. Thank YOU Father for using me as a tool

to answer prayers YOU'VE received. Amen.

Entry #20

Pick 3 and Pick 4 numbers for the week of Jan 17 to Jan. 23.

These are the Pick 3 and Pick 4 numbers for the week of Jan 17 to Jan. 23.

Pick 3: 018-115-285-338-381-572-690-762-763-811

Pick 4: 1072-1375-1585-2388-3510-4545-7373-9208-9388-9530

I am feeling 782 for some reason. Not sure why.

I look forward to seeing you in the winners circle.


Heavenly Father who sits between the Cherubims, I thank YOU in the name of Jesus Christ, for allowing these Pick 3 and Pick 4 numbers to hit in exact order for the Pick 3 and Pick 4 player that has petitioned YOU with a financial request. GOD YOU do not discriminate. YOU give to all who ask. So based on YOUR word and what YOU said in YOUR word, I am asking YOU in Jesus' name to grant the petition of the Pick 3 and Pick 4 players for today and for this week. Amen.

Father, I thank YOU in the name of Jesus for the numbers given. I ask YOU to bless who ever these numbers are for with exact order wins so that all glory and praise goes to YOU, Father. Thank YOU Father for using me as a tool to answer prayers YOU'VE received. Amen.

Entry #19

Pick 3 and Pick 4 numbers for the week of Jan. 10 to Jan. 16

These are the Pick 3 and Pick 4 numbers for the week of Jan 10 to Jan. 16.

Pick 3: 162-238-269-333-493-622-672-882-973-976

Pick 4: 2364-2386-2388-2582-4288-4378-4492-4999-6372-9863

I am feeling 978 for some reason. Not sure why.

I look forward to seeing you in the winners circle.



Heavenly Father who sits between the Cherubims, I thank YOU in the name of Jesus Christ, for allowing these Pick

3 and Pick 4 numbers to hit in exact order for the Pick 3 and Pick 4 player that has petitioned YOU with a

financial request. GOD YOU do not discriminate. YOU give to all who ask. So based on YOUR word and what YOU said

in YOUR word, I am asking YOU in Jesus' name to grant the petition of the Pick 3 and Pick 4 players for today and

for this week. Amen.

Father, I thank YOU in the name of Jesus for the numbers given. I ask YOU to bless who ever these numbers are for

with exact order wins so that all glory and praise goes to YOU, Father. Thank YOU Father for using me as a tool

to answer prayers YOU'VE received. Amen.

Entry #18

Pick 3 and Pick 4 numbers for the week of Jan. 3 to Jan. 9

These are the Pick 3 and Pick 4 numbers for the week of Jan. 3 to Jan. 9.

Pick 3: 118-296-382-483-607-703-845-865-973-978

Pick 4: 0015-2391-3618-3948-3949-4309-4518-6372-7867-9578

I am feeling 1075 for some reason. Not sure why.

I look forward to seeing you in the winners circle.



Heavenly Father who sits between the Cherubims, I thank YOU in the name of Jesus Christ, for allowing these Pick 3 and Pick 4 numbers to hit in exact order for the Pick 3 and Pick 4 player that has petitioned YOU with a financial request. GOD YOU do not discriminate. YOU give to all who ask. So based on YOUR word and what YOU said in YOUR word, I am asking YOU in Jesus' name to grant the petition of the Pick 3 and Pick 4 players for today and for this week. Amen.

Father, I thank YOU in the name of Jesus for the numbers given. I ask YOU to bless who ever these numbers are for with exact order wins so that all glory and praise goes to YOU, Father. Thank YOU Father for using me as a tool to answer prayers YOU'VE received.

Entry #17

Pick 3 And Pick 4 For Week Of Dec 27 To Jan 2

These are the Pick 3 and Pick 4 numbers for the week of Dec. 27 to Jan. 2.

Pick 3: 187-299-380-388-599-672-675-905-962-983

Pick 4: 2222-2508-2692-3888-3988-4398-4972-6309-9362-9502

I am feeling 4375  and 8788 for some reason. Not sure why.

I look forward to seeing you in the winners circle.



Heavenly Father who sits between the Cherubims, I thank YOU in the name of Jesus Christ, for allowing these Pick 3 and Pick 4 numbers to hit in exact order for the Pick 3 and Pick 4 player that has petitioned YOU with a financial request. GOD YOU do not discriminate. YOU give to all who ask. So based on YOUR word and what YOU said in YOUR word, I am asking YOU in Jesus' name to grant the petition of the Pick 3 and Pick 4 players for today and for this week. Amen.

Father, I thank YOU in the name of Jesus for the numbers given. I ask YOU to bless who ever these numbers are for with exact order wins so that all glory and praise goes to YOU, Father. Thank YOU Father for using me as a tool to answer prayers YOU'VE received.

Entry #16

Pick 3 Pick4 for week of Dec 20 to Dec 26

These are the Pick 3 and Pick 4 numbers for the week of Dec. 20 to Dec. 26.

Pick 3: 762-295-376-873-982-398-483-282-338-388

Pick 4: 9372-2388-4385-9279-4908-4508-6302-9988-2267-7384

I look forward to seeing you in the winners circle. 




Heavenly Father who sits between the Cherubims, I thank YOU in the name of Jesus Christ, for allowing these Pick 3 and Pick 4 numbers to hit in exact order for the Pick 3 and Pick 4 player that has petitioned YOU with a financial request. GOD YOU do not discriminate. YOU give to all who ask. So based on YOUR word and what YOU said in YOUR word, I am asking YOU in Jesus' name to grant the petition of the Pick 3 and Pick 4 players for today and for this week. Amen.

Father, I thank YOU in the name of Jesus for the numbers given. I ask YOU to bless who ever these numbers are for with exact order wins so that all glory and praise goes to YOU, Father. Thank YOU Father for using me as a tool to answer prayers YOU'VE received.

Entry #15

VTRAC For Dummies Lessions With A VTRAC Converter Program

All credit for this post goes to TnTea and DiamondPalace. I am posting a combination of their hard work and generosity. Thank You TnTea and DiamondPalace. May GOD bless you both with many-many winning tickets. DiamondPalace, your pick 3-VTRAC converter is a huge time saver. TnTea, I've learned so much from your VTRAC lessons.

TnTea:                                              VTRAC

Vtracs 101      

Vtracs 101 Chapter 2

Vtracs 102      

Vtracs 102 Chapter 2

Vrtacs 102 Chapter 3

Vtracs 102 Chapter 4
Vtracs 103 .. Finale

What I look for in picking pick 4

Pilot Test for Vtracs 104



DiamondPalace:                                       VTRAC CONVERTER



For anyone who use vtrac in pick 3 I would recommend the Pick 3-vtrac converter. This program will save you a load of time. All you do is enter your pick 3 numbers and the program will convert them into vtrac for you.

The vtrac lessons are the best. They are very informative and if you follow the instructions you will learn a lot.


Nothing comes to sleepers but a dream. Bed

Entry #14

Pick 3 and Pick 4 numbers for the week of Dec. 13 to Dec. 19

These are the Pick 3 and Pick 4 numbers for the week of Dec. 13 to Dec. 19.

Pick 3: 673-482-298-603-285-985-071-633-580-092-788-672

Pick 4: 9576-6673-2588-3706-6372-2975-4208-6972-8219-9222-3308-9503

I look forward to seeing you in the winners circle.    Party


Heavenly Father who sits between the Cherubims, I thank YOU in the name of Jesus Christ, for allowing these Pick 3 and Pick 4 numbers to hit in exact order for the Pick 3 and Pick 4 player that has petitioned YOU with a financial request. GOD YOU do not discriminate. YOU give to all who ask. So based on YOUR word and what YOU said in YOUR word, I am asking YOU in Jesus' name to grant the petition of the Pick 3 and Pick 4 players for today and for this week. Amen.

Father, I thank YOU in the name of Jesus for the numbers given. I ask YOU to bless who ever these numbers are for with exact order wins so that all glory and praise goes to YOU. Thank YOU Father for using me as a tool to answer prayers YOU'VE received.

Entry #12

Social Media Brings Bullying to Light

Social media brings bullying to light

By Christina Zdanowicz, CNN December 10, 2009 9:41 a.m. ESTThis story started on Oprah CNN iReport

Bully video helps police

  • A teen is bullied on her way home from school, a student captures it on tape
  • Victim submits video to iReport and police take video as evidence
  • Social media making it easy to post troubling videos for anyone to see
  • Share your stories

(CNN) -- Her choppy blue-and-blond hair hiding the fear in her eyes, a 15-year-old voiced her dislike for a hip-hop music group and got punched in the face by a classmate. The whole thing was caught on tape and social media helped police in their investigation. 

A crowd of six to 10 classmates were following the self-described emo girl and her boyfriend home from school in Newark, Ohio, on an autumn day in September. Some kids were taping it and others were egging on the assailant, who was on the school wrestling team. It all started because Alexis Xanders doesn't like Insane Clown Posse. 

One of the students who recorded the incident contacted Xanders on MySpace and sent her the video two months later. The teen says she wanted something done, so she uploaded the video to YouTube and CNN iReport last week. 

While only six to 10 people witnessed the alleged assault, the video has received more than 1,000 views on CNN iReport to date. 

A local newspaper reporter saw the video and alerted the local police department, says Newark Police Sgt. Scott Snow. A police report was filed on September 24, and authorities are now investigating the other kids in the video who were goading the suspect. 

The 15-year-old suspect, who CNN is not naming because she is a minor, was charged as a juvenile Tuesday with individual counts of assault, menacing and unlawful restraint, Licking County Prosecutor Ken Oswalt said. He also confirmed they are looking into charging other people from the video for inciting the fight. 

The same day as the bullying incident, Chicago, Illinois, honors student Derrion Albert was beaten to death. The incident was captured on video and shared online. Three teens pleaded not guilty and were set to appear at a hearing on Wednesday. 

These examples of bullying are not isolated incidents. Cameras are very accessible these days and social networking has made it easy to post videos for anyone to see. 

Dr. Patricia Walton Agatston, a counselor with the Cobb Prevention/Intervention Center in Marietta, Georgia, is co-author of "Cyber Bullying: Bullying in the Digital Age." She says posting videos online allows for bullies to be more visible to authorities. 

Nancy Willard, director of the Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use, says tracking bullying arrests and charges that arise from videos posted online is no easy task. "There's no source of that kind of data. Nobody's in a position to track that," she said. 

When Xanders posted the video to CNN iReport, she wanted something to happen, but she didn't expect to see a detective at her door the next day. 

"Someone did see it and sent it to a detective. I didn't think anything would actually happen with all of this because it happens all the time," the high school freshman told CNN. The mother of the teen suspect could not be reached for comment on Wednesday. 

Xanders says the suspect hasn't liked her since fifth grade, when the harassment allegedly started. "I don't really know why. She just never liked me," she said. 

"They would wait for me everyday after school. ... I didn't go to school the day before. They were in a big huge group, waiting and stuff. Once all of my friends were walking, we'd have five or six people, but that day it was only me and [my boyfriend], she did something." 

Officer David Bardsley and the school principal held a peer mediation session between the two girls a couple of days before the assault. 

The suspect said, "They were talking crap about me," according to Bardsley. But, after a 20-minute conversation, the girls assured him everything had been smoothed over. 

Whenever the school becomes aware of bullying, it gets Bardsley involved immediately. He's been the officer on the grounds of Newark High School for nine years. He stands behind the peer mediation process at the school, which has 1,700 to 1,800 students enrolled. 

"I would say that more than 90 percent would be an accurate success rate," he said. "Most of the kids say that when we rationalize with them, they realize that they're being silly." 

Doug Ute, the superintendent of Newark City Schools, confirmed Wednesday that the suspect agreed not to attend the school's homecoming celebrations. 

Since charges were filed, the high school has barred her from participating on the school wrestling team. The suspect is no longer a student, as she withdrew from the school, Ute said. 

"Anytime there's bullying or harassment, it's an unfortunate incident and we discourage that type of behavior with our students," he said. 

Xanders, who dyes her hair frequently and rocks out to alternative and scream-o music, uploaded the video to iReport and says she told her parents about it afterward. Tanya Xanders, her mother, said she didn't mind, especially if the video might help bring attention to bullying. 

In the video, Xanders did not push back or return a punch. "She's not a fighter... that's what she's all about," her father, Chad Bartlett, told CNN. 

Xanders says that while she stood back from fighting, she'd tell other kids who are being bullied to fight back in another way. 

"Tell somebody and do something about it," she said. "Don't just sit there and take it. You can use your words and not your hands."

Entry #11

What Really Killed The Beauty Queen?

What really killed the beauty queen?

By Elizabeth Cohen, CNN Senior Medical Correspondent December 10, 2009 9:48 a.m. ESTFormer beauty queen Solange Magnano died after plastic surgery, reportedly of a blood clot in her lungs.

Former beauty queen Solange Magnano died after plastic surgery, reportedly of a blood clot in her lungs.
  • Former beauty queen reportedly died of a pulmonary embolism after silicone injections
  • FDA: For every 100,000 liposuction surgeries, there are between three and 100 deaths
  • To stay safe: Do not take plastic surgery lightly; be your own investigator; ask five questions

(CNN) -- When Argentine beauty queen Solange Magnano approached Dr. Guillermo Blugerman in 2004 about helping her achieve a flatter stomach, the plastic surgeon says, he obliged with liposuction. But when she returned five years later requesting silicone injections for a higher, firmer rear end, he turned her away. 

"I said this was not allowed to be done in Argentina," Blugerman said on the telephone from his Buenos Aires office. 

Blugerman, the president of the Argentina Association of Medicine and Cosmetic Surgery said he believes Magnano then went in search of someone who would give her the injections she wanted. 

"She found someone else to do this with this forbidden material," he said. 

The former Miss Argentina died November 29, reportedly of a pulmonary embolism, a blood clot that blocks blood supply to the lungs. Embolisms are known complications of silicone injections though they can occur -- rarely -- after any surgery. It's still not clear Miss Argentina was given a silicone injection, which is not an approved procedure for "butt lifts" in Argentina or the United States. 

Read more about Solange Magnano's death 

If silicone injections caused Magnano's death, the lesson learned is an obvious one -- seek out unapproved medical procedures at your own peril -- but there are many other, more subtle tips for staying safe during plastic surgery. 

Some people think of cosmetic surgery as not real surgery... It's still surgery. You get cut. You bleed.
--Dr. Angelo Cuzalina

The first rule is not to take plastic surgery lightly. 

"Some people think of cosmetic surgery as not real surgery. They get the impression they're going to a spa," said Dr. Angelo Cuzalina, president-elect of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery. "It's still surgery. You get cut. You bleed." 

While complications of plastic surgery are rare, they do happen. For example, for every 100,000 liposuction procedures in the United States, there are between three and 100 deaths, according to the Food and Drug Administration

The second rule is to be your own investigator. 

"It's my impression from being a surgeon that people don't ask enough questions," said Dr. Phil Haeck, president-elect of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons

Colleen Fledderman learned that lesson the hard way. 

When her 18-year-old daughter, Amy, wanted liposuction in her chin and stomach, she said the surgeon told them that Amy was "zero risk." 

"I asked him if there was anything we needed to worry about, like blood clots to the brain, or anything like that, and he said absolutely not," Fledderman said. 

The procedure was performed in 2001 in the King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, office of Dr. Richard Glunk. Later that day, Amy was transferred to the hospital, where she died two days later. Her autopsy listed complications of a fat embolism due to liposuction as the cause of death. Her parents filed a wrongful death lawsuit and won $20.5 million in damages against Glunk and a nurse anesthetist involved in the surgery. The case is on appeal to the Superior Court of Pennsylvania, where it's scheduled to be argued in January. 

Glunk said he never told Amy that she was "zero risk" and that Amy was aware of the risks inherent in surgery, including the possibility of death. He said a fat embolism like the one that led to Amy's death is "a tragic, unpredictable, unpreventable event that has no treatment" other than supportive care. 

"The informed consent was at all times with Amy. It was her understanding," Glunk said. "The instant that Amy had any problems, 911 was called." 

Glunk said there's no doubt in his mind that the verdict against him will be reversed on appeal. 

"Even though everything is going to get reversed in the courts, and it will technically be proclaimed that I did nothing wrong, I've had 8½ years of damage that will never be undone," he said. "Any time anyone has a severe complication with surgery it's a horrible tragedy, but the existence of a complication does not mean that a doctor did anything wrong." 

While plastic surgery will never be risk-free, asking these five questions can help decrease the chances of a deadly complication. 

1. "Doctor, are you board certified?" 

You want a doctor who's certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. You can find one by going to the Web site of the American Board of Medical Specialties

2. "Doctor, is your office accredited for performing this procedure?" 

Most cosmetic procedures are not done in hospitals, but rather in outpatient clinics, according to Cuzalina of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery. 

He recommends going to a clinic that's been accredited by a group such as the Joint Commission or the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care. These groups inspect facilities and make sure they're set up to safely perform surgical procedures. 

"You're better off going to someone who cared enough to get the proper accreditation," Cuzalina said. 

3. Doctor, what's your prevention plan for deep vein thrombosis? 

One of the more common complications of plastic surgery is a DVT, where a blood clot forms in a deep vein, usually in the leg. The clot can then break loose and travel to the lungs, causing a pulmonary embolism. 

Haeck of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons said doctors should have a plan to prevent DVTs, which may include wearing special stockings during surgery, walking as soon possible after surgery, and looking out for early warning signs of complications, such as leg pain or shortness of breath. 

4. Doctor, do you have privileges at a hospital to perform this procedure? 

Even though you likely won't be in the hospital, you want to know if a hospital has deemed your doctor skilled enough to perform the procedure in their facility. 

"The hospital is the judge of the physician's abilities," Haeck said. "If a surgeon says he doesn't have privileges at a local hospital to do the procedure, that should be a red flag." 

If the surgeon says he does have privileges, call the hospital and double-check. 

5. Doctor, how many of these procedures have you done? 

"Good surgeons expect you to research them and won't be afraid to answer personal or tough questions," Haeck said. 

When you find out how many times a doctor has performed a procedure, go to other plastic surgeons and compare. 

In addition to asking these five questions, here are two more tips. Beware of trying to do too much at once. Lumping together several procedures can increase the chances you're going to have a problem. 

"With any major surgery, the longer the surgery and the more invasive the surgery, the higher your chances of developing a blood clot," Cuzalina said. 

Also, make sure you talk to your doctor about whether you need to go off certain medications before surgery. For example, birth control pills and estrogen supplements increase your chance of getting a blood clot, and doctors often recommend stopping them several weeks before surgery. 

Doctors also sometimes want patients to stop taking herbs such as ginkgo and concentrated garlic, which can lead to excessive bleeding.

CNN's John Bonifield and Sabriya Rice contributed to this report.

Entry #10

Weird But True

Today I had a conference with the school where one of my special needs kids attend. As the conversation was ending I asked for the extension to reach her by phone. When she gave me her extension I almost keeled over!! Why??? Because of something I posted last week for my predictions.

Last week I posted this:

I have a strong urge to list 6372  and 4388 for Pick 4 also. Don't know who need it but there they are.


The extension given to me was none other than 6372!!!! For a moment I almost blacked out. I know that to most of you reading this you'll probably say, "oh please!!" But if you have ever had that strong urge and couldn't explain it and then have that feeling-urge-unction-hunch, happen then you have an idea what I am experiencing here.

No I didn't win any money on these numbers. But the person I spoke with is a key person I  need to be in contact with reguarding my special needs kid.

So, Heavenly Father who sits between the cherubims, I thank YOU in the name of Jesus Christ for blessing me with the numbers 6372. I am thankful and grateful for any and all numbers I receive. All praise-honor-& glory goes to YOU!! As YOU give to me I will share with others as YOU have commanded.

I still have a strong urge to list 6372-4388- & 4789. I still don't know who need it but once again there they are.


Father, I thank YOU in the name of Jesus for the numbers given. I ask YOU to bless who ever these numbers are for with exact order wins so that all glory and praise goes to YOU. Thank YOU Father for using me as a tool to answer prayers YOU'VE received.

Entry #9

Pick 3 Pick 4 Numbers for the week of Dec 6,2009 to Dec 12

These are the Pick 3 and Pick 4 numbers for the week of Dec. 6 to Dec. 12.

Pick 3: 976-672-316-319-219-988-216-473-073-580-971-310

Pick 4: 9788-2342-4305-2119-4308-9705-9212-0783-9555-5311-1176-4303

I look forward to seeing you in the winners circle.    Party


Heavenly Father who sits between the Cherubims, I thank YOU in the name of Jesus Christ, for allowing these Pick 3 and Pick 4 numbers to hit in exact order for the Pick 3 and Pick 4 player that has petitioned YOU with a financial request. GOD YOU do not discriminate. YOU give to all who ask. So based on YOUR word and what YOU said in YOUR word, I am asking YOU in Jesus' name to grant the petition of the Pick 3 and Pick 4 players for today and for this week. Amen.

Father, I thank YOU in the name of Jesus for the numbers given. I ask YOU to bless who ever these numbers are for with exact order wins so that all glory and praise goes to YOU. Thank YOU Father for using me as a tool to answer prayers YOU'VE received.

Entry #8

Pick 3 Pick 4 numbers for the week of November 20 to Dec 5

These are the Pick 3 and Pick 4 numbers for the week of November 20, 2009 to December 5, 2009.


Pick 3:  973 796 793 722 945 643 387 762 285 473 279 816

Pick 4:  1611 2918 9633 2279 9860 4672 2386 9578 8402 6307 2945 9772

I have a strong urge to list 6372  and 4388 for Pick 4 also. Don't know who need it but there they are.


I look forward to seeing you in the winners circle.    Party


Father, I thank YOU in the name of Jesus for the numbers given. I ask YOU to bless who ever these numbers are for with exact order wins so that all glory and praise goes to YOU. Thank YOU Father for using me as a tool to answer prayers YOU'VE received.

Entry #7
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