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Obama Home In Chicago Foreclosed

Why would he allow this to happen? They estimate his worth 40 million and he just cost Chicago residents an estimated 250 million dollars for his library. Guess he doesn't want to spend his own money, just the tax payers.

Entry #144

Blacks and Mediine

We have a Black Army Retired Colonel in the assisted living facility. In the dining room another retired civil service Black sat at the same table. He became very ill and now in serious condition. The Colonel told the White man at the table it was because his doctor was White and Blacks must have a Black doctor to get the right medicine. I called my wife's rehab doctor who is Black and a graduate of Miami University and left him this question on his answering service,was it true, "Blacks must have a Black Doctor to get the correct medication"? I receive about 10 minutes later. his nurse tells me, the Doctor wants me to let you know, the retired Colonel needs help, and please ignore him.

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Entry #143
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