MOVE OVER! Here I come

For those of you who don't know, I'm an ARIES, with a LEO moon and a LEO cardinal.

With those I'm very familiar with, I often tell them, The Aries in me makes me want to climb to great heights, the Leo in me won't let me starve.

In other words, I don't Pray for Prey. I track it and assimilate! 

Yes, to some it sounds y but for me, it's a vow to myself never to be satisfied with the physical.  Spiritual, I am and will ever be!  For there is much to teach and so much more to learn.

With that being said, MERCURY is Directly in alignment with ARIES (mercury aries direct).  What does that mean for people like me?

3/13 Merc/Pluto   Watch my temper and don't take anything to heart.  Humans are learning to be.  Hence Human beings....

3/15 Merc/Jup      Stay humble and bold.  Remember eveything that's good isn't necessarily good for you!

3/18 Merc/Sat      Watch my surrounding, Negative breeds negative (polarize all situations)

4/09 Merc/Sun     Quick witted makes you quick with it.

4/11 Merc/Jup      Happy feelings in the air...

4/23 Merc Direct   No beating around the bush.  Straight and narrow, remember sequences (234)

5/09 Merc/Ven      Stay focused or you'll see double or maybe triples (777, 666, 667, etc)

5/11 Stellium is in Aries (remember 5/09 and 5/11 3/15 and 4/11)

The ARIES in me screams today, MOVE OVER, here I come!

Entry #302

Common Denominator

I was sitting down talking to a family member today.  I realized we have a common denominator, which is Spiritualism, numerology and Divine Knowledge.  As we spoke, I realized how close we are, how much I realized that I needed this in all of my planes.  I wanted to keep him talking and keep this vibration near me for all eternities. 

As we began to connect, I realized the polarity we vibrated, would and can move parallel universes. 

I spoke yesterday on the Orange Moon (166 & 6601)  As we continued our discussion I told him about the Orange Moon, he asked me to pull a card for confirmation.  I did: the cards value 6:  666, 600 611, 601 and the 601 family.

How much more can we gain in knowledge by speaking to each other each day. 

"I asked, let's get in alignment let's decide we're going to bless someone for the next couple of days.  Are you in agreement?"  "YES" he said.

I asked think of a number:  Hold it in your thoughts, say mmm, hmmh, when you have it locked in your "Isness"  I wait for the mmm, hmmmh,  As soon as he says mmm hmmh, I pull a card from the deck, I place it face down and ask, "What number are you holding in the universe?  He states 5555.  I turn the card over. Its value: 55: 550 555 551 5555 5505

I tell him what I turn over.  We chuckle.  I say what do you say the number will be for MIchigan:   105, it falls, midday today.  So we're aligned and we stand in agreement to the following.  Not thinking of states but of financial  blessings:

111, 123, 203, 984, 439, 610, 461, 1248 

common denominator

A quantity into which all the denominators of a set of fractions may be divided without a remainder. For example, the fractions 1/3 and 2/5 have a common denominator of 15.
2. a belief, attribute, etc., held in common by members of a class or group
Entry #301

I'm an Orange Moon

I'm an Orange Moon,

Reflecting the light of the sun, 

I'm brighter than before,

BRIGHTER, than ever before,

I'm an Orange moon and I shine so bright

Cause I reflect the light of my Sun.

I praise the day, It looked my way, and smiled at me.

The Sun smiles and I get to smile cause I get to stay Orange, 

ORANGE is a power color.  It stimulates, hunger, creativity, vitality and endurance.  I live in the Aries sun.  Aries is a red lover but sometimes, the fire fire in us smolders and that is where I am today, smoldering, gentler with a more thoughtful creative spirit leading me today.

Where the Sun acts, the moon reacts. 

I'm ruling the ebb and flow of my physical multi-verse.

I am responsive, receptive and reflective.

I am the mediator between the inner worlds and the outer worlds

I walk in the fulfillment of my destiny. 

VIBRATING IN SPIRITUAL PERFECTION:  My lives will forever abide in the house of 7

Entry #300

3.11.11 just 2 days away...

It wouldn't surprise me a bit if this date brings the false quad 3833 or 3111 or 8111.  I was looking at LIBRA's post and it stated;

Sun in Pisces 12                        8

Moon in Gemini                         8      Waxing Crescent

Day Friday Venus        2-7    


According to the Astrology Lucky numbers chart, the following numbers are associated with the above:

Sun in Pisces      (day numbers)  PISCES - 1497 = 417 = 179 = 479 = 419 

Moon in Gemini   (eve numbers) GEMINI = 8246 = 846 = 246 = 826 = 824            

Waxing Crescent     (755, 2146)  867, 9397

Day Friday Venus    (743, 0358)   

I will say this, one thing is for sure, 3+11+11=7 so that 317 is sure to hit a few states in the 3 & 4 digits.

Entry #299

As a baby dreams

I sat quietly viewing old videos of my little one fast asleep today.  How beautiful the world is when you can watch the  growth & development of a child. 


As I sat watching, I realized that she was dreaming.  I wondered, what could an infant dream about?  I pondered, "you've not been in this world more than a few days, what could you possibly be dreaming about?" 


Babies, usually sleep between 16 to 18 hours a day, they spend more than 50% of that in REM.  I wonder, is she dreaming during that entire time?  If so, what about? 


It has been said, that babies have a Divine Connection with the Collective Unconscious until they are totally attached to it's human parent(s).  If so, could she be utilizing her connection with the Divine as a means of preparation for her new life here?


Open your eyes little one and show me the expansiveness of the Muti-Verse.  I await your first words....


I believe it to be true that dreams are the

true interpretation of our inclinations; but 

there is  art required to sort and understand them.

~Montaigne, Essays II, xii

vibrating in multiplicity: 1, 6 

Entry #298


Attention doesn't give your real strenth it just keeps you functional while you experience your dysfunction....

That came to me today when I was meditating about the negativity I sometimes experience here on LP. 


With that thought, I pen this message.

Attention, is the aspect of your human being or wanting to be noticed; it's your conscious saying "I feel imperfect. 

That's all that I choose to entertain about the enitre situation.  With that thought, I close this brief message with prayer....

Divine, whatever it is that has those who havesought to bring negative energy to and toward me, release them. 

Speak into their ears the directions towards the bridge that will allow them to cross over into enlightenment.  Fill them with the overflowing knowledge of Divine love.  Lead them to the spiritual place in your thoughts that allows them to be comfortable in knowing that You are waiting patiently.  Allow them to sit in your presence and know that you can remove the negative thoughts which were conjured up by their negative emotions.  Remove the feeling of self lack that has become a reality for them. Show them that there is and will ever be love.

As it is in YOU, let it be forever more...

Because the Divine is love, I am love and I overstand the power of forgivenees, you are forgiven and released from my thought.


Vibrating in 9 (judgement) and 5 (grace)

Entry #296

You Know??

Some times in life, you just need to step back.  I've had a couple of experiences here on LP that have made me really wonder what is going on?

Who I am and what I say are pure reflections of what I am.  If you met me on the streets, in an airport at a clients booth, etc you'd get the same person you read from on the blogs and forums.  I'm not one to entertain anything negative and for this reason, I'm choosing not to post anything on LP for a while.

No, I didn't pray about it but I believe it's the right thing to do at this point.  I do realize that the views and opinions of some are not the views and opinions of the All but right now, I just refuse to handle the negativity of those who have not even taken the time to "get to know my virtual image" but have taken the time to think that I'm actually speaking in reference to them from a blog or forum post!  REALLY.

I pray you All green lights.

Until the energies of positivity fill me to over flowing may you continue to be blessed and highly favored.

Entry #294

You only need one number to hit

Started thinking about my life today.

How grateful I am to have seen so much, to have learned and am learning so much and to have had and am having the experiences that some only dream about.  I'm so happy to have lived this life, thus far, and have reamined here to be blessing to others.

You know, sometmes you look back and wonder "Why Me?"  When you become enlightened you come to know the reason.  That reason is, it could have been someone else you know and they would not have "lived" to talk about it.  But you, you are the stronger vessel, you are the one who can stand tall in the midst of that adversity and live to say, I've been there and I know how you feel and this is how to deal with it....

I reflect that and this today:  You only can be you, no matter how you dress or act.  If you choose to change it's on you.  If you decide to look a different way it's your choice if you decide to become someone other than what you think you are, you already are....

One thing I've come to realize in this existence is that regardless to who you were yesterday, you're that same person and so much more, today.  And, that although you are you, others see you as something totally different, they always have and they always will.  What you see and what others see are mirror images of one another.

So it is Above, So it is here and below...

With this DIVINE thought; I turn the cards this afternoon: Q A 9 (119  1019)

What I see:  1019/1016 1159 1029/1026 1019/1016 1969

What you might see: 1014 1104 1024 1026 6064 1996

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.  May the Creator continue the added blessings to these words.


Entry #293

The power of 3

Vibrating in the 3 today: Complete Unity [All thing to all people and yet nothing]

If you over-esteem talented, others become highly competitive
If you make something your prized possession, others will want to take it
Some times, you have to practice "not-doing" in order for others to do right.

Vibrating in 3 today: 
             so I'll draw three cards:

5 of Hearts: 555 511 005            card meaning:  028 73 = 733 773
7 of Spades: 777 711 007           card meaning:  066 39 = 399 339
10 of Diamonds: 101 001            card meaning:  728 14=  144 114

Entry #292

2/27/11 4-3-2-1

4 - 0725

3 - 144

2 - 13 (A =23 63)

1 - 8


213 223 263

188 118

Entry #290

Learning to love waiting

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them.  And the point is to live everything.  Live the questions”

        Rainer Maria Rilke

 Watching these numbers and states:

California:  3419  6062  7045  6559

Michigan:  1224  8010  5240  9479

Georgia:  5677  5776  2914  8774


All things come to him who waits - provided he knows what he is waiting for.

     Woodrow T. Wilson

Entry #289

It is said

It is said that:

The brightness of the Enlightenment seems like darkness,

the advancement of the Universe seems like retreat,

the level path seems rough and narrow,

true virtue doesn't seem to be enough,

Caution seems like cowardice,

the pure seems polluted,

But I've come to realize that:

a true square seems to have no corners

because there is no box,

the best vessels take the most time to finish,

the greatest sounds can't be heard

and the Greatest Image has no form

The Creator is.  From whence it came, I do not know,

where it goes, I must learn to follow.  It is All and yet,


It alone nourishes and completes all things.

                     Vibrating in 41


5310 210 486 seem to resonate with me today?  hmmmh?

Entry #288