Jackpot lottery ticket: dying man's final gift

Jun 1, 2005, 7:12 pm (52 comments)

Florida Lottery

A woman who bought a lottery ticket at the urging of her dying father won almost $1 million the day he passed away.

Yolanda Williams won the $979,440 prize after her father, Frank Reppa, sent her from his hospital room May 24 to go to a convenience store and buy a ticket. The two had always bought lottery tickets together.

"My father gave this to me," said Williams, 50, a retired custodian for the St. James City post office in Lee County on the Gulf Coast. 'It is a blessing and a gift."

Williams turned in a Mega Money ticket bearing the numbers 18-21-34-43 and the Megaball 20, to lottery officials Tuesday in Tallahassee. She took her winnings in a one-time lump sum, rather than $1.3 million spread over 20 years.

Williams said she took on the job of caring for her ailing father six years ago. Williams and Reppa, 79, played the Florida lottery almost every day — sometimes they would spend a dollar or sometimes $10 on the game, she said.

"I shop all over for tickets," Williams said. 'I'm a gambler and he's a gambler. If we had $100 in our pockets, we'd buy a hundred tickets, scratch-offs, lottery, whatever."

Williams and her husband, Sherman, a disabled commercial fisherman, have five children and five grandchildren.

Neighbor Tom Desantis, 37, said the family has struggled in the five years he has known them.

"They always had it hard," he said. 'You do what you can do to get by."

Now Williams and her husband are considering buying 140 acres in north Florida and paying off some of her father's bills with the winnings.

"This gave my father dignity at his funeral," Williams said. 'May my father rest in peace."

Bokeelia is located at the north end of Pine Island in the Gulf of Mexico, just west of Cape Coral.


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visiondude's avatarvisiondude

  quick,  someone get ahold of pick4-master and tell him that God has nothing to do with the lottery Green laugh

20 youknowwho

jeffrey's avatarjeffrey

They aren't liable for her fathers bills. Keep the money for yourself. You need it.


GOD/MAN created the beginning of Modern Day Lotteries when the "Casting Of Lots" was used in the Bible and since GOD/MAN are "ONE" I guess GOD has something to do with the Lottery "Our Will is his Will his Will is our Will" it's all the same he desires what we desire that we all get what we want.


So your "RIGHT" "VisionDude" GOD does have something to do with the Lottery as long as it's what we want.

visiondude's avatarvisiondude

  dearest pick4,

  you and i  (despite our differences),  have a good "history"  together.  so when i saw this,  i couldn't resist.

so it was just for fun, not contention.

pretty cool story eh?

youknowwho / 20

Todd's avatarTodd

GOD/MAN created the beginning of Modern Day Lotteries when the "Casting Of Lots" was used in the Bible and since GOD/MAN are "ONE" I guess GOD has something to do with the Lottery "Our Will is his Will his Will is our Will" it's all the same he desires what we desire that we all get what we want.

Honestly, the "casting of lots" in the Bible has little or nothing to do with the lottery.  It was a distribution of land based on need and ability, and had nothing to do with chance.  People saying that the Bible mentions lotteries is a myth.

visiondude's avatarvisiondude

GOD/MAN created the beginning of Modern Day Lotteries when the "Casting Of Lots" was used in the Bible and since GOD/MAN are "ONE" I guess GOD has something to do with the Lottery "Our Will is his Will his Will is our Will" it's all the same he desires what we desire that we all get what we want.

Honestly, the "casting of lots" in the Bible has little or nothing to do with the lottery.  It was a distribution of land based on need and ability, and had nothing to do with chance.  People saying that the Bible mentions lotteries is a myth.

  true.  they are the scriptures that people use to justify gambling biblically.

  BTW;  did you end up getting one of those ministerial licenses from the legitimate  (sic)  "universal life church" ?

 with lottery post growing so fast, i am sure that one day you will be asked to marry a couple that met in here (lol).



The Bible does not mention Lotteries or Gambling that is "CORRECT"  and "Casting Of Lots" had nothing to do with gambling back then because it did not exist.But the word Lottery is derived from the word "Lot" and later became the form of gambling that we have today with our modern day Lotteries.Gambling is not "Justified" or "Denied" Biblically,whether it's considered a SIN or not is really a matter of OPINION or INTERPRETATION of Scripture.Anyway GOOD Luck to all "Hows it going VisionDude" I know you like to gamble still playing your 1 "Quick-Pick"?



SirMetro's avatarSirMetro

Hummm....roughly, $26 Million for $979,440??? Somebody please tell me where I can get interest payments like that. Either somebody has a zero in the wrong place or that woman got cheated out of a lot of money (roughly $11 million needed to create a $26 million payout over 20 years). I am really surprised nobody seem to notice that.

Oh, and uh...in regards to Gambling, I think it did exist in the time the Bible was wrote. Unless the sunday school stories I remember is wrong, doesn't the bible talk about how Jesus cast out the gamblers and money dealers from the house of worship (or something to that extent).

Sir Metro


Really? I did not know that well I guess maybe WE stand CORRECTED?

visiondude's avatarvisiondude

The Bible does not mention Lotteries or Gambling that is "CORRECT"  and "Casting Of Lots" had nothing to do with gambling back then because it did not exist.But the word Lottery is derived from the word "Lot" and later became the form of gambling that we have today with our modern day Lotteries.Gambling is not "Justified" or "Denied" Biblically,whether it's considered a SIN or not is really a matter of OPINION or INTERPRETATION of Scripture.Anyway GOOD Luck to all "Hows it going VisionDude" I know you like to gamble still playing your 1 "Quick-Pick"?




 i am doing good, thanks.

 i am still playing my $1 quick pick on the jackpot games,  but that is only because i am eventually "meant to". 

i don't gamble on any other level.  no pick3,  no scratch off's,  not even a super bowl pool.  gambling doesn't do anything for me interest wise, so the only reason i even bother with my (1)  QP, is because i know that i am "meant to"...

as a christian,  i don't have any thing against gambling as such.  but i don't promote it either as it is a matter of conscience.  i personally think it's ok if ones conscience is cool about it, and someone doesn't throw alot of money at it trying to win something they are most likely not meant to.

  and of course it wouldn't be a wise thing if someone hangs thier hope/future on it (even if  one knows they are "meant to").  that is the one unfortunate thing i see at LP alot.  is that people think that the lottery is the answer to thier life and when they see that someone else has won instead of them, they become really depressed.  how sad...

 flying "v"

visiondude's avatarvisiondude

Hummm....roughly, $26 Million for $979,440??? Somebody please tell me where I can get interest payments like that. Either somebody has a zero in the wrong place or that woman got cheated out of a lot of money (roughly $11 million needed to create a $26 million payout over 20 years). I am really surprised nobody seem to notice that.

Oh, and uh...in regards to Gambling, I think it did exist in the time the Bible was wrote. Unless the sunday school stories I remember is wrong, doesn't the bible talk about how Jesus cast out the gamblers and money dealers from the house of worship (or something to that extent).

Sir Metro

 that particular story wasn't about gambling,  it was about greed and deception while using God for personal gain.

the money changers were selling temple sacrifices (turtle doves) and were taking advantage of the people monetarily.

Jesus became enraged at the thought that someone would take advantage of someone using something that he commissoned for the purpose of being obedient to him, for personal gain.

i am absolutely sure that God is still incensed when he sees all these goobers on TV these days telling people that they will "prosper" after they "tithe" to them.  as if the blessings of God are either attached to money, or can be "purchased".  the only people "prospering" ...are those televangelists.  sickening.  because people are desperate and because they maybe ignorant of how God works,  they get taken advantage of by these people who "use God"  .....for personal gain.

it is so prevalent that people are actually getting into the "ministry" because they know it's easy tax-free pickings.  people that have no interest in God, teach themselves the "vernacular" so that they can sell themselves. they use people, then out of business they go when they "smell" that someone is on to them.  i saw one guy in calif do this multiple times.  he is now a wanted man.

i used to live in the ATL and it is really prevalent there.  when you get a chance sir metro, watch anyone and see how long it takes for them to mention money.  ....they always do (puke)

 20/20  (peoplewithvisioncantellthesheepfromthegoats)


I agree with you there VISIONDUDE when GAMBLING  becomes an obsession and they start spending unwisely then it's a problem but it doesn't make that person a sinner (like some people think)(not referring to you though) just irresponsible

SirMetro's avatarSirMetro

Vision...thanks...I knew somebody would take the time to correct me Jester

But in regards to my original comment...I am still amazed nobody is noticing the huge difference in $$$ listed between annuity and lump sum. Or am I the only one who finds this ruther incredible?

Sir Metro

LuckyFoxTerrier's avatarLuckyFoxTerrier

Sir Metro, I noticed, and once church is done here, maybe we could discuss it!



LuckyFoxTerrier's avatarLuckyFoxTerrier

Hey Hey, Pick4Master!!!!!  Where on earth have you been?!  Great to see you, man! 




hEY "LUCKYFOX" just been working hard with my Lottery Group "Lucky 7 Club"

visiondude's avatarvisiondude

Sir Metro, I noticed, and once church is done here, maybe we could discuss it!



 church?  who said anything about church?

  now if you would like, i can explain what "church" really is (and it has NOTHING to do with a building).  all you have to do is ask.

and remember,  you don't have to "attend" if you don't want to.

but me (and others beside you) realize that "church"  ...is NEVER "closed".

"God"  plays a big role at LP (despite your opposition).  and HE  will be in here long after you (and me) are gone...

20/20 (andgettingclearereveryday)


I don't think "LuckyFox" opposes GOD being here VisionDude just people that PREACH there views a little too strongly at times.

LuckyFoxTerrier's avatarLuckyFoxTerrier

VD, The problem I always ALWAYS have with YOU, not with God, is that you assume too much!  You THINK you know EVERYTHING!  And you don't.  You know very little of my views on "God" and whether you like it or not, YOU are not the only one who knows something of God!  So, yeah, I get really sick of you and most so called "christians" pushing your "version" of God and CHURCH on to everone and everything all the time! 

It seems just fine these days for christians to be outspoken in EVERY arena - politics, in business, etc.  It is the USA where free speech is fine.  Therefore, I have become very outspoken myself lately just to keep people like you OUT OF MY FACE.  The other day I went into an Arby's to buy a chicken wrap.  Posted on the wall by the cash register were two huge tabloids of the 10 Commandments.  I think that's an outrage that churchy stuff like that that makes my skin personally crawl has to be posted in a fast food restaurant.  I mentioned that I was offended by it and you would've thought the world was coming to an end.  Now it was fine for THEM to post this crap n my face! But, it was, in their views, NOT ok for me to voice that I did NOT appreciate this!  That's the problem I and many others have with people like you and this particular Arby's restaurant, is this one sided, selfrighteousness.

I have no problem with God.  I have a problem with those who so arrogantly assume they know everything about God and wrongly assume everyone else, & every other culture, everyone who thinks a little differently than they do, is wrong and will automatically go to hell. 

If you want "church" here, then lets look at Jesus' REAL message which people like you seem to miss.  LOVE ONE ANOTHER.  It was that simple.  Could change the whole world, yet most christians support a president who sends us off to war ...... real loving, I say.  The hyprocrisy just astounds me.  Block abortion/start war.  Hmmm.  That's pretty confusing to me, and must send a very mixed message to children.  And supposedly "God" .... their God, your God, condones this!  Sorry, but I don't buy it, and never will.



visiondude's avatarvisiondude

VD, The problem I always ALWAYS have with YOU, not with God, is that you assume too much!  You THINK you know EVERYTHING!  And you don't.  You know very little of my views on "God" and whether you like it or not, YOU are not the only one who knows something of God!  So, yeah, I get really sick of you and most so called "christians" pushing your "version" of God and CHURCH on to everone and everything all the time! 

It seems just fine these days for christians to be outspoken in EVERY arena - politics, in business, etc.  It is the USA where free speech is fine.  Therefore, I have become very outspoken myself lately just to keep people like you OUT OF MY FACE.  The other day I went into an Arby's to buy a chicken wrap.  Posted on the wall by the cash register were two huge tabloids of the 10 Commandments.  I think that's an outrage that churchy stuff like that that makes my skin personally crawl has to be posted in a fast food restaurant.  I mentioned that I was offended by it and you would've thought the world was coming to an end.  Now it was fine for THEM to post this crap n my face! But, it was, in their views, NOT ok for me to voice that I did NOT appreciate this!  That's the problem I and many others have with people like you and this particular Arby's restaurant, is this one sided, selfrighteousness.

I have no problem with God.  I have a problem with those who so arrogantly assume they know everything about God and wrongly assume everyone else, & every other culture, everyone who thinks a little differently than they do, is wrong and will automatically go to hell. 

If you want "church" here, then lets look at Jesus' REAL message which people like you seem to miss.  LOVE ONE ANOTHER.  It was that simple.  Could change the whole world, yet most christians support a president who sends us off to war ...... real loving, I say.  The hyprocrisy just astounds me.  Block abortion/start war.  Hmmm.  That's pretty confusing to me, and must send a very mixed message to children.  And supposedly "God" .... their God, your God, condones this!  Sorry, but I don't buy it, and never will.



 what happened to your self control lucky?  we have "history" together and i thought that you were content on your side of the board?    i was.

 why should a person,  like me,  who is not afraid to stand up for the real Jesus Christ (not the politically correct one),  bother little ol' you?  especially if it is not something that you care to follow/believe in?  like i told you over and over, i don't "aim" my comments at people like you.  but somehow you feel offended by my stance.  i cannot apologize as it is part of doing "business".

  my "aim" is at the many people in here that believe as i do. it is not an opinion of one,  but of many do you understand that now?  unlike some people in here who worry more about what people think of them rather than what God thinks of them and thier subsequent "stances" in life, i don't worry about the fact that what i say divides some people because if it is what i  think it is,  it is supposed to.

if you don't like it, don't read it.  but if you even think that you will somehow get me to the place where i won't talk about it, or where you will weaken my stance on it by "softening" the message.... that lucky is a most precious waste of your time. i have been in here long before you got here, and the things that God is doing thru my life will be around LOOOOOOOOOOOONG after you have moved on. 

 you are not the first,  but many in a long list who have tried.  if it floats your boat, have at it.  you will fail as well.  i have a job (of sorts)  to do at LP.

   whether you like it or not,  God is using me in here (or so i claim and time will tell).  but His "aim" is at those who are on the same page, or those who are still at the point where they are searching as to who he might be.  a tap on the shoulder of sorts. 

it's not like i know everything or think that i am the end all - be all on the God issue.  but one thing is for certain, i am not afraid to say what i do know, nor will i shrink back at the thought of those who oppose me as i have work to do in here (VISION).  and by the time God is done with me in here (and he shows himself thru my life), then whatever equation people come to as a result of that is between God and them.  in the maentime,  i don't pretend to think that i am anyone special.  so don't confuse my boldness with self-righteousness.  still i remain faithful until that time,  so your efforts to silence the "vision",  will always be futile. 

IMO, you talk to dead people (channeling),  and consult demons (seth) for directions for your life.  despite my opposition to that,  do you see me chasing you around?  but if you like, we can become "acquainted" again.  it's really up to you as i would think by now that you would realize that i don't wither when someone challenges my place in here.  but as you will.  i don't run, hide or "wither".

"Christians" are supposed to be outspoken.  they are not supposed to shove Christ per se down peoples throats but i tell you what, any Christian who knows anything about who Christ really is and what he did for them will ALWAYS pick Christ over peoples feelings.  once that door does open, they are not afraid to walk thru it.  unfortunately for some in here, they are more worried about making friends and hurting peoples feelings than they are about taking a stand when necessary.  that is not me.  i am thankful for what he did for me and i intend to share that sentiment with those who feel the same way (when the timing is right) so that they can grow and become encourage in thier faith.  if i have to be the whipping boy,  i got big shoulders and i am good with that.

if you don't like what Christians have to say, you have a voice.  you can vote.  if you don't like the 10 commandments posted in a privately owned restaurant,  go across the street to burger king.  they believe in re-incarnation.  they're burgers in a past life used to be a cow (ok that was sarcastic,  but i couldn't resist).  you mentioned that because you live in an area that is populated by alot of christians and that oppresses you (which i understand why),  then move.  there is always san francisco,  new mexico and a few other places where people talk to dead people.  then you can feel more politically correct.  but it would be futile to think that christians are going to be silenced as they too live in a free world.  neither of us has to listen and or take what either of us has to say as "gospel".  just turn the page.

i would be remiss if i didn't address your comments about a God who would be in favor of war.  any Christian worth thier salt who actually really knows anything about the biblical history of Gods stance on war knows that God DOES advocate war against evil .....as a last resort.  the bible is filled with the stories of how God commanded his people to both avenge his name,  and to deal with people whose sole intention was evil.  sometimes, he just did it himself.  remember that story about noah, the flood and all that?  why did noah not swat those two flies when he had a chance?

"they" (the terrorists, not the flies) attacked us first and if you think that what they did was not sufficiently evil enough to be defended against so that it will never happen again,  then maybe you should move to iraq where you  can make a difference there.  although i doubt that you will ever have a chance to vote if that time comes.  heck if you had a husband there, he might not let you stroll over to arby's where most likely they would have a copy of the koran hanging around. 

if you want to go over to wherever osama bin dip wad is and "love him" back to his senses,  then be my guest.  i for one (and i know that God is pleased that we are willing to defend against evil),  am glad that we went over there and cleaned up the mess.  now what i don't like is that we are still there.  i am not sure of the answer and i appreciate someone like bush standing up for whats right,  but we need to get out of there and let "them" handle their own business.  i don't like the idea that we are expending some of our own lives for thier freedom.  initially i believe that our invasion was "righteous".  i don't know the answer of how to get out of there while fulfilling our obligation to make things right and "righteously" finish what we started.  i hope it ends soon but i don't see that happening.  to a certain extent,  let them kill themselves as they work out some resolution.  and if some other dip wad pushes out his chest and is a legitimate threat to us,  then i guess will have to defend ourselves again. 

 you have this wrong mis-conception about who God is concerning this issue (at least the God of the bible).  i will be more than happy to recite the many historical accounts of God avenging his name,  and dealing with evil if you wish.  that way you won't ever again confuse the God of the bible as some touchy-feely politically correct "god".  the other side of our loving God who extends his hand to all and is always his first move toward his creation, is also a just and righteous God who will ALWAYS avenge his name,  and those who purpetrate evil. inculding those who oppose his will.  oops.  there goes my honesty...

your turn...

 20/15 (sincewhendopeoplewithvisionallowotherstoripitoutofthierhand?)

LuckyFoxTerrier's avatarLuckyFoxTerrier

blah, blah blah, whatEVER, VD. 




GOD uses people? I didn't know GOD "used" people against there free will

visiondude's avatarvisiondude

GOD uses people? I didn't know GOD "used" people against there free will

  i am not sure what you mean exactly.  explain a little bit further and i will of course give you an explanation.


atlasshrugged's avataratlasshrugged

visiondude, I just read the long statement you made. I so agree with you. I'm not gonna go so far as to say that you are a genius but you're pretty smart. IMHO. But I don't understand the statement at the end: "oops, there goes my honesty..." Huh? -Bonnie


Oh My GoodNess!!!!

LuckyFoxTerrier's avatarLuckyFoxTerrier

Anyways, I think it's way cool that that man had his daughter buy a ticket and then he died and left her with all that money.  Talk about "vision".  He had it.  Personally, I think it had little to do with God.  If it did, God would have us all out there buying winning tickets....God knows we all ASK to!  That old guy's inward vision was probably opening up b/c he was ready to pass through the veil to the other side.  Just the same way people can begin to see their deceased loved ones waiting on them right before they cross over.

Would be my luck to become that psychic, get the ticket and die, too!  LOL  Good grief!!  Reminds me of the Alanis Morisette song, "it's like rain on your wedding day, like a fly in your chardonnay ....etc ...... won the lottery/died the next day." 

I have to wonder if he's on the other side kinda kicking himself!  LOL 


MADDOG10's avatarMADDOG10

I can't see where this man had a  "vision". If I read correctly, he and his daughter had been playing all along. I don't think just because he told his daughter to get him a ticket which they had done for many years in the past and it won constitutes he had a "vision". but then again thats only my opinion. 

LuckyFoxTerrier's avatarLuckyFoxTerrier

Yeah, you're right, it's probably just a random thing.  I've really got to watch that creative thinking thing that I do ..... makes life a little too interesting and "out of the box". 

RJOh's avatarRJOh

I can't see where this man had a  "vision". If I read correctly, he and his daughter had been playing all along. I don't think just because he told his daughter to get him a ticket which they had done for many years in the past and it won constitutes he had a "vision". but then again thats only my opinion. 

I've always had a vision of winning the jackpot whenever I've bought lottery tickets, unfortunately it hasn't happen.  If I ever do win the jackpot it will still be true and I won't remember all the times it wasn't true.


LuckyFoxTerrier's avatarLuckyFoxTerrier

And, yeah, RJ, I know what you mean!  I don't think any of us would bother buying a ticket if we couldn't "envision" ourselves winning the jackpot!  I like envisioning how I'll spend it, too! :)



Your OPINION is correct MAD DOG10 unless he had a dream about which I guess could be considered as a Vision they pretty much won because Luck was on their side that day. 

visiondude's avatarvisiondude

visiondude, I just read the long statement you made. I so agree with you. I'm not gonna go so far as to say that you are a genius but you're pretty smart. IMHO. But I don't understand the statement at the end: "oops, there goes my honesty..." Huh? -Bonnie

  yikes.  don't feed the monster that is visiondude (just kidding).

  i guess thanks for the compliment.  but if you knew my background,  then you would really be inclined to believe that it is more of a "God thru me" issue,  rather than "me".  if not for his grace and mercy, most likely you would have "met me" .....on jerry springer (lol).

  trust me,  i am no different than anyone here or any place else for that matter.  no summa cum laude fat head degrees on my wall.  any blame about who i am now, falls squarely on his shoulders.  i am only responsible for my personal choices that got me to this place.  as it is with anyone, our daily choices will make us add up to something eventually. so then it becomes a matter of what is imporatant to you,  and my "importance" has been for a long time what God thinks of me.  so my "investments" are aimed there first.

now usually i never respond to these kind of comments here at LP,  opting instead to keep the atta boyz and atta girls relegated to private messages. the reason i do is because i don't want this to denegrate into some "us vs. them" thing.  i always want to make it about "HIM".  this one time i am breaking rank and the reason is so that i can underscore the fact that i am not the only one who believes this, and not the only one that applies it to thier lottery mentality.  thats all.

to answer your question about my comment, it was born out of me giving it straight and not worrying about the fallout of that afterward.  and what i was inferring was that there is more than one side to God than just the "love one another" thing that people always cite when they don't want to hear about the other side to Gods character.  the side that requires an accounting of evil and/or disobedience.  love first always.  but justice and rigtheousness follows right behind that.  hope that clears it up.


visiondude's avatarvisiondude

I can't see where this man had a  "vision". If I read correctly, he and his daughter had been playing all along. I don't think just because he told his daughter to get him a ticket which they had done for many years in the past and it won constitutes he had a "vision". but then again thats only my opinion. 

  my original comment to pick 4master was born out of a friendly debate that is on-going whether God has anything to do with the lottery.

obviously i believe he does.

even though there was no mention in the article about God,  to me it can be so simple as the guy having the idea to tell his daughter to buy a ticket.  nothing hocus pocus or mystical about it.  no mention in the article of any credit given to God for thier win, or any affirmation of some kind of faith.  i don't for a minute think that God only blesses "christians" with winning the lottery,  which is why my original contention was there.  that God (for his own reasoning) decided to give that man the thought to tell his daughter to buy that ticket.

it's not some IMAX theater experience that people might be thinking about.  sometimes it simply comes from a thought or desire.  and one sure way is to buy (1) ticket.  but equally important is the knowledge that you are either meant to or not.  that way you don't hang your hope or future on it.  now to somebody that actually knows beforehand and that knowledge is based out of a personal relationship with God whereby God does at times let those who know his voice what he will do thru them before he does it,  man is that ever awesome.  and the awesome part isn't winning a new jack whittaker replacing jackpot, it's that only feeling you get knowing that Gods hand is all over your life.  no amount of money can buy that experience.

that daughter may not fully understand it,  but i am willing to bet that she experienced it the moment she found out that she won.  though that emotion that she felt may have been un-assignable shortly afterward,  but remember that God is good and patient.  his use of these things are not as impressive to him as they are to us.  they are merely another "tap on the shoulder" and nothing more. 

God does alot of things that he never gets credit for.  in the case,  i think i will.



Then why doesn't GOD give everyone that "thought" so WE all can win if he loves us equally? I don't think GOD shows favortism especially when there are families that are homeless and could really use that kind of money.But it's possible for that thought he had to come from GOD as long as it didn't interfere with his FREE WILL remember GOD does not interfere in our lives against MAN's Free Will unless he is called upon.


Atleast that's what it says in the Bible

visiondude's avatarvisiondude

Then why doesn't GOD give everyone that "thought" so WE all can win if he loves us equally? I don't think GOD shows favortism especially when there are families that are homeless and could really use that kind of money.But it's possible for that thought he had to come from GOD as long as it didn't interfere with his FREE WILL remember GOD does not interfere in our lives against MAN's Free Will unless he is called upon.

  he does all love us equally.  but despite the varying circumstances of life, it is with great wisdom that God doesn't allow that for some.

the reason people have the above line of thinking is that people falsely think that the circumstances of life are more about their "comfort" than it is about the things (circumstances) that God chooses to use to teach us what he desires.  this life according to Gods perfect plan (which we can choose to avoid), is more about building an eternal relationship with him right now, and subsequent to that,  the abilities that he builds within us to use us to make a difference in others lives supercedes any temporary comfort.

with that mentality in mind,  i have learned far more about God and have been able to be used more by him via my own difficult circumstances that for now, he refuses to remove from me.  if i hadn't traveled the road the he personally paved for me,  my life would've never added up to what it is. 

but i don't fight it, choosing instead to embrace it for what it is meant to be.  someone who can actually stand up tall and straight despite a difficult life circumstancial life.  i guarantee you people listen to me (that there is hope) far clearer than they would have had if i  had a life that they couldn't relate to.  i have something that actually backs up that message of hope.  i go thru the fire, but the fire refines me,  it doesn't burn me (speak figuratively speaking). 

now i could complain about my life that it didn't go the way that "I" had planned.  but then if i didn't understand why he allowed my life to go this way and the subsequent choice to allow God what he intends to do thru me, i not only would have robbed God of being God in my life (as he knows better than me).  but i would have robbed myself of the joy that is attached to that knowledge.  contained within that knowledge is a peace that nothing in this world cannot match.  including a jack whittaker "jack".  can't go buy a prescription that gives you the answer to why we are here, and where we are going.  but that knowledge is attainable and one choice away.  the first step of course is to re-train ones thinking that this life is all there is, and that the comfort of this life is the most important pursuit of all.  thats when it all makes sense.

God is more than equitable.  but if one is only concerned with this life's comfort and approaches this subject matter from that angle,  it's easy to see how God would appear to be unfair.

but the other side to this coin is that God has people in all economic portions of life.  ever notice how people that have money and ease of life are "less" inclined toward God?  sometimes if your needs are all met,  these people might feel less of a need for God.  if you see what i mean it is really the same thing in that it is all about relationship and the furtherance of that.  and that is where God places importance.

hardships are every bit the effective tool that they are designed to be.

now if you are talking about someone who refuses to improve thier circumstances because they are either lazy,  or they are waiting for God to plop something in thier lap or the worst of all they are living/talking as if God "owes them".....then we are talking a different ball game.  do what you can to change things/improve and trust God for the rest  and then adjust to whatever he reveals is his plan for you.  whatever state you find yourself in (that "state" that you cannot do squat about),  most likely you are there by design.

question now becomes,  is your life determined by this life and it's comforts?  or is your life comforts secondary to what God has decided he would like to do thru you,  which then could mean a deferral of "comfort" in it's purest form ...in the eternal life to come.

then and only then does this goofy life actually start to make sense...



Don't anybody please take this the wrong way, but even a dog knows the hand that feeds him or her or if you prefer it. So we really don't need to know a lot or be very intelligent and yet there are people (most of us) who are not aware of our position or why we are or BE, maybe lower animals are more aware than us, they know or feel that there is somebody above them, maybe we think that the food that we eat just happened to be and also the water that we drink and that the sun (heat and light) just also happened to be and that the air that we breathe also just happened to be and so us and the whole universe, maybe we think that we ourselves created everything or that everything just happened to be (maybe for our own benefit).

We neither see nor feel the hand that takes care of us and it is everywhere. Maybe we don't because we don't want to.

We don't need to know of or about something for the something to be, it will be regardless.

Good "luck" to all. It is another way of saying "Best wishes" to all.

LuckyFoxTerrier's avatarLuckyFoxTerrier



Preach on Brother "VISION" Preach on!!!!! amen Halelluah

Rip Snorter

Your OPINION is correct MAD DOG10 unless he had a dream about which I guess could be considered as a Vision they pretty much won because Luck was on their side that day. 

On her side.  Not exactly on his.



Yeah That's true

Rip Snorter

Maybe got himself a mink lined casket, though.  A ride to the cemetary in a luxury hearse.  Likely as not he was as happy as he's going to get.


visiondude's avatarvisiondude

   i am always amazed that when people die,  most everyones reaction is that it is either tragic,  or somehow shortchanged.  that would be true if there is no afterlife.  and especially true if what i and others think happens,  doesn't.

 but IF  it does,  it is the supreme promotion.  surpassing the experience that any lottery win could ever provide here.

so then the onus falls on the ones left here to finish out their time on what can become (depending on perspective), a somewhat less than perfect world shall we say.

looking forward to the promotion.  but living it up as if it is years away. 

 no drinking funny kool-aid and hopping on the next hale bop comet that swings by for meeeeeeeeeeeeee.  i am far too busy being high on life.

when i win and if i dropped dead the next day,  don't cry for me evita.  it will make for an absolute wonderful story/tribute to my life.


 20 HECK YEAH 20

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