In recent weeks, Oregon Lottery officials have installed 400 new casino-style slot machines in bars and taverns across the state in hopes of boosting player interest and ending a slump in lottery play.
Lottery Director Dale Penn said the plan is to install another 2,100 of the newer machines in retail establishments to replace some of the lottery's older-style video lottery terminals.
"We're real hopeful that we can bring some players back and encourage others to play more," Penn said.
His comment came a day after state economists issued a new forecast saying the slumping economy and other factors likely will result in a $43 million drop in expected Oregon lottery revenue in the current budget.
That forecast reflects similar declines in many lotteries across the country, said Mary Loftin, a spokeswoman for Oregon's lottery.
"The gambling industry as a whole for years was thought to be recession proof, but this recession has changed that view," Loftin said. "Across the country, lottery sales are down."
In Oregon, lottery retailers have been hit with the double whammy of a lousy economy and the advent of smoke-free drinking establishments with a state smoking ban that took effect Jan. 1.
Lottery officials and some retailers have said the smoking ban hurt lottery sales by sending some players to tribal casinos where they can still indulge their nicotine habit while playing the slots and other gambling games.
Penn is hoping the new video terminals, which cost nearly $30 million, and other steps will bring players back to lottery establishments. The new terminals will offer nine different slot machine games and three video poker games, he said.
"Having new games is very important. That's what players want to see," the lottery chief said.
Oregon's lottery is an important source of cash for the state, generating more than $1 billion for schools, parks and other programs in each two-year budget.
However, not every one is pleased to hear about the state's new efforts to ramp up state-sponsored gambling. Tax dollars — not people losing money on slot machines — should fund state programs, said Ellen Lowe, a veteran social services advocate.
"I acknowledge that the lottery is part of Oregon's culture, but I think it is irresponsible for us as a state to look to the lottery as a major source of funding for services," Lowe said.
Penn said, however, that Oregon voters adopted the lottery in 1984 and see it as a good way to help pay for schools and other programs.
He noted that a portion of lottery proceeds are used to make treatment programs available to any players who feel they are problem gamblers.
Earth to Oregon Lottery: Maybe try getting rid of the computerized drawings and you'll sell more lottery tickets.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that states with real lottery drawings are selling more tickets -- even in this poor economy -- than those who have fake computerized nonsense.
Man-up and give the players back real drawings. You'll make more money.
Exactly what I was thinking. Players watching real lottery balls rolling around in real machines ... drawn so everyone can see the exact process .... will create enough excitement to make them want to play again.
Grade: F
Hello Oregon: Wake-Up and smell the Coffee: Your Lottery Players don't have any Money:
Oregon tied for the fourth-highest unemployment rate in the country in July, according to data released Friday by the federal government.
Oregon's 11.9 percent unemployment rate in July tied with California and ranked below Michigan (15 percent), Rhode Island (12.7 percent) and Nevada (12.5 percent).
Last month, Oregon ranked third.
The national unemployment rate is 9.4 percent, little changed from June.
Oregon's unemployment rate dropped slightly in July to 11.9 percent, from a revised rate of 12 percent in June.
Unemployment rates worsened month-to-month in 26 states. They improved in 17 states and remained unchanged in seven states.
Oregon's unemployment rate has been near 12 percent since March. It was 6.3 percent in July 2008.
In July, 232,782 Oregonians were unemployed. In July 2008, 120,582 Oregonians were unemployed.
PS: One has to wonder how Oregon could justify spending $30,000,000 on new Lottery Equipment when the State has so many Financial woe's that they are nearly Bankrupt.
Oregon used to do actual live ball drawings on the state capitol steps, and anyone and everyone was invited to watch! True Transparency! It needs to be brought back.