INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. — Indiana lottery officials say they miscalculated the deadline to collect the winnings from a $2.5 million jackpot ticket, and are allowing more time for the winner to come forward.
The Hoosier Lottery office says the deadline for claiming the jackpot from the Aug. 19 drawing has been extended until Feb. 22.
Lottery officials had said the jackpot expired as of 5 p.m. Friday, but now say that was incorrect because the day of the drawing was mistakenly included in the 180-day limit to claim the prize.
Lottery spokesman Andrew Reed said Monday that the deadline should have been Feb. 15, not Feb. 12, and that officials decided to extend it further due to the mistake.
The winning ticket was sold at a Meijer convenience store on the city's south side.
i dont think the winner even noticed the ticket, all we know it could be in the trash
or lost and whatever
this is why
i think that sense they just have the winnings setting in a bank account, collecting intrest for them selfs
if atfer claim time is over, and no one claims,
they SHOULD add it back into the same jackpot game it came form on the start of the next draw!
people paid good money to grow that jackpot for their to be a winner, any REAL winner,
plus the states would make make more money in sales for that next draw
its the one thing i hate about lotto rules, no winner claim? alright its all ours hahahahaha
if i ever play a jackpot game, and i help grow that jackpot i want A REAL WINNER,
if no one claims it,
i think i deserve a other shot ,just like ever one else who helped grow it!
lotto already got their like 50% of the cost of my tickets!
what scares me is some people buy lotto tickets and Dont check them!, it happens,
my worst nitemare is a high pb or mm jackpot going unclaimed,
and all the states taking the money for them selfs!
i really think this wont change to we have a super high mm or pb jackpot go unclaimed,
and it makes headlines ever where, 200m + winner never shows up,
and their major public outrage at the lotterys taking the money for them selfs
not putting the money back into the jackpot game as they should
their nonething stopping them putting the money back into the jackpot prize pool for their next draw
thats whats makes me upset
Indiana Lottery Players: Please check your Tickets: Claim this Jackpot before the Deadline!
I guess I really should check that Indiana ticket I've got. I've been real busy though.
Hopefully, the owner of the ticket come forward. Otherwise, they are going to be out a lot of money.
I really should collect my Indiana winnings... which I bought in Indiana... even though I've never been to Indiana.
Chances are the person who bought the ticket didn't check his ticket correctly, never checked it at all, misplaced it, or just lost it. There goes $2.5M or about $800,000 after taxes, quite a tidy sum. Oh well.
What is the rationale for limiting the days when a jackpot winner can collect?
why can't they just impose fines but still allow a complacent brother get his dues?
The lottery commissions are just crooks.
How are they crooks? They give you 3 months to collect your money. If you are not responsible enough to hold onto your ticket or are just too stupid to check it. It's your fault if you lose the money.
maybe the alzheimers was kicking in.
I think there is gonna be a 200 million jackpot that's gonna go unclaimed this year and it was a MM jackpot won in Shenandoah, VA on 10/16/09...... they havent claimed it yet so we will see when they will claim it before the 180 day time period is up.......
The "Hoosier Lotto" jackpot winning ticket for the Aug. 19, 2009 drawing was bought at a Meijer convenience store on Southport Road in Indianapolis.
Hey Indianapolis Meijer shoppers ... check your Lotto ticket! Peace
Could the winner be Jim695 of Indiana? Where is he?
Just read a news article that they did come forward.