Wrong guy: Cops beat up lottery player

Jul 14, 2010, 8:58 pm (60 comments)

Insider Buzz

SAN JOSE, Calif. — A San Jose man has hired a lawyer after police wrestled him to the ground, handcuffed him and kicked him in the face in a case of mistaken identity.

The victim, 23-year-old Henry Stevens Amador, had walked into his neighborhood convenience store Friday to buy a lottery ticket.

As Amador was walking to his car, he says he was rushed by a police officer with a gun pointed at him and another who knocked him to the ground.

Several officers surrounded him on the ground, where he was bloodied and blacked out after being kicked in the face. Amador later received eight stitches in his eyelid.

San Jose Assistant Police Chief Chris Moore says officers mistook Amador for a drug suspect. Moore says an internal investigation of the incident is under way.

Mercury News



I am guessng he won't need the lottery to become a millionaire...


Litebets27's avatarLitebets27

Quote: Originally posted by THRUST on Jul 14, 2010

I am guessng he won't need the lottery to become a millionaire...


Bingo !!!

Litebets27's avatarLitebets27

But seriously....I wonder what the Law Officers defense will be on this one.

joker831's avatarjoker831

I hope he gets a really good lawyer so these idiot cops can't get a job in law enforcement anywhere.

TigerAngel's avatarTigerAngel

Quote: Originally posted by THRUST on Jul 14, 2010

I am guessng he won't need the lottery to become a millionaire...


Exactly. Also a reminder to be careful what you wish for. You never know what avenue it will take to get to you... ah, I could tell you stories...

TheOtherOne's avatarTheOtherOne

I'd gladly take a beating by the CA infamous cops for some scars and  a million bucks after a lawsuit!

jeffrey's avatarjeffrey

Quote: Originally posted by THRUST on Jul 14, 2010

I am guessng he won't need the lottery to become a millionaire...


I was in the shower at the pool when vandals destroyed the ceiling. I was taken naked to jail for the crime and later released. Naked in jail, what an experience. Nobody appologized to me. I was completely innocent. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Wish I could have gotten a million.Would have changed my life. Instead, I have the memory.


Quote: Originally posted by jeffrey on Jul 14, 2010

I was in the shower at the pool when vandals destroyed the ceiling. I was taken naked to jail for the crime and later released. Naked in jail, what an experience. Nobody appologized to me. I was completely innocent. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Wish I could have gotten a million.Would have changed my life. Instead, I have the memory.

Did you consult an attorney?

Litebets27's avatarLitebets27

Quote: Originally posted by jeffrey on Jul 14, 2010

I was in the shower at the pool when vandals destroyed the ceiling. I was taken naked to jail for the crime and later released. Naked in jail, what an experience. Nobody appologized to me. I was completely innocent. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Wish I could have gotten a million.Would have changed my life. Instead, I have the memory.

It has become almost routine for some law enforcement agency to beat up on someone here in Maryland. But I haven't heard of anyone getting compensated for the beating. An apology maybe.

Correct me if I'm wrong, Fou4Me....

I believe, the FBI shot a young man,(in the Glen Burnie MD area) in the face after mistaking him for a bank robber. I do not remember him getting anything from that.

Last year, Santa Paula agreed to pay $250,000 in a lawsuit by a man who claimed he suffered a serious back injury when he was taken to the ground and shocked twice in 2006.



I think he was awarded $1 Million.

Set4life's avatarSet4life

"Several officers surrounded him on the ground" <snip> so tough lol. Takes several men to take down 1 guy, so much for training.  Next stop....after a nice beat down to:

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TheOtherOne's avatarTheOtherOne

Quote: Originally posted by jeffrey on Jul 14, 2010

I was in the shower at the pool when vandals destroyed the ceiling. I was taken naked to jail for the crime and later released. Naked in jail, what an experience. Nobody appologized to me. I was completely innocent. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Wish I could have gotten a million.Would have changed my life. Instead, I have the memory.


Prime example why I dont take showers in public places if I can help it. And when I do, they are fast.


Like Thrust says, did you consult an attorney?

HaveABall's avatarHaveABall

It is good to know that the San Jose Police Department is training their police officers to kick people in the face!  After all, it is always good 'surprise strategy' to do this.  Another benefit is that putting a blacked out/unconscious suspect person (rather than a conscious person) into a squad car is a superior on-the-job-workout.  Plus, the tax paying citizens haven't refused to pay for any blood removal cleanings thus far.

What a nightmare.  I would probably have received a heart attack if I saw someone running at me with an extended gun!  I think that the tax paying citizens in San Jose can be very pleased with the psychological make-up of people who they are paying to be employed as San Jose Police Department officers.  What happened to "peace maker/police officer"? 

Who will be paying [I say dock the police/law enforcement officer with the irritable foot] for the stitches and the psychological aids that this shocked person will now have to pursue?

Dupe Alert

TheGameGrl's avatarTheGameGrl

I am truly shocked at the remarks here! My goodness these are civil servants, Here to protect us folks from crime! So often PRAISE and GLORY goes out to them ...and now they are being downcasted????Think of how brave they had to be to have loaded guns and tasers in hand to approach this innocent man who had no weapon at all! . WHat fear must have been under the surface for them! ANy Good lawyer will defend these officers as Protecting the community!


Okay with that ludricous statement from above out of the way  Lets get real folks:, who here really thinks that justice ever is served when a public servant uses their job duties as a defense. I still cant get over the Rodney King incident....Truly far too many extra priveldges are given officers ...being above the law ..and lets not even say how often we the public jsut turn the other way when such happen's occur.....

Jeffrey- call me a doubting thomas...just find that story hard to swallow ....


Quote: Originally posted by Litebets27 on Jul 14, 2010

It has become almost routine for some law enforcement agency to beat up on someone here in Maryland. But I haven't heard of anyone getting compensated for the beating. An apology maybe.

Correct me if I'm wrong, Fou4Me....

I believe, the FBI shot a young man,(in the Glen Burnie MD area) in the face after mistaking him for a bank robber. I do not remember him getting anything from that.

Correct me if I'm wrong, Fou4Me

All depends on who you are the guy that got beat up after a basketball game was some big shots son so they will file a law suit.

Us peons would be lucky if we weren't killed instead of beat up by the cops in the city. Especially with their shoot first answer questions later stance they have adopted.


Quote: Originally posted by TheGameGrl on Jul 15, 2010

I am truly shocked at the remarks here! My goodness these are civil servants, Here to protect us folks from crime! So often PRAISE and GLORY goes out to them ...and now they are being downcasted????Think of how brave they had to be to have loaded guns and tasers in hand to approach this innocent man who had no weapon at all! . WHat fear must have been under the surface for them! ANy Good lawyer will defend these officers as Protecting the community!


Okay with that ludricous statement from above out of the way  Lets get real folks:, who here really thinks that justice ever is served when a public servant uses their job duties as a defense. I still cant get over the Rodney King incident....Truly far too many extra priveldges are given officers ...being above the law ..and lets not even say how often we the public jsut turn the other way when such happen's occur.....

Jeffrey- call me a doubting thomas...just find that story hard to swallow ....

We just had a cop here shoot a man to death in an ally behind a bar a few weeks ago the cop said he assaulted his woman in the bar... the guy who got shot was a two tour Iraq marine vet... witnesses said he had his hands up when the cop unloaded his gun.... the cop is now indited for murder.

Some cops are good a lot of them are scared to death, carry a gun because it's their only defense mechanism.

jeffrey's avatarjeffrey

Quote: Originally posted by TheGameGrl on Jul 15, 2010

I am truly shocked at the remarks here! My goodness these are civil servants, Here to protect us folks from crime! So often PRAISE and GLORY goes out to them ...and now they are being downcasted????Think of how brave they had to be to have loaded guns and tasers in hand to approach this innocent man who had no weapon at all! . WHat fear must have been under the surface for them! ANy Good lawyer will defend these officers as Protecting the community!


Okay with that ludricous statement from above out of the way  Lets get real folks:, who here really thinks that justice ever is served when a public servant uses their job duties as a defense. I still cant get over the Rodney King incident....Truly far too many extra priveldges are given officers ...being above the law ..and lets not even say how often we the public jsut turn the other way when such happen's occur.....

Jeffrey- call me a doubting thomas...just find that story hard to swallow ....

Ha Ha Ha, it occurred at NMIMT in 1987. New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. I was a Dean's list student with a 4.0 GPA in Physics, Mathematics, and minors in Engineer and Astrophysics. I worked as a computer programmer in the lab and I was at the campus pool. Many details, hard to make up eh. Doubting Thomas? I have also been cuffed and stuffed for bank robbery later released. I looked like the general description and drove a similar car. While transporting scientists from Alb. NM to Socorro, NM I was ticketed for 1 MPH over the speed limit in 1988. (66 in a 65 zone-fine $75) Don't get me wrong, I think of cops as friends and family and during no incident have I been physically abused.

Rodney King was a criminal by the way. OJ Simpson was a hero until he murdered his ex-wife and that poor boy. Evidence planted, my aunt Fanny's butt. His fingerprint in blood was on the gate by the way.

A man was cuffed and hit his head and died in my neighborhood. Nobody was charged. He was retarded and innocent. A victim of the justice system.

victorl3ichiban's avatarvictorl3ichiban

I live in San Jose and the police are horrible here. I hope this guy sue them good. This was on my local news. Another reason why I want to get out of this city. The education, job, and surrounding are horrible in San Jose. San Francisco is much better.

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by TheGameGrl on Jul 15, 2010

I am truly shocked at the remarks here! My goodness these are civil servants, Here to protect us folks from crime! So often PRAISE and GLORY goes out to them ...and now they are being downcasted????Think of how brave they had to be to have loaded guns and tasers in hand to approach this innocent man who had no weapon at all! . WHat fear must have been under the surface for them! ANy Good lawyer will defend these officers as Protecting the community!


Okay with that ludricous statement from above out of the way  Lets get real folks:, who here really thinks that justice ever is served when a public servant uses their job duties as a defense. I still cant get over the Rodney King incident....Truly far too many extra priveldges are given officers ...being above the law ..and lets not even say how often we the public jsut turn the other way when such happen's occur.....

Jeffrey- call me a doubting thomas...just find that story hard to swallow ....

I don't think you can compare this case with the Rodney King case. Rodney King was a common criminal, fleeing police and resisting arrest when finally caught. A lot of innocent people lost their lives in the aftermath of that idiot's actions.

The guy in this case had done nothing wrong.

TheGameGrl's avatarTheGameGrl

okay where you folks FAIL to stand back and be realistic is that He (R King) was excessively beatn and held. I dont care if he had a record or not, it was EXCESSIVE force!!! Which part is so difficult to understand??  Somehow you are each of the  mind set that its contingent on your "education" or where you stand in the eyes of society as to whether its OKAY to beat the heck out of someone or not. SOrry No one and I mean no one is ABOVE another in life. We are equals and deserve the same rights to fairness. Enuff said. Now go get some WD 40 to open up the mind...its getting rusty.

Fourme- Sorry to hear of this incident in your town....Let me know how the indictment fairs....Not a fan of some police forces and how they practice....The family deserves justice....

Littleoldlady's avatarLittleoldlady

Quote: Originally posted by TheGameGrl on Jul 15, 2010

okay where you folks FAIL to stand back and be realistic is that He (R King) was excessively beatn and held. I dont care if he had a record or not, it was EXCESSIVE force!!! Which part is so difficult to understand??  Somehow you are each of the  mind set that its contingent on your "education" or where you stand in the eyes of society as to whether its OKAY to beat the heck out of someone or not. SOrry No one and I mean no one is ABOVE another in life. We are equals and deserve the same rights to fairness. Enuff said. Now go get some WD 40 to open up the mind...its getting rusty.

Fourme- Sorry to hear of this incident in your town....Let me know how the indictment fairs....Not a fan of some police forces and how they practice....The family deserves justice....

I agree 100%.

temptustoo's avatartemptustoo

I Agree!

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by TheGameGrl on Jul 15, 2010

okay where you folks FAIL to stand back and be realistic is that He (R King) was excessively beatn and held. I dont care if he had a record or not, it was EXCESSIVE force!!! Which part is so difficult to understand??  Somehow you are each of the  mind set that its contingent on your "education" or where you stand in the eyes of society as to whether its OKAY to beat the heck out of someone or not. SOrry No one and I mean no one is ABOVE another in life. We are equals and deserve the same rights to fairness. Enuff said. Now go get some WD 40 to open up the mind...its getting rusty.

Fourme- Sorry to hear of this incident in your town....Let me know how the indictment fairs....Not a fan of some police forces and how they practice....The family deserves justice....

What part of "Stay on the ground" did he not understand?

I cannot believe with all the innocent people murdered by people like you and the rest of his supporters going on a killing spree, that anybody would have the unmitigated gall to come out in his support.

Innocent people were dragged out of their vehicles and beaten to death in front of their families and you want to whine about a criminal being tased and having his arms and legs whacked with batons while resisting arrest?

Are you insane?

tiggs95's avatartiggs95

tiggs is moving as we speak to San Jose that's where all the action is..Some guys have all the luck..Some cop threatened to beat up tiggs when tiggs was 20 years old and a punk..Man did tiggs ever miss the boat..

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by tiggs95 on Jul 15, 2010

tiggs is moving as we speak to San Jose that's where all the action is..Some guys have all the luck..Some cop threatened to beat up tiggs when tiggs was 20 years old and a punk..Man did tiggs ever miss the boat..

53 innocent people brutally and viciously murdered and over 2500 shot, stabbed or beaten survivors.

And who are our libs concerned about?

The criminal who started the whole thing, as usual.

Just like when they have their candlelight vigils for murderers on Death Row.

They don't have any candlelight vigils for the victims of the murderers though.


Now tell me who's wacked in the head?

tiggs95's avatartiggs95

Quote: Originally posted by rdgrnr on Jul 15, 2010

53 innocent people brutally and viciously murdered and over 2500 shot, stabbed or beaten survivors.

And who are our libs concerned about?

The criminal who started the whole thing, as usual.

Just like when they have their candlelight vigils for murderers on Death Row.

They don't have any candlelight vigils for the victims of the murderers though.


Now tell me who's wacked in the head?

tiggs agrees ridge but some,many,people will never see it that way..So sad..

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by tiggs95 on Jul 15, 2010

tiggs agrees ridge but some,many,people will never see it that way..So sad..

Yeah, and he was on parole on top of it and then he gets awarded 3.8 Million Dollars and then spent it all on booze, dope and hookers.

Poor, poor Rodney. I feel so sorry for him.

computerhead723's avatarcomputerhead723

well  this  case  should  be  settled  out  of  court .......he  will  get  a  large  settlementSmashI Agree!

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by computerhead723 on Jul 15, 2010

well  this  case  should  be  settled  out  of  court .......he  will  get  a  large  settlementSmashI Agree!

I agree and if he doesn't settle out of court I hope he takes them to the cleaners in court.

He was an innocent man.

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