2,800 Maryland lottery players hit 4-4-4-4 combination
by Todd Northrop
BALTIMORE, Md. — Players of the Maryland Lottery's Pick 4 game hit a grand slam of sorts this weekend, and a payout record was tied in the process.
Lottery officials said Saturday's 4-4-4-4 drawing in the Pick 4 game paid out $7 million, which was the state's record for daily games.
The drawing took in about $458,000 in sales. Officials said 2,800 players had the winning numbers.
"While players fare well when Pick 4 drawings result in four-of-a-kind, payouts for the game often top the charts as the Lottery incurs its maximum liability of $7 million," the Lottery said in a news release.
All Maryland Pick 3 and Pick 4 lottery drawings are published at Lottery Post's Maryland Lottery Results page within minutes of the drawing.
Pick 3 and Pick 4 drawings happen seven days per week at approximately 12:30 p.m. for the midday draw and at around 8:00 p.m for the evening draw.
Let's all play 4-4-4-4 and see what happens. If we can take back the money the lottery has taken from us we should do it.
wow, there is 2,800 merry people in maryland. congrats to everyone.
This surprises me. I didn't think MDSL allowed that many people play a particular Quad before the number is sold out.
Maybe other states will release a quad now?
I did a quick calculation if the max payout of $7 million to all 2800 players,comes out to $2,500 per ticket. "WOW"
Congrats to all the winners, I wonder how many people had more than 1 ticket?
Great going 2 all the Maryland Lottery Players
That got the quad pot of gold
The articles says the MD lottery has a cap of $7 million on its liability for P4. Apparently they don't cap sales.
That figure was for all the pick 4's combined. What state would cap sales duh! none!
It's been that way for a while but every now and then they let people buy more than the 7 million payout cap.
Congrats....to all the Maryland Pick 4 winners!!!!!!

Excellent number selection Maryland!! Enjoy your winfall playerz...
Look-out for our quad here in MI. Personally i've been hittin' the two's for a few days now.
and there will plenty of taxes to pay !
Just curious.....Don't they cap sales at $7 Million for each #?
For example once they have sold $7 Million worth of prize payouts on 4444, then the sales for that # would stop and playing would not be able to buy anymore 4444 picks???
In FL I believe they cap sales at $5 Million liability on #'s