Another proposal would remove the word "Education" from N.C. Education Lottery
RALEIGH, N.C. — North Carolina lawmakers are drafting legislation that would ban people on welfare or those who are in bankruptcy from buying lottery tickets.
Rep. Paul "Skip" Stam, R-Wake is helping draft the legislation. Stam told ABC11 the vendor selling the lottery ticket would be penalized if they knew the person was on welfare or in bankruptcy.
That stipulation is not sitting well with some convenience store clerks that don't want to be left to enforce a new law.
"I don't feel comfortable for somebody ask why or your financial things, so it's not my business," Peace Street Market's clerk Aref Peroz said.
But Stam suggested that in obvious cases, such as when customers pay for groceries with food stamps, they shouldn't be allowed to buy lottery tickets at the same time.
Another proposal would remove the word "Education" from the N.C. Education Lottery for advertising purposes. Stam said the word "education" shouldn't be used to sell "something that is essentially a scam," especially because lottery proceeds account for a small percentage of state education funding.
Taking away the privilege of buying lottery tickets would affect more than 1.7 million North Carolinians who are currently on food stamps.
"We're giving them welfare to help them live, and yet by selling them a ticket, we're taking away their money that is there to provide them the barest of necessities," Stam said.
But North Carolina's NAACP president said new lottery laws will not help those on government assistance.
"The NAACP, we didn't agree with the lottery to start with. Rather than Mr. Stam having a side argument, ask him to stop blocking labor rights for poor people and working people. Ask him to have a real conversation about real wage," Rev. William Barber said.
Thanks to truesee for the tip.
Don't these people have anything BETTER to do with their time?
Don't they realize the welfare has become a socially acceptable lifestyle choice?
You'll have to hide the Cadillac around the corner now. Give it a week until they realize their sales are off 90%.
Yeah, and no more buying groceries at the convenience story. What a hassle.
I read about this one yesterday. This is a horrible, HORRIBLE idea for North Carolina. I'm completely dumbfounded that people actually approve of this. This will be bad for North Carolina for a multitude of reasons:
1. North Carolina welfare recipients will simply travel to South Carolina, Virginia, or Tennessee to play. If they win in one of those places, there is nothing stopping those commissions to giving them the money they rightfully won.
2. Imagine the lawsuits that North Carolina would get if someone won the big one but their ticket is invalid because they're on welfare.
3. This is just downright discrimination. In no way that those that don't have it as good shouldn't be barred from playing the lottery. They have dreams just like 98% of America does - being rich.
4. South Carolina, Virginia, and Tennessee will be completely ecstatic to see extra dollars coming their way. Remember, part of the lottery proceeds is to fund education. Money will be coming out of North Carolina's fund and into those three states' funds.
5. If someone wins in those states, the tax money goes to THEM and not North Carolina. You lose, North Carolina.
I just hope the bill does not pass for North Carolina's sake.
Too bad the poor are not a "protected class" like the Mexicans are.
This will be a very big joke for America. first and foremost what makes any one think they can also stop their crack head girlfriends not on welfare from buying the ticket for them. And secondly by banning them from playing the govement is taking away an easy way to get their a.. off welfare and actually have them pay back taxes. Hello is anyone thinking here lol
i just wanted foodstamps to get kfc and long john silver's. can't afford to eat out but now they take foodstamps. yum, sigh.
Last time I checked they only take EBT cash credits, not EBT food credits. Too bad though. Perhaps if they served it cold?
Lmao, this is so hilarious. I guess the dream of winning the lottery and getting out if the projects will continue to be a dream?
I need to rephrase one of my sentences above, just realized the mistake: In no way should those that don't have it as good be barred from playing the lottery.
I understood what you meant
Right, they would never consider banning the criminally insane. Why would they ban the poor?
"Why would they ban the poor?"
I seen where a government agency declared someone mentaly incompetent to take care of their own financial affairs when they were asked if they played the lottery. The person replied he played like maybe 5 or ten dollars every 2 weeks on the lottery. The goernment agency declared him having a gambling problem and his financial affairs received from that agency was put into the hands of a guardian.
The government will do what they want when they want.
The goverment and the state are the big beneficiaries in a lottery win so why should they be asking silly questions. And beside USA is suppose to be the number one land of the free but it seems like every second that freedom is taking away slowly like a woodpecker in the forest.