Oregon Lottery winner won't retire

Feb 25, 2014, 7:00 pm (49 comments)

Oregon Lottery

You've just won the Oregon Lottery Win for Life game, so how do you celebrate?

By dining at Marco Polo Global Restaurant, of course.

That's what Shamus Harmon did last week after claiming his Win for Life prize at Oregon Lottery headquarters.

"I am one of the most boring lotto winners, I'm sure," he said.

Or one of the smartest.

Harmon, a 34-year-old safety trainer who lives in Salem, said his first plan for the windfall is to pay off his mortgage within five years.

He will receive weekly installments of $1,000 — minus taxes — for the rest of his life. That's about $666 per week.

"I'm going to pretty much throw all of it right at the house," he said. "Then after that, I don't know."

Traveling might be on his agenda, including a return trip to Australia. He is single and has no children.

Harmon is not the youngest Win for Life winner. Eric Cottrell of Salem was 21 when he claimed his Win for Life prize in August 2009.

Win for Life tickets are $2 each, and drawings are every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. The odds of winning the top prize in Win for Life, which has been on the Oregon Lottery menu since February 2001, are 1 in 1,353,275.

Harmon is the 36th top prize winner in Win for Life. He bought his winning ticket at the Fred Meyer on Market Street NE. He stopped last weekend at the same store to buy Girl Scout cookies and decided while he was there to check his lottery tickets at the customer service counter. He also had one for Mega Millions and for Powerball.

The Powerball jackpot was nearing $400 million at the time, so he probably would have rather had that be the winning ticket. But make no mistake, Harmon is grateful. It just hit him the past couple of days how lucky he is.

"I could retire if I wanted to," he said, "but I'm not going to."

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Statesman Journal



Congratulations Shamus.

Artist77's avatarArtist77

Congrats Shamus.....what a good Irish name!  And smart move paying off your mortgage first. Nothing feels better than being debt free there.

Jon D's avatarJon D

Since this is a *true* "For Life" prize, not one of those 20yr or 25yr pseudo-4-life games, and he's still young at 34, he can get a nice haul, a few million over the decades!

inittowin's avatarinittowin

It's prolly a good idea that he still wants to work. Winning that much money will allow him to at least pay for his health insurance in a couple of years with Odumdumcare! By then, it ought to be at least $1500 to $2000 a month for someone his age...


Quote: Originally posted by inittowin on Feb 25, 2014

It's prolly a good idea that he still wants to work. Winning that much money will allow him to at least pay for his health insurance in a couple of years with Odumdumcare! By then, it ought to be at least $1500 to $2000 a month for someone his age...

Is prolly an English word?  And only a racist would use Odumdumcare for the president?

hearsetrax's avatarhearsetrax

Skepticalwell I hope he manages his money well enough to enjoy it for the rest of his years

 but roughly $666 a week after he pays of his mortgage and etc etc


I reckon he can't get into too much trouble with that amount

Jani Norman's avatarJani Norman

an additional 2,664 a month will come in handy, just spend wisely and don't make any new friends.



inittowin's avatarinittowin

Quote: Originally posted by BukeyeStateLuck on Feb 25, 2014

Is prolly an English word?  And only a racist would use Odumdumcare for the president?

Green laugh Now that is FUNNY! Green laughBTW, is that an English word... Bukeye????Thud


Quote: Originally posted by inittowin on Feb 25, 2014

Green laugh Now that is FUNNY! Green laughBTW, is that an English word... Bukeye????Thud

There you go again.....Making fun of my name? You dont like it because bigoted nrain cant understand it


There you go again.....Making fun of my name? You dont like it because your bigoted brain cant understand it

golfer1960's avatargolfer1960

Quote: Originally posted by BukeyeStateLuck on Feb 25, 2014

There you go again.....Making fun of my name? You dont like it because your bigoted brain cant understand it

If you think the president is a dumb dumb, that means you're a racist?

Only people on the left who agree with Obama's social revenge, muslim terrorist sympathizer, and socialist feelings think that he's a genius.

He's not a dumb dumb, all the people who voted for him are dumb dumbs.

weshar75's avatarweshar75

I don't play win for life because the prize is too small for my taste.  I like the big jackpots of mega millions and powerball even though I have not won them yet.  But maybe some day I will.-weshar75

US Flag

KY Floyd's avatarKY Floyd

"Or one of the smartest."

Maybe he's just not a moron. He'd have to be exceptionally stupid to think that a pre-tax income of $52k is really enough to retire on at 34 years old.

Shelby Mustang

a thou a week for life I think Id keep working too, LOL heck that some peoples paycheck before taxes anyways

sully16's avatarsully16

Congrats Shamus, that's not enough to retire on, hope you pay off your home and put some away for your old age.


Quote: Originally posted by BukeyeStateLuck on Feb 25, 2014

Is prolly an English word?  And only a racist would use Odumdumcare for the president?

Well, there ya go again. Throwing that 'racist' accusation again. Ever heard of the boy who cried 'wolf'? Disagreeing with the President or mocking him and/or his policies is not 'racist'. Get over it.


Congrats to the winner. He will soon learn $1k per week before taxes is not retirement at his age. That $1k per week will be worth less than half that in about 30 years.

schmuckatelly's avatarschmuckatelly

"He will receive weekly installments of $1,000 — minus taxes — for the rest of his life. That's about $666 per week."


In this case, I wouldnt mind Uncle Sam taking another dollar to make it  $665

CDanaT's avatarCDanaT

Quote: Originally posted by Piaceri on Feb 26, 2014

Well, there ya go again. Throwing that 'racist' accusation again. Ever heard of the boy who cried 'wolf'? Disagreeing with the President or mocking him and/or his policies is not 'racist'. Get over it.


Congrats to the winner. He will soon learn $1k per week before taxes is not retirement at his age. That $1k per week will be worth less than half that in about 30 years.

Pia...just a fleeting thought...I wonder, which half is he racist against ???...Bash

Excellent win Shamus, congrats and enjoy that lil nest egg for many years to come !!

rcbbuckeye's avatarrcbbuckeye

Quote: Originally posted by CDanaT on Feb 26, 2014

Pia...just a fleeting thought...I wonder, which half is he racist against ???...Bash

Excellent win Shamus, congrats and enjoy that lil nest egg for many years to come !!

LOL. Good point CDanaT.

Pia, I'm pretty tired of the racist accusations every day myself. But, we all knew it was coming the first time he was "elected".

CDanaT's avatarCDanaT

Quote: Originally posted by BukeyeStateLuck on Feb 25, 2014

Is prolly an English word?  And only a racist would use Odumdumcare for the president?

Definition of prolly in English:


Syllabification: prol·ly

Pronunciation: /'präle
<:section class="senseGroup">


  • probably: you prolly know this already I am prolly the last person he should be asking for advice

    noun: racist; plural noun: racists
    1. 1.
      a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.

      Hope this helps   See Ya!
RedStang's avatarRedStang

Quote: Originally posted by sully16 on Feb 26, 2014

Congrats Shamus, that's not enough to retire on, hope you pay off your home and put some away for your old age.

Right unless your really frugal. These days that might put you in the middle of middle class.


He's smart.  Pay off mortgage, invest some, and splurge here an there.  Wise choice.  That's what I would do if I won a lottery that while nice to have the extra money, would not be enough to say I quit my job over.  Plus he must really like his job.  Nothing wrong with that.

Nodda4me's avatarNodda4me

Quote: Originally posted by BukeyeStateLuck on Feb 25, 2014

Is prolly an English word?  And only a racist would use Odumdumcare for the president?

Racist...? Wow... idiot? Go read a dictionary. Look up "racist" and "terrorist".. Obama is a terrorist and the poster is not a racist.

Drenick1's avatarDrenick1

It's funny how the public in general believe winning a lottery is sufficient to retire. A major source of this perception has to do with the media and this story is a prime example.The initial headline doesn't disclose anything about how much the winner won...just that he or she won and won't retire.

I find it as bad as referring to Richard Lustig as winning seven lottery jackpots or that anyone who wins a one million dollar annuity or prize is an instant "millionaire". They conveniently leave out the tax obligations in order to portrait a fantasy. A true "millionaire" has a liquid net worth of at least $1,000,000. Someone who may have bought a $2 million house and is carrying a $1.5 million mortgage doesn't qualify.

I think Shamus will be just fine with his winnings and the best of luck towards paying off his mortgage and enjoying life with the financial windfall he has been blessed with.


Off topic: Just because somebody doesn't agree with the president or his ideology doesn't make him or her a racist/bigot. The person who brought up the race card is usually the true racist but too ignorant to realize that fact.

Gleno's avatarGleno

Congratulations to the winner,Shamus Harmon. $666.00 per week is great but he is wise to keep working, and pay down his mortgage.



Artist77's avatarArtist77

Quote: Originally posted by Jon D on Feb 25, 2014

Since this is a *true* "For Life" prize, not one of those 20yr or 25yr pseudo-4-life games, and he's still young at 34, he can get a nice haul, a few million over the decades!

Some Win for life games are true won for life games...like in VA.  Also have the option of a one million lump sum.


Quote: Originally posted by Drenick1 on Feb 26, 2014

It's funny how the public in general believe winning a lottery is sufficient to retire. A major source of this perception has to do with the media and this story is a prime example.The initial headline doesn't disclose anything about how much the winner won...just that he or she won and won't retire.

I find it as bad as referring to Richard Lustig as winning seven lottery jackpots or that anyone who wins a one million dollar annuity or prize is an instant "millionaire". They conveniently leave out the tax obligations in order to portrait a fantasy. A true "millionaire" has a liquid net worth of at least $1,000,000. Someone who may have bought a $2 million house and is carrying a $1.5 million mortgage doesn't qualify.

I think Shamus will be just fine with his winnings and the best of luck towards paying off his mortgage and enjoying life with the financial windfall he has been blessed with.


Off topic: Just because somebody doesn't agree with the president or his ideology doesn't make him or her a racist/bigot. The person who brought up the race card is usually the true racist but too ignorant to realize that fact.

You are calling your president a terrorist...I bet you wouldnt be calling him names if he were white.....Disagreeing is fine....Calling him a terrorist and mocking his African name is racist.



I am not a racist and i dont define my race as white, black or green.. I am a human being. And  by the way i am conservative...and my being conservative doesnt make me hate any body.Being conservative isnt synonymous with hate. I dont have any issues with any body....But there is clear race bias against Obama and nobody can deny that.

cynthhss9's avatarcynthhss9

Stop With the race card already.  Learn to think for yourself, maybe you'll win some money.  Congrats to Shamus.  Obama sucks.


I am wondering if this is the KKK website?


Some people love to play the race card all the time and of course in a very clever and crafty way. If you point out that they are being racist then then suddenly it s all about exercising their freedom and political rights. Yes thats fine you can say whatever you want and then call it... well... how about its all about opposing policies....


He didn't have to go that far to claim the winnings.  He is from Salem.  Thought he lived in the infamous North East.

golfer1960's avatargolfer1960

Quote: Originally posted by BukeyeStateLuck on Feb 26, 2014

You are calling your president a terrorist...I bet you wouldnt be calling him names if he were white.....Disagreeing is fine....Calling him a terrorist and mocking his African name is racist.



I am not a racist and i dont define my race as white, black or green.. I am a human being. And  by the way i am conservative...and my being conservative doesnt make me hate any body.Being conservative isnt synonymous with hate. I dont have any issues with any body....But there is clear race bias against Obama and nobody can deny that.

Obama liesObama whoppers

Which one of the lies that he has been caught in have to do with him being black?

We don't dislike him because he's black, we dislike him because he's a socialist diguised as a Democrat and he is wrong for America. He coddles Iran and the terrorist, hates Israel, dispises the foundations this country was founded on, tramples on the constitution, wants to tax the rich to give to the poor (wealth redistribution), and lies to the American people just to get re-elected. I could go on and on.

Maybe we should ban black democrats from running for president. Then nobody could say that we are biased against the president because he is black. All this talk is a waste of time and energy. People on the left do nothing but lie to get free stuff from the people who have it.

I'd like to see the country split into two countries; socialist who want to live like Europeans and conservatives who believe in capitalism and the constitution. Then we'd have no more problems.

Jill34786's avatarJill34786

Quote: Originally posted by BukeyeStateLuck on Feb 26, 2014

You are calling your president a terrorist...I bet you wouldnt be calling him names if he were white.....Disagreeing is fine....Calling him a terrorist and mocking his African name is racist.



I am not a racist and i dont define my race as white, black or green.. I am a human being. And  by the way i am conservative...and my being conservative doesnt make me hate any body.Being conservative isnt synonymous with hate. I dont have any issues with any body....But there is clear race bias against Obama and nobody can deny that.

After reading the majority of the other posts it is apparent that YOU were the culprit who interjected race and bigotry in a sad attempt at promoting your agenda.

We don't need your venom here so do us all a favor and go cuddle with all your liberal, race baiting friends...if you even have any.

Jill34786's avatarJill34786

Quote: Originally posted by golfer1960 on Feb 27, 2014

Obama liesObama whoppers

Which one of the lies that he has been caught in have to do with him being black?

We don't dislike him because he's black, we dislike him because he's a socialist diguised as a Democrat and he is wrong for America. He coddles Iran and the terrorist, hates Israel, dispises the foundations this country was founded on, tramples on the constitution, wants to tax the rich to give to the poor (wealth redistribution), and lies to the American people just to get re-elected. I could go on and on.

Maybe we should ban black democrats from running for president. Then nobody could say that we are biased against the president because he is black. All this talk is a waste of time and energy. People on the left do nothing but lie to get free stuff from the people who have it.

I'd like to see the country split into two countries; socialist who want to live like Europeans and conservatives who believe in capitalism and the constitution. Then we'd have no more problems.

Hi Golfer!

It's pretty obvious that some folks have permanent blinders and can't be helped.


I would absolutely keep working! 1,000.00 a week in Boston is nothing. It would help out alot but it's no where near enough to retire in Massachusetts. Now, the lucky for life(1,000.00 a day for life, with 20 year minimum) is a different story.

golfer1960's avatargolfer1960

Quote: Originally posted by Jill34786 on Feb 27, 2014

Hi Golfer!

It's pretty obvious that some folks have permanent blinders and can't be helped.

Thank you Jillian. I try not to voice my political opinions on lotterypost but bukeye made me upset and frustrated.

Anyway, I hope you are doing fabulous down in sunny Florida!! We're supposed to get more snow on Sun and Mon here in NJ.

Come on MM!! I want to move to a golf and tennis community down in beautiful Florida!!!

Be well dear.

Sunny Florida


Quote: Originally posted by golfer1960 on Feb 27, 2014

Obama liesObama whoppers

Which one of the lies that he has been caught in have to do with him being black?

We don't dislike him because he's black, we dislike him because he's a socialist diguised as a Democrat and he is wrong for America. He coddles Iran and the terrorist, hates Israel, dispises the foundations this country was founded on, tramples on the constitution, wants to tax the rich to give to the poor (wealth redistribution), and lies to the American people just to get re-elected. I could go on and on.

Maybe we should ban black democrats from running for president. Then nobody could say that we are biased against the president because he is black. All this talk is a waste of time and energy. People on the left do nothing but lie to get free stuff from the people who have it.

I'd like to see the country split into two countries; socialist who want to live like Europeans and conservatives who believe in capitalism and the constitution. Then we'd have no more problems.

I Agree!


BTW, I highly doubt BukeyeStateLuck is a conservative. Everything he spouts is liberal propaganda BS.

Drenick1's avatarDrenick1

Quote: Originally posted by Piaceri on Feb 27, 2014

I Agree!


BTW, I highly doubt BukeyeStateLuck is a conservative. Everything he spouts is liberal propaganda BS.

I Agree! My thoughts exactly!

Drenick1's avatarDrenick1

Quote: Originally posted by BukeyeStateLuck on Feb 26, 2014

You are calling your president a terrorist...I bet you wouldnt be calling him names if he were white.....Disagreeing is fine....Calling him a terrorist and mocking his African name is racist.



I am not a racist and i dont define my race as white, black or green.. I am a human being. And  by the way i am conservative...and my being conservative doesnt make me hate any body.Being conservative isnt synonymous with hate. I dont have any issues with any body....But there is clear race bias against Obama and nobody can deny that.

You need to quit lying like Harry Reid. I never mentioned the president being a terrorist or mocked his name. You far left bigots just love to make up BS in order to push your propaganda.

I highly doubt you are a conservative or even a human being. Cretin comes to mind on vermins like you.

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by BukeyeStateLuck on Feb 26, 2014

I am wondering if this is the KKK website?

I am wondering if you're the biggest schmuck we've ever had here.

Or is "schmuck" a racist word?

You sniveling lib whiners think everybody is gonna run and hide when you come here and scream racist everytime somebody disagrees with you.

Well, it ain't happenin' here, schmuckface.

So get over it.

CDanaT's avatarCDanaT

Quote: Originally posted by BukeyeStateLuck on Feb 26, 2014

You are calling your president a terrorist...I bet you wouldnt be calling him names if he were white.....Disagreeing is fine....Calling him a terrorist and mocking his African name is racist.



I am not a racist and i dont define my race as white, black or green.. I am a human being. And  by the way i am conservative...and my being conservative doesnt make me hate any body.Being conservative isnt synonymous with hate. I dont have any issues with any body....But there is clear race bias against Obama and nobody can deny that.

"mocking his African name is racist"

FYI, using the term Odumdumcare is NOT racist, it is a "slamming" type of colloquialism on the term Obamacare. Obamacare is also colloquialism for its true name...The Affordable Care Act.

"I am wondering if this is the KKK website?"

This is far from a site involving the kkk ?..PLEASE....There are an overabundance of intelligent taxpayers on this site. While many are  assertive in their beliefs based on facts, some do make statements based on personal beliefs/feelings.

Politics can be a subject of great difference. Making false statements about being a racist or twisting statements to fit one's theory that it's racist, is not only insulting but its shows Gormlessness to the Nth degree to the folks on this site who know better & are decent in nature.

Please..PLEASE understand something..Disagreeing with a President and calling him a liar(based on his statements) or his policies is not being a racist. By the way, which half of Obama is the other poster allegedly racist against ? The Caucasian side or the A.A. side ?

Please enjoy and contribute often. Enjoy the site for it's intention...Lottery/info/some humor/friendship/ and education etc. etc.

Thanks for understanding....Hope you have great luck in the future on your next lottery ticket !!! Patriot

sully16's avatarsully16

Quote: Originally posted by golfer1960 on Feb 27, 2014

Obama liesObama whoppers

Which one of the lies that he has been caught in have to do with him being black?

We don't dislike him because he's black, we dislike him because he's a socialist diguised as a Democrat and he is wrong for America. He coddles Iran and the terrorist, hates Israel, dispises the foundations this country was founded on, tramples on the constitution, wants to tax the rich to give to the poor (wealth redistribution), and lies to the American people just to get re-elected. I could go on and on.

Maybe we should ban black democrats from running for president. Then nobody could say that we are biased against the president because he is black. All this talk is a waste of time and energy. People on the left do nothing but lie to get free stuff from the people who have it.

I'd like to see the country split into two countries; socialist who want to live like Europeans and conservatives who believe in capitalism and the constitution. Then we'd have no more problems.

I Agree!

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by inittowin on Feb 25, 2014

Green laugh Now that is FUNNY! Green laughBTW, is that an English word... Bukeye????Thud

We should forgive him for misspelling that word, initowin.

Though he should have known that it's spelled like this ---> Schmuckeye


This is definitely a KKK site.Come on be brave and show yourself.

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